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The Revenge

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Oh my god! This concluding story of Kash and Bailey is everything! I can't believe this is over and I need to re-read this trilogy so I can have them in my life all over again. I highly recommend reading this trilogy and anything by Tijan.

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A solid conclusion to now one of my favorite series by Tijan! I’m absolutely going to miss reading about Bailey and Kash but Tijan did deliver a overall attention engaging series. This series was everything I asked for and more… Suspense, angst, humor, a thrilling romance, etc. Full spoiler review to come when book is released!

Thank you Netgalley for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review

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The Revenge is the final book in this trilogy and can not be read as a standalone.

The Revenge was such a phenomenal ending to this trilogy, edge of your seat suspense, muttered “wtfs,” and nonstop action from start to finish, you should be prepared to cancel real life before you read the first word.

Within a few words I whisked back into this world, and that’s where I remained. Bailey was still coming to terms with what happened in the previous book. Her world had been rocked, and there were times she spent lost inside her head. Once she has time to digest the information, she begins to show signs of moving forward, and with that, she’s immersing herself into other things.

Tijan did such an amazing job crafting this intricate story. Bailey and Kash, the Francis family, I think the dynamics between everyone from The Insiders to The Revenge, all felt natural. The growth and changes in dynamics were such a huge part of the story, it was Bailey’s relationship with Peter that triggered the edge of your seat events. I found myself hoping that we will see more from some of these characters in the future. I’m not ready to say goodbye to this world.

This book is the essence of “edge of your seat.” All that transpired in the previous 2 books is coming to an explosive head, along with more twists and turns, it’s heartstopping danger and jaw-dropping twists.

Emotionally stunning. That’s the only way to describe it. My chest ached, I felt like I couldn’t take a breath, all of the emotions were thrumming through me as though they were my own. So many tears, so much pain, but oh what a delicious vengeance.

I truly hope this isn’t the last we see of this world.

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4.5 stars - I really liked it!

It's the end of a trilogy! And what a trilogy this was! I'm so glad to have discovered Tijan, her writing is phenomenal and the style of her books just grasp you into the story with some great plot twists and events that occur throughout the books. I was on the edge of my seat with this last book, and I remember being so excited that the third book was coming out soon after finishing the second one!

This book (or this whole series) is perfect for reading in one siting, it's got it all, romance, suspense, family, mystery, all you could want! And it's just so interesting with short chapters that keep you on your toes and amazing characters too.

And that epilogue!! So cute!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the earc in return for an honest review.

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A lot happens in this final installment of the Insiders trilogy.  Bailey, Kash, and the entire family are mourning a huge loss while trying to outwit Calhoun Bastien.  With unexpected friends and double-crosses, it's hard to keep track of who's friend or foe in this book.

I will admit, Bailey was my focus in this book.  She went through a lot and, at times, it felt like she was left adrift.  Most of her family and Kash might have thought they were doing the right thing for her, but it felt wrong to let her be a zombie for as long as she was.  One plus out of all of it was her relationship with Matt (Team Batt!).  When she needed an older brother, he was there.  When she needed a sidekick...look no further.  And when she needed a friend, he was there.  I loved their relationship and watching it blossom was fantastic.  She may love Cyclone and Seraphina, but her bond with Matt is special and it truly showed.  

I had a hard time with the storyline around Bailey's parents.  I'm still trying to comprehend it as I write this review.  I know why it's there, but in the end I wonder it was really necessary.

Then there is Bailey's relationship with Kash.  He goes through his own turmoil in this final book, but these two are never far from each other and always, even when mad, support one another.  It's obvious they would go to the ends of the earth for each other.  

I enjoyed this final installment and the series itself.  I loved Bailey and her computer geekiness, her struggle to find a new normal in her new family/lifestyle and how she brought the elusive bad boy to his knees.

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Twists and turns galore! The final installment of the Insiders Trilogy did not disappoint! So much took place in this book, so many secrets unraveled, so many unexpected scenarios and allies. It seemed like just when you thought you knew what was going on, another bump in the road happened or another person showed their true colors.

Bailey was in a quite the unfortunate situation after losing her mother, having a very hard time coping and managing her grief. Kash was trying to best his Grandfather and protect Bailey from further harm. I loved how Kash let Bailey handle herself but was always in the shadows, ready to strike if need be. He knew what a strong and capable woman she was, even when she was wallowing in her emotions.

Can't say too much about the specifics of the story because they'd all be spoilers. The Revenge was exactly that... executing revenge. For Bailey. For Kash. For Matt, Seraphina and Cyclone. For everyone who'd been hurt and harmed by Kash's Grandfather or Quinn. Each act of betrayal was filleted open and laid out for consumption. Every rock turned. Every secret revealed. There were numerous times when I gasped out of shock or astonishment at what was taking place. So many plot twists that I didn't see coming!

By the end of the book, there was nothing left to wonder about because all the chips fell. I liked how well the author wrapped up all of the unknowns and questions the reader may have had. This series had so many moving parts, that it was important to see them all explained and handled.

I LOVED the future glimpse at Kash and Bailey in the epilogue!

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3.75/5 stars
Wow! What a series. I initially picked up this ARC because I recognized the author, Tijan. I read her previous and more popular book, “Enemies.” I wasn’t blown away by it and haven’t read anything by Tijan since. However, I saw this ARC and thought I’d give it a go!

This is the 3rd installment of The Insiders series. I quickly read the first two books so I could be caught up for this book. I really enjoyed the writing and the pacing of the book and the overall series. The development of Bailey and Kash’s relationship was great and not at all forced, which I really appreciate. By the third book, we really see them emerge as a strong couple. Kash understands her in ways no one else can- he knows when to give her space, when she’s hurting, when she needs love. He will go to the depths of hell just to protect her - He is an amazing MMC.

I love a good plot twist too and this delivered! I’m glad Calhoun finally got what he deserved and we received some answers surrounding Kash’s family. I definitely wished Bailey and her relationship with Peter was touched on more. I think overall they only had a couple moments where they really connected and I wish I saw a bit more of that. However, her relationship with Chrissy was AMAZING. Chrissy is a fierce character and created a even fiercer daughter. I loved their dynamic and how connected they were despite what happened.

Overall, a really great series packed with lots of action, intelligent characters, and well paced writing!

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Damn!!!! What a roller coaster ride!!! OMG!!!! There was so much going on and it…was…AWESOME!!! Pain, suffering, vengeance and the final reward…I’m not going to spoil it. Tijan even snuck a little Easter egg in the story. That was a fun added bonus. “The Revenge” capped this series completely. ❤️❤️❤️

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For a series that truly gave me PLL vibes from the cover, I am <I>LOSING</i> it. Overall, it is not without some faults. I found that there was a massive lack of communication and the amount of craziness going on warranted some talking, especially between Kash and Bailey.

I loved the Hayes/Francis family so much. The kids were so cute but I felt like for the number of characters we had, we lost the connection between Bailey and them in this one. I know we had bigger fish to fry, so it made a little sense, but I would've enjoyed a scene with them towards the end of this one.

I read this series so quickly and I'm glad I got my hands on this ARC and could close it out this weekend. The writing was enjoyable and the story was exciting. I loved each of our characters and would be so happy to see them get their own series after this one because I think there is a lot that can be done with all of them. There is enough action, romance, and family drama to pull you into the story and beyond that, I just think this book does a great job of keeping you intrigued. The pacing between books one and three is believable and I don't think anything felt rushed or lacking.

The ending was a long time coming. Calhoun was a trash can of a human being and every new secret that came out about him made the ending much more anticipated.

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4 stars
Spoilers ahead for the first two books.

In the conclusion of The Insiders, the sharks are circling Bailey and Kash. Both Kash and Bailey are doing everything they can to survive. Bailey is barely surviving the aftermath of losing her mom, and Kash is doing everything in his power to get ahead of his grandfather before he loses Bailey. If you love Tellanovelas, then this is the perfect book for you. Consistent tension, drama, and plot twists throughout the book. Every time something seems easy to solve, another loop is triggered. I couldn't set down the book once I started.
I have to say I went into this book thinking my favorite part would yet again be Bailey and Kash. Shockingly, I'm team Batt, and I couldn't help but love the sister/brother dynamic. The tension, angst, and drama had to have some comedic relief which Batt provided at the best times.
My main downfall towards the book was the number of twists added in this book alone, yet everything seemed to clean up so nicely at the end. Too many pieces were being revealed at the 80% mark and were resolved too fast. Due to the focus of this book being on the plot, Kash and Bailey didn't feel as strong as they did in book two. I wish there were a little fewer twists, and a little more growth together with sharing secrets and resolving trauma.

Overall, I highly recommend this series, it is intense, suspenseful, and fast-paced. Secondary characters are interesting and fun throughout. I would LOVE a spin-off of Matt.

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I’ve read Tijan’s books in the past. They’re emotional and really hit you in the gut with the amount of battles and emotional turmoils she throws at her main characters. This was another classic Tijan with some other aspects added to the book. I loved it I really did. If anything, it’s probably become one of my favourite Tijan books to date!

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This story starts 3 weeks after The Damaged left readers shocked, This 3rd installment of Bailey's story does not disappoint. There's twists and questionable behavior everywhere. The author continues to weave the story and develop characters even further. This was another great read.

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3.5 Stars
After the unexpected craziness that was the end of The Damaged, I was ready to jump right back into Bailey and Kash's story. The Revenge was like both The Insiders and The Damaged in that it felt chaotic and captivating. This book was rambling in that Tijan way. There seemed to be both nothing and everything going on at the same time. The plot seemed to be leading nowhere until all these little things came together toward the end in several powerful scenes. That seems to be the pattern with the books in this trilogy.

Bailey didn't feel like quite the underdog this time. She had grown into herself, her relationship with Kash, and her family. She was really struggling with the aftermath of the last book. Bailey was so up and down over everything that was going on. I think that's what made things feel so chaotic this time around. I had to meander through a bunch of her moods to get to the action.

Kash was still very much the powerful Kashton Colello (I just like saying that name.) we have all admired over the last two books. He's hard, determined, and willing to stop at nothing to keep those he loves safe. Kash was also kind of mushy when it came to Bailey, and I loved that.

The side characters continued to be impactful. Matthew kept stepping up his game. For someone I couldn't stand at first, he became a favorite by the end. The rest of Bailey's family was great. I even loved the bad guys. They added some great drama that were the shining moments.

I enjoyed The Revenge. It was a good conclusion to a fun trilogy. All of the drama and the answers Bailey and Kash finally got were great. I loved how dynamics kept changing and where Tijan took the story in the end. The only couple of things that would have made it better for me would have been a little less meandering through Bailey's ups and downs and a lot more Bailey/Kash romance. Overall, this book was a strong addition to The Insiders Trilogy. I'm sad to see this series end, but also happy to have the answers.

You can find this review and others like it at A Novel Glimpse .

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The Revenge is the conclusion to the Insiders Trilogy and picked up where The Damaged ended. Bailey is grieving the death of her mother and has gone into a blanked out state. Kash has thrown himself into taking down and killing is grandfather with whatever means he can.

I found the book a little slow to start but I guess that is understandable as Bailey is just trying to deal and is going through the motions of life without living. But once the book did get going it was thrilling! There were so many twists and turns and the book was so action packed I was hooked. Honestly the revelations in this book were shocking and just when I thought it was going to go one way something else happened that changed the whole storyline!

We got to see a lot more of Kash in this book. There were more chapters from his POV and his love for Bailey really shone through. You could feel the guilt he had for Chrissy’s death and how he felt his mere presence would endanger Bailey but his love for her never wavered. The relationship between Bailey and Kash really grew and you could see them go through a hard time but come out stronger.

We got to see Bailey come into her own a little more and show her hacking skills to her full potential. It was also great to see her let go and act like a college student and enjoy the life she has. As always, I loved the parts with Baileys siblings and it was great to see Matthew take on even more of a big brother role and protect Bailey as much as he could.

I thought this was a really satisfying end to the series. There were definitely some shocking moments and I loved how thrilling the whole series has been. As with all of Tijan’s books she writes such great side characters that I am always hoping some of them will get their own spin off, and The Insiders trilogy is no exception. Whilst I am hoping there might be more, I did really enjoy the ending to this series and the finale of Bailey and Kash.

*Thank you NetGalley & St Martin’s Press for sending me a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review*

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I want to start by saying you *must* read books 1 and 2 prior to reading book 3 as it will pick up where book 2 left off. This story is thrilling and offers readers an epic conclusion to the trilogy. Bailey is reeling from the ending of Book 2 and Kash is handling his own battles as well. I truly loved the character development throughout, especially Bailey and finding her strength *chef kiss*. You'll find yourself flipping page after page gripping the edge of your kindle to find out what twists are ahead and I was here for it. The epilogue gave the closure the series deserved and fully wrapped up everything beautifully. Definitely pick up this trilogy, it's one of my new favorites!

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What a great story. Bailey and Kash are one of my all-time favourite couples. Tijan keeps you guessing with twists and rollercoaster turns that spin in your head. A warning though, if you don't read the first two books, you will not get the full experience and likely be lost in the roads the story takes.
Thank you NetGalley for providing this copy. The opinion in this review is solely my own.

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This entire trilogy was one of the most epic trilogies I’ve ever read. From the very beginning of book one I was hooked, and this book was full speed ahead from page one until the very end. Bailey and Kash have become two of my all-time favorite book characters. They are seriously freaking amazing.

This book was full of suspense, twists and turns I never saw coming, and a whole lot of heart. I thought for sure I knew what was going to happen in book 3 and I couldn’t have been more wrong. Tijan takes the reader on an incredible journey that kept me on the edge of my seat. Trying to figure out what was going to happen next, trying to figure out how certain things keep happening, and so much more.

I devoured this story just like I did the first two. No pressure, but if Tijan wanted to continue giving us stories from this world I wouldn’t be disappointed! Phenomenal story and the perfect conclusion to The Insiders trilogy!

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Loved it! The entire series has been a blast to read. Bailey was an awesome heroine, she was strong, when faced with insurmountable obstacles against the odds she overcame and Kash, OMG he was truly the heart of the whole story, the ultimate alpha with a soft side for his soulmate. Everything got wrapped up with a neat little bow in this story but I look forward to reading more about others from this universe.

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This is an honest review of an arc received.

OMG! I can’t tell you how I’ve waited for this book! The twists, the turns, the mind games, Tijan will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time you read this book.

5 epic stars!! This book was everything! I loved Kash & Bailey from the get go! But man, I wasn’t expecting some of the twists and turns this story had. What an amazing finale to an outstanding series!

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Gah!! Tijan did it again!!! This was a phenomenal way to end a trilogy!!! Bailey constantly not knowing who to trust, lash wanting to protect the his world. Gosh this was sooooo freaking great! Tijan always has be on my toes. Even if you think you know what’s going to happen, nope Tijan says that’s not it. Love love love this book!!

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