Member Reviews

A very general self help book that lays out its solutions with straightforward advice and affirmations. Generally was fun to read and re-read.

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I love a good self-help book and especially one written for women by a woman!! As women, we are all spread too thin always trying to please others. Sometimes, I know we all think to can I keep moving forward when life keeps throwing difficult challenges my way? If you want to feel/be a badass and turn your challenges into weapons, make sure you read this book!!

Jennifer Cassetta writes in a way that makes you feel like you are having a conversation with your best friend.

If you need a reminder (or kick in the ass) that you are already stronger than you think and/or need the tools to unleash your inner badass, this book will show you how!

The focus of the book is on improving both inner and mental strength.

If you need help unleashing your inner confidence, this is a great place to start!

The use of martial art belts is such a clever way of explaining the pillars of badassery and makes them easy to understand/follow.

You can implement the tips provided immediately so that you start seeing/feeling/believing that YOU ARE truly a badass!

Cassetta provides her own experiences throughout the book as a learning tool that allows us to reflect on our own lives and experiences from our past/present.

I’ve read many self-help books and know many people don’t believe in them, but I’m a 100% believer!! I take tidbits of information from each book I read and implement them into my life and I know that because I do this, my life has changed for the better over time (as long as you keep an open mind and realize that not every book is going to hit you 100% of the time)!

If you want to learn to embrace the suck, bounce back, block the BS, elevate your energy, connect with your warrior within, and take the lead in your life! Sign me up!!

Check out Jennifer’s website for her blog and a free five-day confidence course. Who doesn’t need that, right?

Thank you @netgalley, @jenncassetta and @hci.books for my Advance Reader Copy of The Badassery in exchange for my honest review.

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This surpassed my expectations, in a lot of ways its a very general self help book with information we generally know but they way it is composed with the fighting analogies and its thoroughness towards the end really packs in a punch and delivers if you are ready to boost your life!

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Replace your negative self-talk with an empowering mantra. Does it work? Some say it does, but I’m not fully convinced yet. I did enjoy the directness of this book and the advice given throughout. If you’re looking for a self-help book that reads like it comes from a friend who cares—this is it.

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I found this book to be both interesting and motivational. I had never thought of the similarities between martial arts and self-help, so I enjoyed learning about them.

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#TheArtofBadassery #NetGalley
I felt like this book gave me a good kick in the a$$! I have been really down lately and really enjoyed this book for self-motivation! Eye of the tiger!

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This book is just like a cuppa of caffeine when you need one badly!

Thank you, HCI Books, for the advance reading copy.

If you are someone like me who wants to improve everytime everyday but also want to live life in a very chill manner and also gets quite anxious regarding every small thing to every big thing that would happen (or not) in the near future, I would say this book is the perfect get-together act when you need a moment to gather it all in your head before starting a new day.

The content is clear cut and concise. The writing is fun and entertaining (yes, it is!) to read. It seems like my best friend is listening to me while I am listening to her talk about my everyday struggles.

I would say it's a kind of memoir as well as the author explains each chapter from her real life experiences. It's actually very interesting to read a self-help/guidebook which is written in this particular manner as it urges the reader to listen better and reflect on their own lives far better.
This is what I experienced while reading the book.

Go for this. And never listen to anyone who tells you that such books do not help. But we are looking for good practical advice/tips from real life people here. I say go for it when you need a good, comforting, helpful guidebook to make progress in whatever you do and make your future days better and peaceful.

Love it.

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I liked the structure of this book and how the chapters were structured. The exercises throughout the chapters, along with the stories of women overcoming and achieving the very "belt" that is talked about in the chapters. The belt tests before moving on to the next chapter were innovative and were definitely a great way to provide a "check-in" before moving on. Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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As the white belt students have to get used to being uncomfortable, with The Art of Badassery as a system, we can get back all of that precious power that may have been drained from us with every hit, loss, drama, trauma or disappointment.
The author finds all the wisdom from martial arts, where we all can learn how to use the power of mind, body, and spirit.

We all can bend without a break and with this book we learn how to flex our mind and live more mindful and powerful life full of inner strength and awareness and become a badass.

Very motivational reading.

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