Member Reviews

I love this.

This was my first Rebel Girls book and I’ve obviously been missing out.

The best part of this is showcasing how many of these entrepreneurs started out in other fields, with nothing or very young. It highlights that you don’t have to already be a millionaire to become successful. Passion, support and inspiration are bigger driving forces.

I would highly recommend this book for my school’s library and think that it can appeal to a variety of ages. Younger students may read the whole book but I think excerpts can be used to inspire older students too.

As for the text and pictures, both make the book highly accessible. The text is simple and too the point while the pictures are bright and eye-catching.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I love the whole rebel girls collection and I like their new endeavor to highlight great women involved in entrepreneurship. I learned a lot and I think these books are essential for any young child's library.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for my review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

Rebel girls is a must-have series in a book collection that I strongly advise you all to have. I love all the rebels series and it is one of the most popular books in my library. This series it's reveals all the 25 great entrepreneurs that make a change in the world.

Some of the names I am already familiar with, but among the entrepreneurs, I feel touched when read about Whitney Wolfe Herd's story. Despite being betrayed by her boyfriend and her coworkers she come out stronger than before.

Gender equality is one of the big issues nowadays. I wish I have read this book when I'm young. I will be inspirational but as they say, there's not too late to catch up on your dreams. Since Rebel girls are from overseas, I understand that all the entrepreneurs are from there. However here, is a tiny little suggestion, hoping they will make a series of women from all over the world. Getting a role model from a diversity of world would make this book more interesting to read.

The best part about this book that I like most is that they give a template of a mindmap about how to get on your own business. Encouraging youngsters to become an entrepreneur. So read this book to your child and see what type of entrepreneurs they want to be.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Rebel Girls for the opportunity to read and review an e-ARC of this book. This is my second read of a shorter-format Rebel Girls story, with 25 profiles (Climate Warriors being the first) and I find that the chance to get really specific on an individual topic is a very effective format. This would be a great read for the budding entrepreneur, or a kid who's starting to take their creativity and enthusiasm for a particular sport or hobby etc. into a potential business or career direction.

I found that within the short format, some profiles were much more successful for me than others. For example, Mikaila Ulmer's story of being stung by bees as a child, then doing her research and finding her passion for bee-saving activism, all ties in to her lemonade company's founding and mission while still being a relatable story for kids. While, for example, I found Melanie Perkins' story just as interesting, but I didn't see the connection between introducing her as a little kid who was an ice skater and teenager who made scarves to then ultimately working in computer design and starting with Canva. It's all awesome info that shows us that she was always creative and thinking ahead to the next project, but there's just such a short amount of page space to tell us so little that I found some biographies more to-the-point than others.

Additionally, profiles like Noura Sakkijha's show us the thought process behind noticing something that's missing in an existing market. In a lot of the inventor-style stuff I've read before there's a lot of focus on creating something entirely unique and special, and that's great, but I appreciate how much room there is to make something better/more streamlined/more ecofriendly/market better etc. and how much that moves the market. I think young readers will benefit greatly from seeing someone improve upon their surroundings in meaningful ways.

Note: if the title is still up for discussion, I much prefer the title of my advanced copy, "Awesome Entrepreneurs," over "Mean Business." I think "business" is a more accessible word, but "mean" feels more loaded with the baggage of needing to be a certain type of aggressive to succeed, something the figures in this book don't necessarily promote.

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This is an inspiring book full of women with great stories. As always, the illustrations are vibrant and bring it all to life.
I enjoyed reading about these women and how they stand out in the world of business. I think this will be great for all ages to learn about people following their dreams.

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Another fantastic and inspiring addition to the Rebel Girls series of books. I really wish I had a book like this growing up. Learning about female inventors and superstars is amazing but it's so important to see the women who make changes in everyday ways through business. It seems like it would be more applicable to many girls' lives and then, hopefully, give them the push they need to really work towards something.

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I have been a fan of the rebel girls series and I wish I had books like these growing up. I recommend them to young and adults both- it's a beautiful journey reading this book.

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I love reading these books with my 6yo daughter, showing her just what women can do. I know these stories are working as she has no concept of why a woman would ever be stopped from doing anything simply because of her sex. Result.
There were quite a few women that I hadn't heard of by name in this book but I had heard of the companies that they had formed or the products that they'd created.
We read this a couple of women at a time so as not to bombard my daughter with too much info at once.
I loved the addition of QR codes that allow you to access more information on some of the entrepreneurs.

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This book was a quick, knowledgable and inspirational read. I'm so happy that young girls have access to books like this, and I especially love the coverage of Entrepreneurs and Investors, since it's a field girls are very rarely encouraged to go into. I will definitely be buying a copy for my goddaughter.

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I love the Rebel Girls Series. It is so interesting and uplifting to read about all the great women who accomplished so many things. Thank you for all these amazing books. We need every single one of them.

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Thank you so much NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange of my honest opinion.

I have already read quite a few books of this fantastic Rebel Girls series, and I have loved all of them. I have learnt many things from them, like for example who the co-founder of Canva is (which I use quite a lot!), or how a traumatic situation like being stung by a bee can become the start of a prosperous business!

I enjoyed reading about all these 25 women. Some of there were quite known, like Madam C.J Walker, and some other were new to me. Nonetheless, all important, brave, powerful and inspiring!

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I was introduced to the Rebel Girls series by a child at school who had one for Christmas. This particular one focuses on women who have made their money and use it to support others. I hadn't heard of any of them but perhaps that is the point. It is interesting to find out about them.
Each page is a different person so a child could quickly read about one and them perhaps look up more .about them online.

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It’s almost bedtime and your daughter asks you to tell her a good night story. Now, you start to think… there’s Cinderella, Aurora, Whitesnow, so many princesses and you should pick up some of them, right?
Well… there’s another option: you could tell her about so many women -REAL women- that have done so much in a world that just wanted them to be quiet, cute and smile.
Rebel girls’ book series is the best choice to start with!

Let’s continue our journey in Rebel girls’ book series with “Rebel Girls Mean Business”.
(Here’s the link for my honest review of “Rebel girls Climate warriors”:

SO, let’s dive into it: How’s the book?
Very great!! I really appreciated it and here’s my thoughts:

1. If you read this book, thinking that women can’t do anything, especially being CEOs, entrepreneurs and business women of success, isn’t an option anymore. Everyone should read it!! Especially kids🥺❤️
2. Women in this book have accomplished so much in many different fields but there’s something that they have in common: they all had to face a “NO”, go over a defeat and try again, again and again ‘till they actually make it! So, FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT, baby! Everyone has to face problems and defeats but this book made me think “Ok, everyone can make it”.
3. If you’re a woman that dream about being a CEO or founding her own company, this book will give you the right motivation to get through and will also let you see that no matter what other people think or say, a woman can really do anything!!
4. Interdisciplinarity: these women aren’t just business women. We have scientists, singers, jewelers, activists… and so on and so forth! AND there’s more: they aren’t just adult women but also young rebel girls that made theirs in this world!
5. I really loved the fairytale structure. I think that’s perfect for being read by parents to their kids before going to bed. It could become a good ritual.
1. This book isn’t made for being read all in once. It has to be diluted over time. Risks are that trying to read it all of a sudden won’t make you really enjoy all of the 25 women in this book. Don’t let them stuck in the pages, peak the ones that resonated most with you and search them online!!
2. The title is impactful and I really loved it but… I started to think that’s not a book just for girls. I think that’s a book for everyone out there and maybe “Rebel GIRLS” cuts out possible young readers that could enjoy it.

SO, I hope that my honest review persuaded you to read this book and maybe you’ll suggest it to other people, so we can get our voices louder and louder and louder and not let anyone say to us that we can’t accomplish our dreams!

Many thanks to the authors, the publisher and Netgalley for the eARC!💘

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Rebel Girls Awesome Entrepreneurs is another fantastic book to empower girls & nonbinary youth.
The artwork for each entrepreneur is drawn by female and nonbinary artists from around the world. It lends to the statement that you can do anything! I loved that this book includes a step by step guide to drawing up a business plan. I would recommend this book as a staple in every elementary & middle school library!

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I am a huge fan of this series and am always thrilled to see a new book come out! As a teacher and librarian I take my job of giving children a full education very seriously. This book, and this whole series, teachers children they can achieve anything. I recommend this book to anyone with children in their lives! I will be bringing it into my classroom as soon as it’s available.

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Carino, come tutti i libri della serie d'altronde!
Leggendolo ho scoperto tante cose interessanti, dalla ragazza del formaggio agli innumerevoli impieghi del bamboo.
Sempre apprezzato libri che mixano ecofemminismo alla scoperta.

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I was kindly invited by Rebel Girls to read this ARC on Netgalley.

I'm not usually that interested in Entrepreneurs / business in general but I found this really interesting, especially reading about some of the companies I use (Canva in particular). So thank you for inviting me because I don't think I'd have picked it up otherwise.

I will say that the people in this book are very US centric. Even if they weren't born in the US, it seems to be where they made their success. And obviously the US is the heart of the capitalist society so it's not surprising, but it would've been nice to see some more businesses from around the world.

I love the 'Rebel Minis' series as you can pick specific subjects that you or your child might be more interested in.
I also really appreciate that they all include tasks that kids (or adults) can do at the end of the book and there is also an app where you can find out more about some of the people featured in the books. However it isn't available on android yet!

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After I read Climate Warriors, I knew I would read more by Rebel Girls. Finding this one was a treat as well.

Rebel Girls Awesome Entrepreneurs is full of interesting stories about women who have started businesses. Not only did I get to learn about new products (I have a list of businesses I now want to support) but it also was able to educate me on the business world in a way that was easy to understand.

While I liked the art in Climate Warriors a bit more than this one, that doesn’t mean the art was bad. I love that Awesome Entrepreneurs had a variety of different artists to help create this gorgeous book. Every woman had their portrait painted next to their information. I enjoyed being able to see these women and picture how they look without having to Google them every single page.

I also like that there is a “write your story” section on the back. I would definitely recommend this book if you have kids. I also enjoy that at the end they had a little how-to-build-a-business guide for inquiring minds. They even have a section at the end where they interviewed children who had started little companies, and have a slime recipe from one of the little girls.

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This book is a must-have. But not only for young girls, but also for their mums, older sisters, and other women who are still hearing the little voice inside their head stopping them from chasing their dreams.

I needed this. I, as a mother, needed to hear that my dreams and ambitions are important. That I am enough and my life can be better, can be fuller. I needed to remind myself that only a happy and confident mum can raise a happy and confident daughter.

Some women here did a great change, some decided to do small steps - it is all about a decision to do something more, something different, to be the best version of yourself. I wish our young girls find the courage to be just like them - fierce, independent, and strong women who know how to make a world a better place.

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This was so informative and I loved being able to recognize the big companies and brands that whose existence and success were the result of brilliant women having ideas. I also learned new terminology about the business world. Overall a very empowering and easily understood collection of stories.

Thank you Netgalley and publishers for this Digital Advanced Copy!

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