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I have read the other books in this series and I liked this addition to the Deep Ops series. I enjoyed the mfc back story and that her actions while hiding were believable. I felt like the suspense was intense enough to be interesting and keep the story moving along. I hope there will be more stories in this series and I would love to see a story about Agent Frost.

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Having read all the books in the Deep Ops series, I will say this wasn’t my favorite. The chemistry between Gemma and Jethro felt off. I can’t put my finger on exactly why it was, but it felt more like their circumstances threw them together more than they actually belonged together.

That being said, I liked Gemma. Being on the run from an abusive ex, she does everything she can to protect her young daughter and always puts her first. It took me a little longer to warm up to Jethro. He comes across at first as a know-it-all, and he jumps to conclusions about the type of woman Gemma was based on her looks alone. He did grow on me as the book progressed though.

Readers familiar with the series will get to see the Deep Ops team members, especially Angus and Wolfe. Wolfe’s insistence that he and Jethro were best friends, while Jethro denied it, had me laughing. Despite the fact Jethro had only previously consulted with the Deep Ops team, I loved how they all rallied around him and refused to let him deal with the threat to him and Gemma alone, no matter how hard he tried to push them away.

While I was a little disappointed we didn’t get to see more of Kat, Wolfe’s cat that he had carried around in the previous novels, I was thrilled to see more of Roscoe, the alcoholic dog. As always, he provides some humorous moments, and I enjoyed how Gemma’s daughter instantly bonded with him.

Normally I enjoy the suspense and the romance in this series equally, but in this case, I felt the suspense was better. I also felt the author does a good job weaving in some light-hearted moments amongst the drama. While I didn’t love this book as much as the others, you really can’t go wrong with a Rebecca Zanetti novel. Where it lacks in one area, it more than makes up in another. This could work as a standalone, but I do recommend reading the series in order, since characters from previous books play a big role in this one. It would help readers have a better understanding about the background of the Deep Ops team.

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The Deep Ops series is one of my all-time favorite romantic suspense series so I shouted when I received this book. Rebecca does such an amazing job of crafting a truly thrilling story but always making sure to weave in a comedic thread (like a dog that has an alcohol problem) and we cannot forget how sexy all of her heroes are! The found family elements also always ensure a satisfying read. Along with the rest of the series, Unforgiven is the perfect blend of suspense, love, and steam. 5/5.

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I have enjoyed each one of Ms. Zanetti's books in the Deep Ops series. Each one of these Alpha males have met their match and found a deep and abiding friendship/family within the Deep Ops team. Ms. Zanetti's well-crafted and fast paced plot kept me turning the pages.

I confess that I've been intrigued by Jet/Jethro Hanson and his murky past but this story blew me away with his history. Gemma was one of the most courageous heroines that Ms. Zanetti has written in this series. Gemma was smart, devious and so devoted to her daughter that I teared up at every scene with Trudy. As usual Roscoe brought the humor to the scenes, bless his alcoholic heart. It was so good to see all of the team members together again and find out where each of the couples are now in their lives. Suspense, action, friendship, uniquely flawed characters, romance, one of the cutest little girls that I've ever read and an alcoholic German Shepherd that will make you laugh. An amazing romantic suspense that kept me up way too late to finish.

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Deep ops just keeps adding new members. This one does not understand or want to be family. That changes when he meets a small sprite and her mother. They are in trouble and he has to help. Fast paced, tension filled and of course romance. Several new prospective members are introduced. Great series and glad it is has more stories to tell

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Happy sigh. Rebecca Zanetti never lets a romantic-suspense addict down. I bumped this book up in my queue because I needed to know I'd get a good story, and I was not disappointed. I read a LOT, and it took me a few pages to realize that I'd read the previous novel in the series (Angus and Nari), and then it all started falling slightly in place. I do know that I'll be seeking out and purchasing those previous novels because this series is keeper-shelf material.

In this novel, we get to see ex-M16 operative turned university professor (I mean, seriously? 🥰) Jethro meet his match in Gemma Falls. Both are game theory experts--and that's one area I think could be improved as their skills in that area aren't really explained or utilized like they could have been--that meet at the university where Jethro teaches and Gemma is a "visiting" professor (you can read the book to understand the air quotes). Gemma and her daughter have been on the run from her ex, and Jethro has been recently pulled back into the hunt for an escaped baddie, and after the two start to siege time together, their worlds collide.

The result is page after page of action, though there's plenty of time for their relationship to grow at a realistic pace (no instalove, thankfully). There's also plenty of time for series fans to be brought up to speed on how things are going for the ragtag group of badasses that star in previous and likely future stories in the collection. In short, this novel is a must-read for fans of the genre and the author. I'll end as I began: happy sigh!

I received an ARC of the book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion. Thanks!

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The Britt Is In The House!!

Jethro Hanson just wants to put the past behind him. It’s coming back to haunt him.

“That’s our Jethro. He’s a hero, whether he believes it or not.”

A killer wants to destroy everything he cares about.

Wolfe’s eyes were sharp. “I’m Jethro’s best friend. Figured I should be here.”

Gemma Falls has been on the run for years. She’ll do anything to protect her child.

“007 has nothing on you, Professor Bada$$.”

Deep Opps is one of my favorite series and this one was no exception. The gang is back and rallying around one of there own. So much suspense and tension keep you on your toes.

Trudy is the cutest Ana the twins are hilarious. Can’t wait to learn more about them.

Trudy tilted her head again. “Tyler said his mommy and daddy sleep in the same bed. You and Jet-ro sleep in the same bed.” Oliver coughed. Ian looked like he was about to bust his stitches but kept from laughing.

Love It!!

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Another awesome book by Rebecca, as always, the action sequences, are plentiful, exciting, and deftly conceived. Along with the Rebecca’s vivid description which effortlessly brings the story to life, drawing you into the story and the character’s lives and world so quickly you’re invested in these characters and you got to love when a toddler brings badass men to their knees. Excellent character development, lush description, on point pacing, well-plotted and wonderfully executed action scenes, and emotional and steamy romance kept me engrossed in this gripping novel. Readers who love romantic suspense that is steamy, action packed, and will love this one.

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I enjoyed this book from Zanetti - with a guest spot from Roscoe (who managed to stay away from the booze... but he was befriending toddlers so maybe that is why...)

We met Jethro earlier in the series and he got his story - hopefully spinning off to his secretive MI6 friends in coming books!

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This story is amazing! I didn’t see several things coming. I’ve read the majority of Zanetti’s books and a lot of times when you read the same author over and over you get a sense of “oh okay that happened in-“ but I never feel that. In fact, I often feel the opposite. There were parts of the story where I had to put it down and say “what did I just read” and take another look because I was shocked. I can’t wait to hear the audio!

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This is my first story by this author and I can assure you it won’t be my last. I love a good suspenseful romance story and this one checked all my boxes.
I thought the story was well written and the storyline flowed well and didn’t seem rushed.
Gemma and Jethro make an awesome couple! Both characters are strong and they have common interests. Doesn’t hurt that he’s a hot former MI6 agent!

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4
This series continues to delight. I find it fun and exciting and this book was no exception. I liked the concept of the story and paired with Ms. Zanetti's writing style made this book a fast read. Jethro and Gemma's story was entertaining, but I especially loved the wider dynamics of the team, nothing makes me happier than a posse of oddballs finding each other. The action is also great and there are so many twists that it keeps you reading. These guys are badasses and so are the women.
The lower rating compared to the other books in the series comes from me not connecting with Gemma, the heroine. But that's on me. In my opinion, she lacked chemistry with Jethro. And the book also didn't come together as well as some of the other books in the Deep Ops series. It started out good but slowed down toward the end. But overall, it was a captivating story that kept me reading, even with these small issues aside. I'm still very much enjoying this series and I'm looking forward to the next entries.

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Rebecca Zanetti is one of my favorite authors and this book does not disappoint. This is a very fast paced, action filled thriller you just won't want to put down. Brother against brother, a woman who isn't all she seems to be who seems very stand offish, a cute toddler, a British speaking teacher spy, a dog who has a drinking problem and so many crazy secondary characters make this book a must read.

After reading Angus and Nari's story I thought Rebecca was finished writing the Deep ops series but I couldn't have been more wrong as she wrote Gemma and Jethro's story. I really hope Wolf's story is next.

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This is the newest installment of the Deep Ops series. What a book!!! Gemma Falls is trying to run and hide from a deadly ex and meets Jethro Hanson at the university she started working at. Jethro is working as a professor and nobody knows how deadly he can be. He is soon called to help with an investigation that involves his family. In the middle of all this the passion between Gemma and Jethro ignites. He has to decide between searching for the killer in his investigation and finding peace or becoming the killer he once was and keeping Gemma safe.

This is a fantastic book and we get to see some of the other Deep Ops characters. Gotta love Roscoe. Dive into this book, you won't regret it!

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Unforgiven by Rebecca Zanetti is a romantic suspense novel & book 5 in the Deep Ops series. I have to admit this is the first book I’ve read by this author but I was so intrigued by the blurb. There’s a man Jethro with dangerously secret past that meets a woman Gemma & her 3 year old daughter, Trudy on the run. What happens when two dangerous worlds collide & they have to rely on each other & their loyal friends to survive? Check out this Unforgiven to find out!
This book is a wonderful combination of sweet & spicy romance, thrilling suspense, humor & the heart melting factor with the adorableness of a 3 year old & a mischievous & protective dog.
At the beginning, Jethro passed some misogynistic judgement & was quite intrusive, but he eventually realizes the error of his ways & apologizes for said behavior which I appreciated. There were a few other little moments where Jethro was a little much for me, but overall, I think he had good intentions & acted protectively in a very dangerous situation.
“Never undwrsomate the power of an animal” (At 47% of bookI.) I love this quote so much & completely agree. The dog in this book Roscoe is a star & made my heart warm whenever he was mentioned. Although I’ve never heard of a dog liking alcohol before.
I loved Gemma’s 3 year old daughter, Trudy & all of her interactions with the team members. I especially loved the Trudy-Roscoe bond. It was just adorable & heart-warming.
I also loved the dynamics of the team & how loyal they were to each other & their loved ones. My love of sports translates to my love for rooting for a team & this is a good one. I also discovered Book 1 of the Deep Op series is on Kindle Unlimited just in case anyone wanted to read it too!
Unforgiven comes out June 7, 2022!

Massive thanks to NetGalley &. Kensington Books for giving me the opportunity to read an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Trigger warnings: This book mentions &/or contains abuse, stalking, murder, violence, mugging, kidnapping, serial killer, poisoning & child endangerment.

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I received this ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Once again Zanetti delivers with action, romance and connectible characters. This is book five in the Deep Ops series. Gemma Falls has been on the run for quite a while staying ahead of a killer and the father of her child. She is hiding out with a new identity at a D.C. University filling in for a friend that is helping her hide. She meets another professor Jethro Hanson who used to work for MI6 and Deep Ops and has left his old job behind. He finds out that Gemma is in trouble and decides to help her because not only is she hiding from her husband but now from Jethro’s brother who is a killer for hire. Jethro’s brother has gone out of his way to set him up for his murders. Jethro is trying to not only keep Gemma and her daughter safe but also to clear his name. Find out what happens to Jethro and Gemma and do they survive to find romance with each other?

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I received an arc from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

Lots of thrills in this book. Gemma comes off at first as a stand-off (ish) person but she has every right to be. Her past is catching up with her and soon her present life will collide with Jethros worst nightmare.

Both professors at a college in DC they finally give in to a friendship that could lead to more. Both however need to deal with their pasts wreaking havoc on their future.

Trudy, Roscoe and Wolfe play a big part in their lives as well and they learn that family is not always family by blood.

Love this book and I sure want to go back and read Wolfes story. Sounds intriguing.

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I absolutely loved this book! I almost think it’s my favorite in the entire series! And it was wonderful meeting up with all of the characters from the previous four books! Almost like a family reunion!

Gemma is on the run with her small daughter from an abusive relationship. She takes a job at a University in Washington D.C. and there she meets Jethro. She has too many secrets to get involved with anyone, especially a smooth talking man like him.

Jethro can’t figure out why Gemma gives him the brush off every time they meet and determines she must be hiding something. Of course, so is he so he decides to just be friendly. When he discovers she has a small daughter and car problems, he steps in to help…but she doesn’t want anyone’s help…she’s just trying to stay under the radar. That does nothing but make him determined to figure her out.

Jethro’s brother Fletcher is brilliant man, yet one with psychopathic tendencies and he wants to make Jethro pay for putting him in jail. Unfortunately Gemma lands on his radar and then the man after her knows where she’s at…and that she has a daughter (who just happens to look like him). The suspense ramps up and at times it seems like it’s a race against time.

Jethro doesn’t want to have a “family” but the Deep Ops team have made him part of their family. They are helping him whether he wants their help or not and then Gemma gets taken into the fold.

The suspense is crazy good and it keeps you involved and you just don’t want to put it down! And the ending hits all of my feels! Another winner for Ms. Zanetti!

Mystery, suspense, betrayal, and sizzling scenes. Definitely a must read!

I also want to thank Net Galley for allowing me to read this advance reader copy...a phenomenal read!!!

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3.5 stars

3.5 stars

My soft spot for Rebecca Zanetti's 'Deep Ops' stems from a misfit crew under Angus Force that don't really bother to hide their brokenness (but in fact, almost revel in it) and slowly becoming a dysfunctional family as the series progresses. The individual books' focus on each pairing however, do vary in quality and romantic tropes underpinned by suspense.

In 'Unforgiven', the entire team gets thrown into chaos by the whirlwind that's Gemma Falls and her daughter--a mother-daughter pair on the run from an abusive ex. The sudden insertion of Jethro's super-evil, over-the-top smart villain of a brother who threatens to wreck the fragile peace the crew has been enjoying also conflates the danger that Gemma faces. With the twin threats, Zanetti's storytelling is pacey as the crew fight fire on both fronts, with Jethro neatly bulldozing himself into Gemma's life and bed.

It was nice to see the return of the crew as a whole and the dynamics that they create when they are around each other; the addition of some side characters does helps keep the plot more lighthearted than darkly violent. Zanetti's brand of humour that she lends the secondary cast can be somewhat off-key, though it certainly does well enough to serve as a tension-reliever at times. 

I'm a little less enthused strangely, about the Deep Ops' crew's individual stories and it's no different here--the violent past of each of Angus's team member is often touted to be the reason and excuse why they don't take any emotional plunges, then switch their opinions almost immediately when 'the one' appears. It's a holding pattern that repeats like clockwork and frankly, I'd like to see a bit more nuance with this particular tortured and overused trope.

Jethro's insistence on railroading his way into Gemma's problems (going so far as to order a background check on her when it wasn't his place to) simply because she was reticent with him didn't put him in the best light, more so as he'd also just come off a one-night stand when he'd met her. That he also flipped so quickly from steadfastly refusing any commitment to any woman to suddenly wanting to play family because of his need to protect Gemma and her daughter felt more of a product of the constant adrenaline rush from a sudden roll of traumatising events than one forged out of deep emotional connection and understanding.

Zanetti's blend of suspense and action is probably what will keep me coming back still; maybe the next pairing is the one that will really unearth that pot of gold for me...who knows?

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I love every single thing Rebecca Zanetti writes. She is my favorite author and never disappoints me. I thought this series was finished after Angus and Nari's story, but her creativity never ends. Gemma and Jethro's book was so good and I now have hopes some of the other minor characters might get their own books too. If you like action, suspense and hot romance this is a must read!

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