Member Reviews

This book had me from the first paragraph. Freeman has a way of weaving original, interesting stories together that you can't stop reading! This book starts out on a rooftop party in Las Vegas. Medical writer Hallie Evers is attending a medical convention hoping to find leads for a new job. She has had a bad day; lost her job, her boyfriend broke up with her and since he is cheating with her roommate, she is left with nowhere to live. We find out pretty quickly Hallie has had some trials and tribulations in life and she makes yet another bad decision to take a bunch of cocaine on top of being drunk. After going into cardiac arrest, she finds herself in the hospital and finds out she was saved by one of the doctors at the convention. This is when things start getting strange.

Hallie finds that even thought her life was saved she is having some strange dreams and memories that are not hers. She has the memories of a woman named Skye, a woman who is the opposite of Hallie; blond, rich, successful and talented. Only these are not only good memories; there are memories of blood and death. As Hallie tries to figure out why and how she has these memories, someone or something is trying to kill her. We travel along with Hallie as she tries to save herself and do justice for the woman in her mind.

I didn't guess what was going on until the very end of the book and I found myself reading well into the night. Thanks you to the publisher and NetGalley for a free ARC copy of this book in exchange for a review.

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4.5 stars
Brian Freeman is a one click buy author for me. His stories are always out there, and this one more than the others. You start out thinking you’re getting one story and then it morphs and changes many times along the way. There was a sweet spot for this book but, for me, it went past that point a little too far. I took half a star off when the story became too convoluted at the end. That being said, I was completely riveted and along for the ride!
*Thanks to the author and NetGalley for the advance copy. If January LaVoy is narrating the audio, I’ll be revisiting the book when it releases this summer!

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This book was another hit from the author. A good stand alone mystery. The book was filled with good suspense along with a few interesting twists at the end. This is a book which I would recommend to all who enjoy a book filled with mystery and suspense.

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This was a gripping psychological thriller about a woman haunted by terrifying memories—of someone else’s life. This is one intense, twisted, dark and addictive novel! Not only is this a very well-written book with wonderfully-interesting characters, but the suspense builds at just the right pace as the story unfolds.

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It took me a little while to get into this book, but once I did, wow. This was a very well written thriller with a great storyline. Once the story starts to flow, it really flows well and leaves the reader glued to their Kindle!

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One of Freeman's best! Intense and complex mystery with a bit of mystical sci-fi intertwined to keep things very interesting. This one will keep you turning the page until the very end!

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Absolutely loved this book and it was so well written. It had me hooked from the very first page where we were introduced to Hallie. She is a fantastic character with a lot of issues.
Highly recommend

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No author tells a better story than Brian Freeman for me. Another interesting story that took some time to settle into but quickly became a fast page turner. I had the perp pegged for this one but the reveal was still very suspenseful.

This author has really shown his creative talent over the past few years with writing multiple books per year that include unique plots, Jason Bourne, and Jonathan Stride.

Quality and Quantity - a great duo!

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity in exchange for an honest review.

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I Remember You – Brian Freeman

This was a WILD ride!

Hallie Evers is a down-on-her-luck marketing freelancer living in Vegas and she’s having a horrible 4th of July. She’s just been fired from her current job, and her boyfriend of two years has left her for her best friend and roommate – so now she’s essentially homeless as well. Feeling pretty despondent at the rooftop party she’s attending, she decides to snort a line of coke. She then wakes up in the hospital, after suffering a cardiac arrest. Fortunately for her, a party attendee, who happened to be a physician, saw Hallie fall and provided resuscitative measures.

As Hallie absorbs the implications of what has happened, she notices her head feels strange. In response to her nurses questioning, the only description she can give is that she feels ‘crowded’. When her nurse asks if she had any visions, she describes seeing Poseidon with his trident. Mystified as to its significance, she shrugs it off. But then, the vivid dreams start – and soon she sees people following her. As she is the daughter of a paranoid schizophrenic, Hallie begins to fear for her sanity.

A next day call to her agent yields a potential high paying job. As Hallie goes to interview, she finds herself mesmerized by the photos he has displayed in his office. The scenes in the photos are very familiar - she can still taste the lobster she had at an eatery there. The only problem is…she’s never been to Boston in her life…. And the dreams she’s having each night – they seem so familiar somehow – like she’s watching someone else’s life.

With no idea what’s happening to her, Hallie eludes her perceived pursuers and makes the journey to Boston in hopes of learning the origin of these strange memories she has and the dreams that plague her at night. Is this a slow descent into madness due to a psychiatric illness – or something a lot more sinister??

I have loved Mr. Freeman’s work since picking up his first novel all those years ago, and I have NEVER been disappointed. This story is no different, a page or two in and I was already hooked – and had work not intervened, would have easily read it in one sitting. Hallie’s life experiences, and the adventures that follow her death and resuscitation make for a fascinating, frightening and fabulous read!!

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I received a free review copy from the publisher, via NetGalley - thank you!

Brian Freeman is one of my favourite authors. His books seem to be divided between the “traditional” mystery/thriller, and those with a more science fiction direction to them. This is one of those science fiction ones.

Hallie, the protagonist, is not particularly likeable. She doesn’t have her life together, but that in itself doesn’t make her unlikable - she also doesn’t treat people particularly well. She actually “dies” in the first few chapters, and is then brought back to life. The rest of the book is based around that.

This book is between a 3 and a 4 star for me. One of my least favourites of Brian Freeman, but then all of his books are pretty wonderful, so this is still good.

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It’s been a long time since I’ve read anything from Brian Freeman, so when this popped up on NetGalley, I was very keen to read it. I read all of Freeman’s thrillers many moons ago, and loved them all. His latest offering, “I remember You” is no different and proves that he still has the talent to produce an amazing thriller.

The plot focuses very much on mental illness and the main character, Hallie’s journey with her own demons. Searching for answers but finding only more questions, this is a pacy mind bending read which will hold your attention until it’s conclusion. I would highly recommend this book and if you’re new to Brian Freeman, then you’re in a for a treat.

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an arc in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Absolutely loved this book and it was so well written. It had me hooked from the very first page where we were introduced to Hallie. She is a fantastic character with a lot of issues.
Highly recommend

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Brian Freeman wrote a different type of mystery and was a solid 4 stars. I have read 99%of what Freeman has written and as much as I love the Stride novels best, this may be a close second. Very different mystery genre for him, interesting tech, and a lesson in even if you can, should you?

Thank you to the publisher and Netgally for the Advamce copy.

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Brian Freeman has become one of my favorite Thriller authors. I loved Deep Deep Snow and Thief River Falls is a book I’ve recommended many times.

I Remember You has a touch of sci-fi going on like a previous book from this author. That’s generally not the rabbit hole I choose to go down, but he made me want to!

Brian Freeman is an automatic buy for me. This one will not disappoint! Thank you so much to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the advanced digital copy of this wonderful thriller. This is my honest and enthusiastic review.

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As a fan of mysteries and thrillers and having read and enjoyed several of Brian Freeman’s previous novels, I was looking forward to reading his latest effort, I Remember You, published by Thomas & Mercer.

The novel features a heroine who, in my opinion, is not a likable or sympathetic character - one who is constantly losing her jobs, has no friends and no place to live. In the first chapter, she actually dies at a medical conference party and is conveniently brought back to life by the prompt action of a conference party attendee.

This reader found the book very disappointing due to the story line (I would not have classified it as a mystery/thriller but, rather, more likely science fiction) and the horrendous number of grammatical errors throughout the book. I cannot, in good conscience, recommend this book.

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A page turning thriller that I was unable to put down. On a downhill spiral in her life Hallie just had the worst 4th of July ever.... her boyfriend cheated, wirh her best friend who is also her roommate and she lost another job. A rooftop Vegas party gives her the opportuniry to possibly network and definitely forget her problems. What happens next will have you staying up to finish her story.

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I really enjoyed this book. I thought the characters were solid and the book kept me hooked from start to finish. 4.5 stars

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4.25 stars
Thank you NetGalley and publishers for this ARC

Brian Freeman does it again! He never disappoints. This is a great thriller with good twists and turns. I read it quickly, within a days time. I highly recommend.

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I really enjoyed Freeman’s Infinite. It stood out well above the usual thriller noise. So I remembered the name and made sure to look out for his future releases and when this came to Netgalley, I requested it right away.
And sure enough, Freeman does a good job again. Throwing in a slight science fiction premise (or more like an advanced science premise) really elevates what otherwise would have been yet another all-in-the-family sort of tale of love and revenge.
The book begins on a 4th of July. Some people wave flags and some people get wasted…and so people die. The protagonist is of the latter variety, She tops off a series of sh*tty life events with some booze and some coke and dies. Once she’s revived, she finds she is no longer alone in her mind. There’s another conscience, another person, another set of memories.
So she crosses the country from Vegas to the East Coast and begins to put her allegedly genius level IQ to the test by trying to sort out what’s going on with her.
She meets man after man who desire her…or the woman inside her. And woman after woman who have murkier intentions.
And yes, in some respects it is a very prototypical thriller, meaning that, for instance, all the women are model-gorgeous…and only one of them is actually a model.
Also, here’s a small thing…recently a hyperwoke millennial pal of mine told me that it is now considered racism when African-American characters’ skin is compared to food in writing. Is that true? Cause if so, the author is certainly guilty. Every single dark-skinned character is described as something delicious. Mocha or chocolate. I mean, seriously. Is it offensive or fetishizing or just plain descriptive? Weigh in in the comments below, please. The inquiring minds want to know.
Anyway, back to the book…the book is fun. Fun enough to rise above its clichés and fun enough to twist what might have bene a pretty plain plot into something genuinely unpredictable so that the prerequisite plot twist in the end is actually mostly a surprise.
I enjoyed reading it and it went by very quickly for all its bulk. Great pacing, great dynamics, great energy. Recommended. Thanks Netgalley.

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At a rooftop party in Las Vegas Hallie Evers dies,but hours later she wakes up,she's alive.She can't find the doctor who revived her.She feels different her head is crowded and nothing is familiar to her at all.
Mental illness runs in her family,her mother died suffering from delusions.
Hallies dreams are not her own her memories are someone elses.
How can she tell what's real?
As she tries to find out the truth things take a sinster turn.
Brian Freeman is one of my favourite authors and this book did not dissapoint,very different his other novels but just as good.
Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas and Mercer for the ARC.

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