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Mistakes Were Made

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What in the Stacy’s Mom is going on?

One night Cassie goes out by herself at a bar where she meets this really hot women. Things escalated and the next thing you know theyre hooking up. The next morning Cassie is out at brunch with her best friend Parker and her mom. It just so happens that Parker’s mom is the same women Cassie hooked with the night before. And Cassie relieved she made a huge mistake.

I liked the book. I think the biggest flaw is the plot. The whole reason Cassie and Erin can’t be together is because of Parker (the daughter) and we spend the whole book building up all this suspense and raising the stakes only for the big reveal to underwhelming. The character , specifically Erin and Cassie were thought out and had clear motivations and good character arcs.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This story was absolutely fantastic. I enjoyed Meryl's last book, but this one is even better. Erin and Cassie are immediately likable, their relationship is really fun to watch unfold, and the setting and "challenge" that they are facing is really interesting. This will definitely be a re-read for me, and is a great, quick, fun, read for anyone who enjoys WLW stories.

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I enjoyed this book. The plot was easy to follow and the characters were well developed. I would recommend this book and author to others.

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Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner is easily one of the steamiest romance books I have read recently. Cassie hooks up with an older woman, Erin, at a bar, only to find out that Erin is actually her best friend’s mom. Instead of having a one-night fling, Erin and Cassie secretly start to sneak around.

What I liked: Cassie and Erin aren’t perfect characters, they both have obvious flaws, but I still liked both of them together. As mentioned, this is a pretty spicy sapphic romance book.

What could be better: The author has added some lines where a place is described as ‘plantation-like’, and also explicitly states that the interracial couple made the town better - it was so completely unnecessary and jarring. I hope these lines are removed from the book. As well, because it is a forbidden romance story with a lot of sneaking around, I felt like I was tense and on edge constantly.

I really liked Something to Talk About by Wilsner and I was really looking forward to Mistakes Were Made. It was an incredibly fast read, especially because it relied on spice over plot. I think the book would be greatly improved if it didn’t have the race lines that I mentioned previously. For that reason, I give the book four out of five stars.

*Please note that the ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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From the moment I read the description of the book, I was already hooked on the storyline. After I read the book, it definitely did not disappoint. All the angst leading up to the ending was just perfect, and loved watching how the character developments and growths progressed over the course of the book.

This is my first Wilsner book, and I'm already looking forward to reading all of her former and upcoming work. "Mistakes Were Made" is a must read!

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to escape family weekend at her college, cassie klein disappears across town and finds herself at a bar. at this bar, her eyes catch on a gorgeous woman and the next thing she knows they’re in the woman’s rental car hooking up.

the only problem? cassie goes to breakfast the next morning with her friend parker to meet her mom — and well, her mom is the sexy woman from the night before.

what should have only been a one-time hookup between the two turns into them sneaking around behind everyone’s backs, but that can only last so long before someone catches them or before they develop feelings for one another, right?

what a uber sexy sapphic book!! this book absolutely delivered on the spicy scenes and it didn’t feel like it was too much, it was really the perfect amount. from the get go, i absolutely felt the connection and the attraction between cassie and erin.

throughout the book, family is a huge theme. i really loved the contrast between erin struggling to remain close to her daughter after a divorce and with her also going to college, while cassie’s parents are absent from her life.

at first, i didn’t really know how to feel about the story continuing past the family weekend, i think i just assumed the plot was going to be over the span of a weekend, but i’m really glad the whole story was over multiple months — i think it added so much more to the connection and pull that cassie and erin felt towards each other.

i really didn’t connect with a majority of the side characters, the only exception being rachel. i loved that she was trying to encourage erin to do what she wanted.

i also felt like the whole best friend’s mom situation would have had more of an impact on me if cassie was as close to parker as she was with acacia. i felt like parker and cassie were friends because of a mutual friendship with acacia, while cassie and acacia were the best friends, but i really did start to enjoy their dynamic and friendship towards the end of the book.

overall, i really did enjoy the book! the plot had me reeled in from the very start and the moment i heard about this book i knew i needed to read it. i know that if i’m ever in a reading slump, i will be going back to this book because this book did not fail with delivering on the spicy scenes. if you’re looking for something fun, mostly lighthearted, and a sexy read, this book is going to be for you.

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I spent the last 48 hours going back and forth on whether or not I should walk away from this one… and I am shockingly… putting it down and walking away (!!!) and following my resolutions for the first time ever. Consider this my first DNF of the year and what a sad one it is.

What happens after the first third of Mistakes Were Made? I wouldn’t know! I couldn’t relate to the characters or their motivations. It all felt rushed so the love story and even the friendships felt flat to me. I’m all for unconventional characters, but these two just didn’t feel believable to me. It all felt a lot trope-y (and a little predatory on top of that, but that’s probably what I get for reading it right after My Dark Vanessa). It wasn’t my thing, but I’m sure someone else will love it.

Drowning my disappointment in Red, White and Royal Blue and Built to Last — neither of which I have any qualms about so far so more about those two soon.

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I enjoyed this book. I just couldn’t tell if the two main characters Had enough of a connection. I got that they were attracted to each other but I felt like we were missing the emotional connection. Still enjoyed it nonetheless.

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This book met all of my incredibly high expectations!

Cassie and Erin have a one-night stand in a bar expecting to never see each other again. They did not expect to see each other the next morning when Cassie's best friend drags her to meet her mother for breakfast. When their attraction for one another becomes impossible to ignore they must hide their relationship from those around them.

Wilsner did an amazing job with this book from the interesting characters to the natural relationship development between Cassie and Erin. While also building the anticipation towards the big reveal.

A fantastic read! Can't wait for the release!

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Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin Press for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!


Y'all this was so so good!! It was so wholesome and smutty at the same time, I loved the chemistry between Cassie (new book gf for sure) and Erin. I think the reason why I didn't feel too bad for Parker was because I didn't like her attitude towards her mom, I felt like she was really ungrateful and dismisive of her, but I'm glad they were able to work that out in the end. My only criticism would be that this could've definitely been shorter, I think there were lots of times where the characters were just doing mundane stuff and it didn't really need to be there. Other than that I totally recommend this, add it to your tbr!!

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A sapphic romance with an age gap trope. In a local bar, Cassie meets Erin only to find out they're separated by a big issue preventing them from getting closer. You can get a good romance in Mistakes Were Made along with some spice! Overall I did enjoy this book but the romance wasn't my personal favorite something about the characters wasn't my style.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this eArc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you St Martin Press and NetGalley for an arc, here is my honest review.

The more I think about this book the more my rating goes down..
Update 3/20/22

Ive added all the weird uncomfortable race lines.


This is one of my most anticipated releases and I wasn’t disappointed. I had so much fun reading this book. Wilsner knows how to right an age gap romance without making it uncomfortable. Though Erin and Cassie’s relationship is very taboo, I never felt weird about it, unlike other books who handle this trope.

Erin and Cassie are well-developed characters and the side characters were also given enough attention.

While Something To Talk About lacked in spice, this book delivered. There’s around 6-8 scenes and all of them are worth it. This is either a plus or a negative. I enjoyed all the spice but others might not.

The one big problem I have with this book is the lines regarding race. The lines are shoved in and felt more like the author was trying to prove that they are woke. I felt very uncomfortable reading those lines and I will be putting this in my Netgalley review and emailing the publisher and asking for these lines to be taken out.

Here are the lines

Chapter 2 Buildings branched off from it, most with white columns in the front that felt a little too plantation-like.

Chapter 6

Her mom had always been proud Erin was close with an interracial couple, in that obnoxious “I have Black friends” sort of way. Erin would’ve fled after high school if she were them, but Jimmy and Melissa were homebodies. And the town was better with them in it.

Chapter 14 “There’s nothing to be out with,” Erin said. “I’d just rather not you start rumors about me and Abbey at the nail salon.” “We are excellent secret keepers, thank you,” the woman working on Rachel’s nails said. “We don’t gossip.” “Not in English anyway,” Erin’s nail tech joked.

Another problem was the pacing; the beginning felt very fast and half way through the book; everything started to slow down. If the chapters weren’t as long, I wouldn’t have noticed.

I’m excited for Wilsner’s next book and can’t wait to get a physical copy of this book once it’s out.

Preorder this book now and read it once it’s out!!

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• Mistakes Were Made
• Author Meryl Wilsner
• MC Cassie Klein & Erin Bennett
• Age-Gap

Cassie Klein is 21 years old and in her last year of college.She goes off campus one night and meets a beautiful women, and has to have have her right then and there.

Erin Bennett is 38 year old divorced mom, who goes to visit her daughter at college. She goes out and ends up having a one night stand (or so she thought) with Cassie. Her daughter Parker shows up for breakfast the next morning with her friend Cassie. And this is where the story takes off, Cassie and Erin cannot deny the chemistry they have, and find themselves going behinds Parker’s back and seeing each other. I liked the journey with the two main characters, as they work through and try to figure out if it’s all really worth it.

The supporting characters, I felt were very well written. I really enjoyed Acacia and her friendship with Cassie and how she and her family were there for Cassie.

Erin and Cassie have incredible chemistry, and the scenes with them are hot from the beginning.

This is a great read. If you like age gap milf books this isn’t one you will want to miss.

I highly recommend this book!!! Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review! 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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**Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin Press for providing me with an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**

When I first heard about this book, I was so pumped and I ran to Netgalley as soon as possible to request an arc. I have not read Meryl Wilsner’s other books, but it is sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be opened now! I loved the premise of this book and I really loved the execution (for the most part). I don’t usually love age gap romances because they can easily slide into dysfunction and have been uneven power dynamics, but I thought this one was handled very well. Erin knew what she was getting into when she started a relationship with Cassie and never faulted Cassie for acting like a 22 year old and never blamed her for having the emotions of a 22 year old. She didn’t call her immature or gaslight Cassie into thinking she shouldn’t have the emotions of someone’s whose brain is not fully developed. I did think that Cassie and Parker’s friendship was kind of weird at times, like Erin and Cassie would almost gang up on Parker, but Cassie and Parker are supposed to be best friends?? I had to suspend my disbelief for this book and once I did that, I was just along for the ride and ended up really really enjoying it.

The spice?? Omg I was reading this on a train to visit my friend and I was like looking over my shoulder to make sure no one could see what I was reading. Erin and Cassie had so much passion and chemistry and I thought their relationship ended up being very wholesome. Watching them be complete idiots and take the entire book to realize they had feelings for each other was hilarious.

I did have an issue with a couple of the lines in the book regarding race and body image. There’s a point where something is called “plantation like” and I think we should really just remove the word “plantation” from our modern vocabulary. And there is another line where Erin is talking about being friends with an interracial couple and I thought that whole paragraph was very weirdly worded and could really just be taken out. As far as the body image stuff goes, both women were obsessed with their shape being a specific way and that can definitely be read as fatphobia. I believe it was minor enough that it didn’t really bother me, but I can definitely see it potentially being harmful to other readers.

Overall, Mistakes Were Made was a steamy, fun, and sweet ride and I can’t wait to get my copy in October when it comes out!!

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Pretty much exactly what I expected. Very sexy. I loved it and look forward to everything else Meryl Wilsner writes in the future.

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The MILF book lived up to it’s hype. Cassie and Erin were SO HOT and horny for each other. Their banter was just so delicious and uggg *bites fist* SO GOOD. These women and their propensity to bang in any and all situations made me fall in love with them from the very start. “I banged my best friend’s mom” might be the best premise ever. I really did love seeing how Cassie’s relationship with Erin grew, and how they navigated Cassie’s friendship with Parker. This story has strong friendships, and really embraces sexuality in a wonderful way. As someone who is queer, this book felt so safe and happy.

I’m pretty picky about epilogues and this one was spectacular. It was the perfect end to this book.

For all the wonderfulness of this book, there were two moments that gave me a super hard pause while reading. The first being mention of “antebellum” architecture and “plantation-like” buildings. I do recognize that antebellum is a style of architecture and Erin’s comment about them feeling “too plantation-like” read like a negative comment, however, I feel like the lines still felt unnecessary to the story. And the second being mention to a interracial couple that Erin is friends with. She mentions that her mother “had always been proud Erin was close with an interracial couple, in that obnoxious ‘I have Black friends’ sort of way.” Then goes on to say that they make the town better, but there’s no elaboration on that sentiment. Why do they make the town better? In context, it reads almost as if they make the town better just because they are an interracial couple. I know that was not the intention at all - for both moments.I hope that both of these lines are fixed - either removed or further elaborated on - prior to final copies - there’s definitely enough time since this book doesn’t come out until October. Honestly, i just feel like they’re very racially loaded moments that aren’t necessary..

Other than those moments, which didn’t add or take away anything from the story, I LOVED this book. It was one of my most anticipated reads of 2022 and I’m so thrilled that I was able to read this e-galley. Meryl knows how to weave a story and their writing is captivating. It’s easy to read and immerses you in the book.

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I could not wait to read this one and it did not disappoint! Much like Meryl Wilsner’s debut, Something to Talk About, I zipped right through this one.

Looking to avoid Family Weekend, Cassie and Erin both find themselves in a bar across town. After what seems like a simple, although steamy, one night stand turns out to be anything but when Cassie is dragged to breakfast the next morning with her friend Parker and Parker’s Mom. Both Cassie and Erin know that this shouldn’t be anything more than a one night stand and Parker should never find out, but they just can’t stop themselves.

I loved the alternating POVs which allowed us to get into the head of both Cassie and Erin. Overall, this was more believable than I expected it to be given the premise. However, Parker has such a confrontational personality that I had trouble completely buying her reaction.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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From the lilies to the flippers, this book did not disappoint.  It gave me sweet. It gave me spice. It gave me sexy. It gave me happiness. It made me grin. It made me feels.   Wilsner knows how to write an age gap romance without making it uncomfortable. The storyline and the pacing were spot on and I could not put this book down. I really enjoyed the side characters and the relationships that blossomed as the story progressed. It was one of those books that I wish I could reread again for the first time. I can't wait to read more from Wilsner as they have become one of my autobuy authors.

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This book was so, so good!!!! Mistakes Were Made is a sapphic age gap romance about a couple that has a one night stand that becomes so much more complicated the next day. It was more than just a romance though. It also was about found family and the true meaning of friendship and love. Just a heads up, this book is SPICY! I thought the very open door sex scenes were well done though.

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wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
I love this book! I don’t even know what to say, it just made me so happy.
It was very sexy. Glad to see Wilsner didn’t shy away from giving the people what they want. Cassie and Erin are just so attractive. I love them equally which is so rare for me with romance.
I loved seeing their relationship grow while they were both oblivious to their feelings (bc they didn’t allow themselves to acknowledge what they felt bc of Parker). I love reading about couples doing domestic things. It really gave you an insight into how their relationship would be outside of this book.
This book has become a favorite of mine.

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