Member Reviews

I really enjoyed looking through this cookbook and drooling over the amazing looking recipes! I don't have confidence in my own baking skills and these recipes look hard for a novice like me, but I am very much looking forward to persuading my friends into making some of these recipes for me.

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for letting me review this book. Reading about the various anime in each recipe was great. It makes me want to check out the ones I haven’t seen. This was a fun cookbook to read. The various recipe pictures were great. I liked that each recipe had tips and food facts.

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I love how the book is organized. It is Japanese desserts, non Japanese desserts, then anime inspired desserts. It is a fun way to organize the dishes and I cannot wait to try every single one of them. Super excited for this to come out!

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No art form makes food look as tasty as anime does. This cookbook recreates dishes from classics such as Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro and some new favorites like Demon Slayer and Food Wars. In fact, there are quite a few Food Wars recipes in here, as there should be. I was pleasantly surprised to see on from Tanaka-kun is Always Listless as well! Beautiful photographs, easy to understand conversion chart, and helpful tips make this an ideal cookbook for any collection.

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Bushmanʻs goal in writing Bake Anime was to supply recipes that go along with the anime (manga) that she loves. In this sense, the book hits the right mark. The book is separated into several categories and in each category, the author presents recipes that represent them very well. The chapters include beautiful drawings and vivid photos.

The selection of recipes for each chapter was quite good and the descriptions truly match the anime that she is representing. I tried a number of the recipes in this book. Some of the recipes call for unusual ingredients (even if you have an H Mart nearby). Also, a number of recipes did not result in baked goods that were as good as those that could be found either in local Asian bakeries or other similar cookbooks. Some of the recipes result in very cute (photo-worthy) items, but some look better than they taste. (The tastes were never bad, just not as interesting as the photos would imply.)

If you are a lover of anime and would like to make some of the beautiful baked goods come to life, this is a good book to try. The creativity of the recipe choices matches the anime with which the author connected.

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I loved this cookbook with its super cute photos of Japanese desserts. I have been attracted by Japanese treats for a while now, and this book taught me more about Japanese culture and customs. I am still intimidated by the recipes and I don't feel ready to jump into one just yet because I am far from being a decent baker. BUT I am planning on purchasing this book and place it on my coffee table since I know it will be a conversation starter every time I have a friends visiting. Go get yours now!

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This was a super cute cookbook! The colors, photos and formatting were clean, crisp and delicious looking. There was a wide array of recipes and anime represented too. I haven't tested any recipes, but the instructions all seem clear and easy enough to follow.

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A fun and colorful anime cookbook! I loved the layout and different food options. And the references to all the different animes were fun to experience.

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This is a beautiful book. The layout, the food, the color choices; everything is so pleasing to the eye.

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I really enjoyed baking from this! So many fantastic recipes from some of my favorite animes.
This is going to be a perfect gift during the holiday season!

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I loved this cookbook!! It was not only very aesthetically pleasing but offered wonderful recipes that transported me back to shows I loved to watch. Each recipe is unique and fun. Would highly recommend this book to any and all anime fans!

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I thought this was possibly one of the best anime cook books I’ve seen, because it not only has the comic manga style depictions of food but also the real life images of what you can expect to achieve making the recipes. I enjoy the artistic depictions of other comic style cookbooks, but when actually baking the items you want some real reference! This anime cookbook delivered in that aspect, and the recipes seem relatively achievable.

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The recipes in this book are just chef kiss fantastic! I will be making these recipes frequently for my family!!!

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What a cool book!

Perfect for any anime or manga fan, this gem of a cookbook has delightful stories, recipes, and photos.

The recipes are very detailed yet clear and easy to follow, and there are a lot of tips about ingredients and tools at the beginning.

I find this book to be both a great cookbook as well as a fun read - what a wonderful combination!!

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Over all this was a quick skim. Beautiful photos, but I wasn't a huge fan of the layout. That may have just been because it was a digital copy. Would suggest to anyone looking for a tie-in cookbook or planning a special dinner for an anime fan. However, most of these ideas could also be found online or have similar recipes that can be easily obtained. Over all...meh! Nice to page through, but only for the novelty.

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I'll be honest. I don't have access to a lot of the required ingredients to make the delicious treats in this book. Believe it or not I currently live in a country where Amazon doesn't even deliver. All that being said, this book mostly just made me so hungry that I wanted to find a way to get all the ingredients I need. It was fun reliving some of the shows that I watched when I was younger and remembering some of the food that was in them. I loved Cardcaptor Sakura and the Nerikiri pictured is both beautiful and mouth watering. All of the pictures are gorgeous. They make the food appear so appetizing and there is no way mine will look anything like it, but still beautiful. As a side note, The Cowboy Bebop Corgi Bread Buns are the cutest. I'm not sure I would be able to eat them.

Overall, I would recommend this for anime fans who always get hungry watching anime and want to try to make the recipes for themselves. Readers not interested in anime, but interested in Japanese deserts would find some good information in here too. Even though the recipes are related to a particular show, you don't have to have watched and enjoyed the show to find value in the recipes. Just be prepared to be drooling over the book the entire time you read it.

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This book is very cute! Baked goods in anime always look so perfect and tasty and the photos in the book look just as good. I can't wait to bake some of these. There are a couple of recipes that need ingredients that may be hard to find at a chain grocery store, but it looks like it would be worth it to find them at a local Asian market or online.

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5 Stars!
The perfect book for anime lovers of all ages: Bake Anime by Emily J. Bushman!

This book is a cookbook of all sorts of recipes inspired and mentioned by anime. The level of detail, research, and knowledge can be seen/read throughout the book. There's many references and mentions of anime such as Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Black Butler, Pokemon and many more. The recipes are simple and easy to follow along for everyone of all skill levels of baking.

My thanks to NetGallery and Simon Element/ Simon &Schuster for a digital copy of this book for my review. Anime fans should definitely give this book a try!

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I like this book : ) Easy directions, cool art! I love the cover!
Tasty stuff! I think it will do well.

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** First of all i would like to thank netgalley for allowing em to read the eARC in exchange for my honest opinion**

Baked anime is such an adorable cookbook i enjoyed the combination of anime and cooking, one of my 2 most favorite things in the world. I think that adding a fandom and culture like ANIME Has to cooking can bring a whole new generation into cooking. The ideas behind the recipes that were added have a sense of credibility and you can feel the thought that went into them. I had so much fun going through the pages and picking recipes that looked familiar and trying them out.

I highly recommend the book for anyone who is trying t find a fun and new way of introducing cooking into their life.

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