Member Reviews

I'm a sucker for spinoffs and Forging Silver into Stars did not disappoint. And if there's one thing I will always appreciate, it is finding the meaning behind the title of the book. However, like any new series, the beginning and set up took a minute to get into, but once the story found its groove, it kept going and didn't stop. I was on the edge of my seat the entire last half, reading as fast as I could. It's been a minute since I was think invested in a YA Fantasy and I was excited to be excited about reading YA again. Tycho, who I loved from the original series, was so fun to revisit and explore his mind. He isn't fully healed (mentally) from the events of the earlier books but he is so firm in his beliefs that despite being wary of all those around him, his conviction never faltered. Jax is my favorite. Protect that man at all costs. That is all. Callyn was a fun addition to this story, as she has her reasons for being skeptical and hesitant but would do anything for her sister. I thought we were gonna see her embark on a villain arc (which I would not have been mad at), but watching her belief system be so challenged and he outlook alter was refreshing nonetheless. This was a solid beginning to a new series and I am looking forward to seeing where this story goes next (and by looking forward to it, I mean I need it yesterday).

Forging Silver into Stars by Brigid Kemmerer is a spin-off of the great Cursebrekers trilogy. You do get a lot of easter eggs in this one so it may be easier going into the book if you have read the previous trilogy but it is not required. I found this book to be extremely slow but I kept on going because I love this world.
This book takes the reader on an emotional journey. There is so much going on and I feel like the characters have so many communication issues. It was really great to get more of Tycho in this one. His inner monologue is really good.
The biggest thing that I thought was weird about this book is that a previously loved character is how hated in Forgoing Silver into Stars and I don't know what to do with it. It seems weird to switch the narrative on a character like that. I was expecting a lot more from this one.

Brigid Kemmerer’s ‘Forgiving Silver into Stars’ is all around the best book of 2022. A perfect spin off of the Cursebreaker series and a perfect start to a whole new generation of magic in the world of Emberfall and Syhl Shallow. Kemmerer once again captures us in a heart throbbing story with amazing characters and unseen plottwists that leaves you craving for more. Seeing my favorite characters from the original series finally getting the happiest they deserve makes my heart soar!!

I didn’t realize how much I missed this world until I started reading the first page and was transported back amongst people who live in this world. Reuniting with characters in meeting new ones that I quickly adored was just what I had been hoping for. So the build to the action scenes was a bit slow at times it was well worth the wait once I got there. I cannot wait to join Tycho and company for more of this adventure!

First and foremost, let's give Brigid Kemmerer a round of applause because not only does she write A+ books.. but her characters are next level. She is the master of making you rethink everything you know. Who is actually the villain?? Is the villain actually bad? Are their actions truly wrong? All questions you will ask yourself while reading this.
I absolutely loved this book. Brigid Kemmerer has definitely become an auto buy author for me.
I very happy to return to this world. This spinoff was the perfect mix of new characters and drama with a healthy portion of the characters I loved on the side. It felt like coming home to a new adventure. My heart felt full and happy while also racing and tightening.

Thank you NetGalley, Bloomsbury YA, and Brigid Kemmerer for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! This is a really fun and entertaining book that’s a spinoff of A Curse of Dark and Lonely. I’ve not read this series, but I wasn’t lost during this one. It’s a really fun adventure and I was interested the entire time, but it isa long book and can be a bit slow during the beginning. However, there were a lot of great things about it, including a queer relationship, interesting setting, and unique characters. YA fantasy fans will like this one!

3.5 Stars
While I was initially a little disappointed to be returning to Syhl Shallow not with our familiar cast but with small villagers I thoroughly enjoyed getting to experience more of this world. It was really interesting to view Gray from the perspective of the people he essentially conquered versus how we knew him in the previous series. I loved Jax, Callyn and getting to know Tycho better as well. For me of the four books this is my second favorite only behind ACSDAL.

This is the first in a new spinoff series from a very talented writer. It’s set in Syhl Shallow where magic has been banned. When their queen marries King Gray, a magesmith, many in the kingdom are angry and want him gone. They fear he’s using his power to hurt their queen and rule through magic. Gray is from the neighboring land where his brother Prince Rhen rules Emberfall with his wife Harper. They are the central characters in the original Cursebreakers series. It’s exciting to have the series continue on with a new focus.
Jax is a blacksmith with a harsh, abusive father. Callyn runs the bakery next door. They support each other and are struggling to pay the taxes on their property. Out of desperation, Jax agrees to pass messages for those who oppose King Gray. Callyn becomes involved too, although neither is a staunch supporter of the people rebelling against the throne. Tycho, a close friend of King Gray, shows up needing a blacksmith to work on a shoe for his horse. He tries to convince Jax that helping the rebels is a mistake.
As the attacks on the royal family escalate, Jax and Callyn must make decisions on their loyalties. Friendships are tested, romance ensues and the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Lovers of the original series will devour this and be thrilled to revisit Emberfall and Syhl Shallow.
The book ends with plenty of room to anticipate what the future will hold for the royals and their kingdom. Kemmerer once again skillfully writes about power, magic, betrayal and romance. It’s a riveting story with magnetic characters.

Brigid Kemmerer is quickly becoming my favorite author. She’s already in my top 3. I’ll read pretty much anything by her and I’m soon to have my own Brigid shelf on my bookshelves.
Love this book. Love the cover. Love the writing style. Love the story.
You literally can never go wrong reading her stuff.

Continuing the story of supporting characters from the A Curse so Dark and Lonely, the focus is mainly on Tycho. He is trying to find a balance between his duties and having a personal life. Throw in an insurrection and things get interesting.

Now I'm unsure if I didn't really vibe with this because of the book or because of the audio narrators.
I'm willing to give this another go before the sequel comes out because Brigid is one of my go-to authors. And I thoroughly enjoyed the companion trilogy.
But man, stay away from the audio for this one. The narrators are all very monotone. No emotions or personality to their reading.
I'm very pleased to see a queer couple as one of the main couples(main characters).
I'm pretty sure the plot was kind of basic here and I wasn't super into anything or anyone. But like I said will revisit my thoughts upon reread sometime next year.

Forging Silver into Stars is a spin off of Kremmerer's, Cursebreaker series. While I have not read the Cursebreaker series I don't feel like it was a bad thing but I do think it has a few spoilers of what happened in that first series so some may want to go read the series first then come read this. There is a friendship between Jax and Callyn that has been there since they were kids and now they are both trying to keep their family businesses afloat due to poor parent choices. Tycho is the King's Courier and is trying to keep a 4 yr old peace between countries alive. There is a plot against the king, some magic, and lots of suspicion going on. There were times where this felt slow and dragged but overall I enjoyed the book and will be looking forward to the next book.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Again Kemmerer delivers a suspenseful adventure with smoldering attraction. When owed taxes become oppressive, Jax and Callyn succumb to passing potentially treasonous letters between nobles in return for coin. The nail biting tension of wondering if they’ll be caught paired with bubbling romance is sure to captivate my teen readers.

Yes. YES YES YES. I loved Tycho in the Cursebreakers trilogy so getting a spinoff with him? Utterly wonderful. This book starts off with a bang, well actually its a storming of the castle but I digress. Also, dare i say, this might be blasphemy, I might have actually liked this book better than Cursebreakers. I never truly liked Rhen and wanted Harper to end up with Grey butttt I guess that's what fanfiction is for, right?
I'm also super excited that I will be going to the first stop of the tour for this book. Be sure to pick this one up June 7th!

Nothing makes me happier than a well written fantasy with great LGBTQ representation!
As a heads up, I have not read the Cursebreaker series prior to starting Forging Silver Into Stars and while I can tell there is another story that has happened, I don’t feel like my enjoyment of this book was influenced by not having all the prior pieces.
Our story starts with Jax and Callyn, two best friends in a small town struggling to keep their forge and bakery running. Both of them have bad families and pasts. A dislike or mistrust of magic is the common theme throughout this book as they are convinced of magics danger… but things aren’t as they appear.
I loved the LGBTQ representation and the disability rep! Jax lost his foot in an accident and used crutches but this does not stop him from being a total BA!
One of the “love interests” frustrated me just because I felt like there were SO MANY RED FLAGS, but ultimately we landed where I hoped we would!
I highly recommend this book to lovers of fantasy. It’s a great start to a new series and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thank you to Bloomsbury/Netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

A lovely, deeper dive into the Cursebreaker world. An amazing start to a new series - I cannot wait for the next book!

We're back in the Cursebreaker world and I could not be happier! Tycho, Jax, and Callyn take hold of Forging Silver into Stars from the beginning and bring this new series to life. I was thrilled to get Tycho's story and to see how the world is faring in the years since we left. Sadly things are not going well for Grey, which I rather expected. I loved the characters of the Cursebreaker series, so it was fun to see them again, though I wouldn't have minded spending more time with them. The new main trio of characters regard each other with no shortage of resentment and suspicion, and they often are persuaded by their own bitter past to see things that cause more strife. This move creates deep conflict and keeps the characters revolving around each other as the plot grows more sinister. I loved the setting away from the castle, and seeing Syhl Shallow from this perspective created a new world to love. There are a few surprises along the way, and a few romantic twists. Altogether, an enchanting tale that roped me in from the first page.
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

If you've read and enjoyed the Cursebreaker series from Bridgid Kemmerer you'll probably be excited to pick up back again with your favorite characters four years later like I was. I would not suggest attempting to read this series without reading all of Cursebreaker first. There's simply too much history/plot to catch up on.
Also, this book is long. Very long. It's also very slow for the first 70% or so you really have to love the backstory to plow through. It's written from three POVs; Tycho (whom we know as Gray's young friend/future soldier from Cursebreaker), and two newcomers, Jax (a crippled teenage blacksmith) and Callyn (Jax's teenage baker friend).
Spoiler Alert - turns out Tycho is bi-sexual and explores a physical relationship with a boy in this book. So, if you're like me and spent the first half of the book shipping him with Callyn - prepare to be disappointed.
Not a lot happens here besides Tycho going back and forth between the two kingdoms and a small town. The book centers around different people falling in like/love and a lot of behind-the-scenes plotting to overthrow the King & Queen of Syhl Hollow (Gray & Lia Mara). I would've liked one of the narrators to be on the Truthbringer side so we could at least get a window into their plotting/backstabbing.
It just felt so boring compared to the previous series. I felt like the Jax daddy drama went on FAR too long and I spent the whole book wondering "Why don't they just regrow his leg with magic already?" I still have hope!
I'm still undecided about whether I will continue with this series. I sort of wish I'd just left them all at the HEA of the last series and moved on.

Forging Silver into Stars by Brigid Kemmerer expands upon the universe that was started in Kemmerer’s earlier works as an expansion of the Cursebreaker series. As magic has been outlawed in Syhl Shallow there is a lot of doubt and anger towards the ruling king, a magesmith. In a small town outside of the capital best friends Jax and Callyn find themselves caught up in a plot against the king, passing notes for his enemies. With their meeting the King’s Courier, questions start to arise about who’s right about the dangers of magic. As a coup comes to a head both Jax and Callyn must decide which side they are on and who they believe.
I loved this book and found the characters and of Jax and Callyn interesting. Putting most of the action in a small town away from the capital made the suspense of what was happing at the top level that much more interesting. I want to go back and read the Curse Breaker series now based upon this book. I think it might help to understand the background.
Thank you to Bloomsbury for providing an e-Arc of Forging Silver into Stars by Brigid Kemmerer for my review.

This newest addition to the series adds depth to what seemed to be a unique view of reality. I have read all the books leading to this one and although you will enjoy this book on it's own merits, read the series. The emotions and thoughts of the characters are explained as you progress through the story. I find my feelings toward the characters change when we look at the situation through different character's eyes. That is masterful writing not just storytelling. It is a growing epic!