Member Reviews

This is a DNF from me.

Trigger warnings for: [child abuse, domestic abuse, cults, teenage pregnancy/sex, pedophilia (hide spoiler)]

I’m just grossed out in every imaginable way right now. I’m not enjoying myself. I’m not really intrigued by the plot, and frankly it opens with the ending so you sort of know where it’s going and I just don’t care how we get there.

There are too many books on my shelf right now that I am more interested in to suffer through this. I do not see myself revisiting. I made it to 36%.

If the triggers I mentioned don’t bother you, and you like very dark, gothic horror books set on Scottish islands, by all means, pick this up. It seems there’s some mindblowing twist at some point I just couldn’t make it to.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC.

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5/5 stars for this book by Catriona Ward!! This was my first read by her and will definitely pick up more. Thank you netgalley for the copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Truthfully, I should’ve given this book one star, but the gothic creepiness of the story deserves an extra star., and that’s about all I liked. I don’t mind an extreme slow burn with an unreliable narrator as long as the burn leads to a satisfying payoff and the narrator doesn’t confuse the crap out of me. After I finished this book, I spent an hour googling spoilers to figure out WTF (not WTF in a good way) I had just read, so yeah, a SUPER underwhelming two stars.

ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love Catriona Ward’s books and this was no exception. It was atmospheric and eerie and full of twists and I sped through it quickly! The end wasn’t 100% of a slam dunk for me because I did guess at several of the twists but regardless I enjoyed the heck out of this read and it was everything my mood reader self wanted just then!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of <i>Little Eve</i> in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

<h4 style="margin-top: 84px;">The Gist</h4>

<i>Little Eve</i> by Catriona Ward is a novel that promises much but ultimately falls short in its execution. While the premise of the story is intriguing – a gothic horror set in a remote Scottish village – the novel struggles to deliver on its potential, leaving readers feeling disappointed and unsatisfied.

<h4>The Details</h4>

One of the main issues with <i>Little Eve</i> is its pacing. The narrative unfolds at a glacial pace, with long stretches of exposition and introspection that do little to advance the plot or engage the reader. The story meanders aimlessly, lacking the tension and momentum necessary to keep readers invested in the outcome.

Additionally, the characters in <i>Little Eve</i> are thinly drawn and unlikable. Eve, the protagonist, is difficult to empathize with, and her actions often defy logic or reason. The supporting cast fares no better, with most characters feeling like mere caricatures rather than fully realized individuals.

The novel's attempts at suspense and mystery also fall flat. The plot twists and revelations are telegraphed from a mile away, robbing the story of any genuine surprises or shocks. As a result, <i>Little Eve</i> fails to deliver the thrills and chills that readers expect from a gothic horror.

Furthermore, the writing in <i>Little Eve</i> is often clunky and awkward, with awkward dialogue and stilted prose that detract from the overall reading experience. It feels as though the author is trying too hard to be literary, sacrificing clarity and coherence in the process.

<h4>The Verdict</h4>

Overall, <i>Little Eve</i> is a disappointing read that fails to live up to its potential. While it may appeal to fans of atmospheric thrillers, most readers are likely to find it lacking in both suspense and substance.

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Thank you so much to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book ! I was so excited to read this book and It definitely did not disappoint! I really would love to read more by this author because this is the first book by Catriona!

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In the early 1900s a small “family” takes possession of Altnaharra Castle, a mess of ruins on an island off the western coast of Scotland. This group, or perhaps we should call them a cult, consists of the leader, John, called “Uncle” by the children; the women, Alice and Nora: and the children: Dinah, Eve, Elizabeth, and Abel. They worship a snake that lives in the sea and will one day come to destroy and cleanse the world. John can become one with the snake and thus needs more food than the others, and they all must obey his commands. The women and children are underfed, underclothed, overworked, tortured, regularly bitten by an adder, drugged, and thoroughly brainwashed.

The story is told in alternating chapters by two of the children, before and after a sacrifice to the adder. The reader learns early on that all but one cult member dies in that way. Which is the survivor? And should the reader trust the narrators, mentally ill and confused as they are? Little Eve won the British Fantasy Award for Best Horror novel, and it is well deserved. This is a gripping, white-knuckle, totally creepy story that will keep you guessing.

Ward’s prose is gorgeous; her descriptions of the sea and the storms, the hallucinations, and imprisonment, are utterly amazing. Her characters and character development are frightfully realistic. If you enjoy horror, you will love this novel. I'm giving this four stars only because horror isn't my genre of choice.

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I am SUCH a Catriona Ward fan and sadly this book was not my fave of hers. I had to restart it several times. The vibes were there, but I struggled to get through this one. The twist wasn't as satisfying as normal. I will still read anything she puts out!

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Catriona Ward’s Little Eve is a fantastic read! Twists and turns throughout the novel abound as the cast of characters and plot keep you on the edge of your seat until the end. I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this well-written thriller about family, secrets, and suspense.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tor Nightfire for my gifted copy - all thoughts are my own.

Catriona delivers yet another twisty, gothic horror that keeps your spine tingling and the hairs on your neck standing up! Told between dual perspectives and dual timelines, the story slowly winds itself together in unexpected and unpredictable ways. Each perspective adds something new, yet seems to be contradictory to the other, so what can we truly believe? You just have to read to find out! I suggest going into this one blind and just let Catriona lead the way - it is quite an enjoyable ride!

Looking forward to seeing what Catriona has in store for us next, she does not disappoint!

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I really want Catriona Ward's books to work for me, but there's always something missing. I really love her creativity and the plot construction, but at times it feels like she's juggling a little too much and isn't able to get the story across the finish line in a completely satisfying way. Either way, she's a fascinating writer and I am really happy for the mainstream success she has been experiencing. More popular horror is good for everyone!

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Catriona Ward is an exceptional writer, and with this one it is no different. I normally do not like gothic stories, but the way Ward writes and creates a story is phenomenal and always pulls me in completely.

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Such a different story but it just pulled me in from page one right to the end. The story flows and comes together at the end. Oh I would recommend this book to everyone.

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I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

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I could not get into this story at all. I found it quite boring and it did not hold my interest or attention.

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Sadly this one didn't work great for me. It was a lot slower than the previous two books I have read from her. I wanted to be interested but nothing really gripped me or pulled me in

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Little Eve is the third book I’ve read by Catriona Ward, and the thing that keeps pulling me back to her is her unique plots, her hypnotizing prose, and the emotions her stories bring forward. I’m happy to say that’s still the case with this one.

Admittedly, I do tend to have a hard time starting her stories - the first couple pages or so almost always confuse me a bit but once you get into the story, it all makes sense and you’re sucked in.

Ward is amazing at twists, too, and I wasn’t disappointed with that aspect in this one either. One of my fav things about her books though is that she writes her characters and their relationships in such a way that takes her stories from a creepy classic horror novel to a story about love and family and how they can simultaneously hurt and heal you.

I did feel a little unsatisfied with the end of this one, but overall the story was really great and I can’t wait to pick up another by her.

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Unfortunately this book did not do it for me. I felt like I was dragging my feet trying to get through this book. I think Catriona Ward’s writing just isn’t for me. There were so many moments I wanted to DNF, but every time I was about to put it down something interesting would happen, so I just kept reading. I wasn’t shocked by the ending. In fact, it ended in the exact way I thought it would.

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I love Catriona’s books but unfortunately I couldn’t get into this one. I may try again at a later date.

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I love Catriona Ward's writing, and this might be one of my favorites of hers. Dark, immersive, and page-turning. SO GOOD!

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