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One of Us Is Dead

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One of Us is Dead was such an addictive read!! The story follows 5 women in a small town and let me tell you, the alternating POVs, short chapters, the drama and the biggest question of all - who’s dead and who the heck did it?! - will keep you glued to your seat. I was lucky enough to receive both the book and audio for this one so I was able to enjoy it nonstop 😜

I love Rose’s writing style and can’t wait to read more of her books!! If you haven’t read The Perfect Marriage I def recommend it too!!!

Thriller lovers who enjoy a bit of drama: Be sure to check this one out!

✨ A huge thank you to the author, @netgalley and @blackstonepublishing for an eARC and advanced audiobook in exchange of an honest review. All opinions are my own. ✨

This review will be posted on my IG account on pub day (4/26) (@bm.bookish.girl)

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One of Us Is Dead

Jeneva Rose

This book is perfection, in my opinion. This is the mean girls all grown up. I was thrilled when I received the audio ARC via NetGalley. I was all up all night listening to it. The narrators were spectacular and their voices were so fitting for each character.

This book is a fast paced thriller, and you don’t know who is dead or who killed them. Told from multiple points of view. Welcome to Buckhead, the land of the rich, powerful and bitchy. This book will keep you entertained from beginning to end. I was glad I had the opportunity to listen to the audio version! I still ordered the hardcover book because the cover is so pretty.

I give this book 5 stars! A great read.

Also, if you aren’t following Jeneva on tik tok you are missing out. Her and her husband are so funny.

Thank you NetGalley and Blackstone publishing for an advanced audio of this book.

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After seeing so much love for this author, after her debut The Perfect Marriage, I was excited to read ONE OF US IS DEAD, and get my first taste of Jeneva Rose’s writing!

This was a wickedly fun read that I binged in one sitting, giving me all the Housewives behaving badly vibes I love. I listened to an ALC audiobook of this and really enjoyed the multiple POVs, and thought the collection of narrators were wonderful!

PUB 4/26

*many thanks to Blackstone Audio/Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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If juicy scandal and drama is your thing, then One Of Us Is Dead is for you! All of the high society women in this novel spread their rumors and gossip in their exclusive (and members only) beauty shop, which makes for a fun setting and lots of catty drama. I think Rose did a nice job with the ending too, it was a lot more complex than I was expecting.

I enjoyed this one, but I can’t say that I loved it. However, the scandal and drama trope is not my thing, and I knew that going into this one, but thought I would give it a try anyway. I think if you like shows like Real Housewives, then you will absolutely love this book. I think it was well written and well done, and I really enjoyed the multiple points of view. It’s just a very specific trope so I know that going into it. And bonus points for a full cast narration on the audiobook! They did a great job with it!

I received a free digital copy from the publisher, all opinions are my own.

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This book was a 4-4.5 it diffidently had a desperate house vibes and i loved it! I loved the setting of a suburban town, with Jennys salon being the main meeting place for the women of Buckhweat. We had multi POV in this novel and the audiobook version had a different narrator for every character and was pleasantly surprised to hear one of favorite female narrators as crystal! Jenveva did a great job of switching back and forth between the different characters and just enough hints of the future that someone was dead but i had no idea who it actually was till the end!! She does a great job of thinking your setting up for something and than bam, it was something completely different. Olivia is one of the main characters right away and we meet her through Jenny the salon owners POV first and in that very first we get a sense for Olivia. Than When we get to Olivia POV we really see how sinister that mind can be, by doing all kinds of crazy things and playing games with the other women to try to get to the top of the women of Buckwheat. This is also a story of female friendships and coming together to make something happen, no matter what happened in the past and had amazing girls supporting other girls in this story! we also get a bit of romance, and finding them self and get their power back story as well! it Really has everything! and that ending!! all i can say is wow i did not see that coming! I would recommend this novel to anyone who loves a good housewife thriller! you will not be disappointed with your self for picking this one up! Thank you netgally and Blackstone publishing for an early copy of the audio book for review.

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I'm a big fan of Jeneva Rose. I think her books are fun and easy to read and they feature captivating characters. This book was such a blast to get through. I listened to the audio in two days and had trouble putting it down. The full cast of narrators made switching from one POV to the next easy. I loved trying to guess not only who dunnit, but who would die, it definitely reminded me of Big Little Lies with a lot more rich bitch drama. I loved all the twists towards the end, and think that this is a great read for anyone looking for a domestic drama with lots of awesome murder / death puns.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the catty banter, with a southern charm and hospitality from the housewives of Buckhead. It is quite true that as a salon owner, Jenny, has heard all the gossip and knows everyone's secrets; especially when you mix your services with some mimosas.

I do like how the story gave background and a foundation on the society the ladies reside in, providing some drama prior to the real mystery of who died and who did the dirty deed! It kept you wanting to know more, dig a little deeper and how did these twisted little ladies get to where they were. Along with a twisted ending!

"Do it once, shame on you. Do it twice, shame on me. Do it three times, and I am truly a f@*$ing idiot!"

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One of Us Is Dead by Jeneva Rose is a wild ride. I have seen it compared to Big Little Lies paired with any of the Real Housewives series - which means rich people behaving badly and one of them ends up dead!

Told from the perspective of the five main woman, the story alternates between the current investigation and the events leading up to the murder, although you don’t know who was murdered until the end.

This was a very quick, bingeable, juicy story. The chapters are short and the secrets are plenty! These women are total mean girls! I listened to this on audio and while I enjoyed each of the characters, there was one that was soo petty and hateful that it sometimes made me cringe when her chapter came on 😬.

If you are looking for an entertaining, addictive, soapy type of read, this is it!

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One of Us Is Dead by Jeneva Rose is a fun mystery about a group of disgustingly wealthy women outside of Atlanta. The characters can be vapid and devious, so it makes a perfect escapist read. At the beginning we learn someone has been killed but not who and other details are sparing. The story moves swiftly, told in short chapters by a number of characters. This made the story entertaining even when I was frustrated by the catty behavior and misogynistic husbands, though these elements helped progress the plot. Some of the women did reveal their humanity towards the end and I wanted to know how the story would end. I listened to the audiobook, which features an amazing cast of narrators: Elizabeth Evans, Hillary Huber, Cassandra Campbell, Brittany Pressley, and Andi Arndt. Thank you Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for providing this DRC. All thoughts are my own.

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Meet the women of Buckhead—a place of expensive cars, huge houses, and competitive friendships. Many juicy secrets and backstabbing take place, and someone will end up dead. But who? And why? 🔪👀💅

I really enjoyed this read! It was like grown-up Mean Girls, but with murder, and I am totally here for it. A fun read with fun twists! The audiobook was fantastic as well with an amazing cast! I highly recommend this one! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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This is an author to watch! Social status is a high priority in the lives of this group of women friends, but who is really a friend and who wants to be in control? This was so entertaining. I wouldn't have guessed where this story was going to go and it went there. This is for anyone who enjoys rich people drama with some thrills and mystery. The narrators were excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I will be reading more by this author.

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Do you enjoy the real housewives & true crime docs? This might be the book for you!

I wasn’t sure where this one was going, and while it didn’t tread a lot of new territory, it approached things in an interesting way. The characters could’ve walked out of a season of real housewives & the addition of the salon owner was interesting in that it essentially provided an audience surrogate element to the novel. I liked a lot of elements; however, the internal dialogue fell into the realm of telling vs showing in a way that sometimes took me out of the narrative.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️. 💫 rounded to 4.

Thank you so much Netgalley & Blackstone Publishing Audio for the Alc!

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Thank you, NetGallery, for the advanced audiobook copy of One of Us Is Dead.

One of Us Is Dead is the perfect book for fans of Desperate Housewives or any of the Real Housewives programs. Jeneva Rose has crafted a beautiful caddy thriller filled with drama and gossip. The book richly captures characters each in a compelling way that makes it hard to put the book down. I would have liked a little more of a mystery, but the book plays out like a TV show with intensifying drama and twists until the very end.

Personally, I am not a fan of either the Desperate Housewives or Real Housewives programs, but I still enjoyed the book as a guilty pleasure. The book will be a perfect summertime thriller and could easily be adopted into a TV show or movie.

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Jenny owns a salon in an upper class Southern town that serves all the elite women. This allows Jenny to become the central source for all the towns gossip. Her main clients are dramatic, back-stabbing women who are all about status. When someone ends up dead, the question is would any of these women go as far as murder?

This was a quick, fun read that was packed with drama! I listened to this one on audio and thought that added a fun effect to the back and forth drama of the book. I would say this book is not exactly a thriller, but more of a domestic drama that includes a murder. I enjoyed that we find out a murder occurs at the beginning of the book but we do not discover the identity of the victim until the end. Overall, if you like books with dramatic characters and some added in suspense, then I think you will enjoy this one!

Thank you NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for an e-book and audiobook copy of One of Us Is Dead!

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Read/Listen if You Like:
❤️ Thrillers & Mysteries
❤️ Catty Housewives
❤️ “Who Did it?” Plots
❤️ “Who Got Wacked?” Plots
❤️ Salon Owner at the Center of the Gossip

Audiobook Review:
I have been on a thriller/who did it kick lately and this one did not disappoint! The dynamics that were played out with a mixture of timeline movement as we got past and present, but present only from the Salon Owner made this so intriguing when you added the fact that you don’t know who is dead nor do you know who did it. The way it was weaved you wonder and try to piece it together of who might be dead and who might have done it, but there is no real way to know until who was now dead was revealed.

The multiple POV were also immaculately done! You know because there are so many unknowns you don’t know what to believe or not and whether you are being misdirected or not because key pieces of information or form those opinions are missing… but I’ll tell you, you will be misdirected and I hope you love that reveal, the real one, as much as I did as it ended with such a snappy ending.

I loved how the classism and power dynamics that played into the storyline were weaved into this story as it focused on a group of rich housewives and their intersection as members of a very exclusive salon and the two employees of that salon.

Thank you NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for the ARC of this audiobook! I am so thankful to obtain a copy to listen to in advance of its release!

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3.5 stars. The narrators for this audiobook are fantastic and made the story come to life. However, as a huge fan of The Perfect Marriage I was disappointed by this one. I wanted to love it, I really did, but it felt like a book version of The Real Housewives of Buckhead (if that were a real show) with a little murder thrown in. I do love Real Housewives shows though, so it kept me entertained. I just needed a little more. I will continue reading Jeneva Rose books though, I hope to be wowed by her next one.

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Review: One of Us is Dead by Jeneva Rose 3.5⭐️

If you love a totally outrageous, drama filled domestic thriller, you will love One of Us is Dead. It is filled with snarky remarks, backhanded compliments, money marriages and cosmetic procedures.

The story has multiple POVs and I liked the fact that we didn’t know who died until the end, it added some suspense. However, there was a lot of build up for a pretty quick ending and I wanted more murder/thriller and less rich people drama.

I loved that this was a full cast audio. It made it easy to follow whose chapter it was from. My one gripe is that there were two characters whose voices didn’t match who I pictured them to be. I think some of the voices did not match the age as well as the Southern accents as well as I would have hoped.

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Stellar stellar book! Top 5 reads of this year for sure. So many different pov’s (each chapter goes between ladies pov) I also love that the timeline switches from present day to a past date and works it way to each other.

The really great thing about this book is you don’t know who the victim is which makes it hard to know who did it. It’s a wild ride!

I live not too far from Buckhead so I can attest to this being super accurate (slightly exaggerated but only slightly lol)

I listened to the audiobook version and I loved every single narrator. They were all so different and wonderful.

I’ve read one other book by this author and I promise this is a must buy author from here out.

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I had the best time listening to this story!

There are multiple POV's, each with their own narrator which is super helpful, and each woman has a role to play in the exclusive Buckhead. Jenny is the owner of Glow, a salon where the women frequent and secrets are spilled. Olivia is the Wanna be Queen who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Karen is the middle child of the group who seems not sure of what she wants, but not happy. Shannon is the former Queen who is losing her position along with her husband. Crystal is the new wife of Shannon's ex and is basically clueless, but brings out all the drama from the others!

The way this starts out is with a police interview in the present with flashbacks in the POV's. It was an interesting choice and the ending made it so worth all the going back and forth. Again, having 5 narrators who all did a fabulous job in their roles made this for me! The women's relationships with each other was complicated and evolved throughout. I really thought the ending was clever. It definitely surprised me! I also liked how the story played out and I don't want to say more since it was too much fun to have the lead up and blind finale for me! The title was perfect!

I am so thankful to @NetGalley and @blackstonepublishing for this ALC! This is my first Jeneva Rose book, and I will be looking out for her backlist. Lucky for all, this book and audio will be available on the 26th! Preorder or mark your calendars!

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**3.5-stars rounded up**

Jenny is the owner of a posh salon in the upscale area of Buckhead in Atlanta. Her salon, Glow, caters to a set number of wealthy clients who come in for very regular treatments. Because of this exclusivity and frequency of visits, Jenny has come to know her clients very, very well. Almost too well for her tastes. Along with her assistant, Jenny has become quite versed in navigating the ups-and-downs of her clients toxic relationships.

The most recent drama involves former Queen Bee, Shannon, whose politician husband, Bryce Madison, recently left her for a 20-something waitress he met while on a business trip to Texas.

The waitress, Crystal, has recently moved to town and become the new Mrs. Madison. Young and innocent, like Dorothy walking into Oz, Crystal has no idea what she is in for when it comes to Buckhead society.

For her part, Olivia is all too happy to sit back and watch Shannon's demise. Truthfully, she's been waiting for that star to fall for a while. As she sees it, now is her time.

Lastly, there's Karen. The least aggressive socially of the bunch, Karen's still hiding some big secrets of her own.

These women are used to a constant state of drama, with under-handed insults being slung back and forth, but how far are they willing to take it? Would someone actually kill to protect their position in the community? How about to keep their secrets secret? Y'all, somebody is not going to make it out alive...

One of Us is Dead is like Fried Green Tomatoes met The Real Housewives of Atlanta, they fell in love and had a baby that was essentially an Adult version of Mean Girls. You know based off that description that my evil a$$ is 100% here for it. I had the pleasure of listening to the audiobook for this one, which does feature a full cast. It was really well done and I definitely recommend that format.

It was fun having a different narrator for each perspective. It felt like I was really getting to know these characters and they are twisted. Everyone was hiding something. Everyone knew things they shouldn't. They were just all up in each others business. It was captivating.

The more I think on it, the more I am realizing just how much fun I had with it. It was really close to a full 4-stars for me. I think initially though, I was disappointed that the ending wrapped everything up so quickly. I wanted more intrigue as far as the murdery bits were concerned. For most of the narrative I actually forgot that the whole point was that someone was ultimately going to end up dead. There was so little focus on that. I would have appreciated more time invested in those aspects, but of course, that is completely a personal taste issue. I was just sort of hoping for a wee more mystery.

Overall, this is a super fun, fast-paced, dramatic and slightly ridiculous read. Be forewarned, however, if you are not into girl-on-girl slander, back-stabbing and crime, this may not be for you. Just know going in these women are brutal. They aren't holding any punches.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Blackstone Publishing, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I had a ton of fun with this one!

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