Member Reviews

I love this author. I love all the books she writes and this one is no exception. So glad to have gotten to read this book - it's a great storyline to escape, a great book to try and figure out who dun it, and just overall entertaining and a great way to relax. Cannot wait to read another by her.

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Samantha William's life is turned on its head when a SUV crashes through her classroom wall, sending Samantha on a quest for answers about her shadowed past.

A fast moving suspense, with one thing after another coming at Samantha, who has had her whole life upended and is surrounded by strangers. Who can she trust? There is so much going on in this book, it kept my head spinning with one thing after another, as Samantha races to find answers before it's too late. Sam has been through a lot in her life, and I liked that she keeps cool in tension-filled situations, encountering people in her life that show her true kindness.

Overall, this is a high octane suspense, with a fantastic plotted that kept me glued to the pages. A tension filled read, with non-stop action, and a heroine that is easy to cheer for throughout. I liked that Dutch listens to her, and takes her concerns seriously. Highly recommend!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was one of those books where you had to finish it, even though you were confused at some stages! Book was very well written, and everything came together nicely at the end.

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Fallout by Carrie Stuart Parks

After a difficult childhood, Samantha Williams craves simplicity, jigsaw puzzles, lecturing at them library, and the students she adores in her role as an elementary school art teacher in the farming community of LaCrosse, Washington.

This novel was full of suspense and action. It was very interesting to learn about the nuclear plant. Great characters - good ad bad. I recommend this book.

Thanks to Net Galley for sending me an advanced reader’s copy for my review..

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Thank you, Netgalley and the author/publisher, for the opportunity to read and review an advanced reader's copy of this book. This in no way affects my review, all opinions are my own.

This is another book where I gave a star rating after I read it but didn't get the chance to write a review until now. Fallout is one of those books where you still know many weeks or months later how it made you feel while reading it, you remember the heart racing and sitting at the edge of your seat. This was another great book by Carrie Stuart Parks. I have since added more of her books to my TBR. She manages to draw me in and, what is even more important, keep me drawn in. Just when you thought you have reached the climax, she picks up the pace again. If you prefer books with a long-winded world- and character-building, this may not be the book for you. If, however, you love fast-paced action like I do, pick this book up and read it.

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Carrie Stuart Parks is back with an exciting, mind-bending mystery! I love her books for their multi-layered plots that twist and turn, keeping me turning the pages and guessing!

Full Length, Standalone Novel · Suspenseful · Art Teacher Heroine · A Mysterious Group of Former Police · Adoption Thread · Faith-Based Fiction

This story begins with a dramatic event and the suspense continues throughout, making for a fascinating read! I love Parks’ Clan Ferrin, a fictional recovery group for former police, and was excited to see it pop up again in this story.

There were plenty of unexpected events that took place in this story that served to hold my interest. I enjoyed the forensic aspect as well. There were a handful of parts that lulled just a little for me, but that didn’t detract enough from the story for me to lose interest.

I enjoyed the main character, Samantha, and how she was comfortable with her quirky personality. The hidden threads of her past that came to light throughout this story made her relatable and unique. She and a man named Dutch have a mild romantic interest that added just a little bit of extra flair to the story, but that was certainly not a strong point in this novel. Instead, the author focused on more on suspense, with the ending being every bit as thrilling as the beginning.

A solid four stars! I believe readers who enjoy faith-based suspense without a lot of fluff (or romance) will enjoy this story. It appeals, in my opinion, to both male and female readers and various age groups as well.

*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary e-copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts are my own and I was not required to post a positive review.

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This one kept me on my toes, as I tried to figure out how the pieces fit together. The author does a wonderful job of keeping the suspense going as the characters search for answers.

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I love Carrie Stuart Parks' work! She is detailed and thorough in her descriptions. since she is still involved in the criminal justice field. Every story keeps getting better, so I will keep reading as long as she keeps writing!

I like the stand-alone books, because it feels like the author gets to try on new characters without having a second book in mind. However, I also love the Gwen Marcy series!

I was an early reader, thanks to the publisher and #NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Fallout by Carrie Stuart Parks is a riveting novel from the very first pages. Ms Parks writes engaging, brilliantly crafted novels consistently. I loved this one and it’s fascinating plot set at a secret society. The characters had deep back stories and this provided so many plot possibilities. The suspense in this book never quits. I highly recommend it. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own

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Deeply evocative and action packed, with a cleverly crafted plot.
Many thanks to Thomas Nelson Fiction and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Fallout is Carrie Stuart Parks newest novel and it is another great read! Ms. Parks spins an extremely intricate and intriguing tale. Just when I think I have it figured out she adds another fascinating turn.
Samantha’s story is fascinating and not your typical romantic suspense fiction. I’ve never been disappointed in reading Ms. Parks books.
An excellent story that I couldn’t put down. I loved all the quotes from children's books and what she called ‘Sneetches’.
I received an advanced ecopy from the publisher, Thomas Nelson via Netgalley. All opinions are my very own.

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Fallout is the latest standalone novel from Carrie Stuart Parks. This one kept me guessing the through every fast-paced page.

Elementary art teacher Samantha Williams is drawn to the simple things in life. Her traumatic childhood left her craving a quieter life, but when a vehicle crashes into her classroom, life becomes more chaotic (and dangerous) than ever before. Thanks to Sam's regular safety drills, everyone is safe--everyone except the driver of the car, at least--but strange things are happening. Sam's apartment is vandalized and she finds herself staying with a new friend. As things progress, the two women wind up at a rehab centre called Clan Firrin, and the situation escalates from there.

I struggled with the believability of some aspects of this novel (Seriously, who decides staying the night with a random stranger after a traumatic event is a good idea?), but overall the plot was interesting and full of twists I didn't see coming. Sam's struggles were heartbreaking at times, especially towards the end of the book, but she worked hard to overcome the challenges she faced. I'll give Fallout 3.5/5 stars. I wish the plot had been a bit more realistic, but I still enjoyed the story.

*I received a complimentary copy of Fallout through the publisher and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. My positive review is not required.

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This book is the first for me by this author and although the premise of the story was interesting, I had trouble connecting with the main characters. I also struggled to follow all of the various backstory events and felt like I had to take a big leap of faith in order to see how everything came together in the end.

It was interesting to find out what had truly happened in the past and how that was related to the present day events. And the author did a good job of showing how there can be fallout from many things in life, whether it be true nuclear fallout or the resulting turmoil and stress to individuals who have gone through traumatic events.

I will probably try reading another book in the future by this author, as I have heard many great things about her novels. This one just wasn’t the right fit for me.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Sam is a woman who just wants time to pursue her interests on her own. While she’s teaching art at a local grade school and SUV comes crashing through wall into her classroom. Because Sam is a safety nut, she has drilled the children on disaster response and everyone gets out alive. The SUV was being driven by employees of Clan Firinn, a rehab center for law enforcement. After that, the story takes a strange turn. Sam’s purse is gone, her apartment is vandalized and she loses her job. Wow. Talk about life taking a turn. We get glimpses into Sam’s past which build into the suspense of the story. Then we meet Dutch who has problems of his own. Carrie Stuart Parks takes us on this bumpy ride leading the reader in all directions. This is an excellent Christian suspense mystery!

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Suspenseful and engaging:
Whilst not the most gripping, I nevertheless enjoyed this book. I was drawn into the mystery and suspense and liked the way the plot evolved and clues were revealed. It was unpredictable and kept me wondering what was going to transpire next. Unfortunately some things were rather unrealistic but it was still interesting, especially the aspects surrounding the testing of nuclear warfare within the USA.
This wasn't a romance but rather a suspense novel with mention of a relationship having formed when you read the epilogue. There was a Christian element but I think this book would appeal to all readers despite their personal faiths.
I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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I just finished Fallout by a new to me author, Carrie Stuart Parks. This isn’t the type of mystery that I’m used to. At times it was a little slow going for me but it got a lot more exiting as the story played out. I would read more of her books. Some of the books I read start off slow, in my opinion, but I end up enjoying them. So be like me and read new authors. Give them a chance and you’ll read books that hold your attention and you’ll look for more by that author.

All words and opinions are my own. I was give a copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review

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Fallout by Carrie Stuart Parks is an intriguing mystery/thriller.

It has a slow start but the pace picks up from 40% and concludes with an action-packed finale.

There were numerous twists and turns throughout the story, some of which I failed to apprehend.

The prologue was fascinating. However, it took time for me to piece together the pieces of the puzzle and therefore, I wasn’t invested into the story until the middle of the story.

Overall, I found the book engaging however, personally, I like my thrillers faster paced. Recommended for mystery lovers.

Many thanks to the publisher for providing me a complimentary digital copy via Netgalley. This doesn't affect my views on the book.

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I received Fallout during Carrie Stuart Parks' book tour and loved it.

I found it to be well written with plenty of twists and turns to keep you reading. Although this is the first book that I have read by Carrie, I plan on reading more.

Thank you for the opportunity and can't wait to read another of Carrie's books, I would definitely recommend it to someone who is looking for a new author.

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Fall Out…what a book. Parks hit it out of the ball park with the first chapter. This is such an exciting, fast paced and well written story from the very first page. The characters and the plot came alive as you turned the pages. You were always guessing who the culprit was. It was such an intriguing and sometimes frightening mystery. Another five stars for Parks….Thanks to Thomas Nelson for allowing me to read and review this interesting book.

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Most would look at Samantha Williams and call her life boring. Samantha is content with her life. Content with her job as an art teacher to elementary children. All of that came to a crashing (literally) halt when a SUV crashed into the school. Thanks to her quick thinking, none of the children were injured.
When authorities realize the driver of the vehicle had been shot, thus causing the crash, Samantha's quiet life suddenly changed.
This story has a lot (and I mean a lot) of twists and turns, wonderful characters, and suspense. The author did an excellent job tying Samantha's childhood into current time with all the events.
I received an advanced ecopy from the publisher, Thomas Nelson via Netgalley. I was under no obligation to leave a positive review.

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