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Gemma Falls, a substitute professor on the run with her young daughter, is in danger from her abusive ex. Jethro Hanson, a philosophy professor and former MI6 agent, is targeted by a murderer from his past. And it's personal. Gemma and Jethro have a rocky start to their relationship, but once they get closer their situations begin to overlap. Can Jethro keep Gemma and her daughter safe while chasing a murderer?

I couldn't put this book down—I devoured it late into the night. I loved the way the two storylines meshed to become something even more sinister. I loved Jethro, a professor who was actually a bad-a$$. Gemma was a likable, strong heroine. The Deep Ops team became involved, and it was good to see all my favorites again. Wolfe played a major role, declaring that he was Jethro's best friend. He provided comic relief, along with two new characters. I hope the Deep Ops series continues, and those two characters get their own books.

Suspense, romance, a sexy hero—what more could you ask for? Don't miss this book.

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Gemma is on the run with her daughter, doing her best to stay under the radar. Jethro is trying to live a normal life, but his past won’t leave him in peace. They run in to each other through work and they are attracted to each other. When Jethro’s past catches up with him it puts Gemma in danger and they are drawn closer together. Gemma is wary of Jethro because of her past, but cannot resist the pull to Jethro. He will do anything to protect her and her adorable daughter. Even although he has left his past behind, he still has a large group of friends willing to help. I really liked the team dynamic and how they pulled in Gemma and her daughter. Jethro’s nemesis was even more evil than expected and I enjoyed the ending but would have loved an epilogue giving a bit more of the story. Gemma was strong, intelligent and determined. Jethro was smart, loyal and brave. I definitely want to read the rest of the series.

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This book was my introduction to the work of Rebecca Zanetti and I will now go look for more of her stories. This tightly woven romantic suspense had me hooked from the first chapter to the very last word. I'm very impressed with this author and this offering.

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Gemma and Jethro have both made new lives for themselves but for very different reasons. Jethro is a ‘retired’ agent working as a university professor and Gemma is a woman running from her abusive ex fiancé. When they first meet there’s something about Gemma that doesn’t add up for Jethro but soon his past catches up with him and he finds himself needing to protect Gemma and that’s when they both discover the truth about each other.
I do love this authors work and this series in spite of its suspense and danger is simply such fun to read. Yes we get violent men doing truly heinous things but there’s so much to smile about, be it alcoholic dogs or even mountain sized men who make the reader chuckle at their antics. There’s moments of sweetness that make me sigh , steamy intersections of course and then wham we are back facing violence and death ! This book particularly brings numerous characters together and it’s clear the author has plans for some of them. For this reader perhaps not my favourite romance pairing but I loved the interplay from the supporting characters which for me was the highlight of the book. As for the big bad (guy/guys ?) something just didn’t quite convince me totally but I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent reading this and I already want to spend more time with the big, tough and utterly adorable Deep Ops family !
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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A woman and child with a past they are running from.
A former British special agent trying to live a quieter life but his past keeps pulling him in.
A new team determined to adopt him whether he wants them to or not.
Trouble, murder, mayhem, and manipulation.

Gemma and Jethro are new co-workers as college professors at least for the short term. They didn’t plan on liking each other. They are both secretive, careful, stubborn, smart, and scared of attachments. She didn’t want any help. He’s a loner that tries not to get involved but found himself getting involved anyway. Issues from their separate pasts are coming back to haunt them and now seem to be converging into a much bigger problem. And they might have no choice but to lean on his new team and employ all of their skills in order to try to dig themselves out of this complicated mess and keep everybody safe.

I actually really liked Gemma in Jethro together. They were well matched intellectually. They both actually cared about people even though they were guarded and trying not to show it. Trust and being vulnerable were so hard for both of them because they were used to only relying on themselves. So it was actually a relief to see them have some others show up for them and have their back even if they were resistant to accepting help. Her daughter was adorable and I loved how she responded to some of these big burly operatives.

This brings back many of the deep ops team members as they all try to work on different aspects of the cases. And along the way, Gemma and her daughter are getting attached to Jethro, and Jethro is getting very protective of them. But both of them have kept themselves guarded and didn’t think that they would ever be relationship material due to the nature of their pasts. But they might just be what each other needs. And even though he comes attached to some dangerous problems, his persistent and resourceful new team is a bonus to a woman used to relying on herself.

This is a fast-paced, cat and mouse, personal war game, and romantic suspense story. But it’s also about finding inner strength and being willing to fight for what’s important. I loved seeing the growth of these two and how they began to realize that they didn’t have to be alone and that sometimes taking a risk and trusting people can actually bring safety and a sense of home.

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The dove and the hawk. Gemma is on the run but her next gig is as a university professor. She only stays a few months at a time and now she has run into this sexy Dr. Jethro Hanson. His protective instincts are humming, but Gemma is having none of it. A very intense story as usual with this author, but at the same time, a boat load of humor, it's a fabulous combination. Multiple threats in a short amount of time makes the pages fly as fast as they can. Throw in this quirky family of friends and then add in a few more Brits (Ian and Oliver), oh and a three year old and blankies. I loved Jet's alpha, you are mine, I'm in charge speech, especially with his accent. A fabulous read.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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Genre: Thriller
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 6/7/22
Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Pages: 344
Goodreads Rating: 4.58

Thank you to NetGalley and Lyrical Press for providing a copy of the book for me to read in exchange for my honest opinion.

Synopsis: Run:
Gemma Falls never expected to use her game theory expertise to outrun a killer. But for years, that skill is all that kept her one step ahead of a deadly stalker. When Gemma gets the chance to teach at D.C. University, she hopes she and her young daughter have found a safe harbor. The only flaw is the arrogant philosophy professor who’s always underfoot giving unwanted advice—in his sexy British accent . . .

My Thoughts: While this is book number 5 in a series, it can be read as a standalone, which I did and had no issues keeping up. Even though this book is classified as a thriller, it has a bit of romantic suspense in it. The story is narrated by Jethro and Gemma, switching between the two, providing the story from their POV. The book starts out as a slow burn but heats up. The characters were well developed, learning a little more from Jethro, who has appeared in other series. This author does a really good job of capturing a little of everything, romance, suspense, uneasiness, a little humor, action, and cute adorable moments. I really enjoyed this author’s writing style and how she pulls this couple tougher. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and will go back to read the other books in the series, eventually.

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Unforgiven is the fifth book in Rebecca Zanetti's Deep Ops series. That means that this book is not a standalone and if you decide to read it that way, you will struggle to understand about 30% of this story. The other 70% will still be enjoyable, but sometimes without context. Read the whole series.

I enjoyed reading this book, but it won't end up on my re-reads shelf. I enjoy Zanetti's books, but there is always something that will just dump me out of the story, usually research related. To be fair, I don't read her books for their accuracy, I read them because I thoroughly enjoy Zanetti's imagination and her willingness to keep us all entertained. Her stories are so good that I'm willing to ignore the odd event in the books.

Regardless, I enjoyed this read. Unforgiven is mostly quick paced story with some really great action. Our main characters encounter some really well written conflict and the rest of the cast will make you want to read for hours past your bedtime.

Thank you Kensington Books, Lyrical Press and NetGalley for sending me this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Gemma is on the run. She is temporarily working as a professor when she meets Jethro, another professor who works with her. They become friends, but never dream how each will greatly affect their lives…and it does become a life or death situation! This story immediately pulled me in and made me want to read more! Loved it!

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Unforgiven continues Rebecca Zanetti’s Deep Ops series with our favorite MI6 spy British Jethro getting his heart stolen by on the run single mom Gemma. I enjoyed every page, the tightly woven plot, the banter from the characters, the dark creepy killer and the chemistry between Gemma and Jethro.

Jethro has shed his spy persona and is working as a university professor when a serial killer starts leaving notes for him threatening his found family including new professor Gemma. Gemma and her daughter have been running from her abusive ex for years but believes he has found her. The sparks fly from these two as they try to stop the killer, end her stalker, prove Jethro isn’t a murderer and discover their smoking hot sexy times.

I have been interested in Jethro’s back story for several books and it did not disappoint! The way that Rebecca Zanetti combines his loneliness with doing everything for his country with his tender heart and love for his found family that he keeps pushing away is fantastic. I love a tortured hero so Jethro worked for me. Plus his dirty talk is spot on! I felt Gemma’s love for her daughter, trying to keep her safe and realizing that Jethro can do that. Even though they both tried to deny it, their attraction was fire!

As with the other books in the series, the side characters are fantastic. Wolf, Dana, Angus and Roscoe (the adorable drunk doggie!) make appearances in here adding the right mix of comic relief and unbreakable support. The introduction of the British twins and a maybe love interest for Millie, give me hope this series will continue and I can’t wait!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Unforgiven has a publish date of June 7, 2022.

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This story has everything: action, excitement, romance and a freakin’ adorable kid. You just want to pinch her cheeks.

Jethro Hanson is a professor of philosophy, a former MI6 agent and more recently, a consultant for Angus Force’s HDD department of misfits. ((I love them) One of his last assignments for MI6 was capturing his own brother Fletcher, a former MI6 agent as well with a side hustle as a contract killer. It might have been overlooked by the powers that be if not for the fact that he enjoyed his side hustle so very much Now Fletcher has escaped prison and has followed Jethro to DC, mixing his business with pleasure but whether Fletcher wants to simple kill Jethro or does he have some complex plan for payback, is the question.

Gemma Falls is running from her ex-fiance, an upstanding doctor and a physical abuser. From almost the first moment of their engagement, he began isolating her and beating on her. When she found out she was pregnant, she knew the time had come that she had to run.

The violence comes from so many angles in this story, so much so that the suspense was intense. Fletcher is close by and brutally killing (for personal reasons? contract hits?) and he’s trying to implicate Jethro as the killer. Is his plan to land Jethro in prison as payback? Is he going to kill Jethro? What happens when Fletcher realizes how much Gemma and her daughter have come to mean to Jethro?

When Fletcher sends a picture of Gemma and Trudy to her ex-fiance, Gemma realizes the safety she felt with Jethro and his team is simply an illusion she wanted so much to believe in. But can Jethro convince her to trust in them and not take off running again in the middle of the night?

I am so excited for more Deep Ops stories. I love this group of characters. We met Jethro before when he was brought in to help profile the surgeon. He seemed a hit standoffish but we learn this is as much his solidly calm personality mixed with intense MI6 training. He does try to keep the team out of his business with Fletcher so they won’t get targeted, but since this tactic didn’t work so well for Angus, I don’t know why Jethro thought this team would sit back and allow him to face the danger alone.

A man with such strong control on his temper is just what Genna needs after the physical abuse from her ex-fiance, a man who can protect her but never turn that violence on her.

More, more, more Deep Ops, please!

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I don’t have enough words in order to tell you how much I enjoy Rebecca Zanetti and all of her book series. Deep Ops is one of my absolute favorites. Unforgiven, which is book 5 in the series, releases on June 7 of this year. I have nothing bad to say about this book other than it ended far too soon. I hate that it’s over. I need more, I want more, and I need to know who it's going to happen to next. Lol, no pressure Zanetti, just give me all the things now. All kidding aside, Unforgiven is an action-packed-driven read that is pure adrenaline perfection. I can’t wait for everybody else to read it so that I can openly discuss it. When does book six come out?


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Jethro is the personification of British reserve. As a former MI6 operative in an elite unit, he is the master of no strings attached and flying below the radar. His work for the government has set him on a path of atonement after leaving their service in the hopes he can tilt the scales to put him back in the good graces of the universe, but he feels it is a very uphill battle. He has helped Angus and the Deep Ops team by consulting on a few of their cases, and now he finds himself with a new best friend in Wolfe after being injured alongside him on a mission. Of course, that was news to Jethro when Wolfe announced their bestie status! Keeping people at arms length has always been important, but now it seems a killer is targeting people and trying to frame Jethro which makes attachments to him even more dangerous to those around him.

When Serena mysteriously and quickly disappears from her teaching job and calls on her friend Gemma to replace her, Jethro is immediately suspicious particularly since he cannot reach Serena to find out what is going on. The last thing Gemma needs is some nosy professor poking around her life, so she gives him her best ice queen impersonation. Too bad she has no idea who the man in the suit REALLY is! Unfortunately she gets on the radar of the killer after being seen with Jethro, and now she has double the danger threatening to expose her secrets.

Unforgiven has plenty of suspense and action as we try to figure out what the killer's next move will be alongside the potential for disaster if Gemma's location is exposed to her stalker since it is not just her life and safety on the line. Seeing all that British reserve and calm, cool and collected manner go right out the window is a whole lot of fun too as Jethro reveals exactly what a badass he can be! I loved getting more of Angus, Nari, Wolfe and Dana as well as meeting 2 of Jethro's friends from his time at MI6. Throw in the adorable antics of Roscoe and Trudy, and Unforgiven was another fantastic read in this series!

ARC received via NetGalley

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Another great book by Rebecca Zanetti. Jet and Gemma start out as colleagues at the University that Jethro has been working at since he left MI6. Little does he know that his past is about to catch up with him as well as Gemma’s.
Gemma is hiding a secret and Jethro is determined to help her and her cute little Urchin.
Gemma has a daughter Trudy she has to protect and the whole team comes together in Deep Ops fashion where family is not just in blood.
Best part is the book when Trudy toddles into a scene and steals the show. We meet some new characters that I’m sure will have books of their own and the deep ops family will grow even bigger.
Can’t wait to see where Rebecca takes the story from here. I love how includes all the other members of the team in each book and this one was no different.

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A fantastically suspenseful story
Rating: 4 stars
Steam: 1.5 flames
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Trigger Warning: Domestic violence
I know this is Jethro and Gemma’s book… but I am going to tell you that Wolfe stole the show for me. Wolfe has always been my favorite character in this series, and he was on point in this book! He has been my favorite from the start of this series and this book just solidified the fact why I love his character!

But now on with Jethro and Gemma…

Gemma is on the run and in hiding (see TW), constantly looking over her shoulder and never allowing anyone close, never feeling safe; she is always in flight or fight mode. Gemma has accepted a temporary position as a professor. Hoping to stay long enough to save enough money before she has to go on the run again.

Jethro, a former MI6 agent turned academic, consulted with Angus Force and his team on their most recent case and now finds himself with a team of friends...and even a new’s almost like he has a family. When a serial killer begins leaving bodies for Jethro, the entire squad arrives to assist. When Gemma becomes unwittingly entangled, Jethro discovers that the new professor is more than he first thought.

All of my favorite characters made appearances, which I appreciated. The suspense was exciting, as was the tale. I wish there had been more romance between Jethro and Gemma...this book was a little slow burn and clean for my personal tastes. However, having Wolfe in the book compensated for the lack of romance and steam. Overall, this was a fun book with interesting characters and a compelling plot. Did I mention Wolfe?

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Wow, what a ride!

This book has it all. Foreign and domestic organizations and operatives, cute dog and kid, fast-paced action, hot s*x, and romance. The book is part of a series, I was a bit confused in the beginning telling who was who, but it comes together quickly. Really enjoyed it and will look for others in the series.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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This is an exciting story that grabbed me from the beginning. I had a hard time putting it down. Gemma is a smart, tough lady who was raised by a callous, drunken mother. She and her daughter Trudy are on the run from Gemma's abusive former fiance, Monty. Jethro, a former MI6 operative now working as a professor at the same college where Gemma works, comes into their lives when Monty seems to be closing in on them. Jethro has his own problems, as his psychopath brother, also a former operative, has been leaving a trail of bodies behind him, having escaped from prison in England. Jethro fortunately has a group of friends on their side, who are part of a special ops group trained to take on all kinds of threats. The relationship between Gemma and Jethro is romantic and hot and the friends are all great individual characters. I enjoyed it all.

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This is the fifth of the The Deep Ops series, none of which I've read. I have read another series by this author and enjoyed the way she balanced  romance with suspense. There is suspense and action in the story, there is abundant, simmering romantic tension building throughout, though the  romantic interludes leave little to the imagination. It would have benefited me to have read prior in the series. It took awhile to put together people and their relationships in the ops team.
This story is set in DC where Gemma's teaching game theory for a semester at the University. She and her three year old daughter, Trudy, are temporarily staying at a college friends (Serena)  house. It is apparent early on that Gemma is running and/or hiding from someone or something. She's described well as guarded, skidish, private and secretive. Her priority is Trudy's well being and safety.
Another professor, Jethro, takes notice of Trudy early on. He teaches Philosophy, is British, associated with MI6, and his brother, Fletcher, is baiting him in an attempt at payback.
Fletcher is leaving murdered victims with notes addressed to Jethro pinned to their bodies. The Detective keeps hauling Jethro into interrogation or arresting him.
Other members of this team begin to assemble for support to Jethro. There's the leader, Wolfe and his pregnant wife Dana, Angus Force, Nari, Millie, the twins Ian and Oliver, and Roscoe the  alcoholic dog. Very entertaining dynamics as they rally around as a family protecting Jethro.
While all this is happening Jethro and Gemma cannot deny their attraction even as secrets from her past could get her killed also.
The plot is solid with nonstop danger. The characters were entertaining and I enjoyed learning about their relationships.  It would have been helpful to have background from the previous in the series. The romantic undercurrents were more emphasized than the suspense. I would read this author again.
Thanks to NetGalley for the advance digital copy of "Unforgiven" by Rebecca Zanetti, and to Kensington Publishing. These are my honest personal thoughts and opinions given voluntarily.

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Unforgiven by Rebecca Zanetti is book 5 in the Deep Ops series and again is another page turner from a one click author! The book centres on Jethro and Gemma. Gemma is on the run from a deadly stalker which takes her to working at a new job as a professor at D.C. University. There she meets Jethro who also works at the University but who is suspicious of the aloof Gemma from the get-go. Both of them are keeping secrets with lots of things the are hiding, but soon a slow starting friendship becomes more, even when both of them are flung into danger, and they figure out that the danger is closer to home than they think!

This was another fast paced read with lots of suspense and twist and turns which are going to keep you on the edge of your seat! Two wonderful characters which work really well together. I can’t wait to read more from this series and get to know some of the other characters!

ARC received for a fair, honest and sometimes long review. All opinions are my own. 😊

More of my reviews can be found on my blog:

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I loved this book. The characters were amazing. They were so well written they really came to life for me. The book itself was perfect, characters, plot and pace Ann came together to make this a hell of a read. I couldn’t put it down. The suspense kept me turning pages until the wee hours of the morning. My heart was pounding the whole time. Suspense, love and terror … this one has it all. Simply must read.

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