Member Reviews

For readers who crave a thrilling adventure filled with complex characters, morally ambiguous themes, and a richly woven world of magic, Forging Silver into Stars by Brigid Kemmerer is a captivating tale that explores the power of loyalty, identity, and the struggle for acceptance, making it a perfect fit for fans of fantasy and young adult fiction.

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After being a longtime fan of the Cursebreaker series, I was stoked to finally read this! I even did so in one sitting :)

The story was adventurous, scandalous, and completely addictive. Thank you, Brigid Kemmerer for crafting this fantasy the way it’s supposed to be done!

I ended up reading the physical copy of this book, but thank you, #NetGalley!

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This book is a spinoff of The Cursebreaker series - which I think readers should read before starting this, but it is probably not totally necessary. This story introduces new characters, and is told in alternating perspectives between Tycho, Jax and Cal. I don’t always love when there are multiple narrators, but in this case I didn’t mind! I love Kemmerer’s writing style, so I think this made that aspect work for me. One thing I always hate when stories end is the fact that sure, the adventure is over, but we never get to see the aftermath! I loved that we get to see what happens AFTER the main trilogy ends in the world of Emberfall. I am excited to see where this world goes!

I was given an advanced reader's copy via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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While this book starts a new series, I really think readers will be best placed if they’ve already read all three Cursebreaker books, just to make sense of the world, the characters and the politics. While we start with two new characters, it isn’t long before the plot is being driven by Grey, Lia Mara and the rising tension in their lands. The book is written from three character perspectives, Cal, Jax and Tycho and it is amazing how the differing views bring such a different perspective to events. One minute I am hating characters and the next I’m not, one minute I question Cal’s actions, the next I’m complexly on her side. And of course, Tycho’s perspective brings us closer to Grey and Rhen and all our favourites from the Cursebreaker series, but it is so wonderful to see inside Tycho’s head and heart and get to know him even more deeply.

The plot had me hooked, but it was the characters, the romance and the heartbreak that kept me from putting this book down. I adored it, possibly (maybe definitely) even more than A Curse so Dark and Lonely (I know, I know, what am I saying?!? but we retain all the magic, all the familiarity of what I loved about that series and just turn up the heat.

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If you're looking for a fun fantasy read (with queer and disability representation), this is the one. I think it is a bit mature for my middle school campus, but I can see this being appreciated in a high school collection.

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I unfortunately did not finish this one. . I’m bummed. I loved the Cursebreaker Trilogy. But I had a really hard time getting into this one. I was finding it hard to care about these characters. I feel like Jax’s disability is too similar to Harpers so it just feels too repetitive and didn't feel like a fresh enough story.

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Reading books by the author always brings me back to how I fell back in love with reading. She was one of the first author said I got into as an adult getting back into fantasy. Well, there are some issues that I came across while reading, they don’t hit me as hard because of the love I have for the series. I think that if you have already enjoyed this world, you will continue to do so.

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What a phenomenal extension of the Curse So Dark and Lonely world!

Digging into Tycho's history, seeing the aftermath of Grey and Lia Mara having power and how the fear of magic has never left was a welcome change of perspective!

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I loved this book so much. The characters were rich. The plot continually surprised me. Nothing happened as I expected but it was so good I was never unpleasantly surprised. I CANNOT WAIT for the sequel.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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This one took me way too long to finish and I’m not even sure why?! It was great!! I loved the Cursebreaker series overall even though I didn’t love the last book, so coming back to this world and characters was refreshing and exciting. I fell in love with Tychno back in the curse breaker series, and enjoyed the multiple POVs with the added new characters.

Brigid is so great at hooking you/me into new series with really exciting first books so I can’t wait to see what she does with the series. 4 stars because it took me a while to get into and I found the start sort of slow (multiple months slow 😬) but then I got my groove and didn’t put it down!

Thanks NetGalley, Bloomsbury, and Brigid Kemmerer for the arc, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I love Brígid Kemmerer and the worlds she creates! But this book didn’t grab my attention. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t something I could say I would go back and read again. I think I am much too attached to her Cursebreaker characters to open my heart up to any more!

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This wasn’t as action packed as her other series (especially out of the gate) but I enjoyed going back to the world of Emberfall to see old characters from a different perspective and meet new ones. The pace felt good and I was intrigued by the storyline. Excited to see where it goes.

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In terms of the story itself, I loved the intrigue and the pursuit of figuring out the plot against the crown. I’m intrigued by some of the minor characters. I feel like there’s lots of story for the rest of the series to explore. I hope the next book has a lot more of Callyn in it, because I feel like she kind of got overshadowed by Jax and Tycho a little bit, and I liked her a lot.

On the whole, I feel like this book lived up to all the expectations I have for the story world. I am definitely going to be reading the rest of the series. I already can’t wait to see what happens next.

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Taking place four years after the end of the Cursebreaker trilogy, Forging Silver is told from three POV. Two are new characters, residents of a small village, down on their luck friends, and the third was stable hand/army recruit from A Vow so bold and Deadly.
A three POV are told well, and are interesting. The story and action move along quickly. The village characters, Jax and Callyn, are drawn into a plot against the king, as they desperately need money to pay their tax bills. I enjoyed their friendship. Despite finding themselves at odds, they were genuinely there for one another and good friends.

Overall, a good story, a little romance, a little betrayal and a nice ending.

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good book and really enjoyed the characters and their journey. I liked the romance.. I enjoyed how the characters grew in the book and what happened.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Forging Silver into Stars. It was so fun to be back in the ACSDAL world, catch up with familiar characters, while falling in love with new perspectives in a world that seems to be shifting so quickly. I found myself leaning more into the budding relationship between Tycho and Jax than Callyn's perspective, but the whole story was wonderfully done and I cannot wait to see what happens next!

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Forging silver into stars is a sequel that follows the adventures of Callyn, Jax and Tycho in a fantasy world where magic is not to be trusted and relationships depends on what you believe. Two countries are united under a fragile peace treaty but it does not take much for rebels to threaten the king and stability.

Tycho as the king’s friend and ally can use magic which makes him suspect in Callyn’s eyes. Jax however is taken by this young man and will at one point reject Callyn’s long friendship.

There were many references of the previous books so it is not hard to get into the story. The characters are well developed but I admit I felt like quitting it when the author brought our three protagonists in ways that were not expected. Very glad that I persisted as the book is different, yes but interesting in what is right or wrong in love and war.

Probably not the best fantasy book that I’ve read but I loved it enough to want to read the next one.

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I'm a sucker for spinoffs and Forging Silver into Stars did not disappoint. And if there's one thing I will always appreciate, it is finding the meaning behind the title of the book. However, like any new series, the beginning and set up took a minute to get into, but once the story found its groove, it kept going and didn't stop. I was on the edge of my seat the entire last half, reading as fast as I could. It's been a minute since I was think invested in a YA Fantasy and I was excited to be excited about reading YA again. Tycho, who I loved from the original series, was so fun to revisit and explore his mind. He isn't fully healed (mentally) from the events of the earlier books but he is so firm in his beliefs that despite being wary of all those around him, his conviction never faltered. Jax is my favorite. Protect that man at all costs. That is all. Callyn was a fun addition to this story, as she has her reasons for being skeptical and hesitant but would do anything for her sister. I thought we were gonna see her embark on a villain arc (which I would not have been mad at), but watching her belief system be so challenged and he outlook alter was refreshing nonetheless. This was a solid beginning to a new series and I am looking forward to seeing where this story goes next (and by looking forward to it, I mean I need it yesterday).

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Forging Silver into Stars by Brigid Kemmerer is a spin-off of the great Cursebrekers trilogy. You do get a lot of easter eggs in this one so it may be easier going into the book if you have read the previous trilogy but it is not required. I found this book to be extremely slow but I kept on going because I love this world.

This book takes the reader on an emotional journey. There is so much going on and I feel like the characters have so many communication issues. It was really great to get more of Tycho in this one. His inner monologue is really good.

The biggest thing that I thought was weird about this book is that a previously loved character is how hated in Forgoing Silver into Stars and I don't know what to do with it. It seems weird to switch the narrative on a character like that. I was expecting a lot more from this one.

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