Member Reviews

A horrible Forth of July leads to Hallie Evers overdosing on drugs. She dies, but luckily it happens at a party filled with doctors. She is resurrected, but as she begins to recovers she starts to feel different. It is almost like there is someone else occupying space in her mind. She begins to remember memories that aren’t hers. Hallie feels people are following her, is it her paranoia or is she really being followed? Hallie heads on a journey that begins in Vegas and then onto Boston and the East Coast. She is determined to find out what is going on.

Another typical Brian Freeman thriller. That is a good thing. A strong plot with lots of twists and turns along the way. You never know what is going to happen, so you don’t want to put the book down. I thought this plot was very interesting and seems plausible or what could happen at some point in the future. Hallie was an interesting character who you wanted to root for despite her flaws.

Overall well worth picking up. Thank you to NetGalley, Brian Freeman, and Thomas and Mercy for a free advance copy for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this sci-fi thriller. I felt like the pacing in the two parts were different, but it stayed consistent within those parts. I really enjoyed Hallie as a character. Very quirky with a touch of snark. The topic of memory will always be a favorite of mine to read about and that was what really made this story shine for me.

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I started this book without knowing what it was about, I just really liked other books by this author so I decided to pick it up. I was surprised on how fast this book had me hooked. Hallie talks about the second time she died. The details had me needing more. After she was revived, she started seeing memories that weren’t hers, almost as if she had a duplicate personality or something. After she finds out what happened to get those memories, she travels across the US to fill in missing pieces of a murder. She talks with people who knew the owner of these memories and goes back to the place of the murder to piece it together. There was a twist I didn’t see coming. Hallie finds herself in more trouble and almost dies again. Thankfully she gets help and the pieces of the murder are solved. Great story, descriptive details, and closure to all the characters.

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I Remember You by Brian Freeman is eerie....and different. It's different than his Jason Bourne thrillers, and quite different than his own John police procedurals! This one gets inside your head and plays havoc with your memories. Callie Every writes copy for medical devices, travels from Las Vegas, avoiding the bad guys out to kill her. She starts having dreams which are somewhat familiar, but kinda not. Her psychologist offers assistance, yet Callie is being pulled in deeper to dreamland. The images she's seeing, keep getting more violent. She's witnessing familial violence. She knows these people. Friends worry for her, concerned she will trapped in someone else's memory. Big Pharma is involved in the studies. Callie is losing her mind or is she losing somebody else's ? Brian Freeman has a true gift of imagination---what if? It's possible, right? Could happen?
I highly recommend this outstanding psychological thriller!!!

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I love Brian Freeman's police procedurals but recently he has published some very good standalones. This is another one! You can read excerpts anywhere so I'll give you my "feelings" on the book. It pulled me in right away, and had me caught up in a web of mystery, sci-fi, with some spooky vibes too. We are caught up in our heroine's confusion as she experiences memories and emotions that she can't explain. There were many twists and turns and I loved every word of it!

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I love Brian Freemans books and this is no exception.
The story is one where Hallie is at a party and overdoses and is revived by a doctor. After this happens she is having memories from someone else. This is really strange to her so she hunts down the doctor that revived her.

I really enjoyed this book and it was a fast paced read that pulled me in.

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I am a member of the American Library Association Reading List Award Committee. This title was suggested for the 2023 list. It was not nominated for the award. The complete list of winners and shortlisted titles is at <a href="">

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Another solid read by a great author - his characters and tales never fail to reach out and grab you!
Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this ARC opportunity.

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2.5 stars

Brian Freeman knows how to write stories that are out there, like an episode from Twilight Zone.

Hallie is a super intelligent girl that one night in Vegas, after over-dosing on drugs and alcohol combined with her bulimic problems, has a heart failure and dies... at least for a few minutes until a doctor that was around saves her. But here is where things get tricky, the defibrillator used to save her was a new technology one and due to this, she finds herself in the middle of a situation where people are following her and try to kill her.

The parts that didn't work out for me: for a super intelligent girl, she sure makes some very stupid decisions. Plus, this high moral standards are hard to buy (someone offers her a huge amount of money that she refuses, although she had nowhere to sleep and no money to eat).

The book is way too long and despite all the action, nothing really really important happens till the end. Some things are beyond predictable so that was a bit frustrating too.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book

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I'm new to this author but will be checking him out more after reading this. I'm not usually a sci-fi person but I really loved this. Granted it's not just sci-fi but it was a really good read.

We've all had bad patches in life but Hallie really has a bad day or two. A lot made me laugh.

Highly recommend. It's a great read.

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Brian Freeman is a big favorite of mine and this book didn't disappoint. A mix of thriller and science fiction which makes it a highly recommended book for lovers of the genre.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this advanced copy.

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Brian Freeman is one of my favorite mystery authors. I love his unique plots and memorable characters. This book was no exception. It kept me guessing until the very end!

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Review limited to Goodreads due to rating.

This author normally receives no less than 4 stars from me.

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I love Brian Freeman’s work so I was happy to be approved for this ARC. Freeman crafted a sci-fi thriller in I Remember You. Hallie is an interesting character, and the book starts out with her confused about what actually happened on July 4th, whether what she’s feeling is simply the result of her celebratory cocaine and alcohol fueled night, or something more. Hallie attends a party in Las Vegas, attached to a conference involving medical professionals. With her experience in medical promotional ads, Hallie fit in with the crowd. When her over-indulgence results in her passing out and DYING, there are many doctors around to save her. But Hallie is never the same. She begins having dreams, experiences and memories that she doesn’t understand and doesn’t remember. She knows things she shouldn’t. She has memories of experiences she never actually experienced. The whole book revolves around that one night and what happened to Hallie. Freeman writes a plausible sci-fi thriller, interesting and fast-paced.. Read the book!

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book

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I must admit I was skeptical at first. I love Brian Freeman's thrillers but this seemed different and a little out there and I loved it! Brian Freeman has written a story revolving around something seemingly far fetched and sci-fi-y and makes you believe it could happen. This clever, fast paced thriller will keep you up all night reading until the last page!

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This book takes you to the depth of raw emotions we all face with family. To the depravity of a jealous heart and the healing of innocent souls. A journey through the lost and found memories we all hold locked deep the more hurtful they are. A great read and quite a journey!!

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So, I really enjoyed Infinite by Brian Freeman, however this one fell flat.
This story follows Hallie who is down on her luck and trying to hold jobs doing website design for tech companies. She ends up overdosing at a Fourth of July party, and once she is revived, realizes she now that someone else's memories in her brain. She goes on a wild goose chase across the country to figure out who's memories she has, and what happened to the woman who supposedly committed suicide.
Overall, I felt like the sci-fi aspect went quite unexplained. I still couldn't tell you the reasoning or the purpose behind what the tech company was doing. Also, I found Hallie pretty unlikeable. I also don't like how the resolution was only explained in the last couple pages by this long monologue by the main character. I much prefer when thrillers have an ending that naturally works itself out, or doesn't. I just felt like it was a quick, cheap way to end the book. I am going to give this 3 stars because I was interested the whole way through, and I like Brian Freeman's writing style.

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This book started off strong and hooked me on the first page. Hallie is having the worst day of her life. She is fired, dumped by her boyfriend after he cheats on her with her roommate, homeless. Oh! And she dies. Despite the fact she dies from a fib anyway. 🙃 Being a nurse I had to roll my eyes at that one. Pretty sure they meant v fib 😅 but whatever...point is her heart stops and she has to be resuscitated.

I went into this book not really knowing what to expect and I thought it was going to be a strong four rating for me, possibly even five, as I was reading in the beginning. We have an unreliable protagonist, but it felt unique and I enjoyed what the author created there. And although, there are some twisty, "pull the rug out from under you", intense moments along the way, I found it felt somewhat too long and dragged out and I didn't find myself being able to connect with the characters as much as I'd like.

This book does have a sci-fi element to it that can feel somewhat unbelievable and a bit confusing when you are reading the character's thoughts with what is going on. But overall, I thought this was a very unique psychological thriller with an added bonus of a murder mystery that I wasn't expecting to be in the story.

**Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me an advanced copy of this book and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion. I am posting this review to my Goodreads account immediately and will post it to my Amazon & Instagram accounts upon publication.

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This book has more twists and turns than a mountain backroad and I loved it! Even though I'm not really a fan of futuristic stuff, this was an interesting concept and it really made for a unique plot. I'm always in awe of authors that can just blow you away with a wild idea and Brian Freeman has done it with this one. Looking forward to checking out more from this author and I highly recommend it to suspense/thriller fans.

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I really really liked this one and thought it was spot-on perfect right up until the big exciting final confrontational moment, where it felt a little unbelievable. And that's saying something, given the entire concept at work here. Still, despite the stretching of the limits of incredulity that were occasionally required, I found the story largely plausible and wholly engaging and entertaining.

While I did not care for most of the characters - at least the living ones - I still found myself oddly compelled by their story lines and oddly empathetic to their nearly impossible situations, even when they were nearly impossible due to their own choices and poor decision making. There is a fantastic pacing to this story, and a sense of menace and surreality that underpins the whole thing in a way that made for a really engaging read. Freeman is definitely on my list of people to watch...

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