Member Reviews

Emma Makepeace is a British Spy that has 12 hours to deliver a package across London and to a safe house before the Russians can track her down. Her package is a doctor named Michael and he’s on the ride of his life as she whisks him away from his life and risks everything to save him.

The Russians have hacked all the CCTV cameras in London and Emma must rush Michael across the country, in the middle of the night, without being seen.

Will Emma be able to deliver Michael to her safe house before the Russians find them? You’ll have to read the book and find out!

I was on the edge of my seat and rooting for Emma throughout the entire book. The author takes you on an adventure throughout London with Emma and Michael then gives us glimpses into Emma’s early life when she was in the army and her training to become a spy.

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This is a great book! So much action and really excellent characters. This book was so exciting, I couldn’t put it down! Alias Emma was so well written and I can’t wait to read more from Ava Glass

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I was hooked from the first chapter and I basically read the whole book in one sitting. I enjoy thrillers and a good plot and this fits the bill. Emma is a very cool protagonist and I enjoyed how smart, competent and compassionate she was and Michael was terrific as well. I enjoy “process” stories and this was essentially how do you get across London with limited resources while being hunted down by Russian spies. It also interwove Emma’s backstory in really well. I knew very little about this book before beginning and now I’m hopeful that it’ll be a series so I can read more of Emma’s adventures.

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Amazing amazing book! This should be a huge best seller.

Non stop action, smart characters. Can’t wait for the sequel!!

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This fast-paced spy thriller had me gripped from the very first page. An addictive read, this action packed book is about Emma, a former military intelligence officer turned spy, as she sets out to protect an asset as they traverse the city of London to escape a foreign enemy, all while avoiding being seeing by the extensive CCTV footage in the city.

This was so well written and truly had me captivated, staying up late to finish it. Reminiscent of a James Bond-meets Jason Bourne-with a female protagonist, this was enthralling.

Highly recommended for fans of spy thrillers and action books, I hope to read more by this author!

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Emma's first assignment is very tricky. She has a man from Russia that she has to keep safe and move across London without being seen by cameras. This book was very engaging.

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Alias Emma captured my attention with the description of intrigue and challenge. I was not disappointed!
I am not familiar with the author, Ava Glass, however, I am now a huge fan. Ms. Glass writing style was spot on - the introduction of characters, the plot and the ending flowed very well. I initially was hesitant about the story plot, but was quickly sucked in to the story and found that I struggled to put the book down many times. What a thriller! I found it especially intriguing given today's state of affairs with Russia and the war on the Ukraine, as the Russians play a significant role in this book.

The story takes place mainly in London, and within a time frame of 12 or so hours. The main character, Emma, is a modern-day female version of James Bond. However, I find Emma to be a more down-to-earth and believable version of James Bond. Her assignment is to bring in a reluctant target. Emma is initially challenged with convincing the target that they are, indeed, being hunted. As the story unfolds, Emma is able to sway the target and the story takes off with adventure and challenges! Even more challenging is when Emma's support group does not come to the party. She perseveres as she is sharp and quick-witted to understand the situation at hand.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and wish to thank Penguin Random House and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book. I will be looking for more of Ava Glass books to read!

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This is a very fast paced novel that I didn't want to put down. The story takes place over less than 24 hours. Emma has to get her reluctant subject to safely before the Russian spies find them. I liked that the protagonist is a woman. Refreshing change!

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"Alias Emma" was a fun book. Emma Makepeace (not her real name) wanted to be a spy ever since she understood what a spy was/what they did. She has managed to obtain a position with the British Secret Service, but her first major solo assignment has not been particularly exciting/does not seem particularly worthwhile. However, that is about to change. Russian assassination teams have been killing former Russian scientists living in Britain and who provided information to the British government when they defected/emigrated, but these individuals have not been active assets for many years. The motive behind the timing of their deaths is unclear, but they were all associated with Dimitri and Elena Primalov, highly placed Russian nuclear physicists who were MI6 assets until being betrayed, and who, especially Elena, were extremely beneficial to British intelligence. Emma's boss is convinced that Elena is the main target. The Primalov's have agreed to go into protective custody/hiding, but their adult son, Michael Primalov, pediatric oncologist, has refused the offer of protection, and Elena will not remain in her hiding if her son is not safe. Emma has been tasked with convincing Michael to enter protective custody, a difficult task. Events will eventually convince Michael that he really is at risk but bringing him safely in will be quite an ordeal, taking place over the course of roughly 24 hours, as the mission has been compromised, Emma's boss has disappeared, and Emma is not sure who to trust, and she and Michael have to sneak across London, which has one of the most extensive surveillance systems anywhere.

The author makes great use of London topography/geography and the habits of Londoners. The dangers Emma and Michael face and their narrow escapes at times from Russian agents are plausible. The story has a good supporting cast. Interspersed throughout the book is Emma's backstory, explaining why she wants to be a spy, the path she took she reach that goal, and aspects of her training. "Alias Emma" is definitely worth reading.

I received a copy of the e-book via NetGalley in exchange for a review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this spy/thriller and would definitely recommend it. The author has done a wonderful job creating a story with characters you can't help but cheer for and nonstop action that makes it hard to put down. I found the main character, Emma, to be a delight, but I think Ripley played a very close second for me. This feels like a first in series and I really hope it is!

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What a delight! Emma Makepeace is racing across London at night, pulling along Michael, a physician, who is resisting rescue. She's keeping him safe from Soviet agents and facing great danger. But are they about to fall into a trap? A fast=paced spy thriller.

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Loved this book. Hope there is a follow up in the future. Very well drawn characters. Interesting read.
Highly recommended.

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I do enjoy a good old-fashioned spy thriller, and this fits the bill nicely, being as it is full of heroic action, death-defying chases, a race against time, the chance to right past wrongs, and loads and loads of deception... Glass has done a fine job crafting a tale with characters you can't help but cheer for and nonstop action that carries you through the story from the first pages till the last. I found Emma to be a delight, although Ripley secretly stole the show for me. This feels like a first in series and I really hope it is!

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Whoa! What a ride. It was very fast-paced. The writing style kept me hooked and I didn't find myself losing any interest. I enjoyed getting to know each of the characters and how real the story felt. The author did a great job painting the setting, so it was easy for me to visualize the scene played out before me. I recommend giving this one a chance!

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WHAT A RIDE! Fast-paced and intense, had me breathing hard and on the edge of my seat the entire time. The action made you forget that you didn't know a whole lot about these characters but also knew just enough to understand their motivations and how they'd act in a situation. I hope there's a sequel!

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Review of Advance Reader’s Copy eBook

Emma Makepeace is a new agent for the intelligence service where they are keeping track of Russian agents and the clandestine networks they use. Charles Ripley assigns her to escort Doctor Michael Primalov to a place of safety.

It’s anything but an easy task for Emma. The Russians seem to know her every move and, as Emma and Michael try to avoid capture, Emma puts her formidable talents to use as they slip through the traps set by the Russian hitmen.

But will Emma find a way to get him to the safety of MI16? Will she be able to keep Michael safe?


Non-stop action keeps readers racing through this captivating spy caper as Emma manages to fight off attackers, hotwire a car, pick locks, and “borrow” a boat . . . all in her unflagging efforts to keep Michael safe. As the unfolding narrative twists and turns, readers learn a bit of her backstory [which is just as intriguing as the young woman]. The characters are likable; ingenious Emma is resourceful and well-suited to her chosen profession.

A strong sense of place anchors the telling of the tale while well-defined characters keep the story moving at a breakneck pace. Unexpected events keep the tension building, but some questions remain as the story comes to a close. [A sequel, perhaps? Yes, please.]

With the majority of the action taking place over a single night, readers are sure to find it impossible to set this book aside before turning the final page [and vehemently hoping there are more adventures in store for Emma].

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this eBook from Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Bantam and NetGalley
#AliasEmma #NetGalley

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Buckle up spy fans we got a good one here! This is a pseudo debut book by Ava Glass. By that I mean when you google her name you get that "Ava Glass is a pseudonym for an internationally bestselling author who has sold over two and a half million copies of her books worldwide." So Ava Glass is really a known author who is trying to reach a whole new audience. So her name is made up just like Emma Makepeace.. Loving it so far!

Emma Makepeace (not her real name) is a young spy who just starting working for The Agency: A top secret organization based out of London separate from MI5 and MI6. They are tasked with keeping track of the Russians and their secret networks invading everywhere. Her Handler: Ripley calls her in for her first case. She needs to escort a young Doctor named Michael six miles by foot to MI6 headquarters.

And that's where the bullets start flying. The Russians have taken control of all the CCTV cameras in London and a whole horde of Russian Assassins are hot on their trail. This whole book takes place over the course of one night and their six mile journey. And of course along the way Ripley goes dark and they soon all alone with no help.

The action of this book is outstanding. Comparisons to James Bond are definitely in order as Emma thwarts and fights assassin, hotwires cars, and picks locks all the while keeping Michael safe behind her. In between near escapes we also learn her backstory.... She has waged war on Russia ever since she was a child and working in The Agency is her chance to act on that. This is a one session read that you will fly through.

But to nitpick a little! Russia is the bad guy in this book and it's clearly placed that all things Russia are "bad" From the nameless Russian assassins' in black to everyone's distastes and hatred towards Russia. Maybe a tad unfair? And Emma herself is a outstanding character..... Just she got thrown into the gunfire early into this book and after starting to like her you really want more of her backstory. She is a remarkable, strong female character and I hope I get to learn more about her.

Overall, a outstanding read. I definitely see where this one could be made into a series. I hope so!

Advance Reader Copy given for free for honest review.

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I enjoyed this book a lot - enough that it kept me up several hours past my usual bedtime to finish. Very well paced, and cinematic action scenes that were well-written enough to give me a perfect idea of what was happening. My only complaint, and why I dinged it by one star, is that while Emma was a character I liked watching in action, I wanted to know more about *her*. We get almost no glimpse of her personal life besides a few flashbacks of her "origin story" and training. As a result, the only personality she really had was "perfect bad-ass" - not a bad thing, but I wanted more!

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Alias Emma by Ava Glass This book was a real page turner. Not much on subtlety and thankfully the sex/love interest was very under stated given that the spy is a young woman trying to save the life of a young handsome doctor. The story is about Emma a young spy is some agency not MI5 or MI6 that must get the young doctor from North London to MI5 just south of the Thames in London. All the while Russian assassins are attempting to kill young Dr. Michael. Worse, the Russians have hacked into and control all the CCTV cameras in London. This makes it essentially impossible to move without being found. While reading this book I had my city map of London open which was quite useful. Although I know London fairly well this was an added helpful resource. Perhaps when the book is published the inside cover will have a good map of London to help the reader. On books like this I do not want to give away any spoilers. I will say, I enjoy espionage novels and there is enough espionage to make it more than a thriller. I would say this is not a Tier 1 espionage book but certainly a very soldi Tier 2. Well worth the read.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was supposed to be a spy story for a female James Bond....I found it did not grab my attention.

We have Emma, working for the intelligence service in the UK, trying to save a doctor from the Russians and moving across London to do so. There's a lot of action, bloodshed and a bit of a body count which is the norm for spy dramas. The characters are interesting and well-developed, especially Emma as we learn about her background and recruitment.

Overall, I found it a bit dry and not particularly engaging. The dialog is a bit stilted and did not have the natural flow that I craved. I found this one to be just ok.

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