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When We Had Wings

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Susan Meissner and Ariel Lawhon are favourite and go-to authors for me. So it only stands to reason I would read this book. Also Kristina McMorris is new and a new author is fun to discover.

The premise for this book sounds very interesting, off the beaten track in the world of WW2 HF. The authors definitely did the research, which shines through but for me this book came off flat and had that non fiction tone. I struggled to connect with any of the characters.

A heartbreaking story that just didn't work for me. But given all the other reviews, this is obviously a me issue.

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I loved this book. A lot of books are written about World War II, Germany, and the Holocaust. Not so many about Japan in the Philippines. Again, we know about the Nazis, but not so much about the culture of the Japanese army that valued honor and did not respect surrender. Nor do we read much about how the Philippine people suffered. When We Had Wings is the story of an Army nurse, a Navy nurse, and a native Philippine nurse, They practiced medicine on the front, and in the three different prison camps they were sent to. Spoiler--all three survive--but the conditions in which they lived, while horrendous, were described so that the faint of heart can endure reading about them. Highly recommend this book, and will purchase it for my high school library. I read this as an arc and am under no pressure for a positive review..

Ramona Thompson

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Wow I loved this book. I have read so many historical fiction novels set during WWII, but this was the first one that I have read that's set in the Philippines. I also loved following the three women's stories. One thing I really appreciated is that one of the nurses was Filipina, and the book included some of the struggles of working with the Americans, but not being treated like the Americans.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Muse for the ARC!

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Philippines, 1941. Three young women meet and become friends. Coming from diverse backgrounds, they have their nursing careers to unite them. Prior to WWII, the Philippines seemed to be a tropical paradise. This soon changed when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States entered the war and Japan eventually captured the Philippines. All three women became prisoners of war and ended up in various prison camps.

Eleanor from Minnesota, leaving a one-sided romance; Penny from Texas, suffering from the death of her unborn baby and her husband's death, and Lita, a mixed-race Filipino, not sure she really wants to be a nurse, with nursing sisters already in the United States. All three continue to be the best nurses they possibly can be, even under terrible duress and lack of medical facilities and supplies.

Each chapter focuses on one of the three women, and their resolve to survive and come together another day. The atrocities, physical and mental, inflicted on the POWs by the Japanese is well-documented. It makes for tough reading at times.

Feeling grateful for the brave individuals who fought in WWII.

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I am always on the lookout for World War 2 historical fiction that illuminates some aspect of the war I knew little about. When We Had Wings does just that. Set in the South Pacific, it focuses on the stories of three nurses - the “Angels of Bataan” - who survived a few years of imprisonment by the Japanese. The women experience terrible hardships but also demonstrate great bravery as they persevere and serve those around them. I did learn quite a bit about what these women went through and their perseverence is admirable.

I struggled quite a bit with the pacing of the story. It’s just very slow and, as dramatic and shocking as the girls’ circumstances were, I feel like the authors missed an opportunity to deliver a hard emotional punch. It really comes across kind of dry and factual, despite the authors’ attempt to personalize those facts with the girls’ friendship, some romantic relationships and interactions with the civilians. So much of the story - even the romances - came across as though the facts were just being reported to me. I almost think the story would have had more of an impact had it focused on one of two of these women in the same place, rather than skipping around and back and forth among locations, which started to blur together in my head.

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Good read of three nurses who go through extreme hardships during the war, how they endured it all and survived. Enjoyed the read. Thanks to Netgalley and Harper Muse for the ARC

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There is not a lot of historical fiction stories about the women who served in WWII. When We Had Wings delves into the lives of three nurses who were stationed in Manila when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the US entered the war. Their lives were forever changed and the hardships of becoming POW’s is vividly depicted. This was a disturbing but enthralling story about their friendship and abuse during their four years of imprisonment.

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When We Had Wings was a very good book. I have read a lot of historical WWII books but none set in the Phillippines. It was very easy to get involved in the nurses' lives and hard to imagine the cruelty doled out by the Japanese.
I was a little unsure about reading a book with 3 authors but the result was outstanding. There were some tear shedding moments and of course some joyous moments. It was a great read and kept me up late to finish it!
Thank you to NetGalley for my copy.

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This is an enthralling WWII historical novel. Navy nurses, Lita, Eleanor, and Penny are stationed in the Philippines and end up caught in the middle of the aftermath of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor and the invasion of the Philippines. This is the first novel I have read from this POV of WWII. The details given of the sacrifices given by these heroic nurses are mind-boggling. I don't know if I could have been that strong or brave. I recommend this novel, especially for historical fiction fans. Thanks to the authors, Harper Muse, and NetGalley for providing a complimentary copy of this ebook. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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Three nurses find themselves in the Philippines during the Japanese occupation in WW2. I knew nothing about this part of history so it was very interesting. I liked that they also chose a Philippine point of view for one of the nurses. It did at times seem like three different stories en not really one whole. But overall a good book.
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the copy.

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When We Had Wings is gripping, heart-tugging WWII novel written by 3 of the best historical fiction authors. This emotionally-stirring book tells the story of three nurses stationed in Manila at the beginning of the war, and the harrowing, life-changing years to follow. Each of their stories filled me with terror, heartache, and pain, but I was also in awe of their bravery, their resilience, and their strength. These women witnessed both the worst of humanity and also the best of humanity, they suffered physically and emotionally, but somehow they held on to the hope that they’d get through it all. This powerful novel will keep your heart racing, it will bring you to tears, and it will remind you to always look for the glimmer of hope and peace.

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This multi-author historical novel set in the Philippines is a World War II story told in the context of the friendship that develops between three nurses (a US Army nurse, a US Navy nurse and a Filipina civilian nurse). The story begins pre-Pearl Harbour when Manila is a tropical paradise and a posting there seems far removed from the conflict. With the onset of hostilities in the region and the occupation of the island by the Japanese, the three young women endure harsh combat conditions and later captivity as the first female prisoners of the Second World War but their unwavering friendship helps them to maintain hope that they will survive and reunite. When We Had Wings is an enjoyable, well-researched read that provides a captivating story as well as a great deal of information about Second World War events in the Pacific Theatre specifically related to the Philippines and the nurses who became known as The Angels of Bataan. This is my favourite type of historical novel - one where I finish feeling like a learned a great deal and want to know more!

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Philippines, 1941 -1945

Three women, and three nurses right before Pearl Habour is bombed form a tentative friendship in Manilla. They meet once a month but when the Philippines is taken over by the Japanese - everything changes.

When We Had Wings was a very interesting and immersive look at how the Army and Navy nurses lived
as POWs. It’s not a subject I have read a lot about - well, not at all. I found the beginning to start too slow for me, but it slowly gained good momentum when all the women were incarcerated under Japanese rule.

It kept my attention as the atrocities were ratched up by the Japanese who did not seem to have beating hearts. This may be too graphic for some, but for me, I was able to continue reading. The authors give enough but not too much detail to show what Lita, Penny and Eleanor, and all the prisoners are facing.

Despite the gruesome period these innocent people are forced to live in a brutalized existence that no one should endure. I really liked the camaraderie that is found among the prisoners especially Lita, Penny, and Eleanor and even though they are separated from knowing how each other is doing for months on end. Even though separated by miles, the value of their friendship helped keep them going.

Definitely recommended. 4.5 stars

My gratitude to NetGalley and Harper Muse. All opinions expressed are honest and mine.

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That was a great book….very hard to read in some points…I had to put it down for a while a few times…but I enjoyed the story. The friendship between the 3 women was very heart warming. I have read several WW2 books but never about the Japanese in the war. This book takes place in Manila. Three nurses meet and become friends. Then as the war breaks out they get seperated and become POWs. You go through all their imprisonment with them and just keep waiting for them to be freeded. When I started this book I was thinking man this is all over the place but got into the flow of it and it was well worth the read! Very intense and sad but a great ending. Thank you NetGalley for letting me read this book.

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This is a novel of World War II but with an interesting twist. It takes place in the Pacific theater starting in 1942 in Manilla, Philippines. It follows three friends, all nurses from either the Army or Navy. One nurse is Filipino and dreams of coming to the United States, one is running away from an affair that wasn’t what she thought, and one is trying to forget her failures as a wife and mother. None of the three had any inkling of the horrific disaster about to befall the idyllic island and how their lives would change or the Hell they would endure.

The three authors did a fantastic job seamlessly weaving the story lines together. They created a narrative involving a subject that I hadn't previously read anything about, the women who were POWs during World War II. It is heart breaking, gut wrenching and emotional and I couldn’t put it down.

If you are a historical fiction fan, you will want to read this book. It presents a story of women who are not often mentioned in this time period. All they witnessed and endured deserves to be recognized.

I requested and reviewed this book for NetGalley.

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When We Had Wings
by Ariel Lawhon, Kristina McMorris; Susan Meissner
Pub Date: October 18, 2022
Harper Muse
Thanks to the authors, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC of this book. From three bestselling authors comes an interwoven tale about a trio of World War II nurses stationed in the South Pacific who wage their own battle for freedom and survival. "Three of the biggest powerhouses in historical fiction come together to pen this breathtaking story of three nurses serving in the Philippines during the Second World War.”
I thought this book was rather slow-paced but I did enjoy this World War II historical fiction that was a stand-alone novel and that it had discussion questions for book clubs.
4 stars

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I enjoyed this story of friendship and survival of three young nurses set in the Philippines during its history of Japanese occupation. What I enjoyed most:
- the highlight of a piece of history I did not know: Japan invaded the Philippines immediately after bombing Pearl Harbor. Army and Navy nurses along with many American civilians and Filipino citizens were taken as POWs.
- the heroism, bravery, resourcefulness, and mercy conducted by the nurses and the local people while they were held captive with little food and supplies for 4 years.

The story is told from three person POV and did feel a little repetitive and slow during the rescues. However, it ended with a well written epigraph.

Thank you to Netgalley, Harper Muse, and the authors for an ARC in exchange for my honest review. Pub Date: Oct 2022.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harper Muse and NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Wow what a read. I am always interested in reading about the world wars and through When We Had Wings I learned more about a chapter of WWII that i previously knew nothing about. We follow three nurses from the US army stationed in the Philippines as they experience the Japanese invasion of the islands. The authours of this novel made me feel like I was right there with these women. If historical fiction is your thing or even if it's not give this book a read

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This engaging, emotional, and well researched WWII saga follows the bonding friendship of three nurses during the Japanese takeover of the Philippines.
As we learn about how Eleanor, Penny, and Lita devote their time to caring for the sick and dying during wartime, we also experience their growing friendships, family dynamics, and romantic interludes.
The collaborative prose from these three fine writers made it hard to put this one down. I had a history lesson on the torturous treatment of civilians, as well as the hospital military, who were held captive in the numerous internment camps in the Pacific theater. The writing is so good that I felt as though I was right there in captivity alongside the three strong female characters experiencing the fear, anger, horror, and even small joys, during their captivity.

Get yourself a box of tissues and keep your phone nearby to order takeout because you won’t stop reading this one to cook!

Thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for this arc. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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At once breathtaking and horrifying. Set in the South Pacific during World War II, this novel by three master storytellers features three, expertly drawn, dynamic and likable military nurses. The obviously well researched and well written tale is - like war - dark and harrowing and tragic. The authors chose not to romanticize the effects of the war but to depict relatively realistically its evils, savagery and the ensuing multitude of hardships, which makes for quite a difficult, utterly heartbreaking read. This is also, however, an ode to friendship, courage, perseverance and acting for the greater good, which adds dashes of hope and humanity to the story. Additionally, the novel importantly educates its readers regarding the Philippines and the critical roles played by Filipinos during WWII, which are not often explored in WWII fiction in my experience. Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Muse for the ARC. Opinions are my own.

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