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Built to Last

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This was cute. I wanted to like it a lot more than I did (Hahn’s You’d Be Mine is one of my faves), but parts of it just fell kinda flat. The premise was fun and unique and the writing was wonderful, but I wasn’t feeling much from the characters’ chemistry. Mostly I wasn’t buying anything that Lyle did - are there really people like that? And why did Shelby date him for so long? Cameron was sweet and definitely book boyfriend material, and Shelby grew into someone relatable - you wanted to cheer for them. I give it 3.5 stars - would recommend for a cute and quick beach read.

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I seriously loved this cute friends to lovers/second chance contemporary romance! So cute and such Hallmark movie vibes, but in the best possible way. Shelby and Cameron are two former childhood stars who briefly dated when filming a Disney Channel type show. After years apart, they both reunite in their home stare of Michigan to film a Fixer Upper type reality show.

The main characters are so sweet and have the foundation for a strong relationship since they started out as former costars and friends. I enjoyed the overall heartwarming energy and lightheartedness throughout. I’m excited to read more from this author including the upcoming spin-offs featuring Shelby’s friends Lorelai and Maren. Read this if you like the escapism of HGTV and cute second chance romances!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Erin Hahn doesn’t just write books, she writes love letters to her craft. This author is so talented, she’s going to be an auto-buy author for life. Built to Last is her first adult contemporary romance and I am so glad she made the jump. She was meant to write swoon worthy, sassy, steamy, tension-filled romances.

This second chance romance has a little bit of drama, a lot of personal growth, and so many feeeeeelings. Shelby and Cameron are first loves who had to separate to grow into their adult selves, and then come back together in a dramatic fashion: reality tv costars! They manage their last feelings to balance their current feelings in such a beautiful way, it doesn’t feel like flashbacks. It feels like you’re with them every step of the way.

I love Erin Hahn and will read anything she writes.

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Erin Hahn's Built to Last is such a sweet second chance friends to lovers story. The main characters are adorable and I enjoyed the small town setting. I want their friends to be my friends and I'll take some chickens too! The plot is a great concept and the book is well-written. I didn't want to put it down. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more of Hahn's work.

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This book was charming and fun, an easy romcom read!

Shelby and Cameron are former child stars, former best friends, former sweethearts—a lot of "former" labels. They haven't seen each other in 5 years, since Shelby's ex/other former child star, Lyle, cheated on her, and Shelby went running to Cameron for comfort.

Now, Lyle is roping them both into an HGTV-type reno show. Shelby wants to do it so her dad will have enough money to retire, Cameron wants to do it to be close to Shelby. It's an endearing second-chance story. There's little to no miscommunication, and the conflict doesn't arise internally so much as externally, which is refreshing.

I wasn't wildly invested or attached, but it was still a solid read. I'd give it 3.5 stars.

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This was everything, everything, everything I could want in a contemporary romance. Cameron and Shelby’s chemistry was off the charts perfect. From the very beginning, Erin Hahn made me feel like I too grew up watching (and shipping) the two of them on television. And that feeling only grows throughout the novel. I’ll definitely be rereading this one.

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"Built To Last" by Erin Hahn is like HGTV meets Hallmark! Fun and Entertaining book! You have a trifecta of former child TV Stars; Shelby, Cameron and Lyle! Shelby years later, leaves the craziness of Hollywood behind her along with her first Love, Cameron! She has a passion for a simpler more fulfilling life doing Home Renovation projects with her Father! When Cameron's time in the limelight fades he travels the world with National Geographic. Lyle stills loves the drama and being the center of attention for all the world to see. That's how the three of them come back together to create a HGTV style show HomeMade! This is Shelby's dream transforming houses with Cameron while falling back in love. There is only one catalyst that could derail everything and he goes by the name of Lyle!! Will Lyle's desire to relive the past destroy Shelby's desire to create a future Build To Last?

 💫 THANK YOU to the Author, Netgalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for e-ARC of this book for an Honest Review!!


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Such a cute romantic comedy. Lighthearted and heartwarming. I loved the storyline, the character development! Very well-written and looking forward to reading more from this author.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Griffin for this advanced readers copy .

Shelby Springfield is a former child star who fled Hollywood after a very public meltdown, Cameron Riggs is also a former child star who fled Hollywood to pursue college and a job at National Geographic. What they have in common: they were each other’s first love. Shelby now works with her dad flipping houses and making furniture and is participating in a new home renovation show…which her ex-boyfriend (and reason for public meltdown) Lysle Jessup as her producer . There is a catch: she has to work with the one that got away Cameron. As the two work closely together, will things rekindle and ignite, or will their own selves get in the way.

Okay so normally I don’t go for the second chance romance tropes, but this one was adorable . Shelby learned to really put herself first and go after what she wanted. She didn’t let her mom or Hollywood tear her down and she ended up finding her passion . Shelby was written as a strong willed woman with an endless capacity to love.

Cameron is definitely added to the book boyfriend list because he’s super cute. He spent most of his life running and not feeling like he was good enough to be anyones choice , specifically where Shelby was concerned.

Their relationship was really fun to watch. It went from circling around each other (because they didn’t know if the feelings were mutual) to their banter and eventually their romance. It was always there for them, but both were too blind by their own insecurities which lead to some pretty big misunderstandings. I was worried that Lyle would completely get in the way and mess it all up, but their connection with each other kept him out and in check. I loved this Author and will read her again. This book gets 5 stars from

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This book in 3 words: Cozy. Sweet. Enjoyable.

Shelby and Cameron, both child-stars and sweethearts, reunite for the filming of a HGTV-esque home flipping show. What happens when they leave LA and end back in Michigan?

YOU. GUYS. I thought this one was so fun! A light read when my heart was heavy and it fit so perfectly. Quick notes:

1. Built to Last is my first read by Erin Hahn... now excuse me as I immediately add the rest of her work to my immediate TBR.

2. MICHIGAN. I'm from this mitten. Naturally... this just clicked for me.

3. Dual POV that doesn't make you want to bang your head against a wall. All jokes aside, the characters are rich and wonderful.

4. Let's take a minute to call out the loser that is Lyle.

5. Fresh pacing and story flow. Sometimes when I read romance, I feel like I know exactly where everything is going all of the time... this has some surprises and I loved that.


This one releases on October 18. Get it on your TBR, request it from your library, try to get an advanced copy.

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What is with the bearded lumberjack in every contemporary romance lately? I swear that the last 3-4 romances I’ve picked up have had the supposedly-sexy bearded man and I just don’t get it. Someone explain to me why this is a thing, please.

Anyway…This was fine and entertaining but minus the home-reno angle, very forgettable. The second chance romance trope isn’t my favorite and I’m not clear on why Shelby and Cameron fell for each other in the first place nor what made them fall for each other all over again ten years later. Well, apart from admiring each other’s body, I suppose. I did appreciate that the characters have solid friendships surrounding them and the home renovation aspect was interesting and a little different than usual. I can’t say I would pick up another by this author but it was a light summer read so I guess it somewhat served it’s purpose.

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Shelby Springfield is trying to forget her past and he old castmates Lyle and Cameron. As Shelby is offered a way to spotlight her dads business and secure their future, she can't resist the call back to Hollywood. She walks right into a trap set by her ex. Of course she isn't going to entertain the offer, no way. Or is she? Watch the drama unfold as the castmates get back together for one last project. Her chemistry with one of them is off the charts. Her best friends Lorelai and Maren are amazing and I hope there are follow up books about their lives.

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Built to Last is a story about redemption and second chances. It follows the story of Shelby Springfield, a childhood TV star, and Cameron Riggs, her old co-star.. For the last ten years Shelby has been trying to reconstruct her image, from a party girl to a respectable furniture refurbisher. Cameron is also trying to reevaluate his present, and future, finding the nomadic lifestyle of a documentary videographer taxing. With the chance to work together in a home renovation show, Cameron and Shelby both recognize that this is a life changing opportunity. As filming for the show commences, readers are provided with insights into construction of a home, as well as the reconstruction of a new(ish) relationship between Cameron and Shelby.

The writing of this story was engaging and entertaining. I enjoyed the characters - Cameron was so SWOON worthy. At times the plot did drag, and there were some cliche aspects. But sometimes we need those cheesy romances! Overall, the book was a pleasant surprise. It is my first book by this author, and is a great addition to anyone's romantic comedy tbr lists. Also I love a good book with a playlist! Each chapter has a song that fits the plot. Loved this!

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Built to Last is Erin Hahn adult debut novel. It is former child actors reconnecting to do an HGTV home type show and they are also two childhood sweethearts.The romance is believable with good chemistry and solid tension that builds.
Overall, a gentle, kind-hearted love story about two people who are absolutely perfect for each other.

ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Like many Erin Hahn books you instantly fall in love with her characters.

We get to meet Shelby Springfield and Cameron Riggs, both ex-childhood stars and one time items. The connection they once had hasn't faded and you can read it on every page. While they are on a renovation show you don't really focus on home part. Instead we see a renovation on their relationship. It's like when you don't want your favorite DIY show to end or you want more of the behind the scenes parts. We get to see the growth of both characters and get reminded that some celebrities are just regular people and that child actors go through a lot

Of course theres some nods to previous characters of Hahns, but just like their childhood Shelby and Cameron are stars in this book.

While this one is more on the spicy side it isn't the kind that makes you really embarrassed to read in public.

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This was a really really cute read!
I first discovered Erin's books in 2020 and felt in love with her writing and her characters, and when i found out she was releasing adult romances i was very excited and this book did not disappoint!
Shelby and Cameron were both delightful and lovable, and their chemistry was 🔥🔥
The parts about the house renovations were cool, too. I wished there were more of that.

And maybe this is a bit of a spoiler but NO THIRD ACT BREAKUP!!!!!!! I loved that very very much (I'm not a fan of those so that was great)

In conclusion, if you like fluffy romance novels, i would highly recommend picking this one up! Can't wait to read the next one!

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It's hard to believe this is Erin's first adult romance! Shelby and Cam are such well-written characters, the story is so interesting, and the romance is so good that you'd swear she'd been doing this for years.

Shelby and Cam are such good characters. Their backstory is interesting and unique but doesn't overwhelm the people they are now. The friends and family around them are also fantastic, even the ones who are written to be disliked!

I loved the concept of the reality show and how the characters took it seriously while acknowledging how odd it was. It was so great to see Cam take everything so seriously because he knew how important it was to Shelby. And I loved how much Shelby's friends and family built her up and told everyone how talented she was! It was also so refreshing to see a male main character be the one to change his life and make concessions for the woman he loves, when so often it's the other way around.

I will be telling everyone how great this book is.

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Such a cute friends to lovers second chance romance! The beginning was a little slow but I overall really enjoyed this book

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I haven't read any of her YA books, but this was a second chance friends to lovers romance. Cute and fun story.

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Second chance romance is one of my favorite tropes and Built to Last by Erin Hahn did it justice.

Former child stars Shelby Springfield and Cameron Riggs are reunited 10 years after he walked away from their successful children’s show (and Shelby). It’s been five years since he walked away from Shelby a second time after she texted him to come to her in LA when her boyfriend, Lyle (also their other co-star), cheated on her and dumped her for her best friend. After the end of her relationship with Lyle and the ruin of her career, Shelby fled for a quiet life restoring furniture in Michigan.

Shelby and Cameron are brought back together by Lyle, now the producer of a home renovation reality show pilot, who wants Shelby and Cameron to co-star on the show together. Both reluctantly agree and it’s clear that feelings still linger between the two, who were each others’ first love. It’s also clear that Lyle is jealous and harboring ill-will towards the two as he throws obstacle after obstacle at the couple during filming, trying to derail the projects and Shelby’s career (again). I won’t spoil the ending, but there is a very satisfying HEA.

I loved seeing how Shelby and Cameron grew and changed during their years apart, but their love never faded. This was exactly what I wanted from a second chance love story. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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