Member Reviews

Sorry I was a bit long to give a review but that’s because I wasn’t a big fan of the book :(. Couldn’t finished it and ended up in a reading slump. I’m sorry 😭

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This is a book that I think is a great depiction of exactly what it says on the jacket. I was super drawn to June’s feelings of not enough, the perfectionism of trying maybe too hard and missing out on the quintessential high school experiences. In this book though, I can’t say that I enjoyed reading said experiences. It was messy as hell. But so is life, especially at that age. I think I’d have been glad to have this book to read when I was at that high school to adulthood turning point.

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As my son would say "that's an Asian mom moment right there!"

(He says it whenever I question him about his grades and he's gotten that stereotype of Asian parents from media and other things . . . which this book is no exception to that depiction).

June's mom was your stereotypical Asian parent with wanting her to be perfect and just like her sister.

I cannot speak for the representation. Like, yes there's Asian characters, obviously. But I don't know if it's considered accurate or anything like that. There's some sex positivity also, but I also feel like it wasn't really "done right." There were some moments where June just did it because and not necessarily because she wanted to . . . but also not because she was forced or anything like that.

I will say that there was a lot of accurate depiction of teenage relationships and friendships. There were no cookie cutter relationships where everything fit perfectly in a little mold and came out clean. It was messy and imperfect and that's the side of teenage relationships that nobody sees.

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BOYS I KNOW does exactly what it sets out to do in a heartbreakingly beautiful way. I couldn't help but feel for the experiences of the main character, something I attribute to the raw realness of Gracia's writing style.

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I forgot to leave a review for this, but I really enjoyed it! It's been out for ages, so I won't say much more than I need to for my star rating. <3

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This book was okay, but nothing super exciting. The story revolves around June, between high school and college. The book explores interesting themes, but fails to dig deeper in my opinion. The book was choppy and I felt like not a lot happened.

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The blurb is accurate. The book does not deviate from the summary at all. Overall it was fine, but forgettable.

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First of all, thank you to Netgalley for my ARC of this incredibly important novel. I found it absolutely vital to the Young Adult experience. Anna Gracia really does not hold back when it comes to the harsh realities of adolescent life. No matter how much adults may want to blind themselves to the facts, teenagers are trying alcohol, trying sex, experimenting in all things dangerous and risky, because that’s how they grow.

Adolescence is the time in our lives where everything feels wrong anyway, so why not try new things. Gracia covers many important topics on the significance of this time in a young person’s life. On having sex for the first time as well as experimenting with fashion; on matters of fitting in, as well.

Of course, Gracia also references what it was like for June to grow up Taiwanese American, feeling out of place and different from the other girls around her. June is messy and loveable and you root for her even when she makes questionable choices.

I definitely recommend this book to young adult readers. Boys I Know is a dose of reality delivered with humour and tenderness, and I adored it.


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Hey, do you love a hilarious and honest book about a girl who juggles messy boys and messier relationships? Then you need to read The Boys I Know by Anna Garcia! This book is a witty and realistic read that follows June, a Taiwanese American who struggles to find herself in high school. She feels pressured by her family, who wants her to follow the steps of her sister, Wendy, by going to Northwestern college, and by society in general. She also has a crush on her AP Bio partner, Rhys, but he's too afraid to commit. When her plan to make him jealous backfires, she ends up in a new relationship with a guy who's not afraid to call her his girlfriend. But as she explores her sexuality and identity, she realizes that she doesn't need a boy to define her.

I loved this book so much! It was funny, relatable, and honest. June is such a great character, who is flawed but also brave and smart. She goes through a lot of challenges and changes, but she also learns to stand up for herself and what she wants. The boys in her life are also interesting and realistic, with their own personalities and problems. The romance is cute and sizzling, but also complicated and messy. The plot is full of humor and drama, with some twists and surprises that will keep you hooked. The writing style is smooth and easy to follow, with vivid descriptions and witty dialogue. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a hilarious and honest book about a girl who juggles messy boys and messier relationships.

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Anna Garcia's Boys I know introduces readers to June Chu - a young Asian American girl growing up in California, which explores themes of first love, family, and identity.

It's a coming of age story in which you root for June as she navigates her parent's expectations and peer pressure.

This one is one to check out for fans of contemporary YA fiction who are looking for an honest portrayal of teenage life.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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It's been a while since I read a book about teen experiences and as a South East Asian, I related to June when it came to her feelings and relationship with her parents. The thing is, June is young and June is stupid so this book is mostly about a naive, young, angsty teen battling with identity, sexuality and of course, college applications.
This book is every stupid teenager who's branching out and wants to explore the world and thinks their parents are unfair and wrong. What does it say about me that I feel like a lot of things parents do to their teenagers ARE fair? I guess I've grown up! Either way, even though I was fuming at how stupidly naive and foolish June was and how she treated her albeit problematic but still really caring mother, I tolerated it because I knew I was in a teenager's head. And teenagers are angsty and stupid and total ingrates. June was especially so, what with her crushing hard on every guy that paid her the bare minimum attention and choosing the guy over her own parents.
Sure, every parent is guilty (sometimes) of being a little toxic (okay very toxic) but they have good intentions right? I'd like teenagers to feel like they can talk to their parents instead of them treating their parents so badly. And for parents to understand that every child is unique and destined for something in the world and they don't have to like it but accept it. I wish there was more on that, to be honest, because June never apologised to her mother at all. Maybe because most people don't think they're wrong to their parents until after they leave their teens behind.
But then, a lot of us are guilty of being rude to our parents but we do regret it do we not? I liked her relationship with her older sister, Wendy, the most because there was so much unspoken bitterness between them and they needed to talk it out instead of June feeling like Wendy is the ultimate standard she MUST live up to and Wendy being tired of the responsibilities and expectations thrust upon older siblings and the privileges that come to younger siblings.
There's also talk about sexuality and how women are shamed for caring about family planning while men aren't and often never brunt the consequences.
Overall, a book I'd recommend to everyone because a lot of us can relate to June in one way or another. She's the worst character ever but also the best because she's flawed and foolish and that's something we need more of in books because all of us were like that as teens!

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I loved this book, it gave me everything I wanted as a reader and more. I am a sucker for a cover and fell in love with the storyline and characters. Well written and kept me engaged :)

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A really wonderful and realistic exploration of the teenage experience with an unapologetic vulnerability. June’s experience coming to terms with her identity and those feelings of “otherness” added a lot of emotional depth to this book.

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Boys I Know takes a stark and real look at the lives of teenagers without the romanticization adults tend to use when examining this time of life. From living up to parental expectations to your first boyfriend (or two or three), Anna Gracia is a master at peering into the young adult mind.

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I received this Arc from Netgalley. Thank you for the chance to read this book early. My review is honest and 100% my own thoughts about the book.

This had me running with its fast pace and chaotic nature. This book was an interesting look into several characters that are coming of age and how their relationships work. I liked that the book was written with a sex positive point of view. There were times I was like “What are you being thought in sex ed., Oh wait you are not really taught anything!” It show how our education system sets our young one up for failure, especially any thing that is related to having a sexual relationships.

The author wrote the characters very well. Especially with some of the social issues that are seen in the world. For example: the second child having the expectation of living up to the older sibling, her mother is in an immigrant, and living in a white majority community. Some of the issues I saw in the book was a lack of communication, Racism that isn’t acted on or call out on until later down the line, family pressure, and finding one’s identity. I like that the author was able to have their characters walk though these topic issues realistically.

I really enjoyed reading this book. I like MC journey though their romance and relationships with their partners as well as family members and friends.

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"Boys I Know" by Anna Gracia is a relatable and emotionally charged young adult novel that delves into themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the complexities of teenage relationships. Gracia's storytelling prowess shines as she crafts a tale of growing up, personal challenges, and the power of introspection. The book's relatable characters and authentic plot create an immersive reading experience that resonates with teens and young adults. Gracia skillfully explores the emotions of navigating crushes, friendships, and the process of understanding one's own feelings, adding depth to the narrative. "Boys I Know" is a heartfelt reminder that the journey through adolescence is filled with ups and downs, and that the bonds of friendship and the process of self-discovery are valuable aspects of growing up, leaving readers with a sense of nostalgia and a renewed appreciation for the complexities of teenage experiences.

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The book delivers on the promise of the premise. I think this book was a great read and reminded me a lot of high school. Which means it does a good job and conveying what it's like to be a high school student navigating relationships and your future.

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I loved every single moment I spent reading this book.
In "Boys I Know" we follow June Chu through her journey in realising her self worth, dealing with her parent's expectations, the Asian-American experience and the period of switch from high school to college.
I liked reading about these themes and what I really liked in this book is how it truly shows how messy teen relationships van be and the struggles of staying true to yourself and find what you are made for, as the protagonist deals with questions for finding herself apart of what everyone expects of her.
I would totally recommend this book, majorly for teens, but for everyone who's looking for a great fun read that also hás deep themes and relationships.

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Boys I Know by Anna Gracia is a book about a girl figuring her way through life, relationships, family, and herself. But just like the characters this book was messy, with some plot points making no sense or some characters not feeling human enough and feeling very 2-D at times. I wish some characters got more time to shine and be fleshed out better. Our MC was great. In the first half, I felt her pain and struggles, then in the second half she lost. I will say check this out if it's a book about self-discovery, dealing with real-world interests, and how some actions don't just affect you but also the others around you. I loved parts of this book but unfortunately not the whole thing.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me free access to the digital advanced copy of this book.

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