Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me this eARC to review. Sadly the content within this book is not good for my mental health which I did not realise at the time so I am very sorry for that! I will give this 3 Stars as I couldn't review it properly. Apologies again!

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The Dictionary of Dreams by Gustavus Hindman Miller does what it says on the tin -- it provides a remarkably comprehensive dictionary of symbols and meanings to be found within one's dreams.

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Interpreting dreams, especially other people's dreams, has always been fun to me and this book and this book is a great resource.

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Interpreting dreams is always fun, so I knew I had to pick up this book and see what it had to say. Inside, there’s various texts on interpreting dreams from Sigmund Freud as well as Gustavus Hindman Miller. Plus, there’s over a thousand interpretations of objects and situations that turn up on our dreams. It covers everything from nightmares about teeth falling out to searching for people or objects.

Some things I dream about have obvious meanings, so I wouldn’t look them up. For example, if I’m looking for the bathroom and something is wrong with the bathroom making it unusable, it’s because I need to use the bathroom and haven’t woken up yet. However, there’s many things that turn up in dreams that I’ll wake up wondering what they mean, and that’s when a resource like this comes in handy. While there’s many possible reasons behind objects and scenarios turning up in dreams, books like this open the door on some of those possible meanings and that’s why it’s great to have a couple books on the topic on hand.

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This is a HUGE book of dream definitions but it’s even more than that! It explains how dreams can be interpreted. I was very impressed by this book!

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This book is not only a dictionary of dream symbols, but offers a closer look at what exactly the symbol might mean in certain situations, i.e your job, if you're in prison, for your love life, etc etc. It doesn't go deep into explanations, but rather a simple one-sentence guide. Thank you to Netgalley, the authors, and publisher for allowing me to review.

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A little introductory information at the beginning then leads into the dictionary. Decent amount of things one may see in their dreams. Many are a brief sentence or two, where others have multiple interpretations. Does have some modern terms as well which is good. A good book for anyone who likes or wants to delve deep into dream analysis.

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Ever woke up and remembered a strange dream and wondered what it meant? This books for you…. The Dictionary of Dreams provides the necessary tools to interpret almost every dream object and its hidden meaning to better understand what your subconscious is telling you.

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I have been interested in dream interpretation since my youth and of course I have Sigmund Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams" in my collection of books. Unfortunately, I never got to finish it, which is because his works are always so extensive and difficult to read, even if you can read it in the original language.

This is the reason why I was immediately interested in this book, as it is a reference book for dream interpretation. Here, not only Sigmund Freud is used as a source, but also other authors who have contributed to dream interpretation, such as Henri Bergson and Gustav Hindman Miller.
At the beginning of the book you get an overview of the basics of dreaming and also short selections of the listed authors. Ideal for anyone wanting to get into the subject and have a brief overview of the most important findings to date.

What I particularly liked was that here in the dream interpretation not only the psychological aspects á la Freud were considered, but also the spiritual level was taken into account.

Finally, one is advised to lead a dream diary and there are helpful tips listed before it then goes to the actual dictionary which is very extensive and I will take up the subject of dream diary to interpret the dreams with the help of this book or to try it.

I find the cover very beautiful, the contents are helpful, so I will also get a physical copy of this and I can highly recommend this to anyone who is also interested in dream analysis

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Unfortunately I am unable to view the PDF on my device nor the Netgalley application. I sincerely apologize but unfortunately due to my inability to access the book, I am unable to provide a review.

Nonetheless thank you for this opportunity.

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This is an alphabetical list of pretty much any possible person, place or thing that appears in your dreams and what they represent. There's also a quick chapter on how to interpret what you're dreaming and the importance of a dream journal if you're really wanting to understand what's going on when you're in the dreamscape. I have having some crazy dreams lately, so this is exactly what I was looking for. I think it would be a pretty cool gift to give for your more curious friends out there!

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The dictionary of dreams is a comprehensive guide to make you understand the importance of dream and what they mean. It has a dictionary like section where all the symbols of dreams are printed in an alphabetical order with their meaning. It's a wonderful book!

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This book is divided into three sections. Teh first is about Understand Dreams, then Keeping a Dream Journal, and finishing with the Dream Symbol Dictionary.
The breakdown is easy to understand and not overly wordy. The first two sections are a small portion of the book which is good. I liked the focus on the dictionary of symbols.
I liked the presentation of the words and the odd image. I didn't like that the book stayed the same color the entire time. They should of chosen there e different colors that rotated through each letter.

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As a psychotherapist trained in psychodynamic work I give a lot of attention to the unconscious processes in my work with clients. I see dreams as often being created by our unconscious making attempts to enter into consciousnesses, or perhaps our mind’s processing of issues we are perhaps not fully cognisant of.
This book is an interesting insight into what dreams may signify. An A to Z of a huge number of potential dream subjects & possible meanings obviously takes up most of this book. However, what makes this book really interesting, and a step beyond many other dream dictionaries, is the inclusion of a number of writings by Freud et al in relation to dreams and their significance.

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This one the cover capture my attention right away and I love to get meaning in dreams when i do dream and when I see the inward of the book was amazing, loved all the symbols and little drawings so cute really.

Right away you encountered like the most common dreams you can have, totally appreciated to cut a little to the chase there really, it explains a little how the symbolist and interpretations works and it let you understand a little more how your brain and subconscious work on this so that's great.

Loved the part about the dream journal I used to keep one in my youth maybe it's time to begin again, sometimes it can help a lot.

After that then you have all the dictionary with key words so you can identify things you dream about and their meanings so you can go and interpret a little better.

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I used to have a book like this when I was younger, it fascinated me. This book was no exception, I really enjoyed reading it and found this equally as fascinating.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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This dream book is very detailed and gives great insight to dreams. I especially love reading the not so nice dream meanings for me. I am comforted knowing they are not always bad but a description to something I may be struggling with at the time.

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This is a great book to go back to and refer to when you want to decode your dreams. I liked that it has meaning for several objects, which makes it easy to search for the meaning of your dreams.

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A beautiful look though how to utilize your inner light in life and how to make your life brighter. Pun intended. Highly recommend. Especially loved the reflection to true life to humanize my feelings and relate. I felt like this book was SPEAKING TO ME. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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The Dictionary of Dreams is nothing new as there are a lot of similar books out there, but it would make a good starter book for anyone who is interested in interpreting their dreams, its concise & starts with a small introduction about dreams and then has some chapters on common dreams & how to keep a dream journal and symbols to look out for. The most common dreams are then noted alphabetically, so it’s just a case of finding the corresponding main element of your dream to find out the interpretation, they do not go in to to much detail and sometimes you have to read between the lines or try a different word to get your answer, but it is easy to do.
All in all a decent basic book to start out with.

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