Member Reviews

This book has been sitting on my kindle for a while, and I sorta felt guilty for how long it’s taken me to read it. But I truly believe it was of the Lord that I didn’t grab it until now.
What led me to finally start reading were some thoughts about my worth. I heard my inner voice being so harsh and critical of myself and I decided I wanted to fight back on that. So my mind went to this book that has been patiently waiting for me.
And man, it did not disappoint! I am so glad I had a chance to read this book. It’s FULL of so much truth about who I am, who God is, and how to discern lies from the enemy.
I really appreciated the many scriptures lining the pages, showing me that what they were saying isn’t just their opinion, but God’s. I feel like after reading this book, I am much more equipped to challenge the lies of enemy and walk freely in the truth of Christ.
I am not a failure or defined by my past mistakes. I am a loved Child of God who has been forgiven. One of my favorite parts of the book was the section about how to discern God’s voice vs Satan’s. It was so good and I’ve been able to use that already to help me put in place some of my own bad thoughts.
If you’re struggling with finding your worth in God alone, I HIGHLY recommend this book!
A huge thank you to netgalley and the author for the complimentary copy in exchange for a review!

A great resource!
I lead a bible study of college aged girls and my heart breaks by the pressure I see placed upon them. Whether through social media, culture, family or just each other, these girls wrestle with the many voices in life telling them who they are. It's a constant fight to help them see their true worth.
Her True Worth is a gift to those girls who have been told who they are by many whether they know it or not. My prayer is that they would allow the Lord to be the loudest voice in their life.
This is a great read that I will recommend to many.
Thank you to NetGalley and Nelson Books for the advanced copy.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this complimentary copy in exchange for my honest views/opinions.
Her True Worth is a very powerful book that really resonates with the female audience in the current day and age of social media, comparison, and feeling like we have to live up to false identities and unrealistic expectations surrounding us daily.
This book is full of honesty, encouragement, and filled with Biblical truths! With gentle voices and reminders, the authors share how to break free from people-pleasing to establishing their identity in and the true freedom only found in Christ. Such a beautiful and inspirational read!

Her True Worth is a dive in to some areas that the world has tried to say what we are worth, but along with Brittany's and Cassandra's testimonies, the truth is unveiled and why, especially living in the digital age we are in, with almost every aspect of our lives on display for the whole world to see. It's not hard to imagine how our worth has been tarnished, which is why Brittany and Cassandra take us down this path to redeem true worth.. Very well done, easy to understand, and highly recommend this, especially for the younger crowd, not that it doesn't appeal to all ages.
*I received a copy of this audiobook from NetGalley. This review is my own opinion*

When I read a lot of Christian living books, I like to underline and highlight. Sometimes I can go a whole book and have only a few highlights - that is not the case for this one! I felt like every chapter I was highlighting something. There is something so powerful in reading a book that makes you feel like you can trust and rely on God more than you did before you started the book. It was a great reminder of my "true worth." I've come to remind myself that all the things of this world don't compare to the unconditional love of Christ, that He is my ultimate counselor, friend and most of all my Savior. Since reading this, I have purchased several of these books and given them to co-workers and girls in my high school and college small groups. I CANNOT stop talking about this book. I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for answers to questioning their worth or their place in this world.
Here is a little snippet of something that I highlighted:
"You were created in God's image, and your life is for his glory. And yes, even your weaknesses point to his strength, your wounds point to his ability to heal, and the ruins of your life point to his power to restore and redeem. That's because humanity is different from the rest of God's beautiful creation; we alone bear the image of the Creator."

Her True Worth by Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer
'Have you ever let someone else's opinion matter more than Gods?' This was the first sentence I read in the book and it hooked me. I have and will probably continue to struggle with letting worldly things matter more than God. In todays world it's hard to not focus on all the things we're told make us loved, important, and matter in this world. God tells us He loves us as we are right now. This book was an excellent reminder of that. I will continue to come back to this book for inspiration when I feel like I'm not putting God first. Brittany and Cassandra did an excellent job of pointing us to HIM instead of looking for our worth in all the wrong places.

I have been following Britanny and Cassandra IG "Her true Worth" for a while and it's always so refreshing. It helps me to center my attencion in what is really important and it has been the same going through this book. Brittany and Cassandra share beautiful truths of who we are in God, reminder us what should be the foundation of our true worth and identity. I love how they share and give examples of their own life. It's so easy to read and at the same time so deep. I think it's a beautiful reading also for teenagers or girls just about to start college!

This was a good book with personal stories and ways to know/understand your worth in Christ. I feel it would be more appreciated by a younger audience, but I am thankful for the reminder.

Thank you to Nelson Books and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC of Her True Worth by Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer. My thoughts are my own.
It's safe to say that "worth" is a huge theme in women's books, branching the aisle of both mainstream and Christian publishing. In fact, there are books with almost identical titles to Her True Worth. This is a hot topic that seems to infiltrate every non-fiction book geared towards women.
You might be wondering then, how does this book differ from the rest? Well, let me first say that we all have a story. God uses our stories to shape us and for us then to share and provide encouragement to those around us. In a sense, we all have a platform from which to share how God has changed us, made us new and created a new identity in us. Brittany and Cassandra offer a glimpse into their own personal stories in order to show how their identities have been found in Christ. They touch on the tough issues that women struggle with in determining their worth and value.
Where I think Her True Worth shines is in the personal testimonies of the authors, Brittany and Cassandra. They show how incorrect views of themselves, primarily in the realm of people pleasing and thinking that perfection (selfies) or works (side hustles) would complete them and provide them with satisfaction and value.
In addition, Her True Worth is filled with passages directly from the Bible. A lot of "Christian" writers will either not include any passages from the Bible or sometimes very few. It was refreshing to read a Christian living book who's focus was totally in the Word of God.
Finally, there is a gospel message offered that is Biblical in nature, one that doesn't seek to offer "basic fire insurance" but that includes daily sanctification.
Where I think Her True Worth misses the mark is in some of the pop cultural references the authors use, primarily in criticizing purity culture and referring to Toni Collier both in the book and in the acknowledgements. There is a whole generation of people who came out of purity culture and now criticizing the movement because they feel disillusioned, I think in large part for guilt and shame associated with being unable to meet the standards set by the movement. While a manmade construct, purity culture points people to the holiness that God desires for us and from and therefore should bring our sin and incapableness to light and ultimately our need for Christ.
Now, I'll admit, I didn't know anything about Toni Collier before reading Her True Worth; having done some research, I know that she is a pretty big deal. But, her association with Hillsong raises some red flags for me.
All that said, this was a worthwhile read, and I think that women born between 1980 and 2000 will resonate with the message presented: your worth and value are ultimately found in Christ. Don't let any distractions convince you otherwise. And if you don't have a relationship with Christ, you can. He can turn your life around.

It really does seem like a good and powerful book. However, I guess I'm not really a God's image kind of person so this did not exactly click with me. It is still very good and informative though. Overall, I believe it is worth the read even if you don't fully agree or are not a big God person yourself.

A powerful book that hits home in this day and age of social media and feeling like we have to live up to the false identities all around us.
Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer have the ministry Her True Worth and are popular on social media. They are using their calling to help other women work to break free from the chains that social media can impose on them. Brittany worked for years in the beauty industry while Cassandra became depressed with the messages being sent about a woman’s worth. All around they would both see women lost and seeking attention and affirmation without looking to the only one that can give us what we need, Jesus Christ. Within the pages of this book, these two women show readers what God intended our identity to be, not what we have been told it should be. Each chapter is a reminder that our true worth is found in the one that loves us unconditionally and will steer us away from the false messages we have been led to believe.
This book hit me hard at a time I have doubted my worth not only with God, but with others around me. I recently had a great friend of mine celebrate a birthday and had lots of friends post about times with her and I started to wonder if I was as good of a friend because I didn’t post on Facebook about our friendship. How crazy is that? I had to take a step back and realize if that affected our friendship, which it didn’t, the friendship wasn’t real to begin with. With social media in our world, we see more and more young adults and even older adults becoming obsessed with being online and “liked” and depressed if they don’t have the right social media presence. I loved each and every chapter of this book and the way it pointed out how our value is much more than we realize based on social media and the world around us. If we can continue to remind us to look to Jesus and what he thinks of us instead of the world we will all be in better shape.
I received a complimentary copy of this title from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

Her True Worth
Breaking Free from a Culture of Selfies, Side Hustles, and People Pleasing to Embrace Your True Identity in Christ
by Brittany Maher; Cassandra Speer
Pub Date 05 Jul 2022
Nelson Books, Thomas Nelson
I am reviewing a copy of Her True Worth through Nelson Books, Thomas Nelson and Netgalley:
Her True Worth is a reminder to women to break free from the bondage of false identities and discover their true worth in Jesus Christ.
Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer became disheartened by the false, contradictory messages about what defines a woman's worth, after working in the the beauty industry for years. They saw women who were lost and wandering, endlessly seeking security and approval. So Maher and Speer made it their mission to help Christian women uncover their valuable identity in Jesus Christ.
Her True Worth reminds us what God intended our identity to be in the beginning, how sin corrupted it, how Christ has redeemed it, and how to live securely in that identity. They remind us that, ultimately, our true worth is found in Him--and that's a life-altering, soul-anchoring truth to live in and live from.
As you uncover your true worth, you'll also learn how to:
Identify the false messages that are stealing your self-worth
Embrace what the Word of God says about who you are
Find your security and significance in Christ alone.
If you're a woman looking to be reminded of where her true Worth lies, I recommend Her True Worth!
Five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!

A solid 4.5 star book! "Her True Worth" would be a great present for a young lady starting college this fall. It is definitely written for the high school/ college crowd, and it speaks a lot to finding your identity and who you are in Christ rather than who the world says you are. The authors have done a great job of telling their story while tying in lots of scripture to emphasize their points. While I found the book a little young for me, I think this book would have been really helpful in my later years of high school and early college when I was trying to figure out who I was outside of my parents' household. Having a book that sounds like a couple of girlfriends just chatting with me and reminding me of who I truly am, and where my true worth is found, would have been a marvelous boon. Definitely check this book out when it releases!

In Her Truth, Brittany and Cassandra share their struggles with self-image and how they were able to acknowledge that they are a reflection of God's image (Imago Dei). They recognise that this is not an easy task in a world saturated with trends, comparisons and constant pursuit for perfection exacerbated by social media.
Personally, as an older Christian, I did not learn anything new but I did like the Freedom Framework which can help readers identify negative self-talk and reframe those ideas with God's word. Otherwise, I would recommend this book as a good starting point for a teenager or young adult struggling with confidence and self-perception.

"Her True Worth: Breaking Free from a Culture of Selfies, Side Hustles, and People Pleasing to Embrace Your True Identity in Christ" was co-written by Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer. This is a Bible study book for women and written by women. The main premise of this book is that our worth can only be found in our relationship with Christ. It is only in this relationship that we can find our confidence. Readers are warned about becoming distracted by looking for our worth in the wrong places.
Each chapter is a quick read and includes some thought-provoking questions for the reader. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

Her True Worth is filled with truth from the scripture and that is where our hope lies.
Identify the lies
Understand how God defines them
Embrace what the scriptures say
Find the security in Christ alone.
It was well worth reading!

It was... fine? If you're a woman who is new to the Christian faith, this could be a good read! For me, I connected most with their personal stories and was pretty bored by the rest, skimming near the end, as it was nothing new.