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Double Crossed

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Member Reviews

Ally Carter is a go-to YA author. And I love that it is a combination novella of the two worlds. Macey and Hale were pretty much perfect. I loved their camaraderie, having their worlds be along the same lines. I would recommend reading the other books in the different series to appreciate previous backstories. But I enjoyed this novella a lot!

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I'm sorry for not being able to read this book, but I appreciate the opportunity to provide a review. I want to thank Netgalley and the publisher.

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Double Crossed has been on my TBR for a long time and I finally decided to do something about it. It's a novella that combines two different series.

Unfortunately for me, I haven't read the two series, so the characters and their backstories were not familiar to me. I felt a little lost at the beginning, but it didn't take long for me to pick things up and follow along. The story takes place one evening. A thief and the agent-in-training combine forces when they are held hostage at a high-end event. They can tell that something is not right and it is up to them to get to the bottom of it and save the evening for all of the participants.

I think that this would be a fun series for teens. I would suggest reading the series.

Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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I liked this fun novella which was a mesh-up of the worlds of Heist Society and the Gallagher Girls. I enjoyed it and I think you would too, even if you haven't read the books in either series.

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Thoroughly enjoyable crossover series; fast paced, action packed and sure to please fans of Ally Carter

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Another Ally Carter masterpiece! I love this spy series so much and this novella was the perfect edition to the series.

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I have loved every book of the Gallagher Girls and Heist Society. A book where they come together? A must read. I was not disappointed. Macy and Hale combine forces to outwit the bad guys during a hostage situation. This novella was a quick read and just as fun and exciting as all of Ally Carter's book are.

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There are a lot of great books with very original concepts, and this is certainly one of them. Not only does Carter merge two series into one awesome crossover, she does it in a way that means the reader isn't lost if they didn't read either or both of those series. It was fun and filled with twists, and it was not too predictable.

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I love anything that Ally Carter puts out. This crossover between two of her sseries was everything a girl could ever hope for. I would love even more books with these worlds coming together.

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I loved jumping back into the Heist Society/Gallagher Girls world with this novella! It was short but full of action and romance and this is exactly what we all begged for.

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I LOVE Ally Carter. This was so much fun. It was short, cute and I loved seeing characters from different series brought in together, but since they were from the same world, they were able to form an easy camaraderie, and it was so well executed.

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A short and sweet crossover, even though it didn’t necessarily add anything to the series. I look forward to checking more books by this author in the future.

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This novella was short and sweet. Just long enough to get a feel for the characters, but not too long as to make it a short story.
I feel I was a little too old to truly appreciate this novella, that being said, I enjoyed the writing style, the glitz and glam of the world presented and the guts of the protagonist!

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Just like all other books by this amazing author, I loved this one just as much as the others I've read. Her writing style is fantastic and had me sucked into the story right away.

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Double Crossed ist eine wunderbare und dazu noch ausgesprochen amüsante Novelle, die zu lesen einfach Spaß macht und deren einziges Manko darin besteht wieder viel zu schnell vorbei zu sein.
Es ist eine fantastische Idee von Ally Carter Charaktere aus zwei verschiedenen Welten bzw. Serien – Gallagher Girls und Heist Society – aufeinandertreffen zu lassen und sehr interessant zu sehen wie sie hier miteinander interagieren. Dadurch kann man eine bereits bekannte Figur auf einmal mit ganz anderen Augen betrachten, nämlich aus der Perspektive einer anderen schon bekannten Person. Es ist wirklich spannend zu erfahren, wie es auf einen Außenstehenden wirken muss, wenn Macey plötzlich ihre Tarnung fallen lässt und ein echtes Gallagher Girl mit ungeahnten Fähigkeiten aus ihr wird.

Es ist außerdem toll die lieb gewonnenen Figuren aus verschiedenen Reihen auf diese Weise ein weiteres Mal treffen zu können und die Handlung erstmals aus der Sicht von Charakteren zu erleben, die sonst nur Nebenrollen spielen bzw. zumindest noch nie selbst zu Wort gekommen sind, sodass man nun an ihren Gedanken teilhaben kann. Dank verschiedener Perspektiven hat man darüber hinaus nicht nur einen guten Einblick in mehrere Figuren, darunter natürlich Macey und Hale, sondern auch in das Geschehen inner-und außerhalb des Hotels, in dem die Geiseln festgehalten werden.

Macey und Hale waren in der Tat eine hervorragende Wahl für die Hauptfiguren in dieser Novelle. Sie sind erfrischend ehrlich und direkt, was in Kombination mit ihrem wunderbaren Sarkasmus für einige tolle Dialoge zwischen ihnen sorgt. Zudem haben sie sehr vielseitige Talente und ergeben, zusammen mit Kat und Abby, ein tolles Team. Abby ist einem ohnehin wieder sehr sympathisch, vor allem am Ende. Kat, Macey und Hale hat man jedoch mindestens ebenso gern.

Die Handlung ist überaus fesselnd, denn Ally Carter gelingt es schon auf so wenigen Seiten Spannung aufzubauen und eine gute Geschichte zu erzählen. Mit dem Ende kann sie ebenfalls überzeugen; die Auflösung ist ihr gut gelungen und macht definitiv Lust auf mehr. Es wäre zu schön, wenn die Charaktere später tatsächlich noch einmal aufeinander treffen würden, egal ob nun in einer weiteren Novelle oder in einer der folgenden Heist Society Fortsetzungen.


Double Crossed ist eine großartige Novelle und ein tolles Extra für die Fans beider Serien oder solche, die es noch werden wollen. Sie enthält keine Spoiler, kann daher durchaus unabhängig von den anderen Büchern gelesen werden und eignet sich auch gut dafür einen ersten Eindruck von den beiden Reihen und der Autorin zu gewinnen.

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Ally Carter never disappoints--she is an excellent writer for a reason, and her stories always capture my interest.

This one was no different, though I did feel it fell into a pretty typical rhythm and it did not surprise me in anyway, which was a little bit of a letdown.

overall, though, I will definitely continue to look out for this author's books, as she's a staple for teens who enjoy spy and thriller books featuring a strong female lead.

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Great read, especially for those who love the Gallagher Girls and Heist Society novels.
On the flip side, it would be a great introducion to both of these series, because afterreading his novell you would want to follwo aon and read both series.

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I couldn't finish this one. It started out slow and didn't improve for me. I didn't like the author's writing style so it made it hard for me to get into the characters and the plot.

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Double Crossed is a cute little crossover (I see what you did there) between Gallagher Girls and Heist Society. Plot-wise, this novella doesn’t do much relevant to either series as a whole, except to set up potential future crossovers. Totally worth reading though to watch Hale and Macey flirt but not with each other, and also to see Hale being totally adorable about how in love he is with Kat.

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I received a free copy from NetGalley. Very short, so super quick to read. It reminded me of a BookShot. I've come to discover it ties together characters from the author's two series. I was interested enough in the characters to want to read others in the series, to see what a full length story is like. A good way to see if you might like the other books by this author without having to spend too much time on the discovery.

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