Member Reviews

I received an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Review can also be found on *Milky Way of Books*
It's been close to 10 years since the first time I read the first book of the Night Huntress series. I think I had come out of both my Twilight and True Blood phrase but I really missed and yearned a good combination between the two! And lo and behold I got into this fantastic world with vampires, ghouls ghosts, and anything in between!
I love the universe Jeaniene Frost created along with the characters that are all unforgettable. "The Other Half of the Grave" is the first book as told by Bones's POV. The awesome, kickass vampire with the marshmallow heart we see through his eyes how he met his Kitten, how they both came first to work together on hunting vampires, and how they fell in love with each other.
I laughed as I remembered some memorable scenes, Bones, and Cat bantering the fights and the dialogues that felt refreshing from Bones's POV. This is a great addition to the universe of Night Huntress and it is equally recommended to read both the series as also her spin-off series about a certain Dracula, Ian and her standalone books.

This is for the fans of Ms. Frost’s Night Huntress Series. The Night Huntress Series is the story of Cat and Bones and starts with “Halfway to the Grave “. Cat is a 21-year-old college student who is half human, half vampire and has grown up hating and killing vampires. She comes across Bones who is a Master Vampire and tries to kill him but can’t. He then decides to train her and make her his partner in killing “bad” vampires (as he is a bounty hunter of vampires). Halfway to the Grave was written 15 years ago purely from Cat’s perspective. The Other Half of the Grave is the same story told from Bones perspective.
I read Halfway to the Grave a long time ago and I have to say I really enjoyed reading this book. It was well written; the story was generally consistent, and things were a lot more interesting from Bones POV. After I finished it, I went back and reread Halfway to the Grave to compare, and I have to say I liked this rendition more. The first book is lacking emotion, and in fact, we don’t get much emotion from Cat. The original felt more like a recitation of event than a good connection between the characters (this from someone who liked the original). This book had more emotional oomph and one really felt for Bones. It also had a lot more nuance. It may be that Ms. Frost has grown as a writer in the last 15 years. I would recommend this book.
I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Why don’t we get more romance books from the Males POV?!?! That Epilogue in Bones POV, forget about it! So far I have only read the first two books of the Night Huntress series. I have to say I enjoyed Bones version of events WAY better than Cats. However, I would totally recommend reading both books to get the full picture.
I really don’t have any complaints with this book. LOVED the cover, YUM! The whole book was just great fun!

As a huge fan of Night Huntress (I will never confess to how many times I have read the series) I have been counting down to Bone's POV since I heard it was a possibility. After all Bones is my all time favorite vampire. I am not sure if it is because he is a Brit, his gorgeousness or his love of Cat, but I can't resist Bones.
The other half of the Grave not only gave me Bone's POV, but allowed me to get in his head thanks to the author. She shared what he was thinking. It really added to the story.
The story was packed full of action. Bones is sort of a vampire bounty hunter. He comes across some really interesting characters that never just surrender. While searching he comes across Cat. He is not impressed with her until he gets to know her. Who would have thought a person like her existed. He is besotted. He is in love.
She can't stand him, at least in the beginning. You don't have to like your partner, to work together. Action hits the extreme. Bullets Fly. Knives are thrown. Bones and Cat end up in the thick of things. There will be consequences. Will it destroy their love or make it stronger?
I needed more Bones and Cat when I finished the story. I went back and read Halfway to the Grave and then read The Other Half of the Grave. Now I am thinking about alternating both books. I can't think of the last time I have been so completely satisfied with a book, refusing to move on.

Thank you netgallary for the aARC of this book.
I love stories that give you both sides. Love so much that we now get to see what Bones was thinking and feeling I was a huge fan of Cats version but i may like it from Bone's POV even more. And the cover? HOT

Wow! What a powerful love story. Even though I had read and loved Halfway to the Grave, I enjoyed The Other Half of the Grave as if thrilling with the action and excitement for the first time.
Cat was filled with such self-loathing because of her mother’s bigoted indoctrination against Cat’s half-vampire heritage. Bones was determined to show her that she was special, valued, and worthy and that good and evil existed on both sides of the human/vampire divide.
Bones’ perspective embodies longing, wisdom, humour, and honour. This story is now so much richer for him having his side of the story. There were times that I almost skimmed ahead, I was so eager to get to the next stage of the story that I knew was coming. I loved witnessing their relationship develop from respect, to trust, to love. Cat and Bones forever, until the stars burn out!
(This is an ARC review of a copy downloaded via NetGalley.)

As a long time fan of the Night Huntress series, it was a happy experience to see that Bone's feelings were there from the start.
Frost has given fans a chance to gaze fondly at the beginning of Cat and Bone's relationship. To me this chance gave me a warm feeling. Whether you liked the series finale or not, the beginning is where we all fell just a little bit in love with Bones. His compassion, his understanding of just what Cat needs, his willingness to give her space, (when it hurts him deeply), are all the hallmarks of both a great love and a healthy relationship, especially for a vampire. It was lovely to visit the series again.
Thank you NetGalley and Jeaniene Frost for the ARC. These opinions are strictly my own.

The Night Huntress series is a favorite of mine, though its been quite awhile since I've read it. Cat and Bones are an amazing couple. I considered rereading book one before reading this version of book one from Bone's POV but decided not to (mostly because I was too impatient to read this book). This book can be read as a standalone, but I don't recommend it. Cat comes off a bit annoying at times, and without her POV, you wouldn't understand fully why she acts the way she does. With the series from her POV, she is a much more likable character. She does come around with regard to her vampire prejudices and becomes an amazing heroine. This time we get to be inside Bones' head when they meet and start working together. I loved his inner thoughts and possessive, vengeful nature. I laughed all over again, and very much want to reread the entire series, especially after the ending (yes, even though I know what happens). The epilogue was a great addition, which was actually a scene from book two. It wrapped things up better for this book and makes you want to read the next book right away.
Bones is one my favorite vampire characters of all time, and he really shines here. He's funny, possessive, tough and caring. He can handle almost anything, but not a certain red head that steals his heart from the moment he meets her. Yes, I will definitely be rereading this entire series soon.

This made me fall back in love with Cat and Bones along with Jeaniene Frost. I didn't know how much I have missed this world. I am planning on doing a re-read of all her books very soon and of course picking up all her new books ASAP
Thank you Netgalley and NYLA for letting me read and review this book

You didn't know this was going to happen. Bones can't believe that someone else stole his kill and what makes it worse is that it was a young woman. Cat knows that she has to kill as many vampires that she can this is the only way that she can exist. Cat is half human & vampire a very rare thing. She hates who she is and she hopes that one day she gets to kill the man that raped her mother. He deserves to pay for what he did.
Bones knows that Cat is going to be trouble but there is something about her so he offers to train her but she has to follow his rules and try to behave.
But their friendship doesn't always go well as Bones can be an idiot at times and Cat takes things too personally. But what happens when they give into their attraction? They both know that this could end either way but will they give themselves a chance?
A good read. Loved the characters especially Ted as he appears does his thing then he is gone again.
Bones & Cat belong together but I don't think that Cat can handle all of him. Will they get a second chance just the two of them?
I received a ARC copy from NYLA Publishing & Netgalley. This is my voluntary honest review.

Once again, Jeaniene Frost delivers. There isn’t a book in her Night Huntress series that I haven’t loved, and this newest installment may be an all time favorite. Her writing is original, magnetic, and intentional. Many scoff at romances for their lack of creativity and ‘meaningful’ dialogue, but Frost’s books truly lack for nothing. If you’re looking for action, romance, fantasy, emotion, and growth, then this is the book for you.
The Other Half of the Grave follows Bones, a 200+ year old vampire who is intent on tracking down one of the worst of his kind. While fishing for information, he stumbles upon 22 year old Cat Crawfield. While Cat appears to be a normal human girl, a battle with her reveals that she’s something he hardly thought possible: half-vampire. Even more seemingly impossible: despite her hatred for vampires, Bones finds himself falling in love with her bravery, wit, and strength. Now, Bones must reckon with how to keep her safe from harm, remove the threat that is plaguing the human and vampire worlds, and somehow prove to her that there's more to him than his undead status.
For fans of the Night Huntress series, you may already know that this is the first book in the series (Halfway to the Grave), but as told from Bones’s point of view. For those new to this world, rest assured that you will not be lost in any way. Frost perfectly captures the important elements of the original story while still maintaining an edge of new detail to interest longtime fans. Frost initially published this series back in 2007, and some of the finer details have received a makeover since then (i.e. referencing social media that didn’t exist back in 2007). Other than that, the story that I’ve come to know and love was only enhanced by Bones’s thoughts and feelings.
I personally recommend reading Halfway to the Grave first if you haven’t already, but it’s not needed. In fact, I envy those who get Bones’s take before reading the physical and emotional struggle that Cat goes through in Halfway to the Grave.
Many thanks to NetGalley and NYLA Publishing for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I so enjoyed seeing Bones' POV!
I love this series so much! I can't wait to reread this series!
I hope she gets to go back and we get to meet more characters over time as well.

I was intrigued by the concept of this book. After all, it’s unusual to get the male’s point of view in this genre and when you do, it’s a dual point of view book. This is the first one I’ve come across that’s solely written from the male point of view. Throw in the fact that’s he’s a vampire and this is a pretty unique book! It’s a little dark in places, but totally engrossing with some great touches of humour. Definitely a must read for fans of this series.

Jeaniene Frost returns to the Night Huntress world with another book. But this time, we get a glimpse into Bones’s mind. For a lot of fans, this is something that we’ve been asking for for a long time. However, I never thought that she would actually do it.
Now that years have passed since the last books, I feel like it was a nice refresher to return to this world. We get to see new details of familiar scenes and characters as well as delve deeper into the mind of Bones. I don’t know if Frost has plans to write more books like this, but I do feel like it was comfortable to read. I wouldn’t mind it if she started writing a new series which Bones as the main narrator. It’s not often we get to see a male as the lead for an entire series.

I will preface this by saying it's been years since I read the original story so going into The Other Half of the Grave felt like kind of a new story for me. I remembered some important facts but not details, so this couldn't be perfect. Unfortunately, I don't remember Cat being this naive and sort of annoying. I remember her as a true bad@$$ and that pulled me from the story a bit. Another thing that alienated me was the modernisation overhaul that happened in this book. I understand why the author chose to do it, but for all of us that read this series way back when was kinda off putting. Finally, we got very few new information, i.e. what Bones was doing when Cat was not there but those things didn't give that extra dimension to the story I was hopping for.
The Night Huntress series is old school PNR (if you know you know) and I have devoured everything in Cat's world. I was excited about Bones' PoV and I enjoyed myself, nostalgia leaking out of every page. Jeaniene Frost's writing is still on point and makes you want to ask for more stories in Cat's world.
The Other Half of the Grave might not have been the best in the series but it got me to go back to the beginning and crack open the series for a reread. Long time fans will surely enjoy the walk down memory lane and new readers will most definitely be intrigued.

I loved every minute of being back with Cat and Bones. I adored this book just as much as the rest of the Night Huntress series. It was fantastic being inside of Bones' head. and really fun to see what he was doing off the page and away from Cat in Halfway to the Grave. While I've read the rest of the Night Huntress series, I think this would be very accessible to anyone new to it as well. Just as fast-paced and fun as the rest of the series.
Jeaniene Frost is an auto-buy author for me, and I am so thrilled she's still playing around in the Night Huntress world. I'm never disappointed when I read her books.

I was happily surprised to see that this ARC was available to review because this was one of my favorite series many, many years ago. I have kept up with the spinoffs, but TBH, Cat and Bones have always been my favorite of the many characters.
This book is a retelling of the first initial book - the meeting that occurs between Cat and Bones - but told from HIS point of view. I have to admit, it took me a while to get used to the writing style again. I did take a peek at the dates that I read the original first book and it was almost 10 years ago, so it has been a while.
Once I settled in, things began to come back to me. This is basically the same story, but certain things have been changed. In other words, there are now cell phones and computers and Uber Eats.....things like that. The actual plot, well, in the Author Foreward section, she mentions that Bones might remember certain things differently, but it has been so long for me that I didn't really remember the specifics. If anything was different, I didn't notice it. I actually found myself just enjoying the story. It was even easier for me I think, because I knew what was eventually going to happen.
I will make this one point. I NEVER liked Cat's mother. In fact, I think I can remember wondering WHY she continued to be a part of the later books, but in this book I COULD NOT STAND HER! Maybe it's because I knew what happens in later books, who knows? She just really bothered me.
Other than that, it was a great look back to the beginning of a favorite series for me. Bones has always been a favorite character for me and this definitely lived up to expectations.
Thank you to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review this ARC. The opinions above are mine and mine alone.

Well, well, well……this was better then I could have possibly imagined it would be! Let me start by saying, I am a huge fan of Cat and Bones, I did read the series in full about 10 years ago, so I had forgotten a lot of details. Let me start by saying I will definitely go back into my cabinet and pull out my paperbacks, yes that’s how long ago I read them, and reread this fantastic series. This book gives you Bones perspective but it is the before and it is attention grabbing. We see a younger more vulnerable side of Cat and it actually fills areas I didn’t even think were missing. I really tried to savor every page. I am a fan of this author and we are reading a prequel to a series that began 15 years ago, and like anyone would expect you can definitely see a growth in the authors writing skill, but in no way lessening her skill then. I can’t stress enough that this is a fantastic PNR series.

If you’re familiar with the night huntress series this will probably be to your liking. This is the first book from the series but from Bones perspective. The author have tweaked it a bit to fit in with the modern age today (for example, not everyone knows what a beeper is today). I barely noticed it so she did it really well!
I love Bones so of course this would be amazing, it’s really interesting to know more of his thoughts and feelings even though he is a character that often says what he means.
Fair warning, you’ll really want to re-read the series after this book!
Thank you NetGalley and independent publisher group for gifting me an e-arc in exchange of an honest review.

I have to say, I was extremely excited when I found out about this book. Bones’ side of the story? Yes, please!!! I jumped into this story without doing a re-read of the series because I didn’t want Cat’s voice in my head and I’m glad I didn’t.
I don’t think anyone who’s read this series will be surprised by Bones. He is who he is and he doesn’t apologize for it…that doesn’t change. What stood out to me was how quickly this master vampire fell for Cat. He hid a lot of how he was feeling from Cat and that was shocking (since I thought he was an open book from her perspective). While we thought their relationship was slow-building, that was really one-sided. Cat spent that time learning to not hate vampires while Bones tried not to let his true feelings for her leak all over their interactions. It was interesting and truly made me love Bones a little bit more than I did before.
I’m not sure if the author intends to retell the entire series from Bones’ perspective, but I really hope she does. His thoughts are fascinating and his inner monologue over Cat’s actions is fabulous. She frustrates him as much as entertains him, so getting that will be priceless.