Member Reviews

A fun sweet read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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CROSS MY HEART is the fourteenth book in Cynthia Eden’s Wilde Ways romantic suspense series. Penelope Kostas first met Elijah Cross when she was left at the mercy of a serial arsonist and murderer. Elijah was the FBI agent who rescued her from Flame. That kind of traumatic event naturally formed a bond between them, but their mutual attraction was separate from that. In a misguided effort to protect Elijah, Penelope leaves him. That’s the complicated history this couple shares when they meet up again, and Penelope seems to be hunted again. Is it Flame again after all this time, or some other madman? And can Penelope and Elijah make a relationship this time around?

The biggest obstacle to this couple finding happiness and staying together, is Elijah’s sense of guilt and responsibility. Elijah feels overwhelmingly guilty for Flame’s escape the last time they met, and for Penelope’s current stalking situation. When they first got together, she walked away in an effort to save Elijah’s job. She’s since seen the error of her ways, and now believes they are stronger together. Elijah isn’t there yet. He also worries he’s not good enough for her. Like so many Cynthia Eden books, the psychological scars the main characters have are sometimes just as powerful as the unknown shadowy villains. In some ways, Elijah sees himself as a bad guy. Obviously, his thinking is a little skewed. Penelope and his fellow Wilde agents play a role in adjusting his thinking. The danger comes from all directions. The characters feel a bit off balance because it’s debatable whether the shadowy stalker and killer is Flame, or whether it’s a copycat. Very reminiscent of one of my favorite horror films, SCREAM. The chemistry between Elijah and Penelope is believable.

CROSS MY HEART is a love story forged in fire that triumphs over evil. As always, Cynthia Eden does a good job of balancing the scares with the steamy moments. I like the contrast between Elijah’s former partner and his current Wilde partner Gideon. In each book in this series, Wilde agents always look out for each other no matter what. I look forward to Cynthia Eden’s next book.

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Man everyone loves a good action packed romance and this one is it. Can’t say enough about this author’s ability to keep you interested in her books. When it’s a Wilde book it’s wild! So come read how 1 ex FBI now a Wilde agent and 1 terrified victi

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I love Cynthia Eden and LOVED Elijah and Penelope. This had me on the edge of my seat and might be my favorite of the series.

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FBI Special Agent, Elijah Cross, rescued PeneIope Kostas from a serial killer and then broke the rules by getting involved with her. When she walked away from him without any explanation, he decided to put his past behind him and left the Bureau. Now he works for Wilde Security and Penelope shows up wanting his help because she claims the serial killer is after her again. Elijah is still angry about her leaving and doesn't want to get involved but he can't just let her get hurt either. Now both of their lives are in danger as a deranged killer targets them. Great romantic suspense!

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I received an advanced reader copy of this book to leave an honest review. I have read many of Cynthia Eden's books and they are all very enjoyable. She has an excellent writing style, a good plot story lines. This is another romantic suspense book which I truly enjoy.

This book follows Elijah and Penelope. Elijah is a former FBI agent who saved Penelope from a serial killer. A couple of months after saving her, the two got involved but eventually Penelope ran to save Elijah's career and run from the serial killer who was never caught. Fast forward a year later and Penelope still feels she is being watched so contacts Elijah to help her. Of course he won't say no since she holds his heart but he isn't so sure it is the same killer anymore.

I will say her main characters always seem to get really obsessed with each other. While I don't mind it, it isn't my favorite component of the books. I do enjoy her writing style and plot lines though.

Definitely some good twists and turns. It's a quick read and easy to follow the plot. I would definitely recommend.

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I volunteered to read and review an advanced readers copy of Cross My Heart through Netgalley . I really enjoyed reading this story . Elijah Cross rescued Penelope Kostas from a killer when he was an FBI Agent . They had a forbidden relationship till she left . He left the bureau . He now works for Wilde Security . Penelope believes the killer is stalking her but no one believes her . The killer is leaving no evidence . Penelope asks Elijah for his help . Elijah cannot refuse Penelope anything . Soon the killer is no longer hiding . As the danger mounts so does their feelings and chemistry . They must catch the killer before it's to late . This story is Suspenseful, hot and sexy and definitely keeps your attention . I highly recommend taking the time to read .

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4.25 stars-CROSS MY HEART is the fourteenth instalment in Cynthia Eden’s contemporary, adult WILDE WAYS romantic suspense series focusing on the men and women who work and operate Wilde Ways security. This is former FBI agent Elijah Cross, and event planner Penelope Kostas. CROSS MY HEART can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from several third person perspectives including Elijah and Penelope CROSS MY HEART follows approximately one year after FBI agent Elijah Cross rescued event planner Penelope Kostas from an unknown serial killer. A forbidden affair, a broken heart, resulted in Penelope walking away, and Elijah handing in his gun and his badge. Fast forward to present day wherein Elijah Cross, now working for Wilde Ways Security on assignment in Florida, finds himself face to face with the woman he loves, a woman who believes the killer has returned to finish the job. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Elijah and Penelope, and the potential fall-out as a killer sets their sights on our story line couple.

Penelope Kostas is the only known survivor of a serial killer but no one believes Penelope when she claims the killer has returned to finish the job. Hiring Elijah Cross as her personal security forces Elijah to take back control of an investigation that was never far from his mind. Having never stopped loving our story line heroine, Elijah battles between head and heart believing he is just as bad as the monsters he is hired to take down.

The relationship between Elijah and Penelope begins when Elijah rescues Penelope from a serial killer. A short lived, forbidden affair finds Penelope walking away to save Elijah’s job but Elijah refuses to buckle under the pressure of the people in charge. The $ex scenes are passionate and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters play an integral role in the build up of the story line premise. We are introduced to Elijah’s former FBI partner Izaak Jones, Detective Melissa Wright, ask well as Wilde Ways agent Gideon Rainer and his partner, attorney Aspen Gray (Pretend You Want Me 13).

CROSS MY HEART is a story of betrayal and vengeance, jealousy, obsession and rivalry, love and acceptance. The premise is intriguing, engaging and suspenseful; the romance is seductive; the characters are strong, charismatic and edgy.





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FBI Agent Elijah Cross saved Penelope Kostas from a serial killer, but the killer escaped. He knows the killer will not give up and becomes too close to her, risking “the edge” that makes him so successful at hunting killers. He thinks like them and knows what they will do next. When an action she takes causes trouble for him, he walks away from his career and takes a job with Wilde Security. As he continues searching for the “Flame”, someone is watching her and she hires Elijah for protection. The intimacy between them is hot as they try to find the killer before he strikes again. Elijah is now the target and someone else has become part of the game, but who and why? Surviving an attempt on his life brings the local police into the case and reveals his interest in a cold case group called the Ice Breakers. Will Elijah be able to keep Penelope safe and find the person who wants him dead? A thrilling ride from beginning to end with the amazing characters that you expect from this author! I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)

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You can’t help but admire and applaud a person especially a woman who refuses to be a victim. That is the premise of Cross My Heart (Wilde Ways #14) by Cynthia Eden. Boy, is this one explosive story as Penelope Kostas decides to go after the serial killer who had targeted her earlier. Elijah Cross, former FBI agent now working for Wilde Security Agency is the one person she can trust to help her.

I loved how the victim becomes the hunter in this story without losing her humanity or becoming like the one she is hunting. Elijah will do anything to protect Penelope but she is no shirking violet. Together they are a great team and a hot couple to boot. A twist or two in the story makes this even more of a page-turner than it usually is which is saying a lot.

4.5 Stars
An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Holy cow!

I did not see that twist coming! Elijah and Penelope have a great story that’s full of the usual Wilde charm. I couldn’t put it down.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Wow - that is all I can say after reading this book. There were some major twists and turns in the story and just when you think you might guess what is going on, you are thrown for another loop!

The history behind Elijah and Penelope is so sad with her kidnapping. Elijah was able to save her and you would think things would calm down and they could find love but that is not what happened.

Events are revealed about why they are not together and parts are heartbreaking and others had me shaking my head!

I don't want to give away any secrets or hints so will just say that it was hard to put this book down and I wanted to keep reading to find out how they were going to get through this and find their HEA!

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This is a part of the Wilde Ways series but actually works very well as a stand-alone which I know many prefer. Elijah is an ex FBI agent with quite a lot of baggage but when we meet him he’s just chilling out or is he ? Penelope was the last person he saved whilst working for the Bureau and truth be told she’s the one woman that could bring him to his knees but Elijah has no intention of being a fool again. Yet Penelope is still a target, still a pawn in someone’s sick games and Elijah is the only one who completely understands the dangers she’s facing and this protective man is not leaving her no matter what it costs but what if this time it’s Elijahs life on the line ?
This was fun and twisty with actually quite an explosive plot in more ways than one ! This couple are so hot for each other but neither has been completely honest so yes misunderstandings certainly play a big part in their romance. I found this very quick and easy to read and the storyline was full of surprises and action.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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Once again Cynthia has given me a book that had me up all night as I kept on saying one more chapter and at 3am i turned the last page She is one writer that always gives me characters to love even if I don't always understand their reasoning Yes Penelope I am talking about you

This is the story of Penelope Kostas and Elijah Cross he is the member of Wilde security though he is former FBI and it was while working a serial killer case that he met Penelope she was his last victim. Elijah has the ability to get inside the heads of mad men and knows how they think this is why he is so great at his job but he really has no idea about women He is surprised when he reconnects with Penelope as circumstances had driven them apart Now she needs his help to track the man that almost killed her Will they track him down and can they finally have the future together they both wanted You will have to read to see

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What an explosive, intense read! I don't know how Ms. Eden does it, but with every new book she releases in this series, I find myself saying "this is my favorite" -- that is, until she releases another one. These Wilde employees are something else -- swoony, alpha, sweet and sexy -- I loved Elijah. And Penelope is my kind of heroine--she's been through hell and back and yet she's tough and strong and so brave, but her ability to defer to Elijah and let him protect her is what makes her his perfect partner and soulmate. Ms. Eden has a way of involving the secondary characters into the plot and making you wonder, "Will this character get his/her own book?" Let's hope! These books are a thrill ride that pack a punch and I can't wait for the next one! I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC for NetGalley.

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Cross My Heart (Wilde Ways Book 14) by Cynthia Eden
Thank you Cynthia Eden - I love this series and I loved this book. Five stars is not enough for keeping me up all night reading this book. Elijah Cross (Former FBI agent) and Penelope Kostas (the last victim he saved). They are both strong H and h with their own baggage that they have to work through. The serial killer who targeted Penelope was never arrested and she feels he is still hunting her. There is so much suspense (kept me on edge the whole time), evil twisted minds, as well as friendships, some laughs, tears and plenty of steam to get us to a very HEA, I can't wait for her next book,
Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Happily Ever After Easy-to-read Entertaining Haunting Page-turner Action-packed Steamy Scary Tear-jerker Unpredictable Romantic Witty Wonderful characters Twisted

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The Hunter Becomes The Hunted!!

Elijah Cross was a FBI Agent. The Best!! At the top of his game. He saved her then fell in love with her.

“But there’s one major difference between us.” Elijah waited. “I don’t look at her like I need her more than air.”

Penelope Kostas was the victim of a madman. Only one person makes her feel safe and believes her when everyone else thinks she’s crazy.

“You’re the woman who owns my heart.”

This story was much darker than any of the previous Wilde books in my opinion. Super intense!! I have to say I did guess who the killer was but that did not in the least take away from how much I loved this story.

Cynthia Eden continues to amaze me with her growth as a unstoppable author. Every new book is a incredible adventure and I can’t get enough.

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Every new book in this series becomes my favorite. Always fresh, always full of suspense and great characters with sizzling chemistry. Elijah and Penelope have a second chance. If they can just survive long enough. This one is full of twists you won't see coming. Action packed and intense, it hooks you from the beginning and doesn't let go through the stunning ending. A must read!

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Former FBI agent Elijah, was the best, he knew just how to get inside their heads. Elijah and his partner find the last victim of the Flame. Penelope was rescued by Elijah after being kidnapped by the Flame. But he was never caught.
A year later, Penelope finds Elijah and tells him that Flame is back but the cops won't believe her. She know he works for a security firm and she wants to hire him. When they get together they are as hot as the explosions Flame starts.

Sexy FBI agents. Action. Suspense. Both believe the other is better off without each other. I love this series and can't wait for the next one.

* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for Netgalley *

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Elijah is a FBI profiler. He really was good at what he did so much so that he thought like them. Is after rescuing Penelope that he fell in love with her. In his world love made you stupid not strong. After months Penelope asked Elijah for help as a security agent. Love's still there, it's all messed up though. Cross My Heart, is an awesome book that had me guessing throughout.

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