Member Reviews

Crystal's Thoughts
Finally, we return to the Night Huntress world! Not with a new book in the series, no, but the beginning of the series through Bones's eyes. Was this something readers had longed for? Heck, yes! Was this something that we ever expected to happen? Nope. But it did, and it delivered everything I didn't even know to hope for!
"Tonight, Bones hunted."
It's difficult to put down my thoughts on this book without gushing incoherently, but allow me to say that if you didn't already worship at the alter of Bones, you will after reading his side of Halfway to the Grave! And if you already lusted after Bones from the get-go, get ready, because you will fall even more in love with him, as impossible as that may seem! One of the things readers appreciate most about Bones is that he makes no apologies for the vampire he is. He is not human. He is a master vampire. He doesn't live by human standards and his oft-times difficult life has shaped him into the vampire he is today. In The Other Half of the Grave, we finally get an in-depth dive into Bones's past, his relationship with Ian, and all of those convoluted feelings he experienced when first meeting Cat.
"Yes, she was fantasizing about ripping both of her weapons through his heart while he was feelings things he'd probably only heard of before, but who said romance was perfect?"
One thing that took me by surprise in his side of the story, was the extent of Bones's feelings for Cat, and how soon those feelings emerged. I've heard some readers complain about what they thought was "insta-love" between Cat and Bones at the beginning of the series, but I didn't agree because Bones had to work for Cat's affection. Even then, it wasn't until we were three books into the series that Cat's love for Bones and her acceptance of his world really solidified. With Bones we see the total opposite. Meeting Cat was like a silver stake to the heart for him, instant.
"...he was now head-over-heels for a prissy, murdering half-breed who hated the sight of him and snored."
I respect that despite his quickly growing feelings for Cat, Bones never let them outwardly show because he knew that Cat needed time to grow and accept him for who he was, not what he was. Another aspect that we didn't see much of through Cat's eyes was the extent of Bones's jealousy. Yes, we know that vampires are possessive creatures. And yes, Tate, but that all comes a bit later. Cat often uses herself as bait to catch unruly vampires throughout the series' storyline, and Bones sat by while she did so. Readers never saw just how difficult that was for Bones, and just how much he hated it until now.
"He had to bury his emotions. They made him reckless, and he couldn't permit that. Until this was finished, he wouldn't allow himself to feel at all."
Before beginning The Other Half of the Grave, I did binge re-read the entire Night Huntress series. Including the Night Huntress World, novellas, and Night Prince series. ( Sorry Ian, I couldn't wait any longer to begin on Bones. ) I am so glad that I did because honestly, I didn't realize just how much I missed these characters until reading about them all over again. It was akin to coming home and no matter how many years had passed in-between visits, everything was still the same as I remembered. Don't worry if you think this is going to be a Halfway to the Grave verbatim though, because it's not. Bones has a lot going on that Cat was not aware of, and some other scenes vary because Bones saw them differently.
"If you run from me, I'll chase you. And I'll find you."
The one and only thing that I did not care for was the modernization of the book. Which the author explains at the start of the book, and I do understand the reasoning behind it, but I found it unnecessary and would have preferred if it was kept in the same time period technology-wise as Halfway to the Grave. Despite that small dislike, I can't wait for Bones's side of One Foot in the Grave. However, I really want his version of Destined for an Early Grave. The emotional turmoil that book put me through from Cat's side alone, gah! I can't imagine how much more intense it would be through Bones's eyes. I've said it before, and I will keep saying it. The Night Huntress series is a must read for every paranormal romance reader, and if you have yet to begin it then you are missing out. Jeaniene Frost's gifted writing, the unique world she has created here, and it's memorable characters that inhabit in it are incomparable.
"I love you too, Kitten. Today, tomorrow, forever."

Return to the beginning of the story of Cat and Bones through a fresh set of eyes. Bones is hunting some very nasty vampires when Cat walks into the bar and walks away with his quarry. Bones has to figure out who she is, why she hates all vampires and how quickly he can change her mind about him.
It was wonderfully nostalgic to re-read the story from a new perspective. It's a great treat for fans and a good alternative starting point for new readers. I highly recommend it.

I absolutely LOVE when I get the chance to read the hero’s POV. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this and it did not disappoint. Bones has long been one of my favorite book paranormal boyfriends! Getting inside his head was euphoric!

FINALLY!! Bone's POV was just as delightful as I hoped it would be. I adore this series and getting it for a second time just means another round of goodness and the chance to see our favorite couple's romance from the very beginning. Besides...this means another chapter 32!!

Truly a unique book experience. Having read the original book from Cat’s perspective, it was interesting to see the whole story from Bones point of view. The differences in how they were thinking at the same time was fascinating. I believe it brought their story to life in a 3 dimensional way. Being able to now see how each was thinking makes the entire story more realistic.
I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

It completed the epic story of how Cat and Bones got together and fell in love.
We met Cat and Bones in Halfway to the Grave, the first book in Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series. In that book the story is told exclusively through Cat’s eyes. The Other Half of the Grave tells the same story, but from Bones’ perspective. We get important information about the vampire world and about Bones’ feelings right from the start, which are all more slowly revealed through the rest of the series, all from Cat’s point of view.
It was a treat to see how Bones experienced their initial meeting and how he saw Cat. Bones and Cat are each amazing in their own way, but together they are spectacular.
If you’re not familiar with the series, I would start with Halfway to the Grave and then read Bones’ perspective. Now I wish we could see some of the events from the rest of the series through Bones’ eyes as well. And that epilogue was the best.
I can recommend this entire series if you like paranormal romance with lots of steamy romance and head-strong characters. It’s best to read them in order. There are also some spin-off books, in case you want more.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

ARC Cordially provided by NetGalley~
I am a recurring reader of Jeaniene Frost and a particular fan of Bones and Cats stories!
Having said that I'd like to take the time to thank Independent Publishers Group for sharing this title for my reading Pleasure 💙
Genre~ Paranormal Romance
Series~ Male POV of previous series
Cheating~ No
HEA~ see spoiler in my GR review link above
Would I read more by this author/or in this series~ Yes
Rating~ 3.5 stars
Rating~ 3.5 stars
Here goes~
Bones is a 250+ y/o super vamp who runs into a lovely 'Creature' on one of the nights he is out HUNTING
Bcause he's a true professional and must stay focused he declines the offer made by the lovely redhead
Soon Bones realizes there's no way to avoid the redhead and takes the lead but will she allow him to teach her his techniques or will she slice his throat?
If u've read "Halfway to the Grave" U are aware of the rest of machinations that comprise this exquisitely beautiful adventure and if u have not get started there!
I was happy to see some new characters on Bones side of his lifestyle and the addition to technological modifiers to keep up w/current times
Ms. Frost storytelling is one of my favs and the only reason I did not do more stars is bcause I was Xpecting more of HIS POV
Bones memories in London/Australia etc..
Bones transformation
Bones inner dialogue of what he's Xperiencing all the time not so much as the same stories we got from the first book explained in his words like he's narrating what we already knew Cat was gonna do and be doing ~ Like when they go to the Simms cemetery to talk to Winston. Pretty much just narrated by Bones
I wanted More like the conversation he has w/Spade over the phone!
How he plans w/Rodney how to deal leaving the country etc...
All in all~
I can't wait for more! 💋💋💋

This book was such a delight! I know Bone's POV was highly sought after by readers and it did not disappoint. I loved getting more of his perspective and I was just as investing in his love story this time as I was the first time.

This book is a great way of "re-reading" a series with a neat twist of changing characters.
It's been years since I read the first book in this series, so I just barely remembered the broad strokes of how this all began. I was essentially a fresh reader and enjoyed it immensely! Do I know how it all end? Of course! Did it diminish my enjoyment? Not at all! In fact, knowing how some relationships change and grow had me enjoying it even more.
If you've never read the series... I'm not sure what to recommend. Should you start with the original? Or start here? It probably doesn't matter, but I like the full circle way I got to re-enjoy all over. I enjoy Bones, but this gave the author a way to fill some plot holes, update some tech, and give me a new book to read, while still letting me re-read a series. What's not to like here? The story itself is a fun paranormal story that really goes outside the typical paranormal romance lines.

I am a really big fan of Jeaniene Frost and this series hooked me years ago. Now, maybe that is my main problem with this title but here are my thoughts. Frost's novels have improved each time she writes and I have loved to watch her grow but this book destroyed that image for me. Her writing style was horrible. There was no good connection to Bones and that hurt me. It felt a LOT less in depth in terms of his character and anyone that has read her stuff can say that Bones has character and many of us wanted to explore more of his side of things but it just fell flat. If this was the Night Huntresses 1st book then I would not have continued on but luck has it that series was Cat. I hope you find Bones' voice and really show it through your reading but at this moment the book just felt poorly written.

This book is essentially the same base story as the first book in this series, and while the novel is presented in 3rd person, the story is from Bones's POV (whereas the first book and the rest of the books in the series are from Cat's POV).
I won't rehash the plot since it follows the same lines, but I will say that I enjoyed getting Bones's perspective. It was interesting to know that for him, it was a love at first sight/"mine" reaction. A good read that flowed quickly and had some steamy good stuff on the side ;)
Plot --- 4/5
Main Characters --- 4.5/5
Supporting Cast --- 4.5/5
Steam Level* --- 3.5/5
Violence --- some fight/action scenes, but nothing graphic
Language --- some
POV --- 3rd
*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild (nothing descriptive); 2/5 - 3rd base action/1 home run; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere (a couple of full-on steamy scenes); 4/5 - yes please! (erotica territory); 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all

I had been waiting for Bones POV since the author released early chapters in her newsletter. I did enjoy it, however, I really wanted more of Bones thoughts and reactions. There is a lot of dialogue in the original book which it is just repeated which limited what we learned from Bones.
Overall I love this series and enjoyed this installment

I've been a fan of The Night Huntress World for YEARS... I have missed Cat and Bones, while still loving the rest of the characters we've been getting. So it was amazing to be back with my favorite pair, this time from Bones' POV. I am now craving a reread of the entire series/world.
I recommend this series to anyone who is even remotely interested in PNR and I doubt I'll ever stop. All the stars!

How wonderful it is to be back in the world of Cat & Bones again!
Although I have already read this story (Halfway To The Grave) years ago, I was super excited to read it from Bones point of view.
The "Night Huntress" series is one of my favourites and I hope author Jeaniene Frost chooses to continue the series through the eyes of Bones.
Thank you to NetGalley and NYLA for an arc of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

I was super excited to finally get a glimpse into Bones' head, considering he's always been a bit of a mystery. With Vlad we get glimpses through Leila's ability and Mencheres has his own POV. Luckily the book didn't disappoint. It was absolutely hilarious, especially because Cat is so hesitant about Bones and then you read his thoughts and five minutes after meeting Cat he's like I am in love, I will be planning a wedding, I have to call my bestie about this right now. There's also a lot of background information which keeps the plot from being too repetitive if you've read the original first and a bit more steam as well. Cat's absolute aversion to vampires is still a little frustrating and actually a bit harder to take when reading how much it hurts Bones, but that's all part of the journey. All in all I absolutely loved it and would definitely read One Foot in the Grave from Bones' POV.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE is a retelling of HALFWAY TO THE GRAVE – the first book in Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series – but told from the perspective of Bones. When other authors have written a book retelling a previous book from the perspective of the other main character, I admit that I didn’t get the appeal. Until now. I am a huge fangirl when it comes to the Night Huntress series, and generally all things written by Jeaniene Frost. Because the series was written solely from the perspective of Cat, the female protagonist, the prospect of finally getting a peek into Bones’ innermost thoughts was just too delicious. Thankfully, THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE lives up to the expectations of a superfan like me.
For me, the best part of this book is the opening few chapters that deal with how Cat and Bones first met. When I first read HALFWAY TO THE GRAVE, Bones seemed like such an enigma – albeit an attractive one – that I empathized a lot with Cat and her feelings of uncertainty about him. There was something so compelling about Bones in that first Night Huntress book, but he kept his feelings pretty hidden initially. THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE is amazeballs with how it enlightens the reader about how quickly Bones fell for Cat, and the reasons why. Yay! It’s a revelation. Even though I rave about Bones on reader sites about how direct emotionally vulnerable he is over the course of the series, I think a lot of fans think of him as the epitome of vampire cool. It’s both amusing and adorable to see Bones play it cool in front of Cat for a myriad of reasons but be swooning and totally goofy over her on the inside.
THE OTHER HALF OF THE GRAVE is a love letter to Night Huntress fans, and a reminder of why Bones is primo Book Boyfriend material. Accept no substitutes. I realize that the author has no current plans to do this for every book in her Night Huntress series, but I would love if she did it for DESTINED FOR AN EARLY GRAVE. That’s the only book in which I couldn’t wrap my mind around Bones’ actions. Some crazy things happened in that book to explain things but getting his reasoning would be awesome. I eagerly wait for Jeaniene Frost’s next book – whether it be about a vampire, a werewolf, or some other supernatural hottie.

Bones is one of my favorite alpha vampires in paranormal romance books, and getting the beginning was the Cat and Bones story from his point of view was a real treat. Sexy and action packed, Bones fell hard and fast, this is a book for the fans, or a great starting point for one of the best series in PNR.
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book. The thoughts and opinions are my own and freely given.

I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Anyone who is looking at this book has likely already read the entire series, multiple times. Being said; this is a favorite book from a new perspective- Bone’s perspective. For me, it was fun, exciting, and like snuggling under a favorite blanket all at once- immensely satisfying, comforting, and relaxing. I thought this was a wonderful way to learn more about this time for these characters without losing anything.

The ending of the Night Huntress series hit all of us really hard. It was so awesome to be able to come back and revisit the series with Bones as our POV. And, really, I couldn't get enough.
The basic premise of The Other Half of the Grave is switching the POV in The Other Half of the Grave from Cat to Bones. Jeaniene Frost lets us know that she updated some of the tech to more today's amenities and that some details were a bit different (i.e. there are 3 sides to a story, your, mine, and the truth). I loved every second of Bone's side. I always wondered what was going on in his head, especially during the initial meetings between the two. I think it really helped me understand their interactions and his motivations so much more. I didn't think it was possible, but I might love him that much more.
I would absolutely recommend this book to others. You could technically read this by itself if you had never read the Night Huntress series, but you'd really be missing out. I would recommend, if only for the bare minimum, reading Halfway to the Grave so you can better understand what's going on. Also, the audiobooks are so well done, if you have the opportunity to grab them, do it! I am crossing my fingers that Tavia Gilbert will be able to do the audio for this one as well.
Jeaniene + Tavia = awesome book combo.
Jeaniene hasn't said (that I know of) if this will continue to be a whole new addition to the series or if this was a fun exercise, but I am crossing my fingers that we get more.
*I had the absolute privilege of getting an ARC from the publisher and Netgalley and I could not be more grateful. All thoughts and comments are my own.*

So so good right until that end! Why Jeaniene why?!! I loved Bones' POV and highly recommend it. The final cliffhanger means we have to read more books in the series and I'm down for that. Thank you for the free copy.