Member Reviews

Probably not my favorite of her books because it was pretty far-fetched, but overall a good read. I’m still not sure about that facility that Samantha ends up at or what they really do, but the setting is intriguing.

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This is by far the best book I’ve read from Carrie Stuart Parks. I had to remind myself to breathe. What a rush!

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FALLOUT by CARRIE STUART PARKS is a well written thriller with an exciting plot, with lots of twists and turns, unforgettable characters and a strong Christian message. I particularly like the way the author gives us insight into the characters’ emotions.
Samantha Williams is a young woman who is trying to overcome the brokenness of her past and the loneliness of her existence, by holding onto scriptural truth and words of wisdom from authors she has read and loves, especially those of children’s books, Dr Seuss being her favourite. She is always coming out with “sneetches”, loves jigsaw puzzles, is socially inadequate, and, according to her new friend Mary, boring and “a plethora of useless information!” We see her strength and courage when she, together with Dr Dustin Van Seters (Dutch), are pulled into an investigation of a well hidden secret that could cost them and many local citizens their lives.
This whole mystery is not only tied to Sam’s past but also involves those who started Clan Firinn where Dutch works as an anthropologist under Dr Brun, whose ministry to him helped him overcome guilt from his past.
But what is really going on at Clan Firinn and who can Sam really trust? Things are not at all what they seem and I guarantee you will be kept guessing!…..
I highly recommend Fallout as a most enjoyable read.
I was given a free copy of the book by Net Galley from Thomas Nelson. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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by Carrie Stuart Parks
Pub Date: September 13, 2022
Thomas Nelson
* Christian Fiction
Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.
I wasn't sure what to expect from this book as this is the first book I've read by this author. I was pleasantly surprised to find this story engaging and the characters well developed and relatable. There is a light romance and tons of action/ mystery. I recommend it!
4 stars

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Wow! This is a great read you won’t want to put down!
I live in the beautiful northwest with rolling farm fields which are beautiful and something that makes this part of the US unique. I read the book with great familiarity of the story’s location.
The main character finds herself barely escaping death and losing everything. Then begins the seemingly senseless search for clues of why someone wants her dead.
As with any well written suspense, you will be guessing until the end just how the clues tie together and who the murderer really is.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinion is my own.

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Forensic art expert Carrie Stuart Parks puts her forensic art knowledge to good use and employs her signature suspenseful twists and turns to keep readers guessing in her latest release, Fallout. Fans and new readers alike will find plenty of nail-biting suspense.Samantha Williams teaches art a local elementary school in LaCrosse, Washington, when her mundane life gets interrupted by an SUV plowing into her classroom. She keeps the children safe but finds herself tied up in a mystery. Samantha learns the driver was shot seconds before crashing into the school and her purse was missing from the scene. She finds herself dependent on others, and she's not sure who can be trusted. Her hunt for the truth includes delving into her past, a secret government project, and anthropological facial reconstructions. Will she find the truth before the truth finds her? Readers won't be disappointed. Stuart Parks certainly delivers with Fallout, as she does with all of her novels. Put this one on your summer reading list -- or your anytime list!

Note: I received a copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for this honest review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Amazing book full of suspense. The author weaves such an intricate thrilling storyline throughout the book. I was left guessing until the last pages when it is all connected. I highly recommend this book.

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Another terrific suspenseful read by Carrie Stuart Parks, full of action-packed scenes, and a complex plot.
Set in rural eastern Washington, this story winds up to become a nail biter towards the end, as the many events in the story--both past and present--come together to point to the sinister characters behind it all. It kept me guessing up to the reveal and had me thinking it over days later.

The main characters have unique backstories that are slowly revealed, adding layers to the plot. Samantha (Sam) shows a lot of strength to continue on after all that she has gone through. The forensic art aspect was interesting, along with the idea of a community for people who need to recover from traumas. I liked Sam's quirky coping using quotes from children's books, and drawing strength from Bible verses committed to memory. There are some brief mentions of faith in conversations, and instances of divine intervention that brought chills. A setting with the Hanford nuclear power plant playing a part created tension and a plausible danger to the storyline. The author's notes add an interesting personal connection to the story setting. I could well imagine the area described after driving through that corner of Washington on road trips.

The ending had a nice resolution and the overall read was quite good. Recommend to fans of suspense with just a hint of romance. 4.5 stars

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I have loved all of Carrie Stuart Parks' books but unfortunately this one is the one I like the least.

While I enjoyed the storyline of Fallout I felt very confused by the writing. To have one character in first person and one in third was very confusing to jump back and forth between. I also felt like our main character, Sam, had a very interesting back story but it wasn't alluded to enough throughout the book and all kind of just came out in the end. Also, did we ever figure out what happened to her between the ages of 5 and 6? I'm still confused about that missing year.

I feel like this book has a lot of potential but just needs a few tweaks.

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This novel is suspenseful and well crafted, the characters believable and the backstory is quite interesting and shocking.

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This was my first book by this author. It was a suspenseful, action-packed mystery. I didn't realize this was Christian fiction and normally don't read books labelled as such, but I enjoyed this.

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An amazing story deep complex storyline. It wS engaging from the beginning and captivating as the story unfolded.

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OMG! This drew me in quickly and there was that instant tension of a drama unfolding. An incredibly well thought out, very original plotline and one I had not foreseen. I turned ever quicker and devoured this- the sign of a gripping, well written read. A captivating, rollercoaster of a book. Loved it.

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I think Fallout is the most exciting book I've read in 2022! After the car crash in chapter one, I was hooked! It has great characters, a fast plot line, and so much suspense! I had to finish it as quickly as possible to find out who was behind all the dangerous things happening.

Samantha thinks she is a nobody. She lost her parents young, was raised by an aunt, had traumatic teen years, and now enjoys a safe, stable life as an art teacher. But someone thinks she is a somebody. And that someone wants her dead. Dutch is fighting his own demons, but takes an interest in Samantha from the moment they both survive a car crash. Together, they hope to unravel the mystery of Samantha's parents, unmarked government officials before Samantha is killed.

I loved the book and now I must read others by Carrie Stuart Parks!

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Fallout, by Carrie Stuart Parks, yet again offers a tale full of suspense and unknowns. Hold on until the final page to discover who is behind it all!

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Parks has done it again! This book has a slow build up, but I read the second half in one sitting--couldn't put it down! Another great suspense story!

I received an advanced reader copy of this novel via NetGalley; all opinions are my own!

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I'm afraid this one fell a little flat for me. To me, it was one of those books that start out really well and then just fizzle out for some reason. I couldn't see the main characters in my mind's eyes, and in the first few pages, there was a scene where you have people helping out at the crash scene and then the bull dozer comes and nothing about these helpers were ever mentioned.

So, not for me, sadly. I did appreciate the bit of history though.

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ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book was so good, that I was immediately hooked and ready to solve the mysteries within the story. This was my first read from this author but it definitely will not be the last.

This story is action-packed, filled with perfect twists, interesting main characters, and just all-around perfectly executed. I will without a doubt recommend this book to anyone looking for a great suspenseful mystery novel.

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Fallout is a modern-day suspense novel written by Carrie Stuart Parks.

Summary: Samantha Williams is content with her placid life until an SUV comes barreling into her classroom with a dead woman at the helm.

And that’s just the beginning. As her life unravels piece by piece, Samantha must discover the truth behind not only her own past, but also a dangerous government cover-up that could destroy everything she holds dear.

My Thoughts: I disliked this book. I wanted to like it, but the characters just weren’t that likeable, and I found myself confused as parts of the story didn’t quite make sense.

There is plenty of action and an interesting plot line, but the ending seemed like a rushed conclusion to wrap everything up, and I couldn’t get into it.

This one just didn’t work for me.

I would like to thank Thomas Nelson though, for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for my review. Thank you.

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“The fallout from our work has destroyed or killed too many people.”

“My faith gives me comfort when things aren’t going right or easy in my life. It’s described as a peace that surpasses all understanding.”

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?”

I am a huge Carrie Stuart Parks fan. She writes awesome Christian suspense thrillers that keep you on the edge of your seat and she weaves in little known historical moments into her plots. Her book always has an interesting heroine and humor throughout. And best of all, any gender will like her books.

With that said, though, I didn’t connect with this one like I have done with so many of her other books. This one had a similar feel as Formula Of Deception so if you are a fan of that book, you will enjoy this one. And I will say that I enjoyed it. Parks once again has Clan Firinn as part of the plot, but this time in a larger sense. I had a little trouble connecting all the events together and I just wasn’t as much a fan of the main character, Samantha, as I was with other books by the author. I did guess the big reveal. The ending was a little anticlimactic.

But from start to finish, I did like the book. It just wasn’t as good as Fragments Of Fear or Woman In Shadow, which I thought were outstanding. Still a huge fan of this author.

* I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and Thomas Nelson. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*

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