Member Reviews

I am so confused. I was excited about this book and I read the whole thing, but I just don't understand the Hell plot. I did find the whole secrets unraveling of the Harrison family interesting, but the manipulation from the Hell people grossed me out.

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Thank you to the publisher for an arc of this book! So fun!

This caught my attention with blurbs from CJ Tudor (a must-read author for me) and Samantha Downing; and I totally see why they liked this! I also liked this and will be picking up more from this author in the future.

Not sure how they are going to pitch this one (probably horror thriller), but it is more horror light/thriller. It was The Devil Wears Prada snark meets My Lovely Wife familydrama/thriller/twists. Very fun and best just jumped into!

Almost 5 stars, but the sub-plot was a little distracting. No spoilers though! Pick this one up yourself this fall!

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My full review will be published in Booklist (magazine and online). I really enjoyed this book - it was super fresh. The publisher's description of "surprisingly poignant" is on point. As I mentioned in my review, the concept of Hell as an office is nothing new, but Lux pulls in a second story that deepens it and makes it stronger.

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This book was a blast! The zaniness of Hell was the perfect counterpoint to figuring out the mystery playing out on earth. An absolute delight!

Thank you for the opportunity to read this title.

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As a fan of The Good Place, this book's premise grabbed my attention- a workplace comedy where the workplace literally is hell? Yes, please! While I found all of the comings and goings of the workers of hell humorous, there was a B plot about some people on earth that just slowed the whole book down. They do eventually become important to the A plot, but I just didn't care about them- let's hear more about this hell job and the logistics of how all of that works- that's what I was really interested in.

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I absolutely adored this novel. It's a clever dark comedy with surprising poignancy. So far poised to be one of my favorites for the year. The whimsy of it worked against the sardonic humor and observations. A book that needs to be on your radar

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This book was unlike any other book I've read. Very original. I didn't really know what I was getting into when I started this book but I loved it. Its a very fun yet dark story that will have you thinking about you own humanity and morality. Highly recommend.
Thank you for my free ARC through Netgalley!

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In Hell, nobody can hear you scream... about the endless puddles that are deeper than they look, Jagermeister being the only drink on tap, and oh yes, the gruesome torture of infinite souls.

Peyote Trip works on the deals department of Hell. Just like any other work he has a nemesis, boss he can't stand, and a new coworker who seems just a bit too innocent to have landed herself in Hell. Peyote can sign deals like the rest of them, but instead of touting his successes, he rides under the radar to achieve his biggest goal.

On Earth, the Harrison family is dealing with family drama whilst on their annual family vacation. A broken marriage. A disgruntled teen dealing with the usual adolescence angst. When Mickey, the youngest Harrison, invites her new friend Ruth to their family vacation their lives are altered forever. Ruth's curiosity leads the family to uncover forgotten truths of what happened all those years ago at the lake when one teen tragically was murdered by her uncle.

Claudia Lux's book was a breath fresh air amongst a sea of mediocre thrillers and family dramas. She somehow managed to create a family tale that interweaved the kooky and incredibly fun world of Hell and its minions. Every detail was poignant and clever, it had me smiling most of the time (if I wasn't reading about murder or torture.) The characters are multi-dimensional and have layers, you hate them one minute and love them the next. Peyote's story was hard to predict which I loved most, and it had me guessing until the very end.

Thank you Claudia Lux, Berkely Books, and NetGalley for the early read. This was one I couldn't put down and will be recommending to all my friends.

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This was a great concept, I loved the idea of one of the characters being a worker in Hell. It executed the concept really well and had interesting characters. The entire chapter of Philip's where he wrote the letter was so well done and I could feel the emotion behind it. This book had such a great tense atmosphere and I loved that it was a thriller with supernatural elements.

"She didn’t hate herself. Not for wanting to be a good daughter, or being a jealous teen. Or even for being lonely and falling, blindly, for a man she didn’t ever actually know. No, she thought as she stared down at him in the dirt."

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this novel. I am rating this book based the stars due to lack of time to leave a full review.

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This was an interesting book. The concept was interesting, but not my cup of tea. The characters were good but I struggled to get into the chapters.

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This debut had just about everything I love in a book. Dual settings, (earth and hell) darkly comedic undertone, multiple points of view, and the theme of bad people vs. bad things people have done.

Peyton is climbing the corporate ladders in hell by working hard to seal the deal with the Harrison family by manipulating one of them to sign up a contract. If Peyton is successful, he’ll have a complete set, but his new colleague Calamity seems determined to get in his way.

I found the Harrison family to be absolutely enthralling. There are secret affairs, hints of murder, disconnected children, and bullied children. Twelve-year-old Mickey is an awkward child with few friends until she connects with Ruth. Mickey convinces her father to invite Ruth for their family holiday, but that holiday involves confronting the tragic events from the past.

This was almost a book within a book, watching the Harrison drama unfold and seeing how things were going to shake down for Peyton. I'd love to read more from this author! Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this fun early read, SIGN HERE publishes October 22, 2022.

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Okay, I really loved this! I don't read a whole lot of "dark humor", but I think I'll probably have to change that if this book is any indication of how the genre works. I love stories with unique takes on the afterlife - one of my favorite movies is WRISTCUTTERS: A LOVE STORY, and the worldbuilding in this book reminded me of that a lot, despite the obvious differences in the stories.

The characters in this are fun and fully formed, I really loved Calamity and how absolutely wild some parts of the backstory was. I think if people like books by Grady Hendrix, they'll really be into this one -- it's just got that sort of witty edge to it that makes it really fun to read straight through. I think it'd also be a fun movie!

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This is hands down the best book I have read this year. It takes ALOT for me to give a 5 rating, but this really deserved one. I liked quiet a few of the characters, Mickey, Peyote, Calamity, Shawn, Ruth (though she had her faults), which I can't say about most of the books I read.

Peyote's 'secret' came out of left field for me; I literally didn't see it coming. That was an awesome twist. I wish his ending would have been better, but he knew what he was getting himself into I guess, right?

Getting a glimpse into the different levels of Hell and what awaits the poor souls was completely terrifying. Treating everything that happens down there like a job was an interesting idea. I'm really looking forward to reading more of her work.

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Interesting premise of Hell and how humans make a deal and sell their souls. The main character, Peyton, is on a mission to sign up a bunch of relatives so he can earn his way back to Earth for a do-over. The story transitions back and forth between Hell and the characters on earth. Unseal and engrossing. I look forward to reading more from this unique voice.

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Darkly humorous, surprising, and engaging, I flew through Sign Here. I loved the alternating points of view, I loved the version of Hell the reader is introduced to. I liked the ending, it wasn't spectacular, but it worked even though it was short.

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Peyote Trip works on the fifth floor of Hell, making deals with the living for their souls. If he gets one more member of the Harrison family, he'll have a full set, and might be able to make it back to Earth. Pey thinks this will be the summer that he finally makes it out - if his new co-worker Calamity doesn't get in the way. In the world of the living, the Harrison's have gathered at their lake house for the summer, bring along daughter Mickey's new friend Ruth, and ignoring the memories of a tragedy that haunt the place.

The idea for this is great, and the writing really shines - darkly humorous but still diving into deep emotions. Where this falls down is the plot - Calamity's back story is melodramatic and fantastical and just doesn't make any sense, even within the world-building of the Heaven and Hell Lux has set up. And the Harrison plot, which starts out intriguingly also takes a melodramatic over-the-top turn at the end that leaves a bunch of unresolved questions.

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This didn't seem like my usual type of book. For one thing, it's set in hell. Turns out I really enjoyed reading about the relationships and tricks going on below.

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Interesting book with good world building. There were a few unexpected twists, as well. It wasn't as "heavy" as I expected based on the summary. A quick read overall.

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This book was a pleasant surprise for me! I was given an advanced copy & was instantly sucked into the story.

It’s dark, it plays with the idea of bad people vs bad things they have done. But it’s funny as well. The humor of Peyote & his colleagues in Hell are really what drives this story and makes it what it is.

I can’t wait for others to read this book! Its an amazing concept and was very well executed.

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