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Carrie Soto Is Back

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Taylor Jenkins Reid never fails to hit it out of the park for me every time, and her newest offering is no exception. Carrie Soto is Back made me actually care about the world of tennis. After first, I was not a big Carrie fan...I found her to be totally unlikeable. But she grew on me and she grew up. Her relationship with her father was the highlight of the book for me.

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Carrie Soto is back on the tennis court to defend her tournament title records as a tennis champion.

I wanted to like this book, but overall it was very boring. Most of it reads like a recountment of tennis matches. I read Agassi's "Open" which had similar recitation of tennis matches, but at least those were real tennis matches that occurred.

I did find the end a little more interesting, which kept it from 1 star rating. Carrie Soto is highly unlikelable and rude, and I guess we are supposed to figure she is this way because her mother died when she was younger? I dont know.

I also wanted more tie-in with Malibu Rising. Reid puts in about a 2 sentence part, almost like an afterthought. It appears her editor told her, "you know, people are going to want to read about Brandon, can you at least put in 2 sentences?"

I would say skip this one unless you love reading "love-love...she served the ball, Carrie broke the serve." I do not.

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For a book about tennis and a reader who doesn’t care about tennis, I kind of loved this book. Carrie Soto is Back is about tennis, sure, but it’s also about legacy and family and friendships and love and reputation and following your dreams and representation and what happens when life doesn’t turn out how you expected and passing the torch. Excellent storytelling. Another TJR masterpiece.

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Esperava e não esperava gostar desse livro. Até por que Marília Mendonça nos iludiu ao dizer que amante não tinha lar.

A vida de Carrie Soto se resume ao tênis. Desde pequena ela foi treinada pelo pai e foi um prodígio do esporte desde cedo. E nada menos que a perfeição é o que lhe interessa. Ela quebrou todos os recordes do esporte e deixou uma reputação de ser implacável. Agora, cinco anos depois de sua aposentadoria uma jogadora nova está perto de se igualar a ela e é aí que Carrie decide retornar as quadras. Será que ela consegue voltar a glória depois de tantos anos parada?

Eu tenho uma relação de amor e ódio com a escrita da Taylor Jenkins Reid, ela escreveu um dos meus livros preferidos dos últimos anos e o PIOR livro que eu li nos últimos cinco anos, então ler algo que ela escreveu sempre é uma roleta russa pra mim. Dessa vez ela conseguiu criar uma protagonista com quem eu consegui me conectar, mas por quem eu não consegui torcer.

Carrie Soto simplesmente não conseguiu me fazer torcer completamente por ela, mas eu não a odiei como pensei que odiaria depois que li Malibu Renasce. Ela é só uma garota que não aprendeu a perder e que foi alimentada com sonhos de grandeza. Ela é esforçada e isso eu posso reconhecer é algo nela que eu gostei, sua tenacidade e perfeccionismo. Mas parou por aí, ela nunca parou para pensar que suas ações puderam ter consequências na vida de outras pessoas, tanto que em seu livro tudo que ela fez com Nina Riva não ocupou mais de 5 páginas. E isso me deixou put4 com a autora! Pelo amor de deus, mulher por qual motivo a Nina tinha que sofrer tanto?

Por outro lado, se você estava esperando outro livro mais romântico, coisa que os outros livros nesse universo, com excessão de Evelyn Hugo, não tem pode comemorar que temos uma relação madura e um mocinho que não vai desistir fácil dessa tenista.

Além disso tudo, pudemos ter finalmente um pai não tóxico nesse livro, eu nem sabia que essa autora sabia escrever machos não tóxicos que são pais. Como pode né?

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Another fabulous book from author Taylor Jenkins Reid. As an athlete, I enjoyed the main character and could identify with the grit that comes from a long career in athletics. TJR writes her characters with a depth and skill that keeps readers entranced and turning pages. Carrie Soto was an emotionally charged read that had me hooked and will have me lined up for Reid's next novel release.

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This book was a page turner from beginning to end. This author generates page turners at every turn so I wasn’t surprised I was in it to win it from the beginning. But that also means I have high expectations from the beginning as well. And I did not disappoint. Carrie Soto has taken 10 years off from tennis and now her title of most wins is about to be taken from her. She is torn on if she should make a come back at 39 years old to try to keep the title of number one. Nobody liked her when she played tennis because of her hard attitude and the way she took down opponents so it definitely will not be an easy journey. I love the storyline, the character build ups and the overarching theme. Highly recommend. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Very much enjoyed, despite having little to no knowledge of, or interest in, tennis. Jenkins Reid has some range!

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DNF @28%

Obviously this is a very late review—three months after publication—but Carrie Soto is Back just did not hit the way other TJR books do. It’s boring and impersonal and even the prose isn’t as beautiful as her other books, and this coming from someone who hasn’t necessarily loved all her other books. Admittedly, I’m in a slump right now, otherwise I’d try to power through in the hopes of reaching literally any moving content, but I just have no motivation to keep reading this currently.

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS BOOK!!! Oh my gosh, TJR never fails to make an amazing plot with amazing characters. I would recommend this book to anyone.

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Taylor Jenkins Reed can do no wrong and I think this one might be my new favorite of hers. Following Carrie Siri’s growth as a player and a person, especially in her relationship with her dad and her sense of identity, was magical.

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Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid is a historical novel centred around sports. The story is exciting, and the characters are well-developed, making this one of my favourite books of the year. If you have enjoyed any of the author’s other books, this is definitely one to pick up.

Carrie Soto is such an interesting character. She isn’t the most likeable, but she has many strengths. Her passion for tennis and her ability to persevere to get what she wants is admirable, even though she is quite abrasive at times.


Even if you are not a fan of tennis, or sports for that matter, this book really gives a lot of detail about the game. As a reader, I was pulled right into the matches and the intense drama that unfolds. These aspects are really exciting, and I really loved the commentary on the politics of sport and some of its sexism, making for a thought-provoking read.


There are many side characters in this story, as is the case in many of the author’s other works, and each is interesting and enjoyable to read about. Carrie’s relationship with her father in particular is so wonderful to read about, and the way tennis is such a huge part of it brings the book full circle.


Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid is a book to try if you love the author, sports fiction, or stories that explore characters who are bold and determined. I recently listened to the audio version and was so thrilled to find out that Patrick McEnroe and Mary Carillo are among the narrators. It was so fun to hear their thoughts on the tennis matches in the book. This is definitely one to watch for.

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Taylor Jenkins Reid is back with another story told in a unique format, which may have been my favorite part of this book! When I heard it would have a full cast narration, I decided to listen to the audiobook instead. I loved getting to hear the radio interviews and such. It added another dimension to the book and really brought it to my life. On the other hand, the book was a little heavy on tennis for my tastes. As someone who is not into sports, Carrie became hard to relate to. TJR's writing is still unmatched, but this book just didn't work for me like her romance books usually do. However, fans of TJR's most recent works will enjoy this novel a lot!

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Taylor Jenkins has done it again! Carrie Soto grips the reader right from the start and holds your attention as you follow Carrie's career and comeback.

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Without a doubt, the best book I have read this year. I was heartbroken to get to the end because that meant the story was over. This type of writing can only come from the unmatched Taylor Jenkins Reid.
Carrie Soto was born to play tennis. The child of a tennis star, Carrie spends her days with her father learning the beautiful fundamentals of the game. Carrie does what no other man or woman has done for tennis, and sets herself apart as the greatest tennis player to ever live. Now, in retirement, but still loving the game, everything Carrie has achieved may be on the line. When Carries record is tied she makes the decision to come out of retirement and defend her record against someone who might just be as talented as she is. I loved Carrie’s relationship with her father. I empathized with Carrie and rooted for her. I will miss this book, and especially Carrie, and think it’s a must read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the gifted ARC.

I love tennis! I play and watch matches all summer long, so I was excited when I learned TJR’s next book centered around the game!

That said…I wasn’t a fan of the female MC. 😬

This was otherwise enjoyable. The beginning was a bit slow, but I found myself immersed in the story. In TJR’s typical fashion, there were tie-ins from other books and I loved that! I even found myself tearing up a couple times.

Overall, this wasn’t my favorite from this author, but definitely a good read!

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Thank you Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley for the ARC of Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid. When a world famous Carrie retires from tennis, she expects to remain the record holder. Her record is broken 6 years after she retires and she can't take it. She comes out of retirement to reclaim the record. She must do some things in order to reclaim her title but she is willing to do pretty much anything to be the best!

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Taylor Jenkins Reid knows how to spin a tale centered on a strong woman, and "Carrie Soto Is Back" delivers on its potential. The novel, focused on a retired tennis superstar who decides to attempt a comeback in her late 30s, is fun to read while at the same time exploring serious subjects such as the challenges of women in sports, racism and the death of a parent. Will Carrie pull off a Grand Slam win? Once the story gets going, that's almost beside the point. Highly recommended.

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I really enjoyed this! It’s hard to pick a favorite between this and some of TJR others but this is at the top of my list! Carrie was flawed and relatable and I loved her journey! The audio was also amazing with all the voices!

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I read this book at the perfect time and I don't think I've ever cried harder reading anything in my life. It was so good. It's so rare to see a MC as obsessed with her dad as I am with mine, and the whole comeback story definitely resonated. I also love how TJR's latest books are all woven together. After Malibu Rising, I didn't expect Carrie Soto to become my favorite character from this universe. This will probably be a book I read regularly when I need a motivational pep talk. Also, suddenly I need to take tennis lessons again.

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Jenkins Reid has done it again. She has created another strong female character who goes through a life changing journey. Carrie Soto was born to be the best tennis player ever. Her father was El Jaguar, an amazing male tennis player, and her mother is a dancer. From an early age a tennis racket has been in her hand. By the time Carrie retires in her early thirties she has the most slam titles, 20, and the most Wimbledon wins. Five years later, Carrie's record is matched by Nicki Chan. At 37 Carrie has come out of retirement in order to make sure everyone knows she is the greatest tennis player ever.

This is a story of growth and how we can always come back from let downs. Like other Jenkins Reid books this one is another that you cannot put down. I highly recommend.

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