Member Reviews

Susan Dennard knocks it out of the park with The Luminaries. This is probably my favorite thing Susan has ever written! Excellent. Easily five stars.
Can't wait for the next books in the series!

Thanks to NetGalley & Tor Teen for the copy in exchange for an honest review. Sadly, I was unable to finish it and left it at 20% of the way through.
I really wasn't a fan of the writing, it felt like it kept telling us stuff rather than showing us and it was very fast paced. Wasn't a fan of the world building either. I usually like urban fantasy but something about this wasn't clicking for me.

I loved it!
It was amazing to read and really kept me on the edge of my seat. The characters were fun and the story was great.

I think this is my first book by this author, and I’m definitely going to read more now.
This is a ode to the old urban fantasy novels of the early 2000s. Winnie is an outcast in a clan of hunters after an event that happened four years ago. When she plans to go to one of the trials, to reinstate her into the clan, she encounters beasts she has barely any training to go up against.
The twists are predictable, I do wish we had more romance between her and Jay, but I’ll be reading the second book when it comes out to see if that continues.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the early ARC!
The Luminaries follows Winnie Wednesday as she works to earn back her family's place in The Luminaries, a secret society of monster hunters who protect Hemlock Falls. It's a fun and fast paced story and quite enjoyable.
Winnie may not always make the best choices but it's understandable why she does what she does. When she faces her first hunter trial things don't go quite as expected and things sort of go off the rails from there.
Thankfully Winnie has the help of former friend Jay (#UghJay) to help her survive. Their relationship was probably one of my favorite parts of the books and honestly I wish there had been more of it in the book. I'm excited to hopefully see more of it in the next 2 books. It's obvious there's more to Jay than meets the eye.
This story is spooky without being horror and it's exciting enough to keep you on your toes. But the most interesting part isn't the monsters in the forest, it's the human relationships that unfold. Can't wait to see where everything goes!
The one thing I might change is the mention of clicking teeth because it happened one too many times for my liking haha.
Also if you don't know the how the idea of this story started, go look it up cause it's quite unique and fun!

I adore Sooz, participated in the first few months of the Twitter polls, and was beside myself with excitement when it was finally in my greedy hands.
I am heartbroken that I didn't love this book.
I think I liked Winnie. She's driven and inquisitive and loyal. She also obsessively clicks her teeth and pushes up her glasses, both which are mentioned eleventy billion times. There are a lot of characters here and I could have done with about a million more pages of Winnie's brother and his boyfriend. Ugh Jay is present in an offhand, almost forgotten way and I'm most interested in his storyline.
Plot wise, it was a bit boring. There's a lot a lot a lot of long passages without dialogue (seriously, no one talks) and that was a struggle. It felt like I had been dropped into the middle of story and should have already known everything about this super secret society, the families, and the baddies. I did love the nightmares, the imagery of the forest, and the possible set up at the end.
Overall, I'm definitely going to be reading book 2 because there are a lot more questions than answers (and a lot of shit that doesn't make any sense); however, I'm not sure I'll be clamoring for it.
**Huge thanks to the publisher for providing the arc free of charge**

This made me question everything that I thought I knew about how I felt about Susan Dennard's writing in the best way. The kind of way that has me wanting to go back and retry out older works and see if past-me was the issue.

An absolute dream! This was dark and atmospheric and I just couldn't get enough! Winnie Wednesday is my spirit animal.

Amazing new fantasy series with perfectly spooky and atmospheric world. Great characters and storyline that will keep you following to see what happens next

The Luminaries is a fun throwback to the 2010 YA era of the supernatural hunter genre, with dark magical creatures lurking in a spooky forest. It's set in Hemlock Falls, where the secretive Luminary clans are tasked with protecting the world from monsters created by the nightmares of spirits. I liked the opening chapters on the various monster-hunting duties, the politics of the Wednesday family and Winnie's attempt at redemption in taking on the brutal steps of the coming of age hunter trials.
The descriptions of the paranormal creatures were very detailed and creepy in the best way! There was just enough suspense and mystery in Hemlock Falls to keep me furiously turning the page until the end. I found myself hoping Winnie would encounter more scary beasts in the forest just to see how different they were compared to her drawings and her internal monologue of Codex information. Despite being an outcast and her lack of formal training, her self-doubt was at odds with her strong will and great accomplishments during the hunter trials. I also enjoyed Winnie and Jay's past history and their new, tense dynamic. Their training sessions were such a joy to read! However, I found that the side characters were not fleshed-out enough compared to these two main characters. I also wished there was more descriptions of why the Dianas are the "bad witches" and antagonists to the Luminaries.
While a few plot points and reveals were quite obvious, they are foreshadowed adequately and nevertheless quite satisfying to unravel. The ending was very quick and lacking so I am looking forward to the next installment in the series to resolve many of the unanswered questions. The Luminaries is a solid rehashing of the campy supernatural genre that I would recommend to YA readers!
Thank you to HarperCollins Canada and HCC Frenzy for sharing a digital review copy with me in exchange for an honest review.

I knew this was going to end on a cliffhanger! I'm going to have to write down my thoughts somewhere before I forget what I think is going to happen. I have a theory, and I'm usually right. The story was intriguing and fast paced, but left me wanting so much more so here's hoping book two fleshes out the worldbuilding more. I will say I didn't love the writing style, writing out pop-pop-pop and clack-clack-clack feels juvenile and I genuinely am irritated by it but I can't put my finger on why. I will be reading the second book but I hope the writing is better and that they actually solve some of the questions they had! Overall, a good, quick read. Thank you to NetGalley and Tor for this ARC, this title is available now.

Actual rating: 2.5/5 stars
Luminaries by Susan Dennard had some good moments and intriguing characters but ultimately failed to fully capture my attention. Where the first trial dragged out, the pace of the second and third came off as sped up, making the second half of the book feel rushed.
Plot-wise, the main plot was too fragmented, with the big bad being unresolved and the lesser bad being only marginally resolved. I did think the cliffhanger was a good one, though.
I doubt I'll be picking up further books in the series, this one was a miss for me.

The Luminaries (The Luminaries #1) by Susan Dennard is a solid YA fantasy, but I think my expectations were just too high going in based on how much I've enjoyed her other works. This series opener is much different from her other works. Winnie is a fine main character, but the story is very predictable and some of the decision making didn't make much sense to me. So much so that that factor could pull me out of the story from time to time. I probably won't be continuing this series.

Oh the twists and the conspiracy theories this book caused! I have so many of my own theories and had so many chats with my fellow readers with what we really think is going on, this is a great book for discussion. I can't wait for the next book so all the loose threads can be pulled and hopefully reveal more of the twists this book started. I enjoyed how detailed the world was, with levels of hunters and politics within the Luminary system. And the monsters! They were so cool (in a scary deadly way, of course), completely unique and well detailed, I felt like I experienced them all right along with Winnie.
I will say I got super frustrated with Winnie and her self doubt that she belonged to be in this world. Without being too spoilery, she kicked ass multiple times on her own and totally deserves what she has currently received. I need her to understand her own worth in the next book. Overall this was a great start to a series with some great world building that I am excited to get more of in the next book.

Winnie, along with her mother and brother, is an outcast - not for anything they did or who they are, but because, in the closed society of the Luminaries, they are paying for the sins of her father, who committed treachery, convicted of being a member of the Dianas, the ancient enemy of the Luminaries. For four long years, the family has been shunned from all activities particular to the Luminaries, all monster-hunting duties - except for the nasty one, collecting corpses, from both monsters and normal, non-Luminary humans, which Winnie does every week. Not allowed to train, with her mother forbidden her cherished career as a hunter and her brother shunted into a dead-end job, the family is limping along as best they can. But Winnie is determined to do more - to become a hunter like her mother, and the rules allow it. Winnie shows up for the first of the hunter trials, unexpected and unsupported, hoping to change her family's luck - and she will. But is the change for the better or the worse?
The Luminaries is a great read, interesting and well-paced, full of action interspersed with plot points. Winnie is a typical 16 year-old, full of concern for her family, focused on the members of the community who seem to go out of their way to rub Winnie's nose in her father's actions, not really seeing the others who treat her normally. Teens who feel ostracized for any reason, or just left out of the cool kids' club, will recognize themselves in Winnie, and can learn from her determination to not let circumstances beyond her control dictate her entire life. Recommended for middle school to adult readers who enjoy fantasy and monster hunters.

I’ve been a bit hit and miss with Susan Dennard’s work in the past. I was first introduced to her several years ago at a panel at ALA, and I really liked what she had to say about writing young adult fantasy fiction. But I’ve never quite connected to her actual work. But it had been a few years since I’ve given her a shot, and I thought this new book sounded interesting. Plus, it had the kind of dark fantasy, spooky cover that I’ve been into lately.
When Winnie’s father was exposed as a spy and a traitor, her life went off the rails. Now, she sees only one way to restore hers and her family’s reputation: she must enter the Luminary trials and reclaim her place as a hunter of monsters. But the trials themselves are deadly, even without the fraught internal politics of the hunter families. And this year, something even darker is lurking in the woods. An unknown evil that no one has faced before.
So, I’ll just get it out of the way right away: this book wasn’t a hit for me. But there were also several factors involved that skewed my opinion, so I’m definitely not saying that it was a bad book in and of itself. For one thing, when I picked this book up, I somehow missed the reference to phones in the book summary and was completely taken aback to discover it was a contemporary/urban fantasy story. So maybe it was just a mood thing or my general preference for non-contemporary fantasy stories, but right of the bat I did struggle to immerse myself in this mash up of a world with an evil forest but also kids riding around on 4-wheelers.
Secondly, the book is written in third person present tense. This has to be one of my least favorite styles of writing. It ends up with the story reading in this bizarre tone where you have sentences like “Winnie tells Mom that she’s heading to school.” That’s…just weird sounding, not least because of the strangeness of the “Mom” thing. If you’re going to do third person, then do third person! Only a first person narrator would refer to the mother as “Mom” in the general telling of the story. So, yes, as you can see, I had a hard time getting past that.
But, of course, that wasn’t really the book’s fault, and readers who enjoy contemporary/urban young adult fantasy and don’t mind this style of writing will likely not struggle in the same way I did. I will say, the summary does an effective job here. You really know about all you need to know about the book from what you see above, and the story neatly checks off plot points as it goes along. I didn’t find much in the way of shocks or real twists to the story. I thought most of the reveals were fairly telegraphed early in the book.
If I did get caught up with questions, they had more to do with some of the mechanics of the world-building. For example, it is emphasized that maintaining the population of hunters who can fight these monsters is paramount, so everyone understands they are expected to marry and have kids early. But then, on the other hand, you have teenagers participating in these deadly trials. Which…just logically makes no sense. Teenagers aren’t fully grown physically, and they also, naturally, have less experience under their belts. If there are concerns about keeping up a dwindling population, it seems counter-intuitive to choose this age for a deadly trial system, an age that sets your own kids up for a higher mortality rate.
Anyways…yes, this book wasn’t for me. But I know there are a lot of fans of this author out there, so I’m also not saying this book won’t appeal to a lot of general YA fantasy fans. The story is action-packed, and I did like the commitment to the body horror of these monsters. There’s also the rather typical YA romance at its heart, which may also appeal to many readers. If you’re a fan of YA urban fantasy and like stories focused on trials and competitions, this might be for you!
Rating 6: Perhaps if it hadn’t been written in third person present tense, I would have liked it more. But I just found myself getting caught up on too many things to enjoy this one.

I wanted to love this one so much and while I really enjoyed it parts of it fell a bit short for me. Here is what I loved about it. I loved the magic system and this society of monster hunters that Dennard created. The action sequences were fast paced and intense and I loved the descriptions of the creatures. I liked that it stretched further than just their town. The characters were just ok for me. Winnie was complex and had some really interesting parts but her constant circling around her father and his betrayal got a bit stale. I don’t know if this will play a bigger significance in the next book but it was too repetitive in this one. In the end I was left with so many questions and no real resolution to anything. I will be reading the next book to see my inquiries through.

As someone who participated in the create your own adventure story the Luminaries originally began as on Twitter a few years ago, I was so, so excited to receive a copy of this book. While it was different than what I’d expected, I absolutely loved all the little easter eggs and teasers for those of us who participated in the polls. (The nose boop!!!)
I liked the way the world was developed. We got a lot of descriptions through Winnie’s anxious habit of reciting facts in her head when she’s nervous, which is definitely a clever way to info dump without actually making it annoying. The rest was revealed through Winnie on corpse duty and during the hunter trials. Hemlock Falls is rich with paranormal creatures lurking in the woods during the night. It was cool to see the different creatures—some familiar and some new.
Dennard’s prose was light and easy. She was able to immerse the reader in the world while still keeping the structure simple. This made The Luminaries a quick read that can be digested in one or two sittings. My only complaint with the writing was how many times Winnie’s teeth clicked. It was definitely some kind of stim done when anxious, but I feel like we didn’t need to know her teeth were clicking nearly every other page. I almost wanted to make a drinking game out of it since it was mentioned so much.
While the side characters of the Luminaries didn’t get much page time or development, Winnie and Jay were really well rounded and explored. I was already attached to Jay from the Twitter polls, so I definitely enjoyed his character a lot in the story. There’s a lot of intrigue and mystery surrounding Jay, which I’m pretty sure I’ve guessed what it is, but I’ll have to wait till the next book to see!
Speaking of mystery, there was a lot of suspense built during the Luminaries. Something is definitely not right in Hemlock Falls, but Winnie’s suspicions fall on deaf ears. Only a few people believe she’s seen a strange and deadly monster, so she has to fight to be heard. I was constantly tense and curious about what was happening.
Unfortunately, by the end of the story, we have no more answers than we did at the start of it. Just when the action starts to build, the story ends. Thankfully there will be a sequel, but I was a little disappointed by the lack of answers. There’s still so much we don’t know (even if I do have some guesses!), and now we have to wait for the sequel to find out.
Even though I had issues with it, though, I did enjoy the Luminaries. It was a fun and quick read. I’ll definitely be reading the sequel, cause I desperately want those answers to my questions. I still recommend reading this one, even if the ending is lacking a little bit, but as long as you know that going in, it should be fine.

The true downfall of being able to read these advanced copies is that when you absolutely love a book, and it’s a series, you have to wait FOREVER for the next book.
The Luminaries was amazing! I loved it so much & flew right through it. I found it to be pretty original with the nightmares & hunters. However the Hunter Trials gave me some Hunter Games vibes. There’s still a lot of unsolved elements of the plot which I hope will be addressed more in the next book.

A surprisingly fun and fast paced read. I was not expecting to like this book as much as I did and I look forward to there being more in the series.
Winnie is part of a large and old group who help protect the world from monsters. This group is called the Luminaries and they are located all over the world, protecting an unsuspecting population from death and terror. The Luminaries actively hunt the various monsters of the world. The clans within the larger group have a very strict moral code. Those who break the code are essentially shunned from the rest. Winnie’s family was shunned because her father was essentially found to be a traitor. While he escaped, the rest of Winnie’s family had to stay as outcasts.
This all changes when Winnie turns 16 and begins the trials to be one of the hunters. Once she passed the first trial, her family’s outcast status changed.
Winnie must quickly learn how to become a hunter in order to pass, and survive, the last two trials. She will learn many secrets about her family, mainly about her father. Perhaps he isn’t a traitor?