Member Reviews

Excellent nonfiction text that taught me a thing or two. I believe using this as a classroom resource would be very easy. Working in sciences into Language Arts works well with this text especially my essay and agrumentative unit. It outstrips what my fifth graders would read on their own, which is my only complaint. The information was well presented and it had interesting illustrations.

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Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish reading it because the book was achieved before I could arrive at the last page. It needed to be said that I was completely immersed in the writing. The book offers me a lot of knowledge; new to me that I keep enthralling. I keep on prolonging/renewing the expiration date because it was so good and I just don't want to finish it that soon. I promised myself to get a copy once it is available on Book Depository but sadly, it was closed forever. Now, I simply have no idea where to gain this one amazing book. Nonetheless, I highly recommend it!

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I had a technical problem with access to this book and was not able to read it all. However, the focus on glaciers instead of the more usual rainforests or even just the ocean is a new angle on the global warming topic and one that is important to be taken notice of. Therefore it is a title that we will add to our shop inventory.

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A quite difficult book to digest, yet super interesting with facts and information about glaciers. What is glacier? Who lives in it, and the impact of glaciers for humanity. Why should we slow down and go green. The things that we do daily actually have an impact on glaciers, so it makes them hot and melted. So what should we do then?

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Starting for the facts, I would say this is an amazing work on documented basic knowledge on Glaciers and the impact of every human ill-work on nature, "our life provider".

Anita Sanchez clubbed all the terms and major-minor effects of 'what we do' on surrounding habitat and its overall impacts on whole earth no matter wherever we are staying or living. My fascination for the mountains & oceans took me away from these scary facts all the time that I read here. I do observed for facts that earlier when I was a child, winters started from late September & continued till late March; but as of now it starts from late November and ends by early or mid-March. Such a big change in the climatic conditions of shrinkage in winter season affecting overall environmental sustainability of ecosystem. Crops are not as much remained organic & increase in use of fertilizers impacting health directly, influencing our lives to a very high level.

This book though meant to educate children of lower and middlegrade but it is so much of data for them to digest and learn for actually to go on doing any real work on ground. It is thus helping adult readers also to lear much more from the topic to act upon in ground reality. However, mentioning Greta Thunberg, a girl who stopped her schooling, is literally a very bad example to set for those who are/will going to read it. And for facts, about her visit to glacier and staying there to get noticed, she was made to visit there by travelling through a car sponsored by a NGO that supported her. How convenient for a fake environmental activist to produce more black carbon while ironically amplifying her irresponsible voice for saving it. So, basically it was all planned rather than her real work of screaming from top of the altitude to show how a child of that age knew much more about the subject. If more children are posed to achieve the agendas of getting fame and money by getting sympathy from people all over the world, their real education will go in scrap and their respective individual future left untouched from academic knowledge eventually spoiling their whole life. Volunteering is job need base of Proper education and not some funding of wrong directional short-term fame. (Deducing 1-star from rating)

I would suggest, more examples must be included of renowned educated & certified Climatologists & Environmental Activists to let readers knew about their work and steps they took to become one such to finally impact the activites in saving earth in real sense on real ground.
Guidance must be incorporated to let one know how to become an aspiring part of RACi matrix for resisting acts that are ruining Nature's condition. (Deducing 1-star from rating)

I do remember a tagline from a program on Nat-geo Channel, "If you mess with Nature, it'll nor remain silent".

So better be more accountable than just a vocalist for real changes in right direction.

For rest parts, I am very much impressed with the collection of facts on 'Glacial Science'.

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I have always been fascinated by the oceans but little do i know about the glaciers and its importance to the earth and how climate change is affecting them until i found this book here on NetGalley. I owed my thanks to the author and the publisher, the Workman Publishing Company for providing me an insightful read about the glaciers and the climate change.

From this book,we are exposed to not only about what are glaciers, how they are formed and the types of glaciers but also their importance in giving us the insights into the earth's history and past conditions but also as predictors of the future climate change through studying the ice cores done by the researchers who study the glaciers known as glaciologists and paleoclimatologists.

The ice cores hold a record of what our planet was like hundreds of thousands of years ago,for instance by providing the physical evidence of past global events such as major volcanic eruptions and also provides continuous data and information including evidence for climate change which is timely and crucial in today's time. So this book not only educates us the important functions of the glaciers (as a fresh source of water as well as the climate regulators and controllers (apart from the oceans) but also opens our eyes on how today's climate change is greatly affecting the glaciers by making them melt and decrease at a more accelerating speed (hence the meltdown) and how the meltdown is affecting all of us (not only those who live near the glaciers but also those who live farther from it) and what we can do to save the earth from the glacial meltdown.

The intended audience for this book is 8 to 12 years old children but the book is also beneficial for the adult readers as well as the scientific explanations and issues covered seemed to also suit the latter category (especially the activism part which i also liked). However, fret not the book also comes with a very colourful illustrations of the glaciers (which is also among my favourite parts of the book) to help enhance the understanding and keeps the readers more interested and focused! (especially a visual learner like me!) and lots of glossaries for the scientific terminologies used. The scientific explanations is also kept to be much simpler and more easy to understand by the young readers. However, as an adult who knows little about the glaciers (since my country do not have glaciers), i learned a lot of beneficial and very interesting information about the glaciers like the bluer the colour of the ice shows the older the age of the ice is!.

In conclusion, i'd totally recommend this book to anyone who are interested to learn and to know more about the glaciers and its importance to our earth, as the planet's natural air conditioners,but also early indicators of climate changes and how the impact of the changes is affecting all of us today in the most visible ways (regardless where we live, we are all affected by the climate changes. Among the most visible signs would be the raising sea water levels and the raising floods all over. I rated this book a solid 5🌟over 5!.

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Meltdown, by Anita Sanchez, does a fantastic job of disclosing the scientific truths of climate change in a way that leaves kids feeling called to action rather than powerless. I read this ARC with my daughter, and we both loved the illustrations and overall book format. While the illustrations are very kid-friendly, the science and text are surprisingly complex. I would recommend this book to 3-6th grade students who are interested in learning more about climate change and its effect on glaciers; particularly students who want to take a deeper dive into the what they can do to help.

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This book would enhance any school, local or classroom library. It would be great for a read aloud for grade 3.

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This book was well-researched and presented in a straightforward way. It presents the facts boldly: we can't keep going forward the way we have been. Glaciers are our canary in the coalmine, and they are showing evidence that global warming is destroying our planet. This was a tough read, but the author includes her optimistic spin that this next generation can be the force that changes things, and we have a powerful voice that can be used to contact our representatives.

I will be ordering this for our library, and plan to use it with a program centered around climate change and activism.

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The information in this book is very useful and provides very good scientific information about glaciers. Unfortunately, I had some trouble getting into this title, especially as the writing felt a bit uneven. The first chapter or two felt like it was written for a rather young audience and then later in the book had vocabulary that was at a higher level. I think the value of the information outweighs any unevenness though and should be considered for children's collections.

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This book is jam-packed with pertinent information and fantastic illustrations to keep readers young and old engaged.

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Informative, engaging and empowering. Accessible to students as early as Grade 3 and through to high school. Organized into chapters and filled with artwork, photos, diagrams, and an easy to read glossary, this non-fiction title about glaciers is a perfect addition to any classroom library or to be used in science units on climate, weather or biodiversity. My favourite chapter is the one that empowers readers on ways they can step up and take action to protect glaciers. Highly recommend!

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I was so happy to come across this book. This book is the perfect addition to a homeschool curriculum, classroom, or home library. As an adult, I learned a lot and really enjoyed reading this book and I'm even more excited to share this important unit with my children.

The health of the Earth is important to me so to learn about climate change, glaciers, oceans and fresh water supplies is so worthwhile. This book is written so it's digestible for young minds that need this message. Relatable, understandable, and I love the graphics - they add the perfect balance to the information given.

I'd love to add a physical copy of this book to my homeschool and can't wait to share these facts, stories, and messages with my children.

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This book is amazing! The writing is easy to follow, the illustrations add depth to the storytelling, and the science bits are so potent. I felt like I have a better handle of the issue of climate change and why it's so important for our future. I like that the book gave plenty of information and resources on how a student might be able to help. The book dealt with the entire reality of the situation and didn't dumb anything down for young people. This one will be added to my elementary school library collection.

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Meltdown by Anita Sanchez is an extremely interesting book about glaciers. I think children would find this book fascinating especially if they were going to see glaciers. Book has wonderful information on how to make a difference in the world by doing little things to help save the glaciers.

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An interesting read full packed full of environmental information; from answering the simple question of what is a glacier to discussing the impact glaciers have on our environment and what we can do to ensure their continued existence on our planet. Definitely for the older kids, but very accessible with tons of cool facts!

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No two ways about it. This is a book everyone ought to read.

All of us have heard of climate change. A few of us don’t believe in it. Some of us feel that it is not happening in “our country” so we don’t need to worry about it. Many of us know its dangers and are trying to do our little bit to combat the crisis. Each of us needs this book.

As climate change first came into focus as “global warming”, the focus stayed on rising temperatures. This increase in the scale impacted the entire world, including the areas where glaciers abide. The meltdown of glaciers is NOT something that will affect only those areas but will create repercussions throughout the world. We’ve already seen some signs of the crisis – extreme rainstorms, droughts, snowstorms, forest fires… the world is in crisis.

This book shows just how glaciers impact all of us, whether we live near one or not. The content is excellently organised into easy-to-understand chapters and subsections with clear headings, loads of charts and illustrations and photos, accompanying definitions, and a detailed glossary at the end. In one word, the book is ‘comprehensive’!

Middle graders will find the book fairly absorbing as it explains the topics so well. There are a few tough words but the provided meanings help tremendously. Younger children might not understand the nitty-gritties of the topic but they can use the pictorial accompaniments to increase their knowledge.

I was happy to see the book acknowledge that the US is one of the worst offenders when it comes to environmental pollution, right up there with China. Fingers are usually pointed only at developing countries when it comes to implementing climate-friendly measures. The US has always set an example to the world in many things. I hope it can be an inspiration when it comes to climate change as well and begins leading by example right down to the individual level.

The intent of the book is to make us all ‘glacier-literate’ and it certainly succeeds in this. Even as an adult who is aware of climate change, I learnt a lot from the book.

If you think that staying in a tropical zone will keep you safe from glacier melt or that staying in a first world country ensures that you don’t have to worry about climate disasters, you are undeniably wrong. We are all in this together. Rich, poor, developed, developing, polar, tropical, coastal, desert, island, landlocked,… no country can afford to ignore the warning signs Mother Earth is sending us desperately.

Yes, you guessed right. The book shows a scary picture of the future. We don’t have the benefit of relying on future generations to clean up our mess. The warning bells have already rung. Thankfully, the book doesn’t end on a bleak note. There are also some suggestions on how we can reduce our carbon footprint and make a difference, whether big or small, towards better environmental habits. Each of us can take action, needs to take action, MUST take action, ASAP!

Will this book be useful in a home/school/library? Yes, to all three.

Should this book be considered a must-read nonfiction for middle graders? Yes.

Should it only be for middle-graders? No. A lot of children are quite aware nowadays when it comes to climate change, but adults still act like ostriches with their heads in the sand. Get this book in the hands of every idiot who claims that climate change is a myth perpetrated by governments and scientists to boost some ulterior agenda.

It is already late for preventive action. Better not wait till it is too late even for curative action. If we want out children to have a decent future on this planet, we all need to change our habits and think greener. The first step towards this will be through awareness of the extent of the problem, and that’s where this book will come in mighty handy.

5 stars.

My thanks to Workman Publishing Company and NetGalley for the DRC of “Meltdown”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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I will without a doubt be watching for this book to publish. I teach about glaciers in my science curriculum and this one of the most comprehensive books I’ve seen. Chockfull of facts, photographs, diagrams, and relevant information. This is a book that we can use and reference during our study. My student will enjoy this as a read aloud and being able to go back and use as guide in their own research and study.
Very well done!

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This book details everything about glaciers - types, habitats, melting, history, and why we should care! I can see many enjoying the engaging content (lots of new vocabulary words!) and colourful illustrations and photos. As an adult I learned a lot about glaciers, so we need to get this book into the hands of the students!

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This book for the educator's library is an excellent look at a single subject, proving highly illustrated (and well illustrated, too) and yet packed with words to get its topics across. We start with an introduction to glaciers, and how they're melting and what this potentially irreversible change is meaning to us. How we can tell it's happening leads us to the cause, which is strong writing about the carbon crisis. The glaciers factor in again, as it's their bubbles that tell us what the atmosphere was like millions of years ago, proving there is no cycle causing global warming, and that it is all down to us. The further consequences of this where glaciers are concerned lead the student into pages of climate activism talk, which is very much like that in any other ecologically-bent book of the last few years, but if you consider it unimportant to include you haven't been paying attention. An ideal way to cover the themes for schoolchildren (don't ask me what age, I'm not an expert) – this has earnt five stars through doing everything it wanted to, and doing it very well indeed.

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