Member Reviews

I wanted to like this book so much because it has a great concept. I enjoyed the last fourth of the book however the first and middle parts did not keep my interest. I will not be sharing this review on my pages.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read to this book!

I enjoyed this one and I highly recommend.

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I really enjoyed this quirky book. After requesting it, I had second thoughts about reading it. However, once I dove in, I found myself really enjoying it.

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While this is not my go-to genre, I love pushing myself out of my comfort zone which this one definitely did. I enjoyed how Adams tackled life issues through his humor and getting to know this really unique characters.

Thank you TLC Book tour for my ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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What a weird little book. Weird in a good way, though. Sprinkled with quantum mechanism, doused in cheekiness, and full of personal reflection, it takes on a nonsensical journey that somehow makes everything make sense.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my free copy. These opinions are my own.

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This book is different twist on my typical reads, but the description definitely caught my attention - I love a good road trip quest. Just starting this book and already laughing at Harry’s run down of the house fire - though the jury’s still out on whether I find him cute and bumbly, or annoyingly in need of a slap 🤪

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I went into this book pretty much blind. All I knew about it, is that three men from Indiana go on a road trip to Chicago and one of them hopes to challenge Einstein’s theory of relativity.
I was very much intrigued by this concept and I wasn’t disappointed. It’s a funny yet heartwarming character driven story , a bit wild and scientific.

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Relativity by Ben Adams is a story about finding a life worth living. It follows three men on a road trip who are all trying to find the answers to life.

Harry, is trying to find a scientific answer to everything. Dennis, is trying to find fulfillment in his relationships. And Timothy, currently feels the most alive while he’s playing video games with friends online.

This story is very unique. The multiple POVs helped it flow smoothly, and also gave more depth to each character. I’ve been enjoying this so far, i don’t typically read a lot of stories that focus on mens growth so it’s been fun to read a different perspective.

Despite a really interesting story I found the pacing to be weird and kind of clunky. I had a hard time staying focused

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This book was a little out there for me and hard to follow at times. But definitely had it’s funny moments. I’m not the target audience for this book but I found I’m the description intriguing enough to see where it was going, lol! Definitely a satire and men going through a mid life crisis.

I appreciate my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this book! The premise of a road trip of three guys was new and fun. It was a quick and easy read for me and I really liked it.

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I wasn't sure what to expect with this one but overall it was a good read!

I enjoy having multiple people with individual arcs to follow and this provided that. The character development was strong and you really were rooting for each of the characters as they went through their journeys. As someone who loves science and is in the field, I so enjoyed all of the science talk. It resonated with me and made this so much fun.

I enjoy satire reads but as someone who hasn't read a lot of them, some of them are beyond my reach. That in no way is a fault of this book or the writing, it is just something that I experienced because I haven't read a lot of them.

If you love satire, science, and well built characters who are on a journey, pick this one up!

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I had a hard time getting into this one, but I didn't hate it. In some instances I felt the story was just a little disjointed and made too abrupt of a plot turn. Not to mention a few characters could definitely be defined as toxic and narcissistic.

No means no, not maybe...eventually...she'll change her mind. Mental health is an important topic and I found it disheartening that Timothy's wife was left to go through her depression alone while he lost himself in his it really his way of processing grief? Maybe I am wrong, but I didn't quite buy it.

Maybe its because I'm a women, but I couldn't connect with the male POV for males & a midlife crisis.

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Relativity by Ben Adams
Publisher: BHC Press
Published: June 7th
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Huge shoutout to not only the author @bentadams11 but also TLC book tours for letting me join you! I'm so happy to be on the TLC team!

Overview from Amazon: "Harry Erickson believes he's disproven Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. Dennis Drysdale is in love with a woman he knew from high school. Timothy Henderson wants to professionally play video games.When Harry accidentally burns his house down in a freak chicken Kiev accident, it sets events into motion that allow the three friends to pursue their individual dreams.The trio embark on a road trip to Chicago in pursuit of their destinies and find themselves at the University of Chicago Physics department, a video game tournament, and a lunch date at Panera Bread.Relativity is a captivating wild romp fueled with the aspirations of three men who are on a quest to dedicate their lives to their ridiculous dreams in this thought-provoking and satirical novel of friendship and finding oneself."

This book was weird and quirky and strange and fun. It was easy to read and easy to root for the win. There were implausible situations, unlikely friendships, enormous expectations, and possibly a new form of science. Have you heard of Omnicalcumetry (I hope I spelled that right!) yet?
If you are looking for a relatively light but fun and quirky read, check this one out.

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Thank you to NetGalley and BHC Press for an advanced electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

The premise of this book was really interesting, but I did not expect all of the changing points of view! It would have been helpful to know which perspective I was meant to be reading from without having to figure it out for myself. I stopped reading at 20% because I wasn't having much fun, but I don't think it would have been a bad book - just the wrong one at the wrong time. If you like your plot to jump around, I think you'd really like this!

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Relativity is a unique and at times fun read! It's the story of three men from Bloomington, Indiana each living separate lives but when circumstances arise and they find themselves needing to go to Chicago a friendship develops. I enjoyed each of the characters. They can be quite eccentric! The story flowed well making it an easy read. There's was some scientific terms that I had no idea what they were but altogether it was interesting to readabdget to know each of these men.

Thank you Let's Talk Books Promo and Ben Adams for sharing this book with me!

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It has been described as being a satirical look at friendship and finding oneself. This is my kind of book - I love humor and quirky is right up alley. I can’t wait to dive in!

Here is the synopsis:

Harry Erickson believes he’s disproven Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Dennis Drysdale is in love with a woman he knew from high school. Timothy Henderson wants to professionally play video games.

When Harry accidentally burns his house down in a freak chicken Kiev accident, it sets events into motion that allow the three friends to pursue their individual dreams.

The trio embark on a road trip to Chicago in pursuit of their destinies and find themselves at the University of Chicago Physics department, a video game tournament, and a lunch date at Panera Bread.

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I love a good road trip. This story follows three men as they travel the country. Along the way they make different discoveries about themselves, and their current situations.

The story is told in different narratives and I must admit that at times it was quite confusing to keep up.

I can't say I super loved this story., but I did finish it. It did not feel super cohesive at times. I did enjoy the rest stops in the book.

Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy of this book for my honest opinion.

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I am definitely not the target market for this book. It is a story of three men, from three different walks of life, but they are all somehow connected to each other. TW: alcoholism, alcohol abuse, talk of miscarriage, depression, talks of adultery.

First is Henry. He thinks he is a genius and is rewriting the Einsteins theory to how the world works. He needs to go to Chicago and finally find a way to be acknowledged with his genius idea. He is in denial, that his life is basically in shambles, and doesn't want to loose hope in making something out of himself.

Second is Dennis. He is the new love, of Henry's ex-wife. He is having a mid-life crisis of his own, as he is not happy with himself, his life, his wife, and is hoping that his lost first love of his life will help repair it all.

And then we have Timothy. Probably the most endearing character in this book. He is a shy, a pushover, stuck in a marriage where his wife is depressed and drunk, His only way out is playing fantasy video games where he can be whoever he wants to be, he has friends, and even a lady friend that he likes. He wants to go on this journey to finally tell her about his feelings.

Overall, this is about men, for men and with some serious midlife crises all over the place. I mean the only way out is to find someone new? Except for Henry that is. He is stuck on his ex-wife, and on the idea that eventually she will go back to him, he just needs to prove his greatness. It felt almost like a cliche for men - 0 communication, self boasting, the only way out is being drunk or cheating. There were a couple of weird lines towards women , for example: "I'll wear her down eventually." That just rubbed me the wrong way. Can't take a NO?

I know a lot of people feel like this is a perfect picture of middle class men in midwest, Indiana in particular, and that is great, But I felt this was the ugly side of boring men.

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What do three guys do when they aren’t satisfied with the way their lives are going?

They go on a road trip from Bloomington, Indiana to Chicago with each trying to fulfill a different void in their lives.

Harry, a middle aged college drop out, has written a 2,635 page paper “explaining everything that is wrong in the universe” with part of that paper disproving Einstein’s theory of relativity. He is going to the University of Chicago to hopefully get his paper published.

Timothy, Harry’s best friend and a chemistry professor, is going to play in a video game tournament with the hope of winning the million dollar prize and connecting IRL with one of his virtual team members.

Dennis, Harry’s ex-wife’s boyfriend, is going to meet a woman that he feels understands his inner self.

This is a satirical novel that at times had me chuckling and other times had me feeling quite sad for these three guys.

The read has very snappy dialogue and the bulk of the book contains detailed backstories into why all three of the main characters are making the road trip.

I thought the resolution of this book was great. I think even though this has plenty of satirical moments it still teaches a valuable lesson on happiness.

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I went into this one with a super open mind, hoping for some quirky and interesting characters. As someone who has multiple neurodivergencies, I love quirky! I am quirky! I was promised a story about a road trip, but at more than halfway through, we're still only barely getting to know the characters without much plot movement, and no road trip happening yet. I feel like they ALL needed therapy (or more therapy). Harry in particular has lived most of his adult life as a not-at-all healthy, barely functioning adult, bordering on delusional. I also was really thrown with why Dennis' chapters were in first person? I think I spent way too much time looking for a logical reason for this. Cheating in any stories is almost an automatic DNF for me, so no matter Timothy's weird and tragic backstory, I was probably never going to like him. Maybe he'll find all the happiness he desires one day with Ruby Dixon.

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