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The Killer's Family

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Three sisters bury their much loved father months after their mother's quick death from cancer. They are totally lost - leaning on each other, their close relationships helping them get through the burial. That night they all end up in their father's shed, discovering his long kept brutal secret.
Years earlier, the Gemini Killer hunted every year with a year or two with no activity - stealing unsuspecting women off the street, brutally murdered. Just as suddenly it started, it ended, with no suspect in sight. Until they stare at his trophies.
One sister wants to call the police; two sisters decide to burn it.
But the black mark causes them to drift apart, their lives faltering.
And then the killings begin. Again. And they know the victim.
This plot simply begs the question - how well do we know our family? Our parents? What secrets will be discover? Loved these sisters, their broken lives and determination to believe in their dad. Great read.

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Three sisters discover a family secret after their father dies. Henry Martin, their father was an upstanding citizen loved by all. One of the sisters finds hidden picture along with “trophy’s” of women who were killed over the years. Is it possible their dad could have been a serial killer?
They are each handling the news differently. As they are processing the information another woman is found murdered and her ring stolen! This is the similar to the serial killers MO. If this women was killed, the serial killer cannot be their father, or can he? Is there a copycat? If so how do they know all the details?
This novel is one wild ride. Could one of the sisters killed their father because they discovered his secret? What will they do with the information? Will they tell the police about the “Evidence” found in his home? This is a first by this author for me, but I will definitely read more. This book was out March 31, 2022. Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture, and Miranda Smith for this advanced copy.

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I enjoyed the author's previous novels, and this one was no different. It was a good, steady-paced story that kept my interest throughout. The twist at the end was surprising, but the ending alone felt a bit rushed. Apart from that, I found the story could benefit from some more showing instead of telling, but overall, it was an enjoyable read.

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The killer’s family by Miranda Smith.
Before, my sisters and I were close. Now, a year after our father’s funeral, we barely speak to each other. Molly won’t accept the truth. Rachel can’t forgive him. And I spend all my time digging through his life, trying to understand.Then we hear the news. A woman has been found by the docks, her wedding ring stolen. The reporter says it appears the local serial killer has returned…
But I know that can’t be right, because I know who the killer was.Henry Martin. Our father.Someone is sending us a message. Someone knows we lied.Now my sisters and I must work together to find out who is targeting us. How do they know what we’ve hidden? What do they want? And what other secrets lie buried in the past, putting us all in danger?
Omg. This was dark and twisted. Read in 2 days. 5*.

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A brilliant twisty suspense thriller that will end with a surprise twist. It starts with sisters after their fathers funeral. Sisters find out that their father wS a serial killer. They spend all their time digging through their fathers past, trying to figure out answers. Then, aocal woman is found dead. Someone starts sending messages to the sisters. They are being targeted by someone knows their secrets and lying. What secrets do the sisters have to put them in danger?

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4.5 stars.

The story plot is interesting, the book is quite intense and engaging and I could not put it down. It kept me guessing and I am definitely curious to read more by this author.

The only shortcoming was the actual ending with the bad guy. I think it could have been written better. Also, an unexpected twist left the book a bit open ended but this one I did not mind. I am more than happy to read the sequel if one ever materializes.

Thanks Netgalley for the free copy in exchange of an honest review.

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Three sisters grieve the death of their father after it appears he has accidentally overdosed on pain medicine. While going through his belongings, a secret compartment is found in his shed that contains photos, mementos, and worst of all, a confession...their father was the famed serial killer Gemini.

As they struggle how to process and potentially reveal this information, the killings begin again, and the victims are hitting too close to home for the girls. How can this be happening when they know the identity of the killer? Were they wrong about their father after all?

I enjoyed this book because it moved along at a fair pace, although the alternating POVs for the sisters seemed unnecessary at times because their reactions and grief were so similar. I struggled a bit in the beginning keeping them separate. The red herrings were clever and the ending was purposely ambiguous. An enjoyable read!

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Review for 'The Killer's Family' by Miranda Smith.

Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Miranda Smith, Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous

Publication date 31st March 2022.

This is the fourth book I have read by this author. I have previously read 'The One Before', 'His Loving Wife' and 'Not My Mother' which I highly recommend.

I was originally drawn to this book by its beautiful eye catching cover and its intriguing synopsis and title. The synopsis stated that this book is 'Fans of Lisa Jewell, Gillian Flynn and Ruth Ware will love The Killer’s Family.' I am a huge fan of Lisa Jewell so am looking forward to seeing if this lives up to this statement. I am also a huge fan of Miranda and if this is half as good as 'Not My Mother', 'His Loving Wife' and 'The One Before ' it is sure to be a page turning read. I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Bookouture. I have yet to read a book published by Bookouture that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).

This novel consists 75 chapters spread over 4 parts. The chapters are short to medium in length so possible to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

This book is written in third person perspective with the main protagonists are Molly, Cara and Rachel. The benefits of third person perspective with multiple protagonists are that it let's you see the bigger picture of what's going on and you get to know more characters more, what they are thinking and what they are doing. It feels like you get to see the whole picture and not miss out in anything.

WHAT did I just read!!!! WOW!!! I mean seriously Wow!! I was NOT expecting that lot fairplay!!! This has GOT to start with a MASSIVE WELL DONE MIRANDA SMITH!!!! Ooopps sorry, yes, needed a minute to get over that but I've just left you hanging there... Sorry.... Let me tell you more...

Firstly let's start off with the writing style, etc!! Extremely well written book which had me hook line and sinker!!! It is so smoothly and beautifully written with vivid descriptions I completely forgot I was even reading a book a few times. The blurb, title and cover really fit the storyline.

As you can tell I LOVED the storyline. I found it to be realistic, very fast paced and I read it in a day. I loved the setting and atmosphere and just well... Everything!!! Twists after shocks after turns!!! Arggghhh... Its so hard to NOT say anything about them as it will give too much away and spoilt it for future readers but it definitely left me speechless over and over!!! I have read hundreds of psychological books and I really do think this one is definitely in the top 3 when it comes to dropping bombshells. I am, in fact still shell shocked!! Just brilliant fairplay and all links in and wraps up perfectly!!! However, one thing wasn't wrapped up which was right at the end and an explosive ending it was!!! For once I actually love the fact that you don't get to find out who did what I'm talking about as it leaves you guessing long after you finish the book. I can't say more than that as I don't want to spoil it for future readers so if you want to know you'll have to grab yourself a copy!! You won't regret it!!

THE plot throughout is rammed with suspense, mystery, lies, surprises, tension and did I say surprises!!! Well done Miranda ythis is exactly the reason you are on my favourite author list!! I am looking forward to reading more of your books and when oh when is this going to be turned into the movie of the year!!! Gone Girl and many others have NOTHING on this one!!!

I loved getting to know every single one of the characters and thought they were portrayed perfectly with great character development. They were all realistic with their own little quirks and I liked each (well almost each) one for different reasons. I was completely invested in them and thought they were all unique with their own quirks. I was completely shocked when it came to the reveal but I can't say anything else without spoiling it for others!!!

Congratulations Miranda on yet another explosive success!!! This is why you are one of my favourite psychological thriller authors. Here's to many more successes 🥂!!!

Clear your schedules before picking this up as you will not be able to put it down!!! "

Overall an absolutely page turning, explosive must read that will leave you shocked!!!

Genres covered in this novel include Thriller, Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Psychological Fiction, Domestic Thriller and Mystery amongst others.

I would recommend this book to the fans of the above as well as fans of The Girl on the Train, Behind Closed Doors, fans of Miranda Smith's previous books, Sheryl Browne, Shalini Boland, Lisa Jewell, Ruth Ware, Gillian Flynn and anyone looking for an explosive page turner!!!

341 pages.

This book is just £1.99 to purchase on kindle via Amazon or free on kindle unlimited (at time of review) which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5/5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

#TheKillersFamily #Bookouture #MirandaSmith #NetGalley #BookReview #BlogTour #BooksOnTour
@MirandaSmith @Bookouture @Bookworm1986 @bookworm86

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Triggers: Serial Killer ( no graphic violence but some details mentioned)

The Killer's Family is a fast paced suspenseful thriller that revolves around Cara, Rachel and Molly. The three women who are sisters are not only dealing with the death of their parents but also a shocking and devastating secret of their father.
Every chapter is told in a sister's perspective and her life happenings. Though this is a good way of letting the readers know the proceedings of the story, it kind of becomes monotonous. Without revealing too much the ending was not my favorite nor did I like the sisters decision.
In my opinion the story had lot of potential but fell flat for me. I could not connect to any of the women or any of the characters. I am going to be neutral on this novel.
Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for this book.

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What would you do if on the day of your beloved father's funeral, you find evidence to suggest he was the serial killer known as Gemini? A serial killer who was responsible for the horrendous and vicious deaths of numerous young women spanning a significant period of time.

What would you do?

In The Killer's Family we follow the story of the 3 sisters who discovered the devastating evidence and the impact this has on their lives and their relationships with each other and then everything is turned on its head when Gemini strikes again ... and again ...

Who really is Gemini?

This is a dark story with a number of twists that I found riveting and would recommend to lovers of this genre.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

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This book was a hot mess from middle to end. Before I get too deep, thank you NetGalley for providing me the opportunity to read this story.

This story follows the family of 3 sisters after the passing of their parents within a 6 month span. After their father’s death, they discover he was a serial killer for most of their childhood. The sisters are torn on if they should expose this major family secret or keep it in the family. They decided to keep it in the family until a new killer turns up very similar to their father. After that…….their lives are turned upside down. Each sister’s families were torn apart due to them keeping this major secret and not being able to share the information with their loved ones. A new secret pops up and that’s what brings the sisters back together especially when the new secret had them fighting for their lives.

Up until the middle, I was convinced of 2 things; 1. The dad’s friend was in connection with the new murders and/or he helped Henry do the killings back in the day. 2. The new secret was really Cara’s secret lover. I think I skied myself out because I thought they shared a kiss or something intimate. I wish at the end, the author revealed who did away with that new secret. I have a feeling I know who it was just based off different details that occurred in the book but it would’ve been nice to have confirmation lol.

I’m intrigued to see what the other stories have to offer from this author. There were many a twist and turn in this story. Just when you think you know what’s going on….you really don’t.

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I always love when I start a book with a new to me author and fly through it.  And when I was offered a chance to be a part of the tour I jumped when I saw that cover.  I love that the story was fast paced with a twist you won’t see coming.

I wondered if the father was the killer, then how can there be more deaths.  I’ve read a few books where parents are a killer and the story is about the children, but the new murders after the father’s death was a new one to me.  Was it one of the daughters?  Someone from their past? Someone seeking revenge?  I am one to usually put the pieces together, but this one had me a little puzzled and that ending!  Gah.  

The book was a little repetitive, but all in all a mystery that keeps you guessing and up all night until you figure it out.  I can't wait to read her next book.  If you like suspenseful family drama, I'd definitely pick this one up.

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The killers family


A killer’s family has an enticing premise. 3 daughters find out that their father was the notorious serial killer “Gemini”, but when they disagree on what to do with this new information after his funeral, things go from bad to worse. It divides them and to make matters worse-“Gemini” is back and their father is dead. So who knew that they knew what he was and are they going to be next?

The 3 daughters were well written with very distinct personalities. All contributing different viewpoints to the plot that helped move the book along. I was worried early on I had really figured this book out (I purposely never try to solve them; I LOVE surprises) but, man, I was wrong! This absolutely kept me turning the pages but it wasn’t a top favorite-as having 3 sisters kept you seeing all sides of the dilemma, it tended to drag the story out a bit. Overall a good read though!!

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What a story! Loved it.
When sisters Cara, Rachel and Molly discover a secret about their father on the night of his funeral, it shocks them. It wasn't something that was remotely possible. As they each try to come to terms with it, there are women being killed who are in some way connected to them. The list of suspects isn't too big and it's a race to stop the killer.
Gripping and a page turner for sure. Didn't expect the twist! Wow

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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I really wanted to like this book…I requested it specifically because the plot sounded so intriguing. Unfortunately, I ended up forcing myself to carry through to the end. It seemed as through the author kept trying to push the suspicion to Elias TOO hard. It was too obvious to even entertain the possibility. Below is the link to my review.

*I do have a couple added thoughts as I’ve thought more about it. I would’ve liked some kind of answers as to how much Elias knew about Henry’s fetish for murdering women. I kept wondering that the whole time and it didn’t really come together in that aspect for me. One unsolved mystery I did appreciate, however, was not knowing which sister took out James in the end. I decided it was Molly, but the knowing each of them had a motive, had me less than sure if I was right. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book!

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This book was a thriller treat, kept me on edge and guessing throughout, at times throwing me off with twisty turns. Although I was very close to guessing the killer, the plot was so cleverly waeved, I was taken by surprises.

The book opens with Henry Martin's funeral, a high school history teacher, well loved by the community. The same night, his daughters, Cara, Rachel and Molly discover a disturbing secret about their father that leaves them broken and questioning everything about their lives.

The characters were well developed, the plot was tight knit and the story flowed pretty smoothly. This was certainly a nail biting thriller and one that I happily binge read. The good thing about the plot was that there weren't any loopholes and was quite crisp. However, there were a few repetitive descriptions that could have been avoided!

What I liked was how it didn't have just one protagonist but three of them and more than one antagonist. I don't want to give any spoilers but when a thriller leaves you with a cliffhanger, you are bound to contemplate!

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Following their father’s death, the Martin sisters find evidence that he may have been the Gemini serial killer. They decide to bury the evidence, but their actions come back to haunt them when the murders start up again. This was an entertaining read with a couple of good twists. Thanks to NetGalley and @Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 ⭐ rounded up

Gripping, suspenseful, intense and twisty ~ just how I expect my thrillers to be.

Whoop whoop 🙌 I am so excited when there's a twist I didn't see coming!!

The Killer’s Family is told by sisters ~ Cara, Rachel and Molly and in 4 parts.
Margaret Grace Martin died of cancer and 6 months later, Henry Martin was gone as well. The 3 sisters were as close as sisters can be, up until they discovered Henry is the notorious serial killer, Gemini. One sister wants to go to the police with the evidence and the other two burn it so she can't. Thus begins a yearlong rift between them as they all grieve and process this information in their own way.

Cara is the oldest daughter and married to Tate ~ a detective. She's an author of true crime novels, so she is no stranger to seeing crime scenes photos and whatnot, and researching serial killers. She becomes obsessed with uncovering anything she can on Gemini. Can she find proof it really was her father?

Rachel is the middle child and believes Henry is Gemini. When her sisters take away her chance of bringing the evidence to the police she goes on a downward spiral ~ dropping out of the Master's program and turning to drugs and alcohol.

Molly is the baby and always treated like one. She was the closest to her father and just CANNOT believe it's true. Someone must be setting him up, but who?

Now it's a year later ~ how could there possibly be more women being killed in the same way when the killer is already dead? Is there a copycat or was their father set up? The girls think they are being targeted when each death is connected to them. They are suspecting everyone and wondering if they made the right choice a year ago to burn the evidence.

When we get to part 3 I was really on the edge of my seat. As the pages turned the story got more intense.

Okay, so I did figure something out about someone that was made out to be something other than it was, but I didn't see what resulted from that. Didja catch that?🤣
Nice final twist ~ I have a feeling it was (view spoiler), do you agree?

I really liked that we had the 3 perspectives ~ although it did result in a bit of repetitiveness I think it was essential to make the story flow as well as it did.
First and definitely not my last time with this author.

Side note ~ I love Molly's dog's name ~ very clever, if it's what I think it's supposed to reference 🪄⚡
I don't know about the cover either ~ why is there only one woman? hmmm....

*Thanks to Netgalley, Bookouture and Miranda Smith for the ARC. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*

This and more reviews here ➡ Heather Adores Books

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Three sisters, Molly, Cara and Rachel, have just buried their father. Just six months previously, they also buried their mother. Each grieving in their own way, they soon find that the bonds of sisterhood will be tested in ways none of them could ever have expected.

They make a discovery in their father's man cave. A devastating and horrifying discovery. Their discovery could lead to fracturing their relationshiops and lives in unimaginable ways. So, the sisters make a pact. The pact is to hide all evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that their father was a serial killer. There is a cold case named The Gemini Killer, and 17 innocent women lost their lives.

Keeping this secret sets in motion catastrophic results. Each sister is on their own path, even to the poing of self-destruction. Enter into their lives new friends and situations, and also the fact that Cara is desperately trying to hold onto their secret does not make things easy for any of them. Considering that Cara's husband is a police officer only complicates things.

In this fast-paced novel, as things evolve for the sisters, there are some surprising twists and turns. Cara, Brooke and Rachel each have their points of view in this exciting story, making this an incredibly captivating read. And this book ends with a jaw-dropping shocker!

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I have seen a few harsh reviews for this one, but I actually loved it. It is super fast paced and kept me guessing the entire time!

I don’t feel like every book has to be a literary masterpiece to be enjoyable. Sometimes, they are just entertaining!

This story is about 3 sisters who only recently lost their mother, and now, their father has accidentally overdosed.

As they are cleaning out their parents’ home, they discover evidence pointing to their father being the notorious Gemini serial killer.

They are all shocked, shaken and devastated. Then, they begin to argue because they have different opinions on how to handle things.

Then… a woman is found murdered. The media is attributing the muder to Gemini. The sisters know that can’t be possible…. their father was Gemini and he is dead 👀

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