Member Reviews

Like Midnight Sun, we get to see the ancient vampire Bones' thoughts when he first meets Cat, the vampire hunter. Cat, of course, is far less innocent than Bella Swan. She has made a habit of murdering vampires with a stake. I didn't like Bones' inner monologue as much as I liked Cat's. I received a review copy from NetGalley and have left my opinion.

As a longtime fan of this series I should have expected that the author would make this fresh and exciting. But the thrill ride that was this story still took me by surprise. It was humbling to see Cat the way that Bones did from the very start.
This is a fast paced tale that will enthrall you from the first page to the last.

Fifteen years later, Jeaniene Frost returns to her original work by finishing The Other Half of the Grave, a look into Bones’ mind that started with a free serial on her website and spun into a full-fledged companion book.
There’s not much to say about this one other than that it was fantastic! I haven’t reread Halfway to the Grave yet, but this book in Bones’ perspective makes me think it might be time. Only the first 40% or so was posted as part of the serial, and it’s definitely worth reading to the end.

I really enjoyed this book! It was great to return to the world of Night Huntress and see things from Bones' perspective. Not only did it elaborate on something I didn't understand (especially the insta-love), but it also gave additional insight. Now I did not reread Night Huntress one, so I enjoyed it a lot (I feel like it might've been repetitive if I read them one right after the other). Overall, super fun and quick. This book is full of the romance, snark, and action that we have come to love with Cat and Bones.

I will die for Cat and Bones’ love. And as soon as I found out that we were getting the beginning from Bones’ perspective? I couldn’t get my hands on this book fast enough. Oh, my God! What a ride! What a story! What. A. Man. I just remembered why I love Bones so much.
Bones is a vampire bounty hunter and imagine his surprise when a beautiful red-head human stabs one of the vampires he’s after. Bones is immediately infatuated and keeps an eye on the mysterious woman.
Cat is a vampire hunter- no vampire is safe. All vampires are evil. This is what she’s been raised to believe. When she meets Bones, her whole life is turned upside down.
As the two train together, hunt together and learn each other, can Cat get over her prejudices and fall in love with a vampire?
What I loved:
- Bones. OMG that man is EVERYTHING. He’s obsessive, he’s patient, he’s so deeply in love. I just want to eat him up.
- Cat. I loved getting to know her from Bones’ perspective. She was infuriating and so annoying at times but I loved how vulnerable she was throughout.
- Spade. I love that damn aristocrat. I need a reread of his book.
- The whole damn thing. I love it.
What I don’t like:
- The end. OMG. Even though I knew exactly what was going to happen, I hated it. I’ve never been so grateful to have book two close by, because I needed to reassure myself 😂
I just admire and love Jeaniene Frost and the world she has created. So grateful for this ARC in return for an honest review.
Thank you!

Written by Jeaniene Frost, The Other Half of the Grave is Bone’s perspective of the first Night Huntress Novel Half Way to the Grave. The Night Huntress series follows Cat, a half vampire/half human who has been hunting vampires as revenge for her mother. Bones is the vampire who manages to catch her, and ends up training her to help prevent her from being an easy kill.
Also, Bones is in love with her, and eventually her with him.
This is a book that you do need to read, at minimum, the first novel if not the first two in the series to fully appreciate this story. You can read it without reading either of those, it just is, in my opinion, better written than those and also ends up hitting a lot more deeply to see Cat’s perspective and then see Bones.
I love Bones. Bones is who he is, isn’t apologetic for that, but also tries to still be a somewhat decent human being. He wants to take care of Cat, but since she is so stubborn, he goes with her to help her as much as possible.
If you enjoy a good paranormal romance with a heroine who kicks butt, this is a good choice for you. See if from the other side.
If you love this series, I’m going to say that you MUST read this book.
I did receive a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I love a good Male POV!! And even better in this case having Bones chime in with his side of the story of his and Cat's meeting and the early days, As a huge fan of this series, it was just wonderful. Sexy, passionate, and at times dark, but glorious just the same. I loved learning more about Bones' past and revisiting one of my favorite vampire couples. I really enjoyed this book!

The Night Huntress series is one of my favorite vampire series ever!
I just love the characters, the humor and magical world so much.
The Other Half of the grave doesn’t feature a new plot, it’s just from Bones POV this time. I am not a huge fan of retelling a book just from a different POV, but in this case I loved it anyway. Maybe because Bones is one of my favorite vampires. It’s interesting to see how his feelings developed for Cat. While the plot stayed the same, it was also new in some ways because we got to see Cat from a different POV. I would have never thought it but Cat’s POV was very limited due to her upbringing and all…Bones saw a different cat and I loved how he supported, challenged and encouraged her. Bones sees through her barriers. They are truly such a wonderful couple.
I fell in love with the characters even more. Jeaniene Frost knows how to include a captivating plot, a nice developed romance and hot smut. Nothing is to much. The balance is really good. Bones definitely knows how to use his mouth 😏
Returning to the Night Huntress series feels bittersweet. I miss these characters so much, so the book was a nice treat. It just showed me why I fell in love with this world. The epilogue was so good! I somehow wish we get the entire series from his POV.

Frost’s writing is still impecable, but even though I haven’t read this series in about ten years, I found myself bored. When I put the book down, there was no compulsion to pick it up again because the story was almost exactly the same. Yes, it was nice to hear what Bones was thinking when he met Cat, but this would worked better as just a short story of those first few interactions.

Bones…Bonnneess… One of my favorite book heroes ever! If you follow my reviews it’s no secret that I am loyal to the Night Huntress world. Frost has a talent of bringing her characters to life on the pages that they stay with you for nearly a decade later. There have been many times that I do a re-read just to get that charm that is Cat and Bones. So to say I was s!itting my pants when she announced that we were getting Bones’ perspective to Halfway to the Grave, that would be an understatement.
The Other Half of the Grave was utter perfection. I LOVED to be able to be in “my man’s” head as he fell for Cat. Even though I could probably repeat the dialogue from HTG, this book actually spun somewhat of a different take than what I expected. Those precious scenes give you “more” and can make the reader fall in love all over again!

Nostalgia. Nostalgia is exactly what I’m feeling while reading The Other Half of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost. It’s been so many years since I’ve been able to slip into this world. Excuse me while I give a little backstory folks. My book bestie Kathy and I started our blog in January 2013. We started it after we connected over Twilight and then we moved to Charlene Harris and from Charlene, we went straight into Jeaniene Frost's Cat and Bone's series. We read and reread these books over and over.
Kathy and I met while our families were both stationed in England so Bone's cavalier British accent and “devil may care” hit a chord with both of us since we were now living back in the states and missing life in the UK terribly. So when I saw that Frost is releasing book one from Bone's POV I immediately jumped at the chance to read it. The thing I didn't expect was to be immersed in memories of my friend. We lost Kathy a few years ago to breast cancer. And as I read this book I had so many memories of the first time we read and discussed this book. The discussions, laughter, pouring over our reviews, and comparing our notes... there’s just so much.
So my “book review” is five stars because I love everything Jeaniene Frost, but the memories, love, friendship, and the sharing I was able to do with my best friend over these books is immeasurable. I don’t really realize just how much I truly missed my friend until something comes up and I’m not able to share it with her. It’s a melancholy sadness, yet I’m grateful to be able to revisit these forgotten memories I had with my friend. Anyway… bouncing lucifers balls this was good. I thank you, Jeaniene Frost, with tears and a smile.

The Other Half of the Grave is a retelling of the origin story of the Night Huntress from Bones' perspective. Although it is a companion to the first book in the Night Huntress series, you really shouldn't read it as a standalone and think you have read the whole story. The Other Half of the Grave fills in some gaps and the author updated a few things, like cell phones and internet use. Seeing how Bones felt about Cat from the very beginning was delightful.
The mechanics of the story were well done. I think Jeaniene Frost excels at worldbuilding and engaging the reader. I appreciated that she created a full character development arc, especially since she could have relied on the reader having read the first book in the series. Even though I knew what was going to happen next, I was fully engaged as a reader and was in reader's trance for much of the book.
I love the Night Huntress series and have always wanted more stories in this universe, so I was delighted to discover that there was a new book! Not so much a new story, but the best kind of companion piece to the origin story of Cat and Bones. I don't do spoilers or re-hash the publisher's blurb, but I can say with utmost confidence that if you love the Night Huntress series, you will love this story.
Thank you NYLA and NetGalley for sending me this book in exchange for my honest review.

I´m a big fan of the Night Huntress Series and Bones was one of my first Bookboyfriends. When I saw that the first book was finally available from Bones‘ point of view, I definitely had to read the book. The cover fits very well and I started reading right away. Jeaniene Frost has a great writing style that keeps you hooked all the time. I couldn’t put the book down and I finished the book in a couple of hours.
It’s the same story that we already know. But from Bones point of view it was a lot more interesting for me and there were also a few scenes that i didn’t know before. If you always wanted to know what Bones did when Cat was at home… Here we finally get the answers.
Bones feelings for Cat are just something special and I liked it to finally know when exactly Bones fell in love with Cat. The two are just an explosive mix. I love how Bones drives Cat up the walls, teases her and always tries to make her realize how strong and brave she actually is. Reading Cat’s development from Bones‘ point of view was just so great.
This book was simply a highlight and showed me once again why I love this series so much. I hope we get the other Books from Bones point of view as well.
If you liked the Night Huntress series, you should definitely not miss this book.

I have been an avid Jeaniene Frost fan since the very beginning, and I could not be happier to finally get Bones' pov of the first Night Huntress book!
The writing is superb and everything we know and love from Jeaniene Frost. There are moments where tech is included that wasn't previously (uber eats, lyft, mobile phones) but Frost addresses this in the author notes, and truly wasn't an issue in my opinion. My biggest gripe was that I wanted it to be LONGER.
It's funny, it's smart, it's wonderful. I love reading about men falling in love from the beginning, and we all know he does, but to have detailed descriptions of Bones being smitten from the start? The pining! My tender heart loved every line.
It was fulfilling in a way I have been longing for, and I truly hope Bones keeps talking and we get more pov books in the future!

The Other Half of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
◆ Romance
◆ Paranormal
◆ Fantasy
Cat and Bones return in The Other Half of the Grave (opposite to Cat's Halfway to the Grave) told from Bones' point of view.
I started reading the Night Huntress books almost 10 years ago and I found this to be such a nice addition. I absolutely adored being able to read from Bones' POV, seeing his first impressions of Cat, his emotions for her and his take of events.
Watching Cat experience the loss of her grandparents through Bones hit completely different. When he makes the remark of Cat being a Master vampire, it's almost like Bones knew all along, before Cat turning in the later Night Huntress novels, that she had powers even when she was a "half-breed" in Book 1. (Do I want to read more to keep jumping to conclusions even though I know what happens? Heck yes!)
On another note, finally knowing how Bones reacted to Cat leaving was a closure I didn't realise I needed until I read it.
As a fan of Jeaniene's all I can say is that she doesn't disappoint and I cannot recommend her enough. This was so well written, and was a refreshing return to the Night Huntress world and I'm so, so very glad to read about Cat and Bones again.
My internal monologue when I realised where and when the epilogue takes place was quite literally "OMG AHHHHHHH!".
Until again, Bones.
Book received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Thank for NetGalley and the Publisher for providing an e-arc of this much anticipated release in exchange for my honest review.
What can I say? I loved this, really recommended!!! Reading the Night Huntress series I really enjoyed Bones' character. So, as expected (and wished) from this book, he is so awww. I love to be in his head and to see Cat from the "outside". Even though Bones is a ruthless hitman
when the situation is needed, he is also so cute, charming and sweet and I really liked that he fell in love with Cat first. Can I have a Bones for myself?? Just asking...
I'm not a native English speaker but I enjoyed also the writing (as in all the other books). It is fluid and easy to follow. I really liked how Bones talks and his slang (luv maybe is my favorite word).
There are some small changes from the original story but they didn't bother me at all. Now Cat has a cell phone, just to fit it in the modern time. Well done.
For me, it's a solid 4.5. I hope that also the other books will have a Bones' POV.

Thank you NetGalley and the Publisher for providing an arc of this much anticipated release in exchange for my honest review.
I haven't read any Jeaniene Frost before so this was an unexpected treat! I loved the broody male main character. I enjoyed the conflict and relationship building. I don't like to give spoilers in my reviews, I feel like every book should be experienced without a prior opinion. I will br reading more from JF!

5* A book that I didn't realise I was missing, that took me down memory lane. Loved it!
The NH series is one of the rare ones that I still have in paperback, as the series was just that good and that groundbreaking, and I still pick them up from time to time. I hadn't known that a Bones's perspective tale was in the making until I flicked through NetGalley, and thank goodness that I did - this tale was a wonderful trip down memory lane and a reminder of why I love this series so much.
Yes, many authors of popular books have come out with books told in the opposite character's POV but this is the only one I've been tempted to read, and even if it hadn't been available as an ARC, it would have made it to my autobuy list.
It doesn't add anything to the storyline but it does allow us to understand Bones more and I loved seeing into his thoughts and heart and how he was prepared to risk his heart without expecting, though of course he wanted, Cat's love in return. I didn't know I needed this book, but I did and thank you so much to NYLA and NetGalley for adding to my reading pleasure.

This book brought back a lot of good memories 😭
I love Cat and Bones so much, since I read the first book un 2011.
It's perfect! Now I need the train scene from Bones POV haha
The cover: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

First of all, you need to have read at least the first book of Frost's Night Huntress series before reading The Other Side of the Grave. Go on! Go read it. I promise you won't regret it.
The Other Side of the Grave retells the events of Halfway to the Grave from Bones' perspective. We get to see what he was up to when Cat wasn't around and what was going on inside his devilish little mind during their interactions. I absolutely LOVED seeing his side of things. We also get a few things explained about Halfway to the Grave that Cat wasn't aware of or never figured out.
My only issue is that Bones is already a well-rounded and developed character from the moment he shows up. He's a guiding force for Cat's story so we don't get much character growth with Bones other than him falling in love. It occasionally felt like we were just following Bones around doing stuff cause he was always so sure of himself and his actions.
Having said that though, I freaking LOVED this book. It was amazing to see Bones falling for Cat and if Frost decided to write more of the series from his perspective I will definitely be reading them. Halfway from the Grave does end on a cliffhanger that would have made the ending for The Other Half of the Grave a bit depressing but Frost very cleverly included an epilogue featuring an early scene from One Foot in the Grave that makes the ending to this book just wonderful.