Member Reviews

Thanks to @Netgalley and @BloomsburyPublishing for the ARC!

Review: I was really excited when I heard this book was coming out because of how much I loved the Cursebreakers series and this book definitely lives up to its predecessors. This spinoff series features quite a few familiar faces along with a new cast of characters as well as queer representation. I loved that Tycho got his own book and that the other characters from the previous series were so tightly interwoven into this story though not in a way that overshadowed him. I also really love Bridget Kemmerer’s writing style, I feel like the world building and magical elements are super accessible to readers.

Synopsis: In the land of Syhl Shallow, best friends Callyn and Jax have grown up fearing the dangers of magic. After a mage smith marries their queen, magic slowly returns to their land. When an anti-magic faction recruits them to pass letters in exchange for coin, they find their loyalties and friendship being tested as alliances shift and new ones form.

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I fell in love with the Cursebreaker series by Brigid Kemmerer several years ago and was so excited to fall back into that world with her newest novel, Forging Silver into Stars. Set four years after the end of the original trilogy, this novel focuses on three teens: Tycho, the king’s courier; Callyn, a baker in the small town of Briarlock; and Jax, a blacksmith in the same town. When the story begins, Callyn and Jax are just trying to survive. Callyn’s parents are dead and Jax’s dad is an abusive drunk, and both owe back taxes to the government. When a noble lady arrives in Briarlock and asks Jax to hold a message, Jax and Callyn can’t resist the silver coin that will help alleviate their debt. They soon realize that the message belongs to a rebel group known as the Truthbringers, who are trying to remove magic from Syhl Shallow. When Tycho also arrives in Briarlock, the two friends realize they’re in over their heads.

If you loved the Cursebreaker series, you MUST get this book! Rhen, Harper, Grey and Lia Mara are all side characters in Forging Silver into Stars, but the main focus is on the new trio. There is a beautiful queer romance and a focus on overcoming past trauma.The characters are so well developed and you’ll just sink back into Emberfall and Syhl Shallow like you never left.

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I love when authors take us back to the original universe they built. I love getting to see new characters in that universe and stories told in different ways. I love when things come together and click with the stories we’ve already read. When I saw Forging Silver into Stars was coming out I was unsure if I would read it because I struggled to finishing the Cursebreaker series. I wanted to love it but I never got past liking it. However when I go into the universe, I will read everything in that universe because once I’ve invested …I’ve invested. In Forging Silver into Stars, I enjoyed the characters but I didn’t really connect with Jaz or Callyn. (Tycho is obviously everyone’s favorite.) Ultimately I did enjoy this book however it dragged at times. There were parts when I it felt like this book was really just there to set up the second book. But that happens a lot in the first book in a new series and always read the second book! I totally recommend this everybody that read the original Cursebreaker series but you have to start there. You cannot read Forging Silver into Stars without having read the original series.

Thank you #Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: Fantasy series (book 1)
𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩: Physical ARC

𝙁𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙌𝙪𝙤𝙩𝙚:
“But expecting more from my people is not a weakness. It is hope. It is patience. It is grace. But those virtues don’t mean the absence of viciousness. The true weakness is to think a queen is powerless.”

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙:
Spin off from the Cursebreaker trilogy
Multi POV (Tycho, Jax, Callyn)
Mix of characters from the Cursebreaker series + new characters
Found family
Political intrigue
Action and adventure (seriously we travel ALL over Syhl Shallow and Emberfall)

𝙁𝙪𝙡𝙡 𝙍𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬:
I *almost* read this book in just one sitting, and it is THICK at 542 pages. The pacing was fast and action packed thanks to the multi POVs from Tycho, Jax and Callyn, mixed with elements of romance, adventure, and political intrigue.

This is a spin-off series from the Cursebreaker trilogy. I LOVED A Curse So Dark and Lonely, but it took me over a year to return to book 2 and 3 because I didn’t love them as much. Forging Silver Into Stars made me feel just as excited and drawn into the Cursebreaker world as I was when I read ACSDAL, and I’m so glad I picked this one up. If you’ve been debating if you want to return to the Cursebreaker world, then this is your sign—DO IT!! It’s totally worth it.

One of my favorite things about this book is that it takes a few of the unresolved plot points from the Cursebreaker series—Rhen’s new role, Tycho’s journey to adulthood, Iisak and his son, Grey and Lia Mara’s new status—and gives us new direction and fresh perspective. While we previously only saw the kingdom from the royal’s POV, we now get an expanded view of Syhl Shallow and Emberfall from characters outside the royal family.

I honestly love (most of) the new characters we get to meet. I already loved Tycho, and Jax is a new favorite character. There is so much depth to him and he grows so much throughout this book. We see his ugliest struggles and brightest moments of happiness, and it just makes you want to hug him! Callyn wasn’t my favorite for a decent part of the book because she’s a little narrow minded on certain things, but I understand why she reacts the way she does and her actions fit her character. I think she has a lot of promise for development and growth in future books.

On top of great characters, I loved the absolutely adorable romance, political maneuverings and betrayals, and the journey all over Syhl Shallow and Emberfall. I mean, Kemmerer seriously takes us all over the kingdom and ties in many different characters and plot points, even in small ways (that I’m hoping will be significant in the next books). The ending left me so hopeful and excited to see where our characters go next—there’s so many possibilities!

Thank you to Bloomsbury for an ARC of this book in exchange for my unbiased review.

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Back in the magical world of the Cursebreaker series, Kemmerer pushes the envelope with a new intricate, character-driven story full of emotion, betrayal, and the unexpected.

Years after the events of A Vow So Bold and Deadly, trained soldier and friend to the king, Tycho, is now a young man and has risen to the position of King’s Courier, where he travels between the kingdoms passing messages of importance between the rulers. When he comes across a small village on the outskirts of the realms, he soon discovers treasonous and devious plots against those with magic at play and becomes tangled up in a much bigger brewing uprising.

It was so great to be back in the enthralling world of the Cursebreakers series, seeing familiar faces, including some quite grown-up (hello Tycho *swoon*). I loved seeing his character grow and flourish into an incredibly strong and brave hero. This book made me fall even more for this endearing and wholesome character and his inspiring journey.

I enjoyed meeting the new characters as well! I ADORED the main romance in this book and kept wanting that couple to be together and loved their sweet, tender moments. Kemmerer writes such amazing intimate little moments between characters, the complications, the gazes, the signs of loyalty and trust, all in a small emotion-filled moment.

While this book is much darker, more violent, and has a slower pace than the rest of the series, the last part of the book gripped me entirely, and I’m very intrigued to see where this story will go next!

If you’re a fan of the original series or in the mood for a complex and emotional read, definitely keep this new book in mind.


*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.*

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This is such exciting news! Another series of books set in the Cursebreaker world! I loved the first series so much and this one stood up to the standards I have for Kemmerer's writing. it's engaging and beautifully descriptive. I always feel like I'm there with everyone, on an adventure, which is such a good reason to read more fantasy.

It took me a minute to decide how I felt about the new characters, but they stole my hearts much like the original trio. I liked that we got to see Grey's court and Tycho!. Jax and Callyn are such interesting characters. I already want there to be more story!

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I should have read other reviews before picking this book up as so many people have said if you have not read her Cursebreakers series you will likely be lost... I read the first one in the series, which I loved, but life got in the way of me finishing in the trilogy so I am not completely up to speed on everything and this is glaringly evident in my reading of this book.

I did not give it three stars because I didn't read the other two books but I found Callyn to be extremely unlikeable. Jax is a much better protagonist and much more enjoyable to follow. I found Callyn to be extremely off putting from the get go and that pretty much colored my views of the story.

Kemmerer is an extremely talented fantasy creator. I will definitely go back and finish the Cursebreakers series eventually and come back to this with a new perspective, maybe that will change the storyline for me.

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It's here! It's here! The next book in Brigid Kemmerer's amazing Cursebreakers series is here!

Emberfall and Syhl Shallow should be united. Rhen, Harper, Lia Mara and Grey are working hard to make that happen. But the people of Syhl Shallow fear Grey's magic, and Lia Mara will not rule with her mother's iron hand. Factions are at work everywhere and no one knows who to trust. Jax and Callyn, friends whose lives have been shattered by past conflict between the states, find themselves unexpectedly drawn into the court intrigue, and unexpectedly drawn to some of the major players.

Forging Silver into Stars is the first of a second trilogy.
For everyone who gasped and went "it can't be over!" at the end of A Vow so Bold and Deadly, the wait is finally over. I devoured the original series, and recommended it to most of the young adult fantasy readers I know including my own 18 year old son. Forging Silver into Stars does a great job of giving us lots of time with our favourite charactesr, but also introducing a host of new ones.

For everyone who always wanted to know more about Tycho, who comes into the story with Grey, this is your book. We get much of his painful backstory, and get to know him as he gets to know Jax, the young blacksmith he builds a relationship with. Jax is a terrific character - stubborn, bent but not broken, making the best of a cruddy situation, and getting through with the help of his best friend, Callyn, who runs the bakery down the road. The scene where Tycho teaches Jax to shoot is extremely powerful, and would help students dealing with a physical disability see themselves reflected in a strong character in a fantasy novel, which doesn't happen often enough. Tycho and Jax' sexuality is also presented in the context of the place where they live, where there is not a stigma around same sex relationships. Again, powerful for young adult readers.

Callyn, Jax' best friend, is also a fascinating character, and I am hoping we get more of her in coming books. She is strong, independent, but also desperately looking for someone to see her for who she is. There are also hints that her story may have some interesting bits to it as well.

Intrigue, betrayal, some steamy sex scenes (these are more detailed than in the first trilogy, which puts this in a higher age bracket for me), solid friendships, strong characters of different genders? This one scores high with me!
Thanks to Net Galley and Bloomsbury for the e-arc

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So I haven't read the Cursebreaker trilogy, but I don't think it mattered much.

Forging Silver Into Stars is written in first person with multiple POV, The plot is not really full of action, but the magic system is interesting and I'd like to dive into that backstory/process a bit more. There are a lot of royal characters and the character development is great. I'm eager to read more!

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I’m a big fan of Brigid Kemmerer’s Cursebreakers series so I was thrilled to read an early copy of her next spin off series set in the same world as A CURSE SO DARK AND LONELY. And I’m even more pleased to report that FORGING SILVER INTO STARS has the same magic as Kemmerer’s other works!⁣

I loved seeing more of the Cursebreakers world (and I definitely recommend reading that series first as you will not be able to understand this book without the backstory). We get to see the return of Tycho and two new characters, Jax and Callyn, as they’re drawn into a conflict between the royal court and an anti-magic faction.⁣

I loved each member of our new trio and I was deeply absorbed by their stories. My absolute favorite was Jax who is also disabled. Fair warning for my fellow disabled readers though, he goes through A TON of suffering in this book so it’s not exactly light-hearted disability rep.

My other quibble with the book was that it was very easy to see where things were going and, alas, the characters spend a lot of time making predictable mistakes. In that vein, half of the romance was compelling and the other half was just maddening. I should also note that it was a bit more explicit than I expect from YA. I would personally consider it NA.⁣

Overall, it was a really solid read though and I couldn’t put it down even if I wanted to shake the characters. I’m excited for the next book to develop their relationships even more. Fingers crossed the author has mastered the art of a series after the inconsistencies of the Cursebreakers…⁣

Trigger warnings: abusive parent, physical abuse, description of sexual assault that happened to a character as a child, fantasy violence, burns, other fairly graphic injuries, depictions of dead bodies.

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This was a really fun extension of the Cursebreakers trilogy. I loved the new characters we get as well as a Tycho POV since he was one of my favorite characters in the original trilogy. It was so interesting having Jax and Callyn's POVs since they are the commoners and then Tycho as part of the royal side of things. We already know so much about the royal family from the Cursebreakers trilogy so I absolutely loved that that was a smaller part and Jax and Callyn had such a big part in this one.
All 3 characters were great. I still really loved Tycho though. There were so many side characters but since we already knew a lot of them, it wasn't hard to keep them all straight. They also all had a part. None of them seemed unnecessary. One of my favorite side characters was Callyn's sister Nora. She was just so sweet and I loved Callyn's love for her.
The plot was really engaging, but the book itself was really long. It wasn't a fast moving book, but I loved the characters so much that I was never bored. I really wanted to know what happened on every page and everything that happened felt necessary to have everything wrap up like it did, even if it took forever to get there. The last 15% of the book was really fast paced and really kept me reading as fast as I could.
We are not left on a -cliffhanger- but there were a lot of things that made me excited to see what happens next and I really can't wait for the second book!

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In March of 2018 I was able to read a bounded copy of Brigid Kemmerer’s book A Curse So Dark and Lonely so I could give a blogger blurb. I had previously been in love with Brigid’s contemporary books so I was really excited to see what she did with fantasy. She blew me away with the story she gave us and the characters we got to know and love. The world she built was stunning and enthralling. So when I heard Forging Silver into Stars was an expansion of that world with Tycho being a main character I was 1000% in and Brigid did not disappoint.

As I mentioned, Forging Silver into Stars is the story of Tycho, a character readers got to know and love in A Heart so Fierce and Broken, Jax and Callyn. Jax and Callyn are are best friends that live in Syhl Shallow where magic has been forbidden for as long as they two of them remember. The two of them were once fascinated by magic but have since learned what the dangers are that comes with it. But when magic returns to Syhl Shallow thanks to the magsmith that married their queen they are concerned. They are so concerned they start to help pass messages for the rebels which will give them enough money to survive. But when Tycho, the King’s Courier, comes around trying to find who is working against the crown everything changes. What once made sense to Jax and Callyn isn’t as black and white. There is more grey than they could ever imagine and they both need to decide what side is the side to be on.

Honestly, there is just something I love about a Brigid Kemmerer book! She tells such an intriguing story and it was no different with Forging Stars into Silver. She took everything we knew and loved about the Cursebreaker series and made it into something new and exciting. Tycho was a character I loved and that love just grew. He struggle a lot in this book with where he fit and who he was and I loved that for him because it showed he was growing and changing and becoming the man everyone knew he could be. I also LOVED his relationship with Jax, who I love beyond measure. The two of them were go good together in everything they did whether it was friendship or shy glances or training. It was all just so good. I think the only reason I didn’t rate this read higher is Callyn. I liked her enough, but her story just didn’t hit me the way Jax and Tycho did.

Once again Brigid delivered a book with danger and intrigue and heart. Forging Silver into Stars, the start of a new series, was the perfect bridge between Emberfall and Syhl Shallow and the characters we knew and love and new people that have entered our reading hearts. This is a book you definitely don’t want to sleep on. Add it to you TBR.

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Years after the events in A Vow so Bold and Deadly… we are back in our favorite now united kingdoms with our favorite crew
It was really cool to see old characters that we love back in action
However, things are not easy
Though the two kingdoms are now United under the rule of King Grey and Queen Lia Mara, the people of Syhl Shallow have a deep untrust of magic and Grey himself
With an uprising on the fence, the crew and a band of new characters must make some difficult decisions or risk losing it all

It was really cool to see this world again! Although the stakes were extremely high
I really really enjoyed Tycho and his story and just learning more about him
He is so precious and must be protected at all cost 🥺
And the two main characters- best friends Jax and Callyn from Syhl Shallow are put in a dangerous mission: collecting and delivering secret messages from the truth bringers a group of rebels who are determined to get Grey off the throne
Soon, they must decide whether to follow their heads or their hearts

With a super swoony romance, magic, political intrigue and a heap of sweet cakes, this is a story that is bound to keep you on the edge of your seat!
I really enjoyed it however the pacing was a little off to me from time to time
The last 20% were super intense and I was squealing at the romance
Rooting HARD for a certain couple 🥰
Overall, I loved being back in this world!

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I loved this! Great start to a new series, and to a continuation of another. I enjoyed reading about all the same characters from before, and some brand new ones. Another well-written fantasy story that I definitely recommend!

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3.5 Stars

I am a fan of Brigid Kemmerer and have enjoyed pretty much everything I’ve read by her up until now.

Forging Silver into Stars returns to Kemmerer’s Cursebreaker world. It’s a series that spans three books — A Curse So Dark and Lovely, A Heart So Fierce and Broken, and A Vow So Bold and Deadly. I’ve only read the first book in the trilogy.

Forging Silver into Stars is supposed to be a standalone novel, but after reading a quarter of the way through, I can say you need to read the above trio first. Without it, you feel like you’re missing something. Sure, there’s enough information provided to “catch up,” but it’s like looking at a painting without the colors. You miss the nuances.

It was enough of a problem for me that I did not finish the novel. But that doesn’t mean the writing was bad. In fact, Kemmerer’s ability to set a scene remains excellent as does her character studies. I was particularly moved by the first blushes of feeling between Jax and Tycho, which felt powerful and authentic and were almost enough on their own to get me to keep reading.

If you’re new to the Cursebreaker world, do yourself a favor and read the first three books, I think that Forging Silver into Stars will be much more enjoyable overall if you do.

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I wasn't sure that I needed another book in Rhen and Grey's world. I wasn't sure that I was in the mood for a fantasy. What I found myself doing was bingeing the whole book on a quiet Sunday morning with zero regrets.

This spin off in the Cursebreakers world was so well set up and compelling that even though I wasn't sure I needed it, it was exactly what I wanted. Tycho, Jax and Callyn start this story with their own struggles and motivations. They start this story leading the reader to believe in what they know only to find that all the things are flipped upside down. It's a twisty turny story that gives us so much of what we loved in Cursebreakers (people, magic, intrigue) but also brings in all new and completely unexpected stories and depth. I am definitely going to need more from this series.

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Whenever the topic of YA fantasy comes up, I always have to talk about The Cursebreaker Series. It’s my favorite YA series and when I found out that Brigid Kemmerer was writing a follow up set in the same world, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a copy.

Forging Silver Into Stars takes place four years after the events of the Cursebreaker series. This is ultimately Tycho’s story, but we are introduced to new characters Callyn and Jax, as well. These best friends have grown up fearing magic since it took so much from both of them when they were younger. When magic reappears in Syl Shallow after being banished for years, fear starts to run rampant, lines are drawn and people’s loyalty comes into question. Tycho is the king's courier, and he sees a lot while delivering messages between Syl Shallow and Emberball. He feels drawn to the small town of Briarlock, where he eventually discovers a potential plot to kill the king. This is how he gets introduced to Callyn and Jax and becomes entangled in their deception.

There’s something about Kemmerer’s writing style that I just can’t get enough of…I’m pretty sure I would read her grocery list if she asked me to. I became immersed in this new story right away and I couldn’t put it down until I knew how things were going to turn out. This triple POV fantasy romance was just as good as the original series and I loved getting to know these new characters. I loved seeing Rhen, Harper, Lia Mara and Grey from Tycho’s perspective and learning what they’ve been doing for the past four years. Lia Mara and Harper are just as badass as they’ve always been and it looks like Kemmerer is going to keep up her penchant for writing strong female mcs in this new series.

This book is full of complex characters, court politics, ancient magic, and plenty of action!
I loved the chemistry between Jax and Tycho and their sweet love story and the relationship between Callyn and her sister Nora. Tycho is the perfect cinnamon roll hero and he must be protected at all costs! I’m already anxious for the next book in this series and I can’t wait to see which characters are featured in the next installment.

Overall I loved this book so much and I am thrilled to be back in this world! Thank you so much to Bloomsbury Publishing for the ARC to read and review. Technically you could read this without reading the first three books but it won’t have the same emotional impact. This book will be out in the world on 6/7, so you still have time to start A Curse So Dark and Lonely if you haven’t yet.

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This book is about two friends who are caught in between the magic that came back to their world where there is romance, betrayal and alliances. So to begin with I have to say that I only read the first book of the Cursebreakers series and should have went back to finish it. This book could still be read if you are new to this world but I feel like you will understand it more as the MCs from the other series are featured in this book too. So you will be spoiled with some info. Though the plot was amazing and was surprised with all the conflicts that Kemmerer has thrown into the book. I do have to say that the pacing was a tad bit slow but then again it explains why this book was so thick. The setting was amazing too with great politics that are easy to understand and world building.

The main characters in this book are Callyn, Jax and Tycho. I enjoyed all of these characters as they are all so well written. I really enjoyed Jax's character as he didn't make stupid decisions like Cal (lol). Though Cal and Jax's friendship was amazing and I loved the way their relationship works. (I won't spoil what I mean just in case you haven't read it). There are also many side characters in this book some new and some from the first series. I really love the connection of characters between the series as I think it's unique and fans of the series will be happy to meet them. The romance is amazing and Kemmerer added a LGBTQ+ couple. I won't mention who though but it's amazing and you will totally ship the couple.

The ending was of course great just as usual with how Kemmerer ends things. I would totally be picking up the next book in this series because I know that it will be so much better with pacing. I will also read the other series just to know more about the world and familiarize myself with it. I totally recommend this series especially if you have finished the Cursebreaker series. Kemmerer knows how to write a wonderful story filled with magic, romance, and action all into one.

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I couldn’t get into this book. I am not sure if it is a me problem or a “I just don’t connect with this writing style” problem

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Truly, it is a true delight to return to the world of Emberfall and Syll Shallow in this new series by Brigid Kemmerer. Although we have different main characters, we still see all of our favorites and get some much needed updating as to what those characters are up to now. Our current MCs, Callyn, Tycho and Jax, find themselves caught up in a series of secret messages, emotional entanglements and rebellion that could set their world ablaze. Callyn and Jax were really interesting because it highlighted the struggles that commoners faced in Syll Shallow, a side of this world we haven't seen before but a side of that world that feels much like ours. It goes to show how normal people can find themselves in desperate straights and often, the fate of a kingdom or nation or people depends on it. I loved seeing Tycho grow into his character and into a boy to a young man, and I really thought that the strains he feels his relationship with Grey to be worthwhile. I loved seeing Grey and Lia Mara and Harper and Rhen, and though I am still solidly Team Grey, Rhen really got a good redemption arc in this one and I found myself loving him more than I did in the original trilogy! I really enjoyed immersing myself back into this world and these characters, something that Brigid Kemmerer does so effortlessly, and I am definitely intrigued by where the plot is going to take our characters, old and new, in the next installments of this new adventure.

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