Member Reviews

The Night Huntress series has been one of my favorite PNR's of all time. I can't believe it's been over 10 years since I first fell in love with Cat and Bones. Over the years it has been my highest reread series ever. There is something so special about this couple that grabbed a hold of me, and I never tired of them. So, when Jeaniene Frost mentioned on FB that she was telling the first book from Bones' POV I was thrilled. Now going in obviously my expectations were through the roof and honestly Ms. Frost exceeded them. I loved this book so much and Cat and Bones made me feel like meeting with old friends again. I also wondered how she would end the story and that Epilogue was perfect. Overall, The Other Half of the Grave was fantastic, and I already started rereading One Foot in the Grave.

I really tried to give this a shot but I picked it up five times and never got past a chapter. This just wasn’t for me.

Wow, this book was amazing! I wasn't quite sure if I would like it being updated to current times (cell phone, Twitter, etc,) AND if I would even like reading the story from Bones' point of view, however, it was awesome! I loved being back in their world and reading how Bones felt. It was just really really good and honestly I absolutely loved it. The interactions between Bones and Cat was just wonderful and it makes me want to go back and reread the entire series. Excellent book, very very well written, and worth every minute of reading. I did purchase the book and the Audible and although it was a male reading the Audible, I loved the way he read the book. He did a phenomenal job too! If you love Cat and Bones you should definitely read this book.

It was so fun revisiting the introduction of Cat and Crispin frome Bones' perspective. Oddly I didn't feel as much of a connection to Bones in this story... however I think my previous connection to him came from all his imagined turmoil and experiences throughout the entire series, rather than in a single book. If certainly love to reread the entire series from his POV, but I'm not sure if that's the plan here. A fangirl can always hope though!

This book is fantastic! I will admit that the cover did throw me off a little. To me that isn't Bones. To me Bones will forever be "Spike" from Buffy in my head. This guy looks a little more like he would wolf out than vamp out, but I read a post where Jeaniene had said that she didn't even try and get the Bones from her head - more went for the energy. That's OK - I just won't look at the cover lol
If you love the original series then this is an absolute must read. Although the story is for the most part the same (minus tech updates), there were parts of the original where Bones was off doing other things - and as a reader it was almost like a glimpse behind the curtain. The updates feel very natural, in fact I loved this so much I am now rereading the originals (again).

Cat and Bones!!!
We are back with them after soo many years. Having said that it’s been so long since I’ve read the original, that reading Bones side of the story was really like a new story. Just that every once in a while I would be ohhh yeah that happened. My only complaint would be just be being nitpicky with the changes and additions of new technology. I mean Bones takes a Lyft to Cat’s house!!! Lol . Having said that I really did enjoy this and I hope she gives us a few more.
I did receive this for free from NetGalley for my honest review.

I’ve been in a such a mood to reread/listen to this series. And now, having read this book, I’m even more determined to make time for it.
Being in Bones’ head was a wild ride. The male POV is my favorite, so being in one of my favorite hero’s mind was definitely a page turner. I loved every second of it.
I’m so happy we got this.

#TheOtherHalfoftheGrave #NetGalley
These books are so much fun and great romance. I have missed these characters so much! Thank your Ms. Frost for another book in the series.

I have to say this series has never disappointed me. I have felt goosebumps with every single one. This one though was exceptional. The story told as Bones sees it. I am totally thrilled with this book. If you love sexy Bones and his killer bad boy self than you will love this.

Let me start by saying that if you have read Bones and Cat's story and have been completely invested in their story-you will definitely want to read this!! It's basically the same story as Halfway To The Grave, all the same plot lines and such-but everything is told from Bones' perspective! So we get how he feels about everything that happens and they go through right from the start. And I was completely in for that! This book series is one of my top favorites and I loved being able to see how Bones is actually handling the things they do and go through versus just seeing it from Cat's perspective. I liked it so much, I am hoping that we will see the same thing for the other books in the series. Definitely well worth the read!

The Other Half of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Publisher: NYLA
Genre: Romance | Sci Fi & Fantasy
Published: April 26, 2022
The Other Half of the Grave is considered book 1.1 in the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost. This series is one that I have wanted to read, but for some reason it just never happened. I will be correcting that soon and binging this entire series!!! If you haven't read the other books in the series, I think you can start with this one and still understand what is going on (and fall in love with the book!).
The Other Half of the Grave is a modernized retelling of Halfway to the Grave from Bones' perspective. I absolutely loved watching him fall in love with Cat!
I thought this book was incredible! I loved the story line. There was so much going on and I loved how fast paced this was! I was truly on the edge of my seat and I could not put it down!
I loved the characters and found them to be fascinating! The romance was wonderfully developed and was hot and steamy (definitely NSFW)!
I can't wait to get started on the original books in the series! I am definitely hooked!
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I’m always down to reread a great series, and I’ve definitely read the Night Huntress series more than once. Bones has been one of my favorite urban fantasy heroes, and I was eager for an opportunity to hear directly from him in this latest release by Jeanine Frost (I received a free copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.).
I appreciated Bones’ inner thoughts and his emotional reaction to meeting his Kitten for the first time. From his perspective, it’s a little insta-love, which is not one of my favorite tropes. I liked seeing how Cat’s distrust of him really hurt his feelings - in the initial book of the series, we are never really sure how deeply hurt by her reactions he truly is. I also really loved seeing how deeply Bones has always cared about Kat.
What made this book less successful for me is that although I loved Bones, I missed Cat’s voice. I think I would have enjoyed this more as a series of short stories or novellas at critical points in their relationship, instead of a retelling of the entire first book from his perspective. At certain points of this book, I was a little bored. He just doesn’t have the inner turmoil that Cat faces, and because we know how this book will end, it held less of my attention.
This is not the book to start with. If you haven’t read The Night Huntress series and you love urban fantasy - definitely jump on it! It still remains one of my favorite series. Once you read it, come back and hang out with Bones for a bit, and you won’t be disappointed.

The Night Huntress series had me hooked from the first book, and I often lamented that I wished we got Bones' side of everything that went down. And now...we have! Just in case this is your first taste of this series, this book follows the events of the first book, HALFWAY TO THE GRAVE, and the wedding scene from the second book, ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE.
Instead of Cat's POV, we get Bones' POV throughout and holy hot potatoes! It is SO revealing. We not only get to see their first meeting through his eyes, but also the development of their relationship and Cat's personality. While I will admit I was a little put off by how childish Cat came across at times, the author did state at the very beginning of the book that sometimes the perception of a character will change when viewed through external eyes. And that is certainly true here.
But I love how Bones doesn't view Cat as this ridiculously broken or childish person (even if that's how she comes across at times); instead, he continued to see the potential in her and genuinely empathized with her self-hatred. He was patient and loving, always thinking of how to make her more comfortable so she might open up. With this added insight, it brings a deeper layer to their relationship that we didn't have before. And I absolutely loved witnessing a more vulnerable, insecure side of Bones that we didn't get in HALFWAY TO THE GRAVE. We had all that bravado and confidence, which sometimes made him feel less human, but here, we get his humanity on full display, which was an absolute treat.
A warm thank you to the author, Netgalley, and NYLA for the amazing opportunity to read this ARC. If you're an avid Cat & Bones fan, you won't regret reading it. It's a HEA from the grave for sure!

Cat and Bones are ALWAYS going to be one of my top couples.
It did take me more than a month to finish this book, but that's because I'd only just finished a reread of the whole series, and the first book was still so fresh in my mind that rereading it from a different POV wasn't as appealing as it could have been.
If you already love Bones, this book is just going to make you swoon all over again. It effectively retells book one purely from his perspective, and I loved seeing what he's thinking and feeling through all the major book one milestones - like, their first meeting, first night together, first fight. I am SO glad that Frost uses third person for her male POV. She's one of the ever-shrinking number of romance authors who recognise that in general, female writers just don't capture male POV well at all. It does make the prose a tiny bit stilted in comparison to her normal smoothness, but I think that's a worthy trade-off.
I've knocked one star off because weirdly, Frost has 'modernised' the book. The first one came out in 2006, or thereabouts, so there's a lot of modern technology (e.g. mobile phones) not mentioned. Although this book should also have been set in 2006, seeing as how it's THE SAME BOOK FROM A DIFFERENT POV, she's gone through and added references to modern tech which I just find weird and unnecessary. But anyway, that's a small irk.
I wouldn't want to read the entire series from Bones's POV, but I'm glad we got this much.

I remember reading Halfway to the Grave in paperback and being so hooked on it. Visiting the book stores hoping to find an early copy of the next book in the series. I loved that world and those characters so when I saw this book, I knew I had to read it.
Oh, wow. I think I enjoyed it even more when told from Bones' perspective. Bones is so much older and more seasoned than Cat, and we find out so much about the vampire world since he knows so much more than she does. Bones falls in love with Cat almost immediately, and can see right through her bravado to her fear and courage. I loved how he was so patient with her, while also teaching her how not to get killed and to be a better fighter. We can see how painful Cat's hatred of vampires was for him. It's hard to imagine a mother not wanting to protect her child, but Cat's mother raised her half-vampire daughter on hate and sent her out to kill vampires without caring about the possibility of her daughter dying.
I fell in love with this series all over again, and now plan on re-reading this book before re-reading the entire original series (again). Thank you, Jeaniene Frost, for this wonderful book, and thank you, NYLA and NetGalley for allowing me the privilege of reading and reviewing this ARC. It was my pleasure to write this review.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the arc of this book! I loved getting a males perspective in a romance book.
This was a great book! Really a well done rewrite of a fan favorite which has to be hard especially after so many years! I think being able to get Bones’s thoughts in this book actually made him even more likable! Loved his thoughts on Cat, seeing how much he adores her and how much patience he as as she works through her prejudices just amazing. I liked seeing his emotions, strength and vulnerability as well. I liked that we get to see why his motivations behind some of the things he says or does for Cat.

The Night Huntress series was one of my introductions to paranormal romance and Bones has always been one of my fave male leads, so I feel obliged to mention that I was inclined to love this book no matter what Frost did.
I am very happy to say that she did not sleep write this one and knocked it out of the park by making a book that tells you the other side of the story while also being its own full story. We get to experience all the conflict and passion of his first meeting with Cat while also getting a deeper background look at what Bones is feeling and the very twisted case that brings them together.
There's tons of fun, romance, and violent action that's totally justified with a case that proves Cat wasn't wrong in wanting to hunt vampires before meeting Bones. It has great pacing and loved every new chapter despite already being familiar with where the story was going to end up. That's good writing.
It can be enjoyed as an introduction to the characters and I feel like you can enjoy it even without knowing anything about all the previous books because it's basically a back to zero telling of their very first meeting from a different POV. You don't need to have read Halfway to the Grave, but I guarantee you'll want to as soon as you finish this one.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, so I thank them for the opportunity.

I read Halfway to the Grave when I was 16-17 years old and I remember it as the moment I really became a reader. For the first time, I experienced being so completely enthralled by a book I couldn't put it down, laughing out loud, feeling my heart race during action scenes, rooting for the couple, having my first book boyfriend... I cannot put into words how much this series has meant to me. I re-read certain quotes and scenes countless times during tough times in my life, making Cat and Bones my ultimate comfort couple.
So when Jeaniene Frost announced the free chapters of Bones' pov on her website, I was nervous, sceptic even. Would it ruin Bones' character for me? I wasn't sure. However, I quite liked the idea of getting to know one of my all time favorite stories from a different perspective. So, when I saw the book on Netgalley, I was quick to request it and was over the moon excited when I got accepted, but there was still this little voice in my head that kept whispering about the what if's... What if I don't like it? What if the instalove trope (which I normally hate) ruins it for me? What if I'm bored reading it because I know the story? What if, what if...
Well, I'm glad to report that reading The Other Half of the Grave felt more like coming home after a long trip and rediscovering the comfort of your home from a new perspective. You settle in with a newfound love because you rediscover why your home feels so much like home to you and then love it all the more for it. That's what reading this book was like. I loved experiencing things through Bones' eyes. His admiration of and unconditional love for Cat, warmed my heart. Whereas I was afraid of not liking it beforehand because Bones fell almost instantly for Cat, never once did it bother me while reading. If anything, it touched me that he instantly saw her courage, braveness, fierceness, kindness and all of her other qualities from the get go and loved her all the more for it. Getting to read how he cared for her, believed in her from the start, and tried helping her sort through her own negative self image in often times very subtle ways that worked for her... All of this while, as he put it, being cut by her predisposed hatred of vampires and therefore him, made my heart bleed and put it back together at the same time. It made me love him even more that he kept showing up for her, even though she kept hurting him without really realizing most of the time. Him seeing her true nature and loving her all the more for it, in a way even knowing her better than she knows herself, seeing through her defense mechanisms and helping her getting through them slowly while always being a gentleman and respecting her pace, never pushing her past what she could handle at that particular moment in time. I was worried about not liking Bones anymore after reading this book. Well, I should've been worried about how much more I'd fall in love with him instead! Through Bones, I also began to see Cat in an entirely different light and loved her all the more for it. I finally started to get what people mean when they say others see more good in you than you do in yourself sometimes.
Honestly, Bones is a class act. Except when it comes to cover hogs. He will not, and I repeat, he will NOT let that one go! I giggled every time he subtly hinted at Cat's cover hog abilities. Then again, I laughed out loud at so much more. One of the reasons why I love Jeaniene Frost's books so much is the way her writing style is infused by humor. The sarcasm makes me laugh out loud multiple times when reading any of her books, and this one delivered just as much on that front.
Of course, the world she build, we all already knew and loved, but I especially enjoyed reading the things we didn't already know before because Cat didn't know them. I loved that The Other Half of the Grave not only showed us Bones' POV but also added onto the story by giving us extra tidbits of information.
Being back in this world, seeing it through Bones' eyes was a treat like no other. So I want to thank Jeaniene Frost for writing this book in the first place and also for granting me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. You have made me one happy lady these past few days! Thank you!

There is little doubt that Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series has become a PNR classic and The Other Half of the Grave proves its longevity.
Readers were first introduced to this series through Cat's perspective in Half Way to the Grave. Now after many successful books in this series following the lives of Cat and her beloved Bones, readers get to see Bones' perspective regarding events in the first book. If ever there was an unconventional love story this is it. Full of witty and poignant moments and lots of action you really could not ask for a better escape. Getting inside Bones' head showed readers a very different side to both him and Cat that only reinforced how great the Night Huntress series is.
Jeaniene Frost reveals in The Other Half of the Grave that Cat and Bones' story had a lot left to be told and it was as entertaining and timeless this time around as the first time!

Halfway to the Grave from Bones' POV?
My dreams have come true!
So yeah, The Other Half of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost is like the first book of the Night Huntress Series from Bones' POV.
This book totally took me back down memory lane! I LOOOOVED IT!
I felt so much younger again and it reminded me of the first time I discovered Jeaniene Frost's books. I was the luckiest girl in the world... and I still am. ♡
To experience Bones' thoughts and feelings when he met Cat... awwww... BE STILL MY BEATING HEART!
This book totally sucked me back into this wonderful world!
And yeah, I need to catch up with the other books of the Night Huntress World. So I've got a plan now!
Thanks a lot to Jeaniene Frost and NYLA Publishing for this ARC via NetGalley.
This is my honest review in my own words.