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Never Rescue a Rogue

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• Historical RomCom
• Enemies To Lovers
• Cozy mystery
• Strong heroine
• Roguish duke with a hidden heart of gold

I had a blast reading this one and just did not want to put it down. My only regret is now I have to wait for the next book! After reading the first book in the Merriwell Sisters series (Never Fall For Your Fiance), there was no doubt in my mind that I would be picking up a copy of book two to try. The first surprised me with it’s Historical RomCom, Comedy of Errors vibe in an absolutely delightful way.

This time around, the story is about middle sister Diana – strong, independent, and sworn spinster and the family friend we met in book one the charming and roguish Giles. Where book one was a full on comedy, this one definitely had a slightly more serious tilt. While still a historical romcom, we also got a fun and adventurous cozy mystery element to this story too.

I loved the enemies to lovers tilt, and really enjoyed the great banter, interactions, and slow burn that brewed throughout the story for Diana and Giles. Both characters were interesting and well developed – I felt like we got real sense of each and how they complemented one another. I loved Diana’s sharp mind, and keen ability to search out the truth and I was a big fan of the hidden (or not so hidden) heart of gold that Giles had.

In addition to getting to revisit other characters from the previous novel, all of whom were wonderful and added some levity and fun with their meddlesome ways. I also really loved the mystery angle and following along to find out the ‘truth’ of the scandal as it were. The found family element was here once again and I am a sucker for it.

I’m hoping the later part of the book was hinting at what’s to come for Vee, because my interest was definitely piqued. Looking forward to more from this author and the next book in the series.

Thank you to Netgalley and SMP Romance for the chance to read an early copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and freely offered.

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This is an interesting read post Bridgeton, definitely best for fans of A rogue of Ones One and the rest of the Dunmore Books

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I love a good reluctantly-helping-each-other while "hating each other"!! This one reminded me of To Love and to Loathe by Martha Waters, in the best way!! Diana was a bit bratty in the first book of this series but she definitely grew on me.

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Never Rescue a Rogue is book two of the Merriwell Sisters series, this time following middle sister, Diana and Giles as they try to uncover the truth of Giles’ birth. There’s also a subplot of Diana’s career as an investigative journalist.

What I liked: I found book two to be really enjoyable and preferred it to book one, Never Fall for Your Fiancée. The banter between Giles and Diana is really funny and while you could say they are enemies to lovers, it’s more sarcastic as they both challenge the other.

The romance really shines in this one, all the characters and the reader can clearly see the main characters are attracted to each other, even if they fight against it.

Prickly Giles and independent Diana were just really great characters.

What didn’t work for me: I had a feeling how the story would work out.

Diana’s job could have been explored more to make the reader care about that aspect of her life.

Who should read it: I’d skip book one and go right for this one, it’s a funny regency romance with a handful of spicy scenes (nothing too crazy if spice isn’t your jam).

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Diana Merriwell, who works for the local newspaper The London Tribune, is 23 and never wants to marry. That doesn’t sit well with her sisters Minerva and Venus or her sisters new MIL Olivia. Trying to get her and Giles together, little do they know about the scandal or dirty secret the next Duke of Harpenden harbors.

Lord Bellingham or Giles Sinclair lives the life of a Rogue who will become the next Duke of Harpenden. He and Diana butt heads whenever they meet, and that is quite often, as his best friend Hugh, the Earl of Fareham, is married to Diana’s older sister Minerva.

I liked the way Giles learned about is parents and where he came from. Dalton was a hoot! I did not always like Vee’s meddling or how forward she was.

Don’t know if we’ll see more of Galahad Sinclair if there is a next book for Vee (Venus) Merriwell.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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After reading the previous book in this series, I knew I had to get my hands on Never Rescue a Rogue. Heath took all of things I love about shows like Bridgerton and elevated them in this book. Diana isn't your typical damsel in distress. She is strong and can stand on her own two feet. The witty banter between Diana and Giles is everything. Each time they were in a scene together, i was locked in and ready to see what happened next. I highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys this genre. The twists and turns throughout the plot will keep you engaged and wanting more.

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Historical romance? Check.
Fiercely independent female lead? Check.
Cheeky roguish duke with a heart of gold? Check.

The relationship between Giles and Diana is sweet and full of life. Their interactions are full of witty banter and his nicknames for her are adorable. I loved the honesty between them and the way they were always looking out for each other in the way neither had experienced before.

Overall this book was a quick, fun, heartwarming read with a slow burn and some light spice. I didn't realize it was part of a series so now I am excited to go back and read the first one! Also hope to see more of Diana + Giles in the next book!

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4 stars. This regency romance was absolutely delightful! I loved that it featured a heroine that was modern in her pursuits, and a hero that was completely smitten with her. Plus, he was a total troublemaker, and it was impossible not to fall in love with him. Giles finds himself in a bit of a predicament— he may in fact not be the legal heir to the dukedom. And because of her knack for uncovering the truth, and a good story, he enlists the help of Diana, family friend and secret journalist. These two were constantly going at one another, and boy was it fun. Diana and Giles had a banter and chemistry that was palpable from the very beginning, and I loved every scene that they shared, which thankfully was the majority. They also got into trouble…. So much trouble. In the most delightful of ways. There was one steamy scene, so I wouldn’t consider this a completely closed door romance, but I also wouldn’t consider it terribly spicy either. There were a few moments, especially in the beginning, that were a bit slow, but once I got into this, I had a lot of fun. I didn’t read the first book in this series, but you can totally read Never Rescue a Rogue as a standalone. So sit down, relax, grab some biscuits, and get ready for shenanigans and swoon-worthy romance (at least according to Giles) to ensue.

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I really enjoy Heath’s approach of writing and scene-crafting. The best way I can think to describe the style is period accurate sitcom, with both laughs and tender moments. I felt like the story was fresh and truly kept me excited to come back and pick up the book.

I did find myself a little lost at times with such a large cast of characters, many of whom play key roles in the plot. Even with having very recently read the previous book in the series, Never Fall For Your Finance, I found myself a little tied up. I think reading this series in order will be necessary; not a true standalone. It’s worth it, as the first one is also great.

Overall, really lovely. Can’t wait for the third book in the series.

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Diana never wants to marry. She enjoys her independence writing, anonymously, articles showcasing important men’s abuses of the masses. Giles has always enjoyed sniping quips with Diana. Thrown together more when Diana’s sister marries Giles’ best friend they start to realize there is more between them. When Giles needs help rescuing his dukedom, he turns to Diana and her investigative strengths. I received an ARC from NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my honest review.

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Virginia Heath is back again with another laugh-out-loud modernized historical romance story featuring enemies to lovers, meddlesome family, and a matchmaking pirate butler. What's not to love?

Diana Merriwell is the middle Merriwell sister and the most head-strong where it comes to her future: she wishes to be left alone to pursue justice and save those that need help. Behind a secret identity, she's the famed detective journalist that's the talk of London. To Giles, she's the woman he'd be with if it weren't for his Dirty Secret. When Giles' father, the Duke, unexpectedly dies, thrusting him into his father's title, he thinks it's only a matter of time until it all unravels. Never fear, Diana, his goddess of the hunt and kicker of hornets won't rest until the real truth comes to light. With his trusty butler Dalton and Diana on the case, things are sure to go well, right? Let's just hope everyone else that knows them doesn't ruin anything by playing matchmaker along the way.

As soon as I finished Minerva's story and saw that Diana and Giles were next I couldn't wait to get my hands on the book. Receiving the ARC to read it early was a highlight, and I thank St. Martin's Press for that. I love this new style of historical romance genre where it's set in the time period, but it feels modernized at the same time. Martha Waters also comes to mind for this. It's also a perfect read for those that prefer more closed-door romance and typically can't read historical romance due to it's more spicy nature. I only ask in the third that we get the return of Dalton because he along with Payne from book one remains my new favorite pair of butlers.

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This is such a fun slow burn regency romance. Both main characters were entertaining to read, and the author executed the “will they/won’t they” trope perfectly. Characters being in denial of their feelings is always a hit or miss for me, because sometimes authors drag it out into absurdity, but this story managed to avoid that trap.

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This story had pretty much what you would expect from a regency romance, so if that’s what you’re looking for, then this book is worth the read.
Diana Merriwell comes from a less than noble background, but works her way in to the upper echelons of society, partly through her sisters marriage to a duke, but mostly of her own accord as a fierce young woman. She is good at blending in and therefore great at sussing out secrets - especially the ones that no one wants to be discovered. As a result, she is kind of like out crime fighting superhero, but without the recognition, since all of it is undercover as “The Sentinel”. Honestly, she’s pretty great and no nonsense - even from the dashing duke to be Giles Sinclair. He’s a bit of a mess. He’s left to deal with all the skeleton’s in his closet. The dynamic between the two is fun and you are rooting for them throughout the book, even as Diana is really trying to fight her ever growing attraction to Giles.
The story takes us all over the countryside, so it is quite fun in that respect. I think there is a lot in the story for anyone to enjoy. The youngest Merriwell takes an important role at the end of the book and I’m eagerly looking forward to getting her story next!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a digital copy of the book. This review contains my own honest opinions.

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Read if you like:
❤️Regency Romances
❤️Slow burns
❤️ Meddling Families

Everyone thinks that Diana and Giles are meant to be together, except Diana and Giles. I love this meant to be type of trope with the enemies to lovers trope twisted in.

Diana has no desire to marry and is happy focusing on her secret journalism career (giving Pen from Bridgerton vibes). Giles, the new Duke of Harpenden. When Giles requests Diana’s help to save his dukedom, the pair are thrown together and can no longer avoid their hidden feelings.

I am a sucker for main characters being oblivious/in denial about their feelings for one another but everyone around them knowing they belong together. This is a trope I have read and enjoyed so many times.

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What a treat to get an ARC of this book! I really enjoyed Never Fall For Your Fiancée so it was great to step back into this Regency world. I loved the dialogue and “will they, won’t they” dynamic between Giles and Diana. It was great to see their relationship further develop in this book and to see them take an eternity to realize what everyone else around them had already determined long ago- that they are meant for one another. I highly recommend for fans of Bridgerton and Regency romance. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book ahead of publication.

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This is really cute. I liked the main characters and enjoyed the background of Giles's family. I enjoyed the first book in the series and will read the next one (I'm assuming there will be since there's another sister.)

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DNF at 42%

I've slowly been venturing into the historical romance genre recently and given the premise, I expected to truly enjoy this but I really didn't connect to either main character and as I approached the halfway mark, I wasn't enjoy the read enough to continue on.

Maybe at some point in the future, I'll give this another chance, but it didn't work for me here.

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Utterly charming. A delightful enemies-to-lovers rom-com with a compelling plot. I love Virginia Heath's voice. Her characters, her dialogue, her plotting and romance all jump off the page. I wish the Merriwell Sisters books were a miniseries. They'd be appointment tv for me!

This is the story of middle sister, Diana, the secret journalist, and Giles, the maybe-Duke. After a year of teasing, insulting and fighting their feelings for each other, the pair form an alliance when Giles' father dies. He confides to Diana that he is a bastard and may lose his title to his dastardly uncle. The two team up to find out the truth of Giles' birth and take down his evil uncle.

This one was hard to put down, I fell in love with these characters all over again. I also love romances where the servants are treated like family. I cannot WAIT until the next Halliwell sister gets her story. There is one steam-ish love scene (hotness about a 5 out of 10) and no epilogue, because we aren't done, there's still Vee!

If you like loveable characters (family & servants), comedic dialogue, a good plot and a bit of adventure with your romance, this book is for you!

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely loved this book from start to finish. It was funny and the chemistry between Giles and Diana was wonderful.

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I am a sucker for a trio of sisters !! And I love the Merriwell sisters. In my opinion, the second book is even better than the first. Diana and Giles had really great chemistry and banter that had me rooting for them despite all of their complex issues. I particularly liked how well this book acknowledged their personal issues apart from their relationship issues. Ultimately what’s important in a good romance novel is personal growth so you root for the two characters to come together. Never Rescue a Rogue had me invested from the start and I cannot wait for book 3!

Thank you #Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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