Member Reviews

Having already read all of the books in Night Huntress series I really LOVED getting to see the first book from Bones' point of view.. Seeing first hand how he felt during all of the interactions between him and Cat, and seeing him fall in love with her.. and after reading this, I know have to go and reread this entire series.. because I love me some Cat and Bones and need to read their story again..

I think the author should have named this the better half of the grave. Cat was so young and innocent so Bones side of the story had a more adult feel to it. His thoughts and feelings toward Cat were reflected in this book and an absolute charming fellow. Same story of course but told through Bones reflection. Great idea! Anyone who loves this series will definitely enjoy Bones side....for me he is the better half.
I received a complimentary copy to read and voluntarily left this review.

An original story told about two beloved characters from the point of view of Master Vampire Bones. They meet when Cat (kitten) half Vampire/human is using all her skills to kill Vampires. Her family life having shaped her destiny. This was all to change when she meets Bones who falls all the way for her. This is a love story that will transcend different sides and will give fans the thrill of returning to the beginning of a much loved series.
I was given an Arc of this book by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The ARC of this novel was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
First of all, I gotta say this. I'm a sucker for books that show us male character's POV! I've read Night Huntress universe for sooo long, it became a tradition for me to read them all once in a year. But this time Jeaniene Frost came with Bones' POV, of course I needed to read!
The Other Half of the Grave is telling us first book's story from Bones' view. My man was so gone when he saw Cat, and he fell in love with her at the first sight. Honestly I'm not a big fan of insta-love but when it comes to Bones and Cat, it felt right to me.
It was such a great journey to be inside Bones' head, getting to know his feelings and thoughts about Cat. When we were reading Halfway to the Grave, we saw Cat's struggle about being half human and half vampire. Bones was a monster to her and realizing that she loves him was a bumpy road. In this book I read Bones' patience, love and lust (of course!) and seeing Cat through his eyes was great. One of my favorite scenes was when Bones take her on a date without Cat knowing about it. To me it was the breaking point of the entire series.
Also, can we talk the smut?? Hello? Where can I get a British, two hundred plus years old Master vampire who calls me luv? I wanted to fan myselgf when I read smut scenes on the subway but I couldn't :(
Also I wanted to sob to the scene where Cat had to leave him because she thought he was gonna get killed :(((((
Long story short, it was everything I need from a Jeaniene Frost book: My Bones, my Cat, pining, love, smut, aaaand a little of Charles. Please please go read it when it's published.
I want to thank Netgalley and publisher for sending me this ARC.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
It's been a while since I read "Halfway to the Grave," so this was a wonderful chance to revisit a favorite series from the pov of Bones. The only real drawback here is that now I want to reread the entire series and I may just have to give up sleeping to fit more books onto my ever growing TBR pile.
It was also interesting to see how the author updated to fit current times (adding cell phones etc). I know some readers found that confusing, but I thought it was a fun touch. Why not? It's her world after all.

What a great companion piece to Halfway to the Grave, and a must read for any Night Huntress fan. I'm always a fan of seeing a story from a different perspective, and this one from Bones was a ton of fun. There was a lot packed into this book. We see the major parts from the original story told from Cat's perspective, and a lot of new from Bones', but I still wanted more. I loved reentering this world through Bones' eyes and didn't want it to stop. In many ways this stuck close to the original, which considering how often the main characters were together makes sense, but ultimately I would have liked an even greater expansion on the first book.

If I am totally honest I don’t always love the write the book from the other half of the couple’s perspective, but to get to be in Bones’ head I’d reread this whole series from his side. I thought the author did a good job bringing the story into the technology of today but keeping the integrity of the story. I’ll admit it’s been years since I read the first Night Huntress book so I guess more of the details could have changed than it felt like, but I loved this story. I also really loved getting to see Cat from the outside. These are two of my favorite vampire characters and it was fun getting to watch them from a whole new perspective.
Bones is a vampire assassin who hunts other vampires. While on the hunt he sees a beautiful red head but he doesn’t have time to play so he sends her away and she leaves the bar with his target. Imagine his surprise when instead of watching them shag Cat steaks the guy and buries him. Bones goes back and tires to find who she is working for but Cat seems to be truly focused on killing him and all vampires because she is half vampire herself, an almost impossibility. I give this one 4.5 stars rounded up since there are no half stars

The Other Half of the Grave tells the story of how Cat and Bones met through Bones's POV. This is a story we are already familiar with, but because it's now being told through Bones's POV, we get to follow Bones and find out what he was up to when he wasn't with Cat. We also get brand new Cat & Bones scenes and conversations that Cat never narrated to us in Halfway to the Grave 😍
We all know that Cat is a comedic queen. I love being inside her head. But lemme tell ya, Bones is pretty funny himself 🤣 I really enjoyed being inside his head. The man falls HARD for Cat and he's an A+ piner 😩 It takes time for Cat to trust Bones, let alone fall in love with him. But Bones was pining for her the entire time 😩 It's unreal how these two gave me the feels and butterflies all over again 😩
One of my favourite new scenes to read was Bones's interaction with Emily. It honestly brought me to tears 🥺 I loved seeing a soft, but fierce Bones who reassured Emily while also promising revenge.
It's so interesting how Bones views Cat here vs. How Cat views herself in Halfway to the Grave. Bones sees ALL of Cat: her strength, her vulnerability, her fears. He sees why she's the way that she is and he hates everyone who's been abusive to her and who's made her hate her vampire side. Of course, we already knew all of this from Halfway to the Grave, but reading it from Bones's POV really amplifies his feelings.
It was such a pleasure being inside Bones's head as he described events that we only ever saw through Cat's eyes. I always knew Cat's POV was limited, but this book made me realize it even more. Seeing everything through Bones's eyes made me realize that Cat doesn't see herself the way Bones sees her. She thinks she's invincible. She thinks she's good at hiding her fears. But Bones sees through it all and it makes him love her even more 🥺
I honestly forgot how much the ending hurt me 🥲 Bones's reaction when he finds out what Cat did 🥲 Bro, I couldn't handle it 🥲 The pain 🥲 I actually reread a bit of One Foot in the Grave to reassure myself LOL 😂
The references to technology in Halfway to the Grave are obviously dated, so the author modernizes the technology in The Other Half of the Grave. If you're new to the Night Huntress series, I recommend starting with Halfway to the Grave because the entire series is told through Cat's POV.
P.S. The epilogue!! I'm so glad she added that pivotal scene from Bones's POV 🥺

Having read Halfway to the Grave, YEARS ago, and quickly configuring Cat and Bones into my top favorite book couples, I absolutely had no hesitancy in reading The Other Half of the Grave which is just Halfway to the Grave from Bones' perspective.
Oh. My. Goodness. Y'all. Bones... Just when I didn't think he could get any better.
I remember re-reading HthG awhile back and seeing that Jeaniene Frost didn't really want to do a book from Bones' perspective because she was afraid that it would take away from his character in some way... Well, she needn't worry. Because Bones is better than ever.
Reading about how he fell in love with Cat, how he felt about her from the beginning was just biggest book treat of the year so far. Bones just has so many layers to him and his love for Cat has always been a pleasure to read for me. To see how it all happened was just amazing.
We also get to see some of my favorite moments in this series reimagined in that Bones' view of things is sometimes quite different than how Cat saw them. It just added so much more to the story.
If you are a Cat and Bones fan--or even if you aren't (why wouldn't you be?!)--you need to read this book and fall in love with this great book couple.

I wanted to give this series another go as I didnt care for the prequel to the series. I thought possibly because it was in Cats POV and i disliked her. This book is in Bones's POV and I dont think it was much different. I think this is a series where there are uber fans who eat it up and then there is sad little me who just couldnt get into it. It still felt rushed to me and I didnt really connect with the characters.

So fucking good !!!!! And the cover so gorgeous!!! I love the colors used and the cover model is so sexy hot🔥! Ty! Jeaniene frost for writing a book from bones point of view!!! I wish we could get more romance books from a man's perspective! I get that romances are mostly for women so the female perspective is the one widely used but I personally like a man's take. I'm not the kind of chic who meets a guy and starts thinking right away about marriage or heaven forbid having kids. I just want to be in the moment so this right up my alley. Bones has always been one of my fave vampire book boyfriends of all time and I didn't think I could like him anymore then I already did but I was wrong!!!! He is one of the sexist vamps and Cat is one very lucky woman!!! The things he does with his mouth and hands and other endowments is totally mind blowing!!!! I've been a big fan of the Night Huntress books and the spin offs since my first book by jeaniene! I drove my library crazy for a couple of years getting every book by her through them and the interlibrary loans. I can't say enough about this writer. She is a fabulous storyteller and her characters as unique as they are memorable and I'm so thankful I was able to get a early copy of this through Netgalley and the book publisher. Until next time Luv''s💕💋

I received this from NetGalley as an ARC for review and let me just say that I am incredibly happy I did.
I have read every book in the Night Huntress world and I have been waiting for Bones’ POV. It was definitely worth the wait.
This man. Shew. He’s the perfect amount of sweet and hot all at once. I loved being able to see into his head during the events of the first book. I can only hope we get more POV from him. I would love to see his POV from book 4. Ideally, I would love to have the entire series from his POV, but that would be a lot to ask.
Either way, this was superb and I loved Jeaniene updating it to modern times. The Uber eats comment cracked me up.

I absolutely loved the Night Huntress series about Cat and Bones so finally getting his point of view was a must read for me. I can honestly say I'm not disappointed and its just as detailed and passionate as I'd hoped. It's an intense story with fabulous world building because obviously Vampires do have a hierarchy that this book starts to give clues about. Expect action and plenty of it, twists, loads of heat and best of all Bones feeling and being the most patient, loving Vampire that any reader could wish for. It's intense at times, funny too but these Vampires don't mess around and I'm already very eager to go back and re-read the whole series again !
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

I forgot how much i loved Cat and Bones, it is close as you can get to a re-read but not. supper cute to see that Bones has a lot more to him.

When I first heard that the incredible writer Jeaniene Frost was going to release a book telling the much-loved story of the first in the Night Huntress series, I admit to being somewhat apprehensive. The series is pretty much perfect as it is, I thought, so why is she messing with it. Nevertheless, I did pre-order it.
When I saw that #TheOtherHalfoftheGrave was available to read on #NetGalley, I jumped at the chance to get an ARC. And within reading a page, I saw that my earlier doubts were misplaced. I should have known that Frost would come through with another page-turner of a book that adds another dimension to the narrative that you didn't realize that you needed until this point.
It's wonderful and enlightening to get a chance to see what Bones is feeling and thinking during the events that we experienced in the first book of the series. Frost, true to form, has penned a well-written, gripping, and exciting adventure with characters, in whom the reader is already invested, that leap off the page and grab you (by the throat, perhaps?) She has taken an already beloved set of characters and given them more depth, leaving the reader wanting more.
If you are already a fan of this author and the series, you will love this addition. If you are new to her work, this is just as wonderful a place to begin reading as the book that sees events from Cat's point of view.

I’m honestly not sure how I feel about the book, even after sitting with it for some time. First, let me thank NetGalley and NYLA, the publisher for an advance copy of the book.
Bones has long been one of my favorite book boyfriends but this installment of the series made me question that. The Other Half of the Grave is supposed to be Halfway to the Grave but in the POV of Bones instead of Cat. I don’t remember either of the characters being THIS annoying though. Both Bones and Cat seemed to throw a lot of temper tantrums and I found myself frustrated with both characters I used to love.
I also take issue with the use of technology in this book that most certainly did not exist in 2007. If the book is supposed to be from the POV of Bones, then it should be the same it was in the original story. I assure you, Cat did not talk about UberEats in 2007 as the service wasn’t invented until 2014. Same with Cat having a cell phone. That didn’t happen in the original story. I just think if you are going to do an alternate POV, you need to stick to the way things happened in the original story. It’s just the POV that changed, not the facts of the story.
I really think this should have stayed as a free preview on the author’s site instead of a full length novel. I know readers wanted more but this is too much. The book is long, they don’t strike me as the badass duo they once were and I find myself more frustrated than anything. Maybe I should lower my rating to 2 stars.
The Other Half of the Grave comes out April 26, 2022.

I'm a big fan of the Night Huntress series, so I was super pumped to read the first book again but from Bones's POV this time. The Other Half of the Grave was such a great read, I loved being back in this world and revisit a favorite book from another perspective. This book can also be read as a standalone, which I think is awesome, if you've never read the series. Although I will say, you'll have to read the rest of the books from Cat's POV because this one does end on a little cliffhanger.
Now, I will say, I think the point of view from which you're reading a story is so impactful. I remember absolutely loving Halfway to the Grave and especially loving Cat, the heroine. I had a harder time with her while reading this one, and I think that's because I was reading from Bones's perspective, so I didn't have any insight into Cat's thoughts and feelings. She frustrated me so often and I wanted to shake some sense into her, even though I already knew what was going to happen.
However, I loved Bones just as much as I did when I read Halfway to the Grave. Being in his head didn't change that, it might even have made him even more lovable. I absolutely loved seeing him fall in love with Cat, dealing with his feelings, and seeing him be vulnerable.
I think Jeaniene Frost did such an amazing job writing this book, I mean, it can't be easy to rewrite the same book from a completely different perspective, and fifteen years later at that. I really liked how she updated the technology without it being weird and taking away from the original story.
I enjoyed this book so much, I immediately started rereading the second book in the series, finished it, and started the third book. I'll probably reread the entire series, and I think that says it all.
Thank you to NetGalley for the advance review copy.

This review is hard to write just based on this book. Not having read Halfway to the Grave, I decided to read that first before reading this book based on Bones perspective. Obviously, the scenes and dialogue are pretty much the same except when the two are apart. I really loved book 1, and if I hadn't just finished it 3 days before starting the Other Half, I'm sure I would have loved it too. I did enjoy Bones' perspective on their relationship and the last scene was well worth the read, but I found myself skimming a lot of the dialogue that was pretty much the same. So, if it's been awhile since you've read the series, there's no need to recap and you'll probably enjoy this more than I did. Now on to the rest of the series. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
I received an advance reader copy of this book. The views and opinions expressed in this review are completely my own and given voluntarily.

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since bought my very first Jeaniene Frost book. Little did I know that picking up Halfway to the Grave was going to start a long-time love affair with the Night Huntress series. It was just a random book that I had never heard of that was on sale and someone said I should pick it up. So, I got it, read it, and was instantly hooked. Cat is my all-time favorite heroine but Bones, Mmmmmm…Bones. He was more than a book boyfriend. He was my book Husband! I read each book as they came out and when the last book came out, I cried. It was finally over. No more Cat and Bones. And then I heard rumors that Ms. Frost was going to write a book - a book from Bones’ POV! And the world, well at least my book friends, rejoiced with me.
Cat had her say. Now, it's Bones' turn.
I’m not going to details or give any spoilers away for what is in The Other Half of the Grave. Let’s be honest here, if you’ve read Halfway to the Grave, then you already know what is going to happen. The difference is you now get it from Bones point of view. And what a view! Getting to relive Cat and Bones from the beginning, know what Bones really thinks, the reasons for his actions, really learning about his past. I have re-read this series so many times, I thought I knew it all. Nope. SOOOO many questions are now answered!!! Can’t tell you how many times I would pause, rethink what was happening at a moment from Cat’s POV and analyze it from Bones’ POV and click the lightbulb would come on. Oh that explains a lot. O.o
I know there are going to be some people who are going to read, compare the two books, and complain that there are inconsistences. Hello readers! This is the ultimate He Said, She Said book. We are getting to experience Cat and Bones’ love story from two different perspectives. Of course, they are not going to be the same. I also can’t even stress enough how important it is to read the Author’s Note. It is a must read before you even start in on Chapter One. I’m not going to give it away what Ms. Frost has stated but I will say this: Anytime you begin to question certain things, refer back to the Author’s Note.
Now that I am done with The Other Half of the Grave, I find myself happy and sad all over again. I FLOVE knowing what happened from Bones’ perspective for the first book, but now I want more. I need to know what was running through his mind for the rest of the series. Will there be more books? Will we be getting more Cat and Bones…or in this case…more Bones and Cat? Please, say yes! I’m sure every one of the Night Huntress addicts like me are thinking the same thing. I’ll be just sitting here, waiting, hoping, praying there is.
Stars: 5
I received this book from Netgalley. I was not compensated for the book other than the entertainment it provided. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I loved the Night Huntress series and was so excited to find out that Jeaniene Frost decided to go back and write book one in Bones's point of view! Now all those moments we wondered what he was thinking, we finally know. It's been a while since I had read this series, especially book one, so reading it in Bones's point of view was like reading something new. I definitely remembered some key parts from Cat's point of view, but seeing it through the eyes of Bones was even better. Bones is one of the best characters from the series so it was a treat to see his initial reaction to Cat and how quickly he fell in love with her. Definitely worth a read and makes me miss that world so much more!