Member Reviews

This was an interesting book based on a real person who was part of the Lindbergh household when Charles Lindbergh Jr was kidnapped, it provides a real insight into how people reacted to the kidnapping. Betty Gow is a recent immigrant from Scotland, she had followed a fellow she had been seeing and when he suggested she come over she went. But things didn't go like she thought and she soon found herself single and unemployed. Her brother comes to her aid and gets her an interview for a position in the Lindbergh household, though her experience as a 'nurse' (really a nanny) was very limited. She does however get the job and finds herself quite taken with young Charles (and big Charles too), he's easy to look after and she gets along with the other staff (of which there are around 30). Big Charles does not want young Charles to grow up coddled and insists that he not be held and that he be left alone. This led to a bit of an unsettling episode when Betty had placed Charles outside in his basket and left him for an extended period of time, when she came out to get him, he was nowhere to be found, frantic her and Mrs Lindbergh search the house and finally ask big Charles who had hidden him in a closet. The night of the kidnapping Betty and Mrs Lindbergh could not get a window shutter to close, later that night someone came through that window and kidnapped the child. Betty comes under intense questioning by the police, she's the number 1 suspect and remains so for quite some time. This was a very good story told very well, I would highly recommend. Thanks to #Netgalley and #Minotaur for the ARC.

I have limited experience with Historical Fiction, however this book was totally gripping. Somehow in my years of schooling I had never heard of the famous Lindbergh family, and to be honest I think that was a good thing. I went into this novel with no expectations, bias or knowing how it would turn out.
After I finished your can bet it built my interest in knowing more about the case and the event surrounding the Lindbergh kidnapping.
This book has a long list of characters which was initially difficult for me to keep up with, and they are all very vague/mysterious. Fredericks does a great job of dropping little nuggets of suspense as you move through the book.
By the end of the book I wanted to stand up and cheer for our main character. The author's notes and commentary at the end of the book brought the book full circle for me. She provides great insight to actual events and what she created. She also offers some resources if you want to read more. I would love to know more about the eccentric parenting stye the Lindbergh's ascribed too.....I believe he was a bit off his rocker on that.
The only downside was it was a little slow for me and at times confusing. But that may just be my scattered brain at times. But trust me you don't want to miss this one!
Thank you NetGally for this advanced copy read. I was not reimbursed or influenced for this honest review.

I felt this was a well researched book about the time and events surrounding this tragic event which was a major news story of the time.
The Lindbergh’s were such complicated and flawed people and this was an interesting take on this event. That still fascinates people today
Thanks for letting me review this book to Netgalley and the publisher

Did you know who the Lindbergh nanny was?
I had never heard her name nor of the nanny herself.
In this detailed, thoughtful book, we learn of the nanny as she narrates her days and months with the Lindberghs before and after the kidnapping and during the trial.
We also learn how the Lindberghs lived, how they endured the investigation and outcome, and about their servants and the world that held out hope along with them.
Betty Gow, the nanny, was perfect for telling the story.
You could feel her emotions from the minute she arrived for the interview, her love for Charlie, her sadness, her fear, and her anguish when she finds his crib is empty, and how much she gave up in her personal life for this job.
THE LINDBERGH NANNY is an excellent, well-researched, fictionalized account of this tragic event.
The author notes at the end give additional information. 4/5
This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.

The Lindbergh Nanny by Mariah Fredericks
A golden-haired cherub child, an ambassador’s daughter, and a world hero—Charlie, Anne, and Charles Lindbergh—undisputed 1930s paparazzi glamour darlings become press victims when kidnappers steal their baby; their household staff is suspect of the caper; and they are thought complicit in the notorious affair in Mariah Fredericks latest historical fiction, “The Lindberg Nanny.”
Persuasive, balanced, compassionate, and well-researched, “Nanny” proposes alternative insights into how the kidnapping of 20-month-old Charlie Lindbergh occurred told through protagonist Scottish Nanny Betty Gow based on court testimony and correspondence. Although the historical record is explicit on “Lucky Lindy’s” startling views on eugenics (genetic perfection like that sought by the Nazis), I admire the author for only alluding to the man’s rigid nature rather than prejudicing the reader.
The Book Maven Reviews
STAR RATING ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Title: “The Lindbergh Nanny”
Author: Mariah Fredericks
Genre: Mysteries & Thrillers | Historical Fiction (Adult)
Publication Date: 14 November 2022
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
My sincere thanks and appreciation goes to NetGalley, Author Mariah Fredericks, and Publisher St. Martin’s Press for this Advance Reader’s Copy (ARC) for review.
#TheLindberghNanny @StMartinsPress #StMartinsPress #NetGalley @NetGalley @TwitterBooks #TwitterBooks @BookRiot #BookRiot @maven_book

I was fairly excited to read this book as it covers a period of history I am not overly familiar with. Mariah Fredericks writes in such a way that is informative but is ultimately bland. You can tell a fair amount of research went into writing this book but unfortunately it felt like reading a bulleted list of facts. I found the character of Betty to be very focused on observing others without any in-depth development of her own. Even her "sordid" past with gangsters was so difficult to get through because it was forgettably bland. I did not get any real sense for any of the other characters, real or fictionalized. Finally, it took me months to get through this book (not my usual) because it just wasn't a story I was drawn into. Overall, not a bad story but easily three times longer than necessary.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books and to NetGalley for an ARC of this book.
I couldn't put this book down. I have always been fascinated by the Lindbergh family so I knew that I must request this book when I saw it. I really was surprised that this was the first book by this author, it is really well written.
I love how the real events are interwoven with the fictional story created by this writer. I am a lover of Historical Fiction and I really enjoyed this book. I will definitely be recommending this book to people that I know that are big Historical Fiction readers like I am.

I felt like this book was a little slow in the beginning, while the author was setting up the background and the characters. We do learn a lot about the servants, the Lindbergh's life style and the different houses they traveled back and forth too. Once the kidnapping occurs, the pace picks up, with the investigation and the trial making it more interesting. You can't help but feel sorry for Bettu Gow, the nanny, who of course seemed to take the brunt of all the accusations. Even when she went back to Scotland, the harassment continued for many years.. It was also new to me that Charles Linbergh wasn't the "All American Boy" that people might have imagined and that he supported several ideas of Hiters.. I found the note from the author at the end to be interesting, as she explains a few more things found in her research before writing this book. She also includes the titles of many books she drew the story from, if you wanted to check them out yourself.

Fiction based on fact added to the impact of this historical novel.
Being The Lindberg Nanny (Nurse) was not all everyone thought it would be, as Betty Gow found out even before the kidnapping.
When baby Charlie is kidnapped Betty becomes the chief suspect. Under intense and extensive investigations the world condemns her.
Fictionalized history and biography is well told as a novel full of joys and sorrows amongst everyday events and activities.

A historical fiction account of the kidnapping of Charlie Lindberg as told by his nanny, Betty Gow. The author took into account historical and factual information about the characters and events of the child's kidnapping. Drawing on those accounts, the story is presented close to actual events and happenings, including the trial and questioning of Betty Gow. This book will be enjoyed by those interested in the story of Charlie Lindberg and his famous parents, and by those who enjoy historical fiction.

The Lindbergh Nanny by Mariah Fredericks
This is the first book by this author. This book was hard to get into at the beginning but I was pulled into the story after a while. The storyline was good and characters were well written. I don't know much about Charles Lindbergh except the kidnapping and killing of his baby boy. This book gave me a new insight to the story. This book was good and I would gladly recommend it to other.
I received a complimentary from publisher for a honest review. All thought and opinions are mine and mine alone

I could not put this title down. This historical novel from the perspective of the Lindbergh baby's nanny, was entertaining, well written, engaging, and heartbreaking. Betty was a dynamic, smart, and interesting, the kind of character that helps propel a book. I will be looking for more from this author.

I've always been deeply fascinated by the Lindbergh kidnapping and this historical fiction novel gives the highly-watched story new life. I could imagine this actually being how things really went! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free advanced copy.

Very well written historical fiction! There were times I was truly convinced that this story was nonfiction, instead of fictional.

This is a strong entry into the historical fiction genre. Good writing style and a good plot. This author has written a lot and knows her sweet spot, including how to craft a compelling plot and characters.
I really appreciate the free ARC for review!!

When Betty is hired on as a nanny, she is excited to work for the famous Lindbergh's. She quickly gets to know the household and comes to love Charlie Junior. She finds Charles and his wife a bit aloof and cold. After starting a relationship with a charismatic sailor, it seems that Betty's life is right on course. However, one night Charlie Junior disappears and a ransom note is left behind.
This book was hard to put down. The characters were well developed and realistic. I felt a real affinity for Betty. The plot unraveled nicely, building up the story each step of the way. Overall, highly recommended.

The Lindberg kidnapping has always intrigued me, so when I got the opportunity to read The Lindberg Nanny I was excited. This is a well written engaging novel based on the actual events and the people involved. Be prepared for your heart to break as you get wrapped up in the secrets and mystery surrounding the event.
The story is told in the first person by Betty Gow, the Lindberg’s nanny. You will feel a part of the story as you walk along side Gow, a Scottish immigrant trying to make it in a new country. She takes a job with one of the most famous families of the time as a nanny for young Charles Lindberg Jr. Everyone wants to talk with her when she takes young Charlie out for walks. Did the kidnappers get to young Gow this way? Gow undergoes a through and brutal interrogation by the police. The police feel certain that someone inside the household was a part of the crime. But who?
This is a great historical fiction that is well written and will keep you engaged from beginning to the end.
Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

This book was fascinating. Good historical fiction always has me pausing to do more research on the subject. I find myself asking, "Did this really happen?" "Was the character really like this?" This happened to me constantly while reading it. I found that this book pretty closely followed the events of the Lindbergh kidnapping. This story is so tragic and by the time I finished this book, I felt like I really knew all the people involved in Charlie Lindbergh's life (good historical fiction has this effect on me!).
Thank you to #netgalley for the advance copy of this book!

The Lindbergh Nanny, by Mariah Fredericks (5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
For those who still wonder who kidnapped Charles Lindbergh Jr. on March 1st, 1932, we may never know the full story. The Lindbergh Nanny by Mariah Fredericks offers a new perspective on the case. Despite being historical fiction, the author incorporates fresh ideas into this highly researched and controversial mystery.
Betty Gow was the nanny in charge of Charlie Lindbergh on the night he was taken from the Lindbergh family home. Betty and the entire staff at the Lindbergh's sprawling estate are subjected to intense scrutiny and persecution as the investigation ensures. The media and the public are misinformed about the facts. Charlie was so dear to Betty. She must clear her name and find justice for baby Charlie, but who is responsible for the horrendous crime?
The Lindbergh Nanny is a fascinating book. Mariah Fredericks includes intriguing facts and dispels rumors that have surrounded the case for many years. Through Fredericks' honest retelling, I was captivated by the details of the story. As a result of her in-depth study, the author lays out her findings. The results are brilliant and riveting. Be sure to read the Author's Notes included at the back of the book. This novel is a must-read for history buffs!
The Lindbergh Nanny by Mariah Fredericks is available on November 15th.
Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, for this outstanding look back at history. Your kindness is appreciated.

I have always been fascinated by the infamous kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby. While written as fiction, there is enough fact behind the writing to make it believable. The descriptions of the LIndberghs are spot on. Betty is the nanny to the Lindbergh baby and after being badly hurt by a relationship, falls into a new one with a sailor named Red. When the kidnapping occurs they are in the spotlight as people of interest, therefore Betty must solve the mystery to prove her innocence. A fun read.
Thank you to NetGalley for providing this copy. The opinion here is solely my own.