Member Reviews

I went into this with minimal expectations because, despite really enjoying the two other CRH books I’ve read, the goodreads reviews had me worried. I’m glad to say I ended up really enjoying it! Explaining this book without spoilers could best be done with this quote: “Thoughts and prayers with whoever has the job of writing the Netflix description.” A book within a movie within a book. A great piece of slow burn light horror that I didn’t necessarily find scary but it was very suspenseful and took a lot of unexpected turns that kept me on my toes. In a world of so many similar horror books, this plays on a lot of familiar tropes to deliver some uniquely its own. I was worried it was going to drag because it’s on the longer side but there was never a dull moment for me. My favorite parts were the movie script parts. I also loved the women empowerment and feminist angle. Overall, highly recommend adding this to your Spooky TBR.

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I’m super bummed about this rating because I do enjoy this author, however, in the words of Amy Santiago, “Ya just plain boring”. I’m really tired of the “paranoid girl who doesn’t know what’s real or fake” cliche. It just dragged and was very repetitive; which, I guess is to be expected for a book about a movie about a book. Also the number of times the name “Steve Dade” was mentioned was insurmountable. It had an interesting premise and was easy to follow along, but the story really missed the mark for me.

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This was a decent thriller. It has book within the book thing aspect. I liked the story and the points of view. The beginning held my attention better than the end. Even though this one was not my favorite, I would read the next one by the author.

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Really enjoyed this one! THE NOTHING MAN is one of my favorites and I was really looking forward to RUN TIME. While the premise is so interesting and gave me ALWAYS THE LAST TO DIE vibes, it could have probably been a little shorter.

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I love all of Catherine Ryan Howard’s books, and Run Time was such a twisty, multi-layered atmospheric thriller! I will say it got a little repetitive in spots, but I loved the overall plot and how everything wove together in the end!

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I loved the premise of the book but unfortunately it fell a little flat for me. It was way too long and Adele was not a likeable character. I typically love unlikeable characters in thrillers, but with Adele I quickly lost interest in her and what happened. Also, it was confusing going back and forth from the screenplay and the story. I wasn’t a big fan of this one, but I have loved the author’s previous works!

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Not my favourite of Catherine's books however its an adrenaline-fueled thriller that did have me guessing throughout. It felt more horror-y thank her previous works but it did lend itself to the plot.

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A fast-paced and twisty psychological thriller. Catherine Ryan Howard does it again and knocks it out of the ball park with Run Time.

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Similar to Catherine Ryan Howard's other books were for me, Run Time was twisty, atmospheric, and quickly paced which kept me hooked into the story which is hard to do for me at almost 400 pages. I really enjoyed the psychological horror movie elements and it really helped add to the overall tension of the story. I might be late in reviewing this one but definitely glad I got around to it!

Thank you so much Netgalley and Blackstone Publishing for my review copy!

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Catherine Ryan Howard is one of the few authors who consistently manges to build atmosphere into her books. The story lines are unique, the characters well developed with enough of their own personal problems that the clues point in different directions after each chapter. As this fame seeking woman works her acting skills, someone else is working to keep the show from going on. So many times I thought I knew what was going to happen next and then.......well, no reveals from me. If you've never read any Catherine Ryan Howard titles, you have some serious binge reading ahead of you!!!!

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I wanted to love this book, I like the concept of a story within a story, and this sounded like a fun, unique book. However, I struggled to follow and stay engrossed in this book for a lot of the time. I enjoyed Howard's previous book, 56 Days, so I will definitely continue to watch out for her new releases, this one just fell flat for me.

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56 days was one of my favorite books of 2021, so I knew I would enjoy this one! It was definitely scarier in my opinion and very consistent about building tension. I found myself constantly waiting for jump scares! While it didn't sell me like 56 days did, I still really enjoyed it and think it makes some fun discussion as well which you don't always get in books that lean more scary. The setting was unique and so interesting as well! Will definitely continue to purchase from this author!

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I really wanted to like this book, as it has elements of some of my favorite storylines. I love a secluded location where something creepy happens, most especially. The honest truth here? Nothing really happens. I was deeply bored.

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Run Time by Catherine Ryan Howard is full of that mysterious atmosphere that immediately makes me fall in love with a book. It serves up that isolated setting - a cabin in the woods with scenes that almost borderline on a horror tale. Did some of it feel outlandish a bit, yes but that’s a 100% ok with me, it didn’t take away from this story I was truly captivated with. The narration was as superb as the story.

Catherine is making her mark one book at a time. I truly look forward to her next book. A huge thank you to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for a gifted e-arc and listening copy in exchange for my honest review. I highly recommend this one. Happy Reading.

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This book sounded so good and I was very excited for it however I couldn’t get into it when I picked it up. I do plan to give it another try in the future.

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I’ve heard amazing things about this author and was so excited to read Run Time. The book sounded right up my alley, unfortunately it was a miss for me.

I really enjoyed the idea of this story. I felt like it started off strong. I was invested in our main character and wanted to see where her story went.

But this book is way to long. The middle was to slow for me. I knew the twist a mile away and was ready to get to it by the halfway point. I feel like this book would have worked better as a novella the idea was solid and interesting.

Overall I will definitely be giving this author another chance. I enjoyed her writing style and thought the idea of Run Time was fantastic. Just needed to be shorter in my opinion.
2.5/5 Stars

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for sending me an arc copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was really fun! I find great pleasure in everything Ms. Howard writes. I have no notes. It was perfect.

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I really enjoyed this suspenseful and original book. Did the main character make some choices that I would never had made? Absolutely. I think it's clear though that actors overlook a lot to further their career. There were several times that I thought I knew what was going on and I was completely wrong. The "big reveal" left me surprised. This was a satisfying read and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys this genre.

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Catherine Ryan Howard is such a good thriller writer. I enjoy reading her books and this one was no different. I highly recommend picking up this fast paced thriller

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Imagine getting hired as an actress to star in a horror movie in a remote wooded location. Imagine being the only female with a skeleton crew of men in this remote location with no cell service or transportation. Now imagine you are in this movie reading a book about the movie and the same crazy horror shit starts happening to you.

You still with me?

This frightening book had me on edge the whole time. Creepy cool concept. CRH I don’t know how you come up with this stuff but thanks for the wild ride!

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