Member Reviews

This book is such a love letter to fans... and I AM SO HAPPY! First of all, thank you Jeaniene for writing this.
A bit late to the Night Huntress game, I read Halfway to the Grave in November of 2021... and a frenzy started! I binged every single book in the series within weeks/months. And I have loved each one so much! '
The thing I love most about Night Huntress is that Bones does not act like a 18 year old even though he is 200+. He ACTS like he is 200+. That might seem obvious but I have read many paranormal/vampire books over the years since this series has been published and that is NOT how books are written these days.
I am also a HUGE fan of the "she/he is mine" soulmate trope.
Being able to see Halfway to the Grave from the perspective of Bones was just a love letter to my heart.
Is it a bit instalove? Yes. Do I care in the slightest even though I am not a instalove trope fan? Not a speck of dust worth.
If I had to state a criticism, it is this. I do wish we might have had a new small side story/plotline during the times Bones was not with Cat. Sure, there was some new information that I particularly enjoyed his relationship with Ted... the book could only have been elevated by a small new side story.
Does that lower my rating? Absolutely not.
The way this book ended was PERFECTION. And I would kill for another Bones POV book during the 4 years that Bones and Cat were apart.

I want to thank Independent Publishers Group and Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book. I would also thank Jeaniene Frost for making this Bones POV.
This book was next level in the Night Huntress series. Cat and Bones are one of my favorite fictional couples. The book felt like going back home. I cried with joy when I started it. I always wanted to know the POV of Bones. How he saw his first meeting with Cat and the development of his feeling for her. I wasn’t disappointed. Bones will always be in my heart. He is loyal, funny and so hot. He takes the Who hurt you to the next level! I could not tell how much I highlight in the ebook. My heart melts so many times for him.
Everyone should have a Bones in their life, minus the murder, but I would love him to train me.
The sex scenes are great and well written, but I still prefer them from Cat's POV. After reading them, it could have been great to have them in the first book. I would recommend reading this book after reading the first novel, Halfway to the grave. I hope we will be lucky to have another book from his POV.

I received this ARC for an honest review. I am a huge fan of Jeaniene Frost. When she started talking about writing this book, I couldn’t wait. There is a big reason why I am a fan. Jeaniene Frost is such a great writer. She pulls you into the story, and you don’t want to leave.
Jeaniene did not disappoint with this book.
This story is from the Night Huntress series with Cat and Bones are the main characters. While the Night Huntress is through Cat’s eyes, this is through Bones’. Yes, it was a story told before, but you get Bones point of view. I love when authors do this because you learn so much more. You learn why Bones reacted the way did. You learn his true feelings about Cat and her situation with her mom. You see Cat through a different light.
I just LOVED this story, and hopefully there will be another story from Bones’ point of view. I won’t say much more about the story because I don’t like to post spoilers. I can’t say enough times I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!

It's nice to have an official release of book 1 from Bones' point of view. I cannot believe it has been 15 years since the series began. I have fond memories of discovering the series in the grocery store book aisle.

My old friends Bones and Cat are back!!
Just like the first time I read this book from Cat’s point of view it was amazing. It’s been so long since then it was like a brand new book.
“Yes, I want your heart the most.” His voice vibrated with intensity. “Above all else. You’re exactly right; I won’t stop until I have it.”
Cat is still her bad self and Bones is even more yummy than he was all those years ago.
He’d heard poets talk about things like this. They gave it fanciful names like “love at first sight” or “destiny.” He’d always dismissed such claims as nonsense. Now, he wasn’t so certain.
If your a big fan of this series like I am grab this book now!!

I’ve read all of the books in the series and really enjoyed reading from Bones’ perspective. When I read the original version I don’t think I realized that it was insta-love for him, so it was interesting to read his thoughts. Admittedly, I did find myself skipping some of the dialogue since it was familiar. Overall I really enjoyed it and appreciate that the author gave us this version.

Thank You to Netgalley and Independent Publishers Group for this earc!
I’ve been a fan of this series for over 10 years now so when I heard that this book was coming, the whole book from Bones’ point of view, I absolutely had to read it!
And it was very cute? I know what you’re thinking! Cute? But it was. Cat’s POV always was about getting over her prejudice’s against vampire and seeing Bones for who he was
Bones’s POV was all about “ She is my soulmate and I will do everything in my power to help her see who i am”
The main plot was pretty similar from Cat’s book but seeing Cat through Bones eyes was absolutely amazing. How he saw and felt all of her emotions, the bad and the good.
Omg. The scene when she tells him that she loves him for the first time will forever be one of my favorites. Just all the feels!
Overall adorable addition to an already amazing world. There is something that was missing for me but I just can’t put my finger on it. I will let you know lol

The Night Huntress series is about half-vampire/half-human Catherine (Cat) Crawfield. She hates her vampire lineage and has made it her personal mission to kill all the vampires. That is until she meets Bones and she can’t get the edge on him. Bones then trains Cat and the two of them are unstoppable vampire hunters.
This newest installment is a retelling of the first book in the series - but this time from Bone’s perspective and all his glorious accent and pure love and adoration for Cat.
This is clearly a case of don’t judge a book by its cover. I’m not a fan of having half-naked people on covers. But I am a fan of this book and series.

I enjoyed reading Bones point of view on the meeting with Cat. I enjoyed the story, and the characters. TheOtherHalfoftheGrave #NetGalley

This was a fun revisit of one of my favorite series. Bones' point of view was a nice nostalgic reread. Liked it as much as the original. The interaction between the two is my favorite. Also that Jeanine said she had to "modernize" the story from so long ago. The original story had a beeper. That made me laugh in the foreward. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC form Netgalley..

I started the Night Huntress series years ago and loved the chemistry and interactions between Cat and Bones. These two are so different from a lot of characters we see and they overcome so many obstacles throughout the series. Going back to the beginning and seeing everything from Bones' perspective is fun. Cat is a very strong woman and knowing that Bones feels the same way but gives her the space she needs makes me love Bones even more. I have always been a fan of this series and am even more so now. Thank you Jeaniene Frost for allowing us to fall in love with Bones all over again.

Going on the trend of doing a new book from a popular series but by the point of view of another major character is definitely something continuing especially in fantasy and science fiction. Jeanine Frost's power couple, Cat and Bones, show readers their origin story, this time from Bones's point of view. It's like when Stephanie Meyer published Midnight Sun, which is the same story as the first Twilight book but this time from Edward Cullen's point of view instead of Bella Swan.
Die-hard fans of the Cat and Bones series of books will really get a kick out of this. For readers who didn't know about the books until now and are just picking this up, it's definitely something readers will be able to follow along on if they don't have the backstory, and because it starts the story right back at the beginning, they'll be getting the same info just from a different perspective.
Usually in books like this, I have always enjoyed hearing more perspectives from the male major characters and love interests, but that's not always possible due to point of view issues. Some authors do this thing in romance where it'll be like Bella and then that chapter is from Bella's perspective, and then Edward and that's from the male lover's perspective. It's definitely interesting to see how Bones perceived events differently here.
Some readers who are already well-acquainted with the series will find it kind of a retread into what they already know, so the prose might not come alive for them as much, while others will like things just fine.

I have loved Cat and Bones for years. It was great revisiting this story and reading it from Bones perspective. It gives a greater impact of their romance and relationship. It was great having a deeper understanding of his feelings for Cat. It is also written in a way that this could be read as a stand alone for those new or unfamiliar with the series. The one mildly annoying things was the references to current pop cultural tv shows and items that did not exists when the first book was written.

See how Bones and Cat met from Bones' POV this time! I like the original series and I have always thought that Bones provide an interesting POV to Cat's narrative. There are more background info about Bones and enough new material in this book to make it interesting even if you have memorized the original book.... A terrific new addition to the series for original fans and newbies.
Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

The Other Half of the Grave, by Jeaniene Frost, is a Paranormal Romance featuring fan-favorite vampire couple Cat and Bones—only this time the story is told from Bones’ perspective, instead of Cat’s, in a retelling of sorts of the first book of The Night Huntress series, ‘Halfway to the Grave’.
I enjoyed this book immensely! I loved reading Cat and Bones’ relationship origin story from Bones’ point of view, as there were plenty of tidbits that Cat couldn’t have known or experienced in the original story from her POV, and also I enjoyed finding out even more about Bones’ History. It was a much-needed fresh take on a long running series that I’ve always enjoyed.
I would definitely recommend this book to any established fan of The Night Huntress Series, as this installment is sure to please with its new twist, but it may not be the best starting point for someone looking to begin the series.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you to NYLA and NetGalley for the Advanced Readers Copy.

I was so excited to get an advanced copy of this book. I read the original series opener from cats perspective years and years ago and it has always annoyed me a little bit that we don’t get much from bones POV. So finally getting bones POV and getting it in the scope in the entire book is very exciting. Much of the story is very repetitive to the first book but there is enough new content of scenes that happen when bones is not with cat that it’s still kept it fairly fresh and anyway getting to see what phones was thinking the whole time is just absolutely incredible. It was also awesome to realize just how immediately he fell in love with cat I don’t think I realized from the previous books how much of a goner he was for her so immediately. So that was fun.