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👍🏼👍🏼 a MUST READ for any/all Emily Henry fans ala Beach Read

Built to Last is another great contemporary, second-chance romance set in a cute Michigan town. And let me just say, this romance BURNS 🔥🔥🔥

15% into this book and I was screaming!! Holy cow Shelby Springfield and Cameron Riggs were made for each other! Too bad their timing and communication is epically bad.

Shelby and Cameron first met as co-stars of a sitcom when they were kids. After years of working side-by-side and sidelong glances, Shelby and Cameron were kissing in closets and sneaking off to dimly lit fields in youthful bliss. Until Cameron ran off to college, away from the show, and never even saying goodbye to Shelby. Heartbroken and confused, Shelby ran into the arms of their other co-star, Lyle. Turns out that while Shelby and Cameron were wholesome midwestern kids doing their best in Hollywood, Lyle is as slimy as they come. Finally, the house of cards toppled when Shelby finds out Lyle has cheated on her with her best friend via a brand-new pop single that went on to win a Grammy.

Cameron has taken his broken heart out to the fringes of society filming documentaries for National Geographic. Shelby takes refuge back home in Michigan restoring old furniture with her dependable dad.

Both their lives are flipped upside down when they are asked to film a home renovation show together based on Shelby’s dad’s business. Oh, and slimy, jealous Lyle is the show runner, throwing every obstacle he can at Shelby and Cameron. Honestly it feels like he’s sabotaging the future of the show on purpose.

Will Shelby and Cameron make it through?

📖Built to Last by Erin Hahn comes out October 18, 2022

Oh, also Shelby has two adorable best friends who will each get their own love story. I am so excited for this trilogy to continue! It is so good!!

Next up is Lorelai, former country music star, who is looking to make a comeback!

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Very heartwarming read! I loved the HGTV-esque setting and how re-modeling the house seemed to serve as a metaphor for Cameron and Shelby rebuilding their relationship. I liked that their relationship history was messy and complicated, and required a lot of work and honesty for them to earn a proper second chance with each other. I thought soundtracking each chapter with a song was also very cute and fit with the prevalence of music in the characters' lives.

I thought that Lyle could have fleshed out more as a villain -- I kept waiting for him to get some more characterization but it never happened. While I usually don't mind a villain without deep characterization, I felt that it contrasted too much with the depth that Shelby, Cameron, and some of the supporting characters had.

I really adored the cozy atmosphere of this story. Everything about the setting felt so homey and humble, which added so much warmth to the book and highlighted why Shelby and Cameron leaving Hollywood behind was the right decision.

Overall, a warm and enjoyable second chance romance!

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Hands down one of the cutest and most heart warming books I’ve read!! Finished it in a day and couldn’t put it down. The tension, playfulness, and dynamic between the two main characters has you swooning from start to finish! Shelby and Cameron grow and find themselves and each other with an incredible support system while also dealing with the fallout of being a childhood star and the drama that comes with it. Would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for an adorable romance to talk into.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This is a charming DYI book in a HGTV type of setting and it was just wonderful. It’s a great second chance at love book and just a sweet read I couldn’t put down.

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I loved the charm in the story and the DIY/HGTV setting. However, I wished it would have had a little more tension. The characters felt a little trope-y to me at times, and while sometimes I love that, that wasn't what I was hoping for with this book. That said, there's a lot to love about it and I'm sure a ton of readers will connect with it (other reviewers certainly have!), it just wasn't for me.

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for sending me an eARC for this book! I feel sort of ambivalent about this story. I am not a huge fan of a love triangle, and while this wasn't quite that, I didn't feel like Lyle's place made much sense. However, it was the only reason this book could really move forward -- the relationship between Shelby and Cameron felt very flat, and I was confused why they were pining for each other literally the entire book and nothing kept happening. I didn't actively dislike the book, and I wanted to see it through to the end, but I wish it had more depth or story.

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A great contemporary romance by Erin Hahn. I originally came across Erin's YA romance books and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Hearing about this book I was intrigued. Erin did just as amazing with her adult romance as she has done with her YA books. Shelby Springfield and Cameron Riggs were co-stars growing up on television with great on and off-screen chemistry. Cameron made a decision to leave the show and go on to college, so they have been apart for about ten years with their paths only crossing once when Shelby and her other co-star, Lyle break up after five years together and she contacts Cameron to help with her broken heart. Instead of taking advantage of the situation, Cameron removes himself but leaves her a letter giving her advice on how to pick up the pieces. Now five years after that encounter Lyle wants the two of them back together on screen for a home renovation show. Shelby and her Dad have become very successful at renovating houses and flipping them with Shelby also restoring furniture, but her Dad doesn't make a good onscreen personality. That's where Cameron comes in. He puts his Nat Geo career on hold to learn from Shelby's Dad and work with her to renovate and flip a house for the pilot. Lyle though throws lots of wrenches into the mix to stir up drama. Will Cameron and Shelby successfully flip the house and land the show? Will Lyle destroy this show that he says he wants them for? Will Cameron and Shelby be able to patch the rift between them?

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This book gives you the ultimate feeling of unfinished business, and a lost love that isn't really that lost!
4.5 Stars!

I’m not gonna lie to you, second chance romance isn’t my fav… because I always am so sad that the characters were separated for so long 😂 but Built to Last by Erin Hahn has redeemed that trope for me ❤️ I didn’t feel like that with this story.

Both characters had so much they needed to achieve and work out on their own that when they came back together they were actually ready to commit and spend their lives loving each other. And honestly they were so young when they parted... they needed to grow up and grown into who they were meant to be.

For reals, 'freaking adorable' sums up Cameron and Shelby… childhood friends to something more to being estranged to reuniting… Erin got the angst between these two written perfectly! The longing that comes from Cam is just so delicious and Shelby… well, she just knew how to go after it!

I loved this idea of the two of them thrown into working together and through that working themselves back into a friendship and eventually a relationship! It was a way for them to get to know who each other is as an adult, in a perfect setting. The pacing of the story was so well done and watching them fall back in love (although they were never really out of love with each other) was just so beautiful!

It’s literally so sweet and just gives you that warm feeling in your chest… but let’s not forget that it’s spicy too and honestly, I felt the way it was done just enhanced their relationship rather than just thrown in for cheap thrills.

I laughed out loud and absolutely had moments where I grinned like an idiot while reading this (which I did in one day)! The cast of side characters was on point and I love them all - I especially love the come to Jesus moment that Shelby's Dad has with Cameron. Well I loved everyone except Lyle... what a tool, I mean I appreciate the hand he had in bringing these two back together - but it ends there! All in all, another excellent story from Erin Hahn!

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🌟Book Review🌟
Thank you to netgalley and the publisher stmartinspress for the advanced review copy.

Release Date: October 2022
GENRE: Adult Romance

⭐⭐⭐⭐ / 5

Summary: Cameron and Shelby first fell in love on set  in front of millions of viewers. They were costars on a TV show from an early age until their late teens. Circumstances force them apart and years later, they are once again brought together by another TV opportunity, this time, a reality home renovation show. Can they get over all the public mistakes they made as kids all those years ago and finally admit their love for eachother?

My thoughts: I really liked this one.

The characters were likeable, the story was engaging, and the supporting characters were phenomenal - even the antagonist. Shelby and Cameron's love shined through and I rooted for them all the way. The only thing keeping me from giving it 5 stars was the slightly missing wow factor with the final climax. I had expected a bit more punch with a lot more anxiety filled moments, but it was simply a sweet, well written wrapup. It was actually fitting of the characters the more I consider it.

There's a lot of sexually mature scenes. So this is definitely not appropriate for younger audiences despite the cutsey cover.


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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. I love the cover and the storyline since I’m all about home improvements, DIY and HHTV. The three main characters are Lyle, Shelby and Cameron and they grew up together as child actors on a show. Shelby and Cameron fell in love on the show when they were kids, but of course, the timing is never right, etc. Fast forward 10 years and they are adults who haven’t seen each other in a decade. Shelby and Cam find they still have wildly, sexy chemistry, as they’re now on an HGTV reality show together who Lyle, (extremely jealous) is backing and wants them to be costars. Only, Lyle wants them to fail.
If you love DIY shows, love conquers all, the person you never forgot then you must read!
I loved everything about this book, but I only have it 4 stars because I wanted to know the characters on a deeper level.

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This is a friends to lovers/second chances tripe and I loved it! Shelby and Cameron have a had thing for each other since they ere kids, but neither would come clean about their feelings. With the opportunity for a home renovation show, Shelby asks Cameron to join her on board and thats what brings them together. This was a super cute easy read, the characters were very likable, except lyle which hes not meant to be. I would recommend this boom to anyone, would make for a great summer beach read!

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Loved having the mention of the author's previous characters! This book was engaging and funny, kept my interest easily. Great main and sub characters, would definitely recommend!!

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I requested to read and review this book for free from St. Martin Publishing. What a cute rom con. It has everything you need as a reader romance, mystery, drama and the possibility if more. Some people can be predictable as the next group of people are not. Friends and loved ones have your back no matter what. Mistakes are always with us for better or worse. But I think the one to hopefully shake those mistakes is to learn from them and be honest about it. Shelby and Cameron I think have done just that. Our past can shape our future both good and bad. This is a powerful real life truth in it. This book is for a mature reader and can be read anywhere.

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I have been aching for Erin Hahn’s first adult novel since she said she was working on it! I devoured it and my heart is so happy! Her characters always sparkle and give you people wonderful to root for. I so hope we see more of Shelby and Cam!

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I'm obsessed with Erin Hahn's style. She's the queen of cute love stories and this is fully in that realm. It helps that the plot was basically designed for me to love it - second chance romance set on the set of a home improvement show? Yes. Very much yes. The book delivers in spades. Both protagonists are delightful and their romance sizzles, all while including Hahn's signature tendency to 'go there' with darker topics. 10/10 must read. I have a feeling this is going to blow up when it comes out this year.

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Very cute. First loves separated then reunited a decade later. The details were a little far fetched (like, how is it that they met on set in LA, but somehow all their families and friends live within driving distance in a small town in Michigan??) I loved the home renovation show aspect, and just loved the relationship between Shelby and Cameron. Overall a solid, fun romcom.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this arc.

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Three former child stars have the opportunity to work together again on a home-renovating reality tv show. Each has different reasons for saying yes, and all three will struggle with issues that were never resolved back when they were working together as kids. An engaging story I look forward to recommending.

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*5 star review*
Okaaaay, this is my first Erin Hahn book and she is officially added to my auto-buy authors. And my TBR has grown by adding the rest of her books to the list. 😆

This book was fun, funny, soft, a little tear jerking, sexy, and just so enjoyable. There was nothing I didn’t like about this book…except maybe the Jessups and Ada Mae. 🤪

Picture HGTV, Ben + Erin, Chip + Jo, demo days, restorations, and fun banter + love. This second chance, friends to lovers had me from the beginning. Shelby and Cameron are childhood pop stars who have some past personal issues to heal from. They have a mad respect for one another and even more mad sexual tension. The author gave these two huge character growth, a great group of friends, and mended some fractured familial issues. If you need an easy going, fast paced book to read that makes you smile, be on the lookout for this one & grab it!

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Cameron and Shelby are former child co-stars - and lovers. They've stepped out of the limelight and away from each other. But when their other former child co-star, Lyle Jessup, plans a home renovation show starring, you guessed it, Cam and Shelby, they are forced back together to face the feelings of long ago that have stood the test of time.

I loved everything about this book. It was sweet, romantic, and so easy to read. The characters were so lovable and I was rooting for Cam and Shelby the WHOLE time! It did not disappoint. The pacing, the plot, the ending. All of it was superb.

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In Built to Last, former child stars and first loves reunite after after a decade apart in their home state of Michigan. This book explores how they’ve grown since their child star days and if their friendship is really something more.

I loved this book and could not put it down! The writing is witty, playful, and a little cheeky and kept me hooked the whole way through. If you love a friends-to-lovers trope, this book is for you!

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