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Suburban Hell

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This book unfortunately has a pretty set target audience IMO, and I think I wasn't at all that target audience for this genre fusion romp of womens lit meets light horror (as a horror fan it just never hit Full Horror for me?). I enjoy horror, and suburban horror like Poltergeist, Fright Night, Halloween...But this just leaned really far into the Mom with Kids sides of things and I found myself skimming passage after passage about making school lunches, debating the PTA, the school carnival, etc.

There were sporadic comedic moments for me - plenty of jokes about crossfit, the store Target, and boxed wine - and the haunted roomba was a highlight.

But there's also animal death and animal injury, and some way darker subplots involving family deaths that brought the tone down for me.

I guess the blurb just had me thinking more Desperate Housewives with Horror, but it was more Modern Family or something. Not the same thing at all, to my dismay.

2 stars for this letdown.

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Described as Bad Moms meets My Best Friend's Exorcism, Suburban Hell is a horror comedy. I would also throw in The Southern Book Club's Guide To Slaying Vampires minus the vampires. Amy, Jess, Melissa, and Liz like to avoid the PTA and "Mom Mafia". They decide to build a well deserved She Shed in Liz's backyard. The night they get together to christen the space with a little toast something else opens up besides a hole in the ground. After that Liz begins to change and their neighborhood becomes a nightmare.

I love the premise of this book and the combination of suburban humor and horror. It never gets too scary so I think readers who usually avoid horror might like it. It's the perfect Summer read. There are a lot of Summer activities going on and I felt like I was really there. I loved the creativity of some of the horror scenes. Let's just say I feel justified in my mistrust of Roombas.

A strength of the book is the characters. I liked the four friends and love how the overall theme of the book is friendship. I would love them as neighbors! And even though i am not a Mom or live in the suburbs I could relate to them. This book is everything I hoped it would be. After I was finished I wanted to look up the author's other books but this is Maureen Kilmer's debut!

Suburban Hell will be published August 30! Thank you to Putnam Books and Netgalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Awesome ! If you loved The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires this is your type of book!
Amy is not a fan of suburbia and does very little to fit in. She does however, cherish her neighbor group of Jess, Liz and Melissa and notices right away when her best friend Liz begins acting strangely. Could it be the hole in the yard she is digging to build a She Shed for the four of them to hang out in? If you like campy thrillers and have a healthy disdain for suburbia and PTO bullies then Suburban Hell is for you!
#NetGalley #NetGalleyreads #PENGUINGROUP #Putnam #GPPutnamsSons #SuburbanHell #MaureenKilmer

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The She Shed started it all. When one of their friends starts exhibiting strange behavior, the others must band together to save her. This book gave me Grady Hendrix vibes, just way less graphic ( and a bit less effective).
I had fun with this and enjoyed it overall. I think if you like the idea of Hendrix's books but aren't ready for full on horror this would be a good pick. I did feel the ending was a little anticlimactic but it was still good read.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher!

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It took me 18 days to read this. 18 days! That is an unusually long time for me. Objectively, this isn’t a bad book. I just really struggled to get into it. Best described as horror comedy, it felt very much like a hybrid of two books I enjoyed by Grady Hendrix, The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires and My Best Friend’s Exorcism, except nowhere near as good. There were moments where I knew the writer was trying to be funny and I think that’s the key word: trying. The humor was just a huge miss for me. I wanted more scares and oomph. The entire book was basically just the main character Amy complaining about anything and everything. The group of friends, including Amy, all seemed like they had super interesting backstories but I wish it had been fleshed out more. I also wish we got to see a bit more of Liz before she got possessed because I didn’t really care or feel invested in the group’s friendship before things took a turn. What did I like? Amy made a lot of great horror/pop culture references, Kilmer did great poking fun at motherhood and the suburban lifestyle, and I liked the demon’s backstory. The book has some great early reviews and I feel like this book just wasn’t for me so don’t let my review deter you!

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I was lucky enough to win an electronic ARC of SUBURBAN HELL by Maureen Kilmer from a Shelf Awareness giveaway. Thank you for the early look, and have a safe and happy summer!

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A fun and delightfully creepy read.

I really enjoyed the group of friends that this story follows. They each have an unique voice and different strengths, and their bond and the way that they all balance each other out felt genuine to me.

I loved the setting, and the humor, and I found the ending to be satisfying.

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Starting off this review, I wanted to note that this is the first book I've ever read by this author. With that said, I was intrigued by this book’s premise and cover. The concept really pulls someone in. It is very reminiscent of My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix. It also has that dash of comedy that MBFE had.

The plot-line of the story picks up quickly. By chapter two, you’re already thrown into the sinister plot-line of a suburban mom getting possessed. That being said, however, you quickly fall in love with the suburban moms. They’re lovable and as mom-like as they could be. Great, well written characters and truly believable that they are all middle-aged moms.

This book has a perfect mix of long chapters and short chapters, which I personally love. The book doesn’t feel like it’s dragging on for too long. However, in my opinion, the horror scenes are very little. There are some horror sequences. That being said, they are tame. It’s not an outrageously gruesome horror, like some people might expect, but that doesn’t stop it from being extremely good.

I want to personally thank NetGalley, as well as the author, publisher, and anyone else involved in providing copies, for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Reviews will also be submitted to Goodreads.

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A group of friends in a tight knit neighborhood take a turn for the worse in this binge-able horror story.

If you mash up Desperate Housewives with the humor and horror of Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires and Santa Clarita Diet, but make it demon-ish- you’d get Suburban Hell.

This book had me smiling, I found the characters and story so relatable and witty. However, there were parts that had me hiding my head under my blanket at night!! When an author can create a scene about a Roomba vacuum gone homicidal, or a Barbie Dream House turned nightmarish, they will win my praise every time!!

Suburban Hell was such an entertaining read to say the least. It was campy horror at its finest, comedy and creep factor intertwined. Huge thank you to the publishers for the ARC!!

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4 friends accidentally unleash a demon during their monthly wine night and when the demon inhabits one of the friends, the other women must band together to save her. This was a fun read! I needed something not too serious but interesting this week and this book hit the mark. If you are a Netgalley reader, it's currently available as a "Read Now" option.

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“Suburban Hell” is a light horror novel following four women in the suburbs who accidentally summon unspeakable evil into their neighborhood. I had high hopes for this one, as I love the concept, and have read several books with similar premises that I very much enjoyed. Unfortunately, the word that comes to mind for this one? Underbaked. The writing is just adequate, the characters are all broad, and the scares simply aren’t there. There’s a scene in which the Roomba tries to run over some children and it’s treated with a horrified seriousness that might have worked as camp had the book been funny…. But no, the book is not funny, nor does it really try too hard to be anything more than limply “wow, hard to be a mom in the suburbs, am I right?”. From checked out husbands to meddling mother in laws, “Suburban Hell” feels very sitcom, and just doesn’t have anything unique to say. It takes more than going “it’s a demon; scary!” these days to actually produce a fright. Once I realized that this was a PG13 version of a horror book I enjoyed it a little more - if you want something light, this will suffice. But wow was it middle of the road.

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*My review contains spoilers*

The thing that drew me into this book was the cover. So fun and appealing.

This is actually my first ARC that I was able to finish and enjoy! Maureen does such a good job establishing the main characters in this book enough for you to care about what happens to them and their friendship. I found it quite relatable in several ways. It isn't only a possession story, it's about getting over some of your own inner demons. While she doesn't go into great detail about the main character, Amy's, inner demon (facing the death of her sister), I felt like it was enough to get the point across. Everyone is fighting something.

I really enjoyed the friendship of Amy, Jess, Michelle and Liz. It IS hard to make friends as an adult, much less being a mom and trying to establish lasting friendships. I really appreciated that part of the book and Maureen's complete understanding of that.

As far as the end of the book goes, I was really hoping for more. The ending seemed anticlimactic for how much build up of the story there was leading up to this moment. I would've liked a more dramatic Exorcism. That's just the horror lover in me though.

Overall this was a fun read, a story I enjoyed and I do plan on recommending it to others! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Thank you so much for allowing me to read and review your titles. I really not the opportunity!

I do appreciate it and continue to review books that I get the chance to read.
Thanks again!

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If you love your horror with a pinch of comedy, then Suburban Hell is the book for you. Written in a manner that’s evocative of Grady Hendrix, the pace is fast and hella funny. Amy is convinced her good friend Liz is possessed after a hole in the other woman’s yard unleashes a foul odor and brings about unexplained incidents. The possession is slow, and at times one can’t tell whether it’s true or if Amy is overreacting, as she herself questions if she’s jumping the ship like in the 80’s Satanic Panic. But after a pivotal incident, Amy now knows that something sinister and supernatural has overtaken their suburban lives and she is dead set on proving her suspicions to her friends Melissa and Jess. Often while reading the book I wasn’t sure what was more hellish, having a possessed friend living next door to you or dealing with the ridiculous suburban wives that Amy had to deal with on a daily basis. The writing flows well and is pressed on a fast tempo, only slightly slowing down for a few moments to only pick up right away. The winning point of this novel is that sure, it’s a fun read, but when the horror sets in, it doesn’t disappoint, as it is dark and extremely creepy!

I recommend this book if you love your horror to have a dash of comedy to it. This book is a mashup of The Exorcist and Desperate Housewives.

*Thank you so much to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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I loved this book. Women coming together to save a friend and fight a demon?! Count me in! Our main characters were suburban moms, and they were funny, tough, and real- basically I could see myself hanging with them and I loved that. For a horror book this was creepy, but not too scary which I always appreciate.
- Do not miss out on this one when it comes out on August 30th, 2022!

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A She Shed that brings out the worst in Suburban Moms. An actual demon from hell. All Liz wanted to do was build a she-shed for entertaining. She got more than she bargained for & it's up to Amy, Jess & Melissa to break the curse and send the demon back to hell. Mafia Moms unite! I originally thought this was going to be a book about a zombie outbreak, but to my surprise it was a demon possession. The sarcasm was hysterical, the fight for friendship truly inspiring. If you want a fun romp through suburbia, with demons and possession thrown in, this one is for you

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ARC Review
Suburban Hell by Maureen Kilmer

Once again, a debut novel knocks it out of the park!

What a solid fun time this comedic horror was! If I had to make an example it's Desperate Housewives meets The Exorcist (it's also said to have a Bad Moms meets My Best Friend’s Exorcism comparison) and boy, I couldn't stop turning the pages!! An absolute delight.

Amy, Jess, Liz, and Melissa are the best of friends but something or something is testing them at all odds.
If you're looking for something with a little substance and nothing to take too seriously, this is it! I read this at the right time and it left my spooky loving soul satisfied. So yes, 5 stars it is!

The opening line is "None of this would have happened if it weren't for the She Shed."

Note to self and others: NEVER attempt to build a she-shed, and if so? builder beware.

Big thank you to @netgalley and @putnambooks for this e-arc!!

Suburban Hell is expected to publish on August 30th

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Suburban moms Amy, Liz, Jess and Melissa are all best friends living in Whispering Farms an upscale suburb of Chicago. One evening as they gathered at Liz’s house to drink and gossip they share a toast to the “she shed”, a sanctuary Liz is going to build for herself in her backyard, but as their glasses clink the air shifts with the feeling of something sinister.

Soon after that night the group begins to notice changes in Liz and it becomes clear that she has become possessed. Amy, Jess and Melissa have to battle the forces of darkness for their friend’s soul all the while keeping up with PTA meetings, school carnivals, neighborhood barbeques and their kids.

Accurately marketed as “Bad Moms meets My Best Friend’s Exorcism”, Suburban Hell is a really fun page-turner chock full of horror references and tropes all the while exploring the pressures of motherhood and the value female friendships.

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For such a unique premise, this was a bit of a disappointment. I wanted more of everything - more dread, more horror, more thrills. This was such a wasted opportunity. It was a fun read, but not nearly as over the top as I wanted it to be.

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This was such a good book! It was fun, spooky, and heartwarming, and would make a great movie! It had me sucked in from the first page and I didn't want to put it down, keeping me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what was going to happen next, and laughing out loud in the next moment.

I loved the friendship between the ladies and how they will stand together to help each other through thick and thin, protecting each other from the horrifying PTA moms, and other things... like the evil entity that seems to have attached itself to their friend Liz...

This story was just what I was hoping it would be, and I can't wait to see what Maureen Kilmer will be coming out with next!!

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