Member Reviews

It was such a great, entertaining and light - hearted read, but to be honest I haven't expected it to be different - it's a novel by Portia McIntosh, right? It will make you smile and feeling happy throughout, just what the doctor ordered.

The characters were lovely and I liked Frankie right from the very beginning - she was just typical McIntosh's character, quirky, knowing what she wants, sometimes winning, sometimes losing, just like it is. Accident - prone and with a dry sense of humour, she and her antics really kept me entertained. And then there is Max - well, whatever the chances of meeting a billionaire are, right, Frankie was really, really lucky. I'd love to meet a billionaire, and so handsome and normal too. Whatever - he was adorable. The surrounding characters needed a bit of work, though, they were a bit too one - dimensional for my liking and truly spoiled.

There are of course some more or less predictable moments but so what. I didn't read this book for its unpredictability, I've requested it because I wanted to smile and relax. The scene with Max pitching for the job, you could see it happening coming at you from every single corner, however I loved the outcome of it, such surprising and quick. And that there will be a small wobble in the budding romance that will end happily - sure, but again, so what? I really didn't mind it. It's not reality, it'S escapism, with great one - liners and gorgeous setting.

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I enjoyed the writing of this, I liked the idea of our main character Frankie being a dating/relationships writer, it gave me How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days vibes! Max sounded like a right cutie and I loved the family politics and drama. The parts in Hawaii sounded lush but the ending could’ve been a bit better for me.

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This book had a lot of funny moments, especially with the meet cutes Frankie has. I wasn’t a huge Frankie and Max fan. Their characters didn’t grab at me, and I didn’t really care what happened to them. I loved the cover and the name of this book. Thank you NetGalley for sending me an ARC in return for my honest feedback.


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This was just an alright read for me. Some of Frankie’s attempts to set up meet cutes were funny (the puppy one went hilariously wrong). I thought Frankie and Max were cute and was digging their work place romance vibe in the first half of the book. The story kind of got a bit convoluted once the Hawaii trip happened and Max’s family were introduced. I was not completely convinced about the development of feelings between them during that trip especially win ‘em Frankie seemed to spend most of it trying to set up more meet cutes for her article/ hanging out with uncle Albie. The resolution at the end also felt a bit rushed. Still a fairly quick and easy read. (Low 3 ⭐️ )

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Frankie writes about dating and relationships for a women's magazine yet she is an utter failure at both in real life. When her new boss demands that she create something new and exciting this millennial shuts down her dating apps and decides to meet someone the old fashioned way: in person. However, arranging various meet-cutes around town turns out to be more difficult than she realizes. Another failure to add to her already long list.

What she didn't expect was to meet Max who works for a tech magazine on the floor below hers. When they find themselves trapped in a stalled elevator the sparks fly, or do they?

After bumping into each other on numerous occasions they strike up a friendship and Max decides to ask Frankie on a 2 week vacation to Hawaii when his friend bales on him. He doesn't want to go alone and she has mentioned how long overdue a vacation is for her. All expenses paid how can she say no.

Once they arrive in Hawaii things get zanier and zanier. He never mentioned that this was a reunion of his eccentric and dysfunctional family!

This was a fairly cute and lighthearted read but I did have some issues with it. First of all I never really cared for Frankie. We get it, you're not like other girls with all your clumsiness and penchant for quirky clothing so please stop reminding us how unique you think you are. You aren't. This isn't the first book I've read where the main character is a writer on love and relationships yet is a total failure at both themselves. How in the world did you qualify at being an expert at it? And what are the chances that Max comes from a family worth billions? Slim to none in the real world. In all my 46 years I have yet to meet a billionaire. Not to mention everything in the end gets wrapped up with a pretty bow that's so darn convenient that it stretches reality to the point of snapping.

Gripes aside this does make for a great escapist read for those that could use a break from the drudgery of the real world.

If you're a person that can overlook the complaints that I mentioned then you will be rewarded with a silly, smile worthy beach romp so pack up that beach bag and stroll the shores of Hawaii with a family you won't soon forget! 3 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my complimentary copy.

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This was a delightful rom-com about a meet cute that we all didn't say coming. It follows a few years older than twenty-five Frankie whose life is not exactly what she thought it would be. The icing on the cake is that she doesn't believe her meet cute is anywhere near but all that changes when she steps on an elevator and agrees to go on a trip, This was an ode to rom-coms and a delightful read that pretty much deserves the love it gets as it is relatable and funny

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Portia MacIntosh for this ARC!

I am a big fan of the authors previous books and I really enjoyed this one as well. This is the perfect read for a summer holiday/beach read. I thought the characters were fun and I loved the mixing of tropes. I would definitely recommend if you’re looking for a fun romcom to read!

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Cheesy-grins: the smile you can’t remove from you face if you tried; something you have while reading the last few chapters of “The Meet Cute Method” by Portia MacIntosh.

Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books, and Portia MacIntosh for providing this book for free, in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. I loved the underlying message that this book presented. Having found myself in a similar situation of being undesirably single at the age of 34, like the main character, Frankie, was, it made some portions of this book very relatable, especially her feelings of what true love was supposed to look like.

I am a big fan of this authors books. Every single one of them has been something entertaining to devour. This one was the same, although it took longer for this one to cause me to feel as excited about, compared to the others, but it was great, after the first ten chapters or so. It led up to my cheesy-grin, as I mentioned earlier.

I feel the same about this one as I have about her other works- I cannot wait for the next one. I’m sure it will be great!

Enjoy! 😊

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The perfect read for a summer holiday! This story has humour and plenty of romance to keep you invested.

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Frankie is the love and dating feature writer for a style magazine*. When her new boss demands a shake up, she embarks on a quest to discover if meeting people offline is still possible through meet cutes.

Firstly, I adore meet cutes, so I was really excited. Unfortunately, even with such a vast array of them available to replicate, the conversations between Frankie, her colleagues and friends yielded only the most basic (and sometimes obscure) examples. I'm not convinced the title worked with what actually becomes a fake dating/fiancée in Hawaii storyline (although she and Max had a few meet cutes BEFORE they get to Hawaii that she somehow didn't recognise).

I liked that Frankie was in her mid-thirties and didn't have everything in her life sorted, but I found her internal dialogue a little repetitive at times, verging on passively self-pitying, particularly about her flat-share, her job and how terrible her life was. The sudden shift to an apparently longstanding dream of becoming a copywriter near the end felt tacked on.

Still, she was likeable, particularly whenever interacting with Max, and I did find myself rooting for them even if the romance felt rushed, and with conflict only really added for the drama™. Most of the humour worked, but at other times it entered ridiculous territory. I loved the shift to Hawaii and wish that had been the main focus of the story.

Overall it was a light summer read, but I think it would have worked better as two different books, one solely based on the fake dating/fiancée storyline, the other actually invested in a meet-cute storyline.

*Calling a lifestyle magazine 'Stylife' was an odd choice... 🐖 were all I could think about! 😂

Overall Rating: ❤️❤️❤️
Heat Rating: 🔥
Emotional Rating: 😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤔💓

**I will upload the same review on Amazon UK on publication day**

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Frankie is a 30-something Love  & Relationships writer for a popular womens magazine. She is also hopeless at finding love. Her new boss is testing everyone and making big changes, so in order to keep her job, Frankie pitches the meet cute idea for an article; contriving "organic" meet cute situations and seeing if love can blossom. Along the way she meets Max and ends up on vacation with him where the fake dating and only-one-bed trope come into play. Can she write the article, keep up the pretense of a fake relationship and get the guy?

This is very "How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days" meets "The Unhoneymooners" and unfortunately, for me, it missed the mark. The idea of the meet cute is, well, cute. But I didn't believe in their connection and we were over 50% before there were any kind of feels and then were supposed to believe they are madly in love? I just wasn't convinced.

There are some mildly entertaining, embarrassing situations that Frankie gets herself into but I must admit that there wasn't one character that I really liked. They were very two dimensional and superficial and I wasn't enamored by the ultra-rich show boating. It just didn't feel at all plausible or realistic, and neither did the relationship. I actually felt more chemistry between Frankie and Albi. So, unfortunately, I wasn't sold.

A cutsie, closed-door romance with some humour, rich people and (unconvincing) instalove.

Thank you to netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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With this cute and often hilarious story I found myself plunged, headfirst, into the often-cutthroat world of magazine journalism. With every story aimed at shocking or motivating the reader, there’s no room for a pedestrian approach. Faced with losing her job, Frankie blurts out an idea in a morning meeting that leads to her trying to recreate some of the meet-cute scenarios from romantic comedies of the silver screen.
I totally bought into the concept of this story as I still believe in finding love in a more old-fashioned manner. I know that apps are all the rage, but I guess I’m from a different generation. Frankie is a walking disaster, her lackadaisical approach to both work and life have left her feeling alone and unfulfilled, however, if she wants to get out of her house share, she will need to excel at work.
Max is so wonderfully laid back, I immediately liked him. Yes, he was hiding a huge secret, but who wouldn’t in the same position? His independence was admirable, and I thoroughly enjoyed both his story and his moral compass.
As Frankie launches into her task of recreating a meet-cute, the hilarity is never far away. My favourites included rescuing a dog and gate-crashing a child’s birthday party. Besides the hilarity, the incredible chemistry and resulting romance were a wonderful elements. Seeing Frankie take charge of her life was fantastic and way more impressive than snorkelling in a crystal-clear sea.
This fun-filled escape would perfectly translate to the screen, and I would certainly want to watch it.

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Portia MacIntosh was the authoress who made me fall back in love with cute romcoms therefore I was really excited to obtain an advance copy of her new book the Meet Cute method.

Firstly the characters were okay, I would love to have seen more of Ray's parents as they seemed like lovely good characters. Frankie did get on my nerves a little as it gave me the "I'm not like other girls" vibe which I did not like and I wish that kind of trope would not be present. Addison was very strange as a boss and I could not like or hate this character she was purely just there for the story.

Secondly I loved the idea in the first half about Frankie orchestrating all these meet cutes for the article and them going horribly wrong in different ways. It made me really wish we had seen that continue throughout the whole book. It very quickly shifted from a meet cute to fake fiancé trope very quickly and I am still unsure whether I liked it or not. I think the reason I am unsure is we don't really see the fake fiancé trope play out as normal as there is very limited interaction between Max and Frankie and then suddenly they are in love. I just felt it rushed and would have preferred the story with Albi to be cut from the novel and replaced with more scenes of Max and Frankie developing that love for one another.

Thirdly, as I have seen with Portia MacIntosh's other books, the writing is very good and fitting of the romcom narrative. I do really like her style and she does always write novels in a way that keeps me wanting to continue on reading.

Overall, it was a very easy book to read and I did enjoy it, I would recommend it for any one who wants a light romcom read.

Goodreads review link:

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Frankie was tasked to go on a trip with someone she hardly known i.e at the elevator and to write her adventures thereafter, she never thought that things will changes so drastically. She thought it is going to be an innocent trip with Max. Unbeknown to her, Max invited her to join the fully paid holiday for a reason.

This book is about cute storyline with romance, friends turned lovers and full of humor. It leave you with a fuzzy feeling with a fun loving story and lovable characters. Overall it is a fun read for me

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Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the Arc!

Actual rating 3.5⭐

I choose this book when I think I need a romcom right now. Following Frankie who had to write an article about meet cute by trying various things to create this meet cute. But as expected, nothing as easy as pie.

Looking at how Frankie trying so hard to do this meet cute but end up met such a ridiculous situation and I enjoy reading this part. She and her subordinate ideas really beyond reason while trying so hard to create this meet cute!

The situation suddenly change into fake dating when she met Max and after that we follow Max and Frankie relationship. The relationship not easy because the way Max and Frankie met in such an unusual way and how the things got complicated with Max family. I like how open they become and how the things progress but surely something will happen and that's when the mess happen.

I love both Max and Frankie here. They have a cute relationship. Even I still think that they have a fast progress. And I like how author wrap the ending.

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First off, thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the advanced copy of The Meet Cute Method.

I want to start by saying I didn’t dislike this, but I also never necessarily liked it. I just didn’t feel much for it generally. I never connected to Frankie. Once we meet Max I never felt much of a connection between he and Frankie. The meet cutes were funny and awkward appropriately so. There was definitely nothing wrong with this book, I just don’t think it was for me.

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I have loved the last few books by Portia MacIntosh. I picked this up with a degree of trepidation, surely the bubble would have to burst. My mind was put at ease within the first three pages and I read the entire novel with a smile on my face. I’m not a great fan of romantic comedy and yet it’s as if the author’s sense of humour is directly in sync. with mine. The chapter with the stolen dog was priceless.
Sometimes you just need to read something that makes you feel good. I absolutely loved this.
Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing me with an Advance Reader's Copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I loved reading this book.

I loved reading how Frankie tried her meet cute scenarios and was happy to see that once she met Max the escapades didn’t stop.

It’s not a predictable story and kept me wanting to continue reading to find out what happens next. I found the characters relatable and liked them. The different methods Frankie tried for her meet cute were perfect for the concept of the book.

I recommend this book.

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This was good but I felt the characters needed to be there for each other a little more. I didn't like the way they behaved sometimes and it just left me feeling a bit flat.

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A perfect beach vacation romance novel that is perfect for fans of the popular 'Unhoneymooners' by Christina Lauren. The main character in this is a bit of a hot mess which makes her all that more relatable. I really enjoyed reading this light-hearted romantic comedy that was filled with plenty of family drama.

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