Member Reviews

A great resource for this book whether or not you're reading it by yourself or with a bookclub. And there is a homemade butter recipe, which is a fun little addition.

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A unique look back at the book. I really loved the questions and activities. I would love these for every book I read.

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I really enjoyed this book club kit. Author interviews are always interesting as we get to learn more about their inspirations and writing process'. I appreciated the what to read next suggestions as well as the bookmarks.

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Fantastic kit for use in book club meetings. We struggle with discussing the book (we usually say a few worked about it and then start chatting about anything in general) and this will help us to stay on track.

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The book club kit for “Watch Over Me” by Nina LaCour on NetGalley is fantastic. It offers thoughtful discussion questions, an author Q&A, and engaging activities that enrich the reading experience and provoke meaningful conversations about the book’s themes.

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I enjoyed this book club kit! I liked that it included content warning of the book. The author interview was also really fun to read, and it was great to get to read what the author was thinking while writing the book and what inspired them.
It also included a recipe, discussion questions, and bookmarks which are a fun addition to a blook club!

Thank you to NetGalley, We Are Bookish publisher and the author for the book club kit!

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Ich wusste gar nicht so richtig, was ich hier runtergeladen hatte, aber war positiv überrascht, als ich das PDF geöffnet habe. Das Interview mit der Autorin ist wahnsinnig interessant und das Buch wollte ich eh mit Freund*innen gemeinsam lesen. Ich finde es als Leitfaden und Anregung sehr schön aufgemacht und werde es mit meiner Lesegruppe teilen. Eine schöne Einstimmung in die Geschichte mit sehr coolen weiterführenden Gedanken und Anregungen, um Tiefer in die Diskussion zu gehen! Gefällt mir sehr!

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delivers an emotional impact thanks to its beautifully crafted prose. The novel balances melancholy and heartwarming moments, exploring themes like grief, loss, guilt, and healing. It's a captivating and introspective YA novel that lingers in the mind long after the final page.

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Loved the design of this guide and the homemade butter recipe. Will I make it? Maybe not but it's good to pretend :-)

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These kits make book club meetings so easy. I love the prepublished questions and book considerations. Honestly a game changer when you’re a busy body but also a book worm.

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I am not the biggest fan of this one. There are things I appreciate, of course, like the content warnings and the deeper insight into the story via author interview and discussion questions. I found it a little ironic that some of the discussion about the book involved the process of cover design since I, personally, hate this cover very much. I do, however, think that most of my dislike of this kit is centered around my not caring at all for the cover and therefore finding that a lot of the supplementary content (bookmarks, especially) is lacking.

There’s still a decent amount of content for a book club, but nothing I’d consider substantial.

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I love this book club kit! It's both aestetically pleasing and comprehensive. Gorgeous layout, which includes: an author interview, recommendations for upcoming reads, recipes and discussion questions. I wish there was a kit like this for all books. I'd be more apt to pick up certain books for my book club. The work is done and looks like the making of a good time.

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The enticing mood of "Watch Over Me" by Nina LaCour is set against the backdrop of a secluded farm in Northern California. Fresh out of foster care, Mila finds safety in this special homeschool for wounded kids. But the farm is home to more than just secrets; it is inhabited by ghosts, both real and hidden in the hearts of the farm's occupants.

LaCour's text is a poetic masterwork that masterfully captures the mist-covered seashore and whirling emotions. She creates a moving tapestry of self-discovery by exploring themes of loss, belonging, and the lasting influence of the past. Readers ride along with Mila as she explores the mysteries of the farm and faces her own fears in a melancholic dance of acceptance and vulnerability.

This short novel has a quiet power that lingers long beyond the last page, and it may leave you speechless. A story that lingers, "Watch Over Me" is a monument to the transformational power of human connection, even in the face of tragedy. Be prepared for both warmth and cold.

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One of my favorite things about using NetGalley's Book Club kits is the author interview. This one was wonderful, and I love the glimpse into the writing process and the motivation for writing the books. The questions provided were interesting and thought-provoking, but didn't add anything that wouldn't have come out in regular discussion. The bookmarks are adorable, but I rarely print them because I like thicker cardboard or wooden bookmarks. I was disappointed in the recipe included, as I don't foresee my book club being excited about making butter. Most of us are teachers and have done that with a classroom of children, so it isn't something we're likely to do as adults hanging out.

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This book club kit contains a wide range of materials to be used to facilitate a book club meeting about Watch Over Me. I loved the design of this kit and how it tied in so nicely with the book's cover. I thought the author's interview was really interesting however I do wish they had been more interactive activities just to make the book club meeting more fun.

I hadn't heard of Watch Over Me before reading this however now I'm definitely going to check it out!

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The Book Club Kits are fabulous tools to enrich your reading experience. They provide questions that make you reflect more on what you've read and points to discuss in a book club to hear different thoughts and explore further. Even if you're not in a book club, you can use it to ponder on some aspects of the book that you may have missed or wouldn't have lingered on when you read it. If you want to get more out of a book, the book club kit will act as a wonderful learning tool. Highly recommended.

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This book club kit was well thought out and put together. It not only included thoughtful questions, but also a recipe and bookmarks. I appreciated that it included information on the author, other books by her/the publisher, and suggestions for books to read if you enjoyed this one. This would be a great kit for someone wanting to change up a book club meeting.

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Achei que fosse um livro, mas é só uma entrevista com a autora, o que foi bem decepcionante, mas acho que não li a descrição corretamente, erro meu :(

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I love this book club kits! They are very usefull to generate instances of discussion after the book club readings. I LOVED that this one has the recipe, even though i doubt i'll be doing it haha.

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This is a REVIEW ONLY of The BOOK CLUB KIT for “Watch Over Me,” a young adult fantasy horror fiction by Nina LaCour about a teenage girl with a harrowing past who must confront ghosts from her past to move forward into the future. This fabulously created colorful 16-page e-book Kit—with a dramatically beautiful cover reminiscent of a modern Marie Antoinette portrait—is loaded with everything to make your Book Club meeting memorable. Featuring lots of discussion questions to stimulate insightful two-way conversations among reading groups, it’s also full of visual appeal because of the bright art and bold, eye-catching graphics. The Q & As are excellent and will be useful for Book Club Leaders, Librarians, as well as readers themselves who want extra insight into the background of the book and author. 💕 As all compelling Book Kits do, by adding additional graphics and fun elements, this one truly rocks! It offers a recipe for homemade butter; content warnings; bookmarks to cut out; an author interview; additional suggested readings, and so much more. This is a truly exciting Book Kit worthy of it’s designation. 💕

TheBookMaven graciously thanks NetGalley, Author Nina LaCour, and Publisher We Are Bookish for this Advanced Reader’s Copy (ARC) for review.

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