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Built to Last

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This is a charming story about two former co-stars who, after nearly a decade apart, reunite on a home renovation show. Shelby and Cameron co-starred on a popular television show when they were teenagers, and they were each other's first loves off screen. But then Cameron left for college, leaving Shelby behind, and she started dating their other co-star, Lyle. A few years later, she and Lyle had a public and messy breakup. Shelby fled LA for her hometown, where she pursued her interest in restoring old furniture. Cameron, meanwhile, embarked on a successful career as a documentarian. Ten years later, Lyle is now a television executive and he pitches Shelby and Cameron on starring in a home renovation show, and both agree to do it. Back together again, Shelby and Cameron find themselves drawn together again -- but their past and current pressures present obstacles to a new chance at love.

This is a great book, full of warm and inviting characters and a fun premise. I could not put this one down.

Highly recommended!

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While not as good as some of her others, Hahn's latest book reads more for the adult audience but with the ease of being accessible to her young adult readers. Shelby and Cameron work through their past relationship trauma in this lovers-to acquaintances-to lovers romance by literally working together on a new reality TV show flipping houses. I found this light and entertaining, and while their inability to see past their own insecurities bordered on annoying, they never tipped the story over the edge in the wrong direction for me. The pacing of the romance kept me engaged. The sex scenes didn't give me much, and I could have done without them for the most part. I love that Hahn's writing brings you into the characters' interests and left me feeling invested in flipping houses and restoring quality furniture, even though those aren't normally interests of mine. Hahn does an excellent job providing characters that I grow attached do despite our lack of commonalities.

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3.5 stars

“The World According to Jackson” launched the careers of eleven year olds Lyle Jessup, who played the lead, Cameron Riggs who played his nerdy best friend Carter, and Shelby Springfield who starred as Jackson’s love interest-Makayla.

For seven years, the kids sang and danced, and mouthed off to their parents, and although Cameron was Shelby’s secret first love-Lyle is who she made headlines with!

Scandalous ones!

And, then it all crashed and burned in typical Hollywood style.

Shelby has been living a quiet life since then, helping her Dad to flip and renovate homes and the two were hoping that an opportunity to showcase their talents would pan out on a TV show they are calling “HomeMade”.
But, the network doesn’t feel the Dad/Daughter duo has the chemistry needed to headline a successful show.

However, new showrunner, Lyle Jessup thinks he has a solution-Pair up his former co-stars as the leads instead.

But, he isn’t as altruistic as he seems..

This second chance romance is the Adult Romance debut from YA romance author Erin Hahn.

It took awhile for me to become invested in their story as not a whole lot happened until “a whole lot happened”! 😉

The friendship between Cam and Shelby was sweet, BUT the dialogue wasn’t sassy enough for my taste-My favorite rom coms are propelled forward by playful, witty banter which was lacking in this one for me.

The second half definitely picked up steam in more ways than one-and I enjoyed getting to know the couple’s friends who are supposed to get their own “starring roles” in books to come.

If you enjoy home renovation shows on HGTV, and romance novels, “Built to Last” could be a fun book for you to add to your TBR! Due to hit shelves on October 18, 2022.

A buddy read with DeAnn! Be sure to check out her amazing review for additional insights!

Thank You to St. Martin’s Griffin and NetGalley for the gifted copy. It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!

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As a big fan of Erin Hahn’s previous work, I was excited to read her first adult novel. This book was a great adult debut. A strong story of second chance love. The main characters have great chemistry and a unique story. I wished we had more flashbacks, more glimpses into their history but overall I enjoyed their story. We were introduced to a great cast of characters and I would love more books in this world.

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I have never used the word besotted in my life. That said, that is the only word that came to mind as I was reading this book.
Cameron and Shelby are so infatuated with each other it hurts as a reader to see them apart. I loved this book, I love these characters, their support system was amazing. It had just enough 'drama', but overall it was a sweet, wholesome love story and I could not get enough... I really hope Lorelai's story is next!

Oh and I have to agree with Shelby.. that was a really good speech!

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Built to Last
By Erin Hahn

Publishing date: 10/18/2022

RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Shelby has been through a lot over the past 10 years.  She is  former childstar of a hit sitcom where she met her chilhood bestfriend/ forever crush Cameron, and even dated her other co star Lyle, whose public breakup was devastating for Shelby. ( He cheated on her with her best friend....asshole)  But anytime Shelby has need a friend/support/ ANYTHING, Cameron comes running to be whatver Shelby needs.

But now its been 5 years since Shelby and Cameron have seen each other. Cameron has been working for Nat Geo, and Shelby is laying low, rehabing furniture for her fathers house flipping business. She gets the opportunity to film a pilot for a home renovation show and is super excited! But she quickly realizes it is being organized by.....her ex Lyle? ( huh?!) And the show wants to feature her and......Cameron? What is going on here?!

Willy Shelby and Cameron rehash their past, while trying to make a successful show? Will Lyle sabotage their efforts? And can Shelby stop herself from falling even more in love with Cameron than she already was?

Ok i loved this! Childhood friends to lovers and second chance romances are two of my FAVES!! This was done well! I absolutley loved Cameron and Shelby and their chemistry was so cute!

There wasn't a TON of spice, but the bit we had, was GOOD! I could feel their tension/attraction which is a bonus!

This one comes out in October and if you like romance, add this one to your list for a fun read.

Thank you @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the chance to read this early! It was great!

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I love a good second chance / childhood sweethearts story. Built to Last was a well written, fun, fast paced story of Shelby, a childstar with a ruined reputation, and her costar, Cameron, the one she secretly crushed on. The chemistry between the main characters was not only believable but fun to read them grow closer. The humorous banter is always a plus.
You won’t regret picking up this book!

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Second chance romances between childhood sweethearts is my kryptonite. I just swoon for it. This was an adorable story between childhood co-stars of a teen drama who have been in love since they were 11 but have never quite been able to figure it out and make it work. Reunited after 10 years apart Shelby and Cameron team up on a home renovation show that brings them back into the spotlight and back into eachother lives but will they finally be able to make it work this time.

I am 100% team #Spriggs and this couple just had me rooting for them from the get go. Definitely pick this one up if you also love second chance romances and first love backstories.

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Shelby, Cameron, and Lyle have a history from their childhood acting careers. This story brought them forward for a fresh start across the board, and getting to know their stories and how they have grown was written so well! I wish there was more on Lorelai’s story/past (sequel!!??) but all of the other’s complicated history to know was written so well!

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This book is the perfect mix of home renovation and small town love story which is probably why I was obsessed with this book! Seriously I couldn't tell you the last time I read a 5⭐️ book before this one so that's telling considering I read 100+ books per year.

What I loved:

1. Honestly I love a great character transformation and the reader gets to see both Shelby and Cameron grow up and mature throughout this book. Most of us did a stupid thing or two during our younger years and I loved how these two didn't let stupid mistakes define their future. Just in case you need to hear this, you are not your past mistakes and if the people in your life can't accept the improved you it's time to find new people.

2. A home renovation book in a small farm community is everything I didn't know I needed. I would love to move to their fictional house, but I have to wait a few more years to fulfill my dream of living on my own homestead (plus there is the hurdle of it not being real 🤣). I did get a bit of a headstart and have 9 adorable chickens to hold me over until it's time to start the farm life.

3. This book explores complex relationships between the main characters and estranged family and a toxic ex (I think most have a few of these, I know I do) without over doing it or overshadowing their love story. Honestly it was wonderful and I just loved this duo and how they worked through everything.

I loved this book and highly recommend you give it a shot!

Thank you to the publisher for my gifted copy!

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I could not get invested in the story, started so well, but then he left because he didn’t want to take advantage of the drunk girl he had had a crush for years, and then meet again for a show were her ex boyfriend was the producer for some reason, drama I guess,
And then there was a lot of pinning and a lot of talking but not enough banter for me, it just dragged in my opinion and I really didn’t care about what happened to them.

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First of all the cover of this book is so cute and I love Rom Coms
Plot 4/5 characters 4/5 overall I pretty good book if I say so myself

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I love Erin Hahn's books (and an ADULT romance book!) I love home renovation romances. This was a slam dunk for me.

This was a purely sweet book about former child stars trying to "grow up" and grow out of their childhood/teen personas and, when they do, attempting to prove to the world what they have done with themselves out of the Hollywood pressure. I really appreciated just how un-tense this romance was. There were definitely some more high-stakes moments with Lyle stirring up reality tv show drama and emotional growth around family, but the ROMANCE itself was so refreshingly straightforward. These are two people we are told from the beginning have chemistry and love each other and that is what it was without the third act breakup, a horrible miscommunication or betrayal, etc. that you tend to see in romances.

The only downsides I had with this were that so much of Cam and Shelby's past relationship and feelings toward each other were told to us and not shown. So the first 30% or so as this was being established was frustrating. And then, I realized by the end the big barrier to their relationship in the past was Cam's running away (which he did twice the blurb makes it sound like he was always showing up and running) and I don't think they ever cleared up WHY he ran the first time when they were, as far as we were told, happy and dreamy and in love. So I wish I understood all of that a bit more.

Erin Hahn is a beautiful writer and I have yet to read one of her books without a smile on my face and joy in my heart. Excited to see more adult romances from her in the future!

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Built to Last by Erin Hahn is a deeply emotional and incredibly personal romance that manages to pack a punch of humor and heat into this beautiful love story. Child co=stars Shelby and Cameron had a secret love affair when they were kids on set years ago. Now, their lives have changed drastically (for the better) but the magnetic pull between them hasn't. Self-aware of their many faults, but willing to push past them, these two circle around each other when they are assigned to work on a project together. Even with strained familial relations and a meddling ex in the mix, these two can't stay away. But, is their timing wrong again, or is the third time the charm? I loved this book so much and I cannot wait to read more from Erin Hahn! I will definitely be recommending this to all my family and friends! Thanks so much to the publisher for gifting me an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Built to Last, written by Erin Hahn, is an adult contemporary romance novel. The plot is very much Hollywood child stars grow up and take on HGTV. Some tropes featured are miscommunication, to a painful degree, and the seconds chance love trope. One of the main issues I had with this book was that the "conflict" wasn't strong enough to cause any trouble. I have heard others compare this to a Jima and Pam from the Office, and I can see it! I enjoyed reading it despite wishing the main characters communicated better. Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, for sending me this ARC in return for an honest review.

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OH MY GOD. IT IS PERFECT. I cannot wait to see everyone raving about this on social media. This is the perfect romcom.

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Shelby and Cam have always had a special connection. They grew up onscreen together as child stars (and crushes), but the rush and fame of LA became too much. They went separate ways to live more normal, private lives, but never stopped loving each other. Shelby dives into woodworking and house restoration with her dad, and Cam travels the world making documentaries for National Geographic.

Ten years later, their lives meet again when a former costar (and Shelby's former boyfriend), Lyle, asks them to star in a house renovation reality show. The chemistry between Shelby and Cam almost immediately returns, and though they try to keep it on the downlow, the cameras catch it all.

This was a sweet romance. I liked Shelby and Cam a lot. Their separate loneliness was felt, and their joy was palpable when they finally admitted their love for each other. I loved the relationship between Cam and Shelby's dad, Daniel. Like the dad he never had. It was a wholesome story of community, true friends, and the relief and happiness of finding what (and who) you love.

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Oh. My. Gosh. This is Erin Hahn’s debut adult novel and I can’t wait to read more from her.
Shelby Springfield, Cameron Riggs, and Lyle Jessups were all child stars in a Disney channel-Type show. Obviously, there’s a love triangle between the three. Lyle and Shelby go on to date and breakup in spectacular fashion. After 10 years of going their separate ways they are reunited for a home renovation show that vindictive Lyle will produce. Love and shenanigans ensue.
This book has everything I love: childhood friends to lovers, second chance romance, and home renovation. Everything about this book was a hit for me. The MCs, the side characters, the family dynamics, and the inside look into the different relationships child stars have with their parents. If you are looking forward to swinging your legs and giggling like a pre-teen, this book is for you

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This is a story about two childhood stars who reunite years later to film a reality show about fixing up houses. Shelby and Cameron met on set of a tv show when they were 10 years old and played best friends but off camera were hiding a relationship from fellow costar Lyle. Not having spoken in over a decade Lyle brings in Shelby and Cameron to pitch a tv show where they would fix up houses in their home state of Michigan. Shelby is now owner of her own business where she restores furniture and helps her father fix and flip houses. Cameron left Hollywood at 18 to go to college and has since been working for National Geographic filming documentaries. The two are reluctant at first but decide to give it a try. Overall I enjoyed this one, I especially liked the parts on rehabbing the house. I am usually a sucker for a book about home renos. I did struggle a bit with their relationship, at times I felt it was kind of forced and not always natural. I also hated Shelby's mother and it makes me sad to know that there are people out there just like her. If you are a fan of second chance romances than I think you should try this one. I thought the authors writing style was great but just didn't connect with the characters. Thank you St. Martins Griffin for my #gifted copy for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I adore the way Erin Hahn tells a story. There is something so effortlessly addicting in the writing, and so unexpectedly rewarding in the humor. I have loved this author’s YA and, as it turns out, I love her contemporary romcoms as well.

I am powerless to resist a Hollywood / famous person trope, and this sort of stripped down “where are they now” glimpse at fame and child stardom was *chef’s kiss* the exact sort of thing I die for. Outside of the opening chapter, where I was really, really uncertain if I was going to be able to handle Shelby, there’s not much Hollywood scandal or glam going on – but I honestly preferred the sort of “acoustic” Hollywood Hahn delivered with this story.

And, despite my early misgivings, I absolutely adored Shelby and, even moreso, the adorable relationship she had with Cameron. If there was unnecessary drama, it wasn’t happening between Shelby and Cameron. I loved how they respected each other and communicated with each other and stood up for each other when the situation demanded it. I loved how they gently walked with each other as they sorted through old baggage and committed to not allowing that to derail the beautiful thing that was blossoming between them.

Ugh. I just loved them so much.

But my favorite thing might have been the secondary characters. Shelby and Cameron’s friends were scene-stealers extraordinaire (especially Kevin who accidentally stole my heart from the go). I loved the banter, the humor, and the tough love. I loved how supportive and protective they were. And, of course, I loved how it all came together in the end (leaving me with a few sniffily tears).

I just genuinely enjoyed this story so much and am hoping there will be more of these wonderful characters in my future! ~ 4.5 Stars

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