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The Belle of Belgrave Square

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In this lovely book with inspiration drawn from Beauty and the Beast, the socially anxious Julia Wychwood decides to run away with the darkly mysterious fortune hunter Captain Blunt. He needs her money, she needs to not be under her selfish parents' control anymore. And Julia thinks as long as she has her books and her horse, and no longer has to deal with London Society, she can handle everything else. But even the wildest gothic novel might not prepare her for the secrets her new husband is hiding.

I loved the first book in Mimi Matthews' new series, The Siren of Sussex (okay, I love all Matthews's books but I really loved Siren). Now I have to say I think The Belle of Belgrave Square is my new favorite Mimi Matthews book of all time. Julia is the kind of heroine you don't see much of, but always wonder about: the quiet woman who has social anxiety in a London Season literally designed to put marriageable women in the spotlight, thus being Hell on Earth to those women who can't stand being in the spotlight but still need to be married. How do they manage the Season? Julia manages by riding her horse whenever possible and drawing strength from her few dear friends the rest of the time. But here, her friends are away and she has to face social events by herself. She's kind and caring and an unapologetic novel reader- not just of Dickens and Wilkie Collins but of the penny dreadfuls and gothic horrors and romances. The books that newspaper reviews call tripe and her parents and doctor think are harmful to young ladies. But she has an unexpected ally in Captain Jasper Blunt: a man who reads novels, rides horses, sees her when others see only her money, and has a reputation for incredible cruelty on the battlefield. His secrets have secrets and you spend much of the book trying to figure out what his truths will be. It was really great to be kept guessing. Every time I thought I had the answer, Matthews would come up with something else to make me question if I had all the secrets, right up until the big reveal at the end. What was never in doubt was that Jasper wanted Julia, and not just for her money. Their scenes together, even before their marriage, are filled with a tenderness and sweetness that was wonderful. Watching them come together was like watching a dance- steps closer together and further apart but knowing in the end they were going to be a perfect match, their strengths and weaknesses a perfect fit when they worked together.

I loved watching both Julia and Jasper grow in confidence, and watching the love grow between them was beautiful. Gorgeously written and full of emotion, a book I never wanted to put down, The Belle of Belgrave Square may be Mimi Matthews' best book yet!

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthewsđź“š

The Belle of Belgrave was my first try at a regency/ Victorian romance and I really enjoyed it. I loved the setting and how proper the whole affair was. It was enlightening to read about how the marraige season worked in those times. It's also astonishing to see that so many things from that time has been incorporated in the whole matrimony process in India till date.

It made me think that we still need to move on and be more modern in certain aspects. The story was engaging and full of hindrances to the happiness of the couple. It was an unlikely pair of people who fell in love by chance. I liked the secrets and the mystery aspect of the book. I didn't expect that huge reveal at the end, it really surprised me.

The romance was definitely sweet, grumpy and swoonworthy. A notorious captain looking for a bride with a huge dowry meets a sickly, bookish heiress. Sparks fly but knowing the things that the captain did in the war and the fact he already had 3 kids out of wedlock was a huge obstacle to their romance. But everything is not what it seems and love conquers all.

If you want a good regency romance with a lot of twists, you can definitely give this one a go.

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After this story and The Siren of Sussex, I am definitely a Mimi Matthews fan! I loved getting to read Julia's story and the Beauty and the Beast vibes. Julia's family experience is pretty heartbreaking and disturbing, and I love the happiness she found with Jasper. While part of the plot is one character keeping secrets from another character (something I struggle with in books), it actually didn't affect my enjoyment of the story like it usually does. It had many swoon-worthy moments and I loved Julia and Jasper's conversations around novels!

I definitely recommend if you enjoy historical romance. Romantic scenes are not very graphic. I do think you could read this book without reading The Sirens of Sussex, but I will always encourage reading books in order. :)

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"Stories like the ones we read in novels help us understand the human condition,” he said. “They teach us empathy. In that way they’re more than an escape from the world. They’re an aid for living in the world. For being better, more compassionate people.”

Oh, The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews is absolutely amazing and I am still in my book hangover. Captain Blunt is a war hero with a past from the Crimean War. He is on the hunt for a wife for his children back in York. Julia is an anxious bookish spinster who lives with her ailing and sick parents who are far from loving.

I loved everything about this book. I was drawn in and literally enchanted! The slow burn romance, the mystery involving Captain Burk, and all the bookish references. The story has all the great parts of a Victorian romance with balls, the rules of society, and servants with strong opinions. A fantastic read!

Mimi Mathews is a favorite of mine and she has written a wonderful story that I thoroughly enjoyed. I highly recommend The Belle of Belgrave Square.

“Real life was more complicated than that. And Real love was more complex still. It wasn’t faint or feeble. It was rich and nuanced and strong. So relentlessly strong. It had to be. Human beings were fallible. They stumbled and fell. They made mistakes. Love didn’t crumble in the face of those errors. It held fast and true. “

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VERDICT Matthews’s second installment in the “Belles of London” series (following The Siren of Sussex) combines deception, risk, and a resourceful heroine to create an intoxicating, suspenseful romance. Highly recommended.

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A loose Beauty and the Beast retelling, this regency romance features Captain Jasper Blunt, a war hero in search of a rich wife to help save his estate and Julia Wynchwood, a bookish heiress with social anxiety who wants to retreat into the country with her books and horse.

Seemingly a perfect match, I liked how these two entered into the marriage of convenience with eyes wide open and slowly grew to love each other over time. Jasper has a secret room that of course Julia couldn't resist stumbling onto and the secret he's hiding was a great one!

My new favorite book in the series by Mimi Matthews, I can't wait to see where it goes next! Recommended for fans of A lady for a duke or The perks of loving a wallflower. Much thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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Julia Wychwood is a wallflower hiding behind a stack of novels on her nightstand—unless she is exercising her horse on Rotten Row—so the last thing she wants is to attract the attentions of a ruthless, battle-scarred hero with little money. But Captain Jasper Blunt is in want of a wife, one with an attractive dowry, and he isn’t about to let this London belle slip away. In The Belle of Belgrave, book two in the "Belles of London" series, Mimi Matthews’s masterful storytelling draws us in with her subtle parallels to the classic fairytale, Beauty and the Beast.

Julia is reluctant to accept her lot as caregiver to her demanding, selfish, and sickly parents, but after two unsuccessful Seasons, she doubts her ability to attract anyone she might like, let alone respect. When an unlikely candidate such as Captain Blunt presents himself—a man who comes with a falling-down mansion, three children from a woman he did not marry, and a brutish military reputation—she is surprised to discover his gentle, thoughtful nature. As Jasper and Julia realize they are compatible after all and a marriage of convenience might indeed work between them, they agree to marry without her parents’ blessing. After Jasper and Julia elope, her father threatens to deny Julia her dowry.

Dangerous truths that Jasper prefers to remain secret might be the key to Julia’s heart. Yet responsibilities weigh heavily on Jasper, and the risk of losing everything else might be too dear. As Julia becomes enchanted by her surprising new freedom and confidence away from her manipulative parents—and maybe even with her mysterious husband—she begins to see that all is not as she first believed. When Jasper declares he would rather have Julia than her money, Julia returns to London with another card she might play.

The Belle of Belgrave Square is a must-read. Mimi Matthews’s beautiful worldbuilding, witty and swoon-worthy characters, and impeccable historical research drew me in from the start and kept me turning pages until the satisfying happily-ever-after. But I daresay, as a diehard Matthews fan, I would have been more surprised if I hadn't enjoyed this read.

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Julia is more comfortable alone in her room with her nose buried deep in a book than she is at a society ball or a musicale. Growing up with parents that are "frail" and often bedridden, she is uncomfortable interacting with the judgemental Lords and Ladies of London's ton. Julia will often fake an illness herself after having found she can escape social obligations and gain private time alone in her room to read.
Julie meets Captain Jasper Blunt, a ruthless military hero with a reputation as unforgiving and foreboding as the battle scar that mars his face. When Julia finds herself about to be trapped into an unwanted marriage with a lecherous older man, Julia takes matters into her own hands and proposes to Jasper, who is in London for the sole purpose of finding a wife with a large dowry to save his crumbling estate and care for his three illegitimate children.
Yes, there are certainly some scandalous twists and turns in Julia and Jasper's Beauty and the Beast-like story. Enough that the reader is kept turning pages late into the night to find out what happens with this very unusual couple who are just perfect for each other.
I loved this story, it is well written, with just enough edginess to hold interest throughout. The characters are well developed their personalities shine through having them practically jumping off the pages and into your heart. You can't help but root for Jasper and Julia, you want things to work out for them despite hidden secrets and yes, even lies told, but forgivable lies when you know the entire story., very forgivable and understandable.
I didn't read the first in this series, but after reading this one I must go back, if the first is as good as the second then I am in for another treat!
5 stars, recommend, the book is out 10-11-22, be sure to grab a copy. Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and to Net Galley for the free ARC, I am leaving my honest review in return.

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A woman who loves novels and horses and gets twitchy in a social setting and a man who has deep, dark secrets and seen too much of war and bloodshed traverse the London Season and discover that they both want more than the deal they both make in desperation.

Belle of Belgrave Square is the second of the Belles of London series and has the flexibility to operate as a standalone or connected series book just fine. Mimi Matthews has this latest running slightly parallel with latter events in the first book so readers who come to it in order are aware of what Miss Evelyn is up to off scene and know a bit more about the four young ladies who are now close friends, but a new reader can pick up with Julia’s story and not feel like anything is lacking.

The Victorian Era London social scene is brought to life in vivid detail as are the two main characters, Juliet and Jasper. I enjoyed their shared narrative and getting to know them well even as they awkwardly try to get to know each other through a string of encounters. Jasper is a big, dark, brooding man with a livid scar who comes with a scary reputation as being a brutal man on the Crimean battlefield and scandalous at home where he keeps his illegitimate children. Julia is intimidated at first, but then when the man rescues her from more than one social coil and shows respect and interest for her love of novels and her powerful, spirited horse, she sees there is much more to him than rumor led one to believe.

Jasper, on the other hand, needs a wife- a well-dowered one without pesky family keeping an eye on things. Julia’s parents are invalids and he heard that she has a sizeable dowry. He is mystified why this beautiful woman, and an interesting one at that, is left on the shelf. But, lately her parents and chaperone are putting pressure on her to marry and not a man who will think kindly on her quirks. Fortune hunting has soured him and Julia wants nothing to do with him, or so it seems, until desperation sets in. If only he can keep his secrets and have this woman who is coming to mean so much more than a way out of financial difficulty.

The romance is slow-burn and builds even as their situations reveal that they both need each other to save them. They are an unlikely pair and I was all in to see them work through some big issues. Jasper’s secrets were huge, but he drove me nuts because it was obvious Juliet was going to pry it all out of him and she wasn’t going to deepen the relationship or trust him until he did open up completely. I was frustrated because I guessed at all his secrets fairly early on so I could understand somewhat why he was reluctant, but knew what he was keeping back.

Like with the first book, this one gives a good lead in to the next romance pair who will get their story in the background of Jasper and Julia’s. I loved seeing Julia, especially, come into her own and have those big moments in the end.

Another fabulous entry in the series and a historical romance I can heartily recommend to those who love references to some great classic stories (I spotted the Blue Castle by LM Montgomery connection and loved it) and flavoring of fairytale romances dotting their stories. Get this one on your reading pile with no regrets.

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I have been looking forward to this read ever since I read book one in the series, which captured my heart and still comes to mind whenever I think of swoonworthy romance. Mimi Matthews is such a talented writer, and I absolutely adored this book as well, perhaps even more than the first. It has all the elements I love - inspired by beauty and the beast, misunderstood hero who is gruff yet vulnerable, an underestimated heroine who finds her strength and stands up for herself, and bookish main characters who both appreciate the escape the written word provides in life. The first book introduces this couple in a way that by the time you read this one, you're already champing at the bit (see what I did there?) to see them find happiness with each other. I knew these two misunderstood souls would find refuge in each other's company, and as the story progresses, you see how much they were meant for each other from the very start. Also, there is a mystery woven into this story, and if you pay attention to details, you'll find an additional trope that is a favorite of mine.

Julia Wychwood has always been thought of as frail by her friends, brought on by her own impulse to feign illness any time she is being forced to engage in social engagements. Growing up in a household of hypochondriac parents will do that to a person, since heaven forfend they will naysay their child being ill as well. Everyone has believed the facade Julia has put forth to the world...until Captain Jasper Blunt meets her. He recognizes her actions as a mask to hide her severe social anxiety, which leaves her dazed when overwhelmed and unable to defend herself against pushy members of society. Seeing her so confident when riding her horse and the sparkle in her eyes when reading the same books he also enjoys, he sees in her someone he wants to know better. If only he weren't in town to act as fortune hunter to some unsuspecting heiress...never mind that Julia is an heiress. He could never do that to her. However, when circumstances escalate for Julia, where she needs an escape and a life of peace, Jasper comes to the rescue. She may have done the proposing, but he is the one who carries her away into the night, her own knight in shining armor. But nothing is at is seems with Jasper and his history, which she is forbidden to ask questions about. And as she learns more, Julia realizes that Jasper may not be all that he he really the beast...or isn't he?

Julia and Jasper...I just wanted to give them both hugs and tea and good books to read in front of the fireplace. Not that they needed more books, what with Jasper's enormous library that was obviously a nod to Disney's Beauty and the Beast library. I think we can all agree any man with a library like that instantly owns a little bit of our heart. Julia's nature was so gentle naturally, not inclined to cause any fuss and doing anything to avoid confrontation. She never wanted to upset her parents, but they truly were the worst sort of people. I actually gasped at the things they said to her, and I was so glad that she had Jasper in her corner. Jasper desperately wanted to keep his dark past away from Julia, and he never wanted to use her for money. It was actually quite refreshing how much he fought it...until her safety meant he had to do everything he could to protect her, including marry her. Julia was happy to escape, and realizing her growing feelings for Jasper matches his for her, it was a simple solution to retreat to his home far away from London society. She was ill suited to it anyway. They both were the perfect match for each other, and with the slow burn and obvious sexual tension, the reader can literally experience their attraction for each other grow page by page. It wasn't instantaneous - they went from acquaintances to friends to partners to lovers. It was a realistic progression that really allowed me to sink into the book and immerse myself in their world. I loved it. I want to go back and re-read already.

I am so excited for the next book - Mimi Matthews never disappoints! If you enjoy romance that tugs at your heart and shows you what true love looks like, pick up one of her books.

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4.5 Stars

The Belle of Belgrave Square is a page-turning Victorian Romance with Beauty and the Beast vibes.

Thank you #NetGalley @BerkleyRomance @AustenProse #AustenProsePR for a complimentary e ARC of #TheBelleOfBelgraveSquare upon my request. All opinions are my own.

Julia is beautiful, socially awkward, loves reading and horses, and has a sizeable dowry, Her medically fragile parents desire to make a match for her but they are controlling and want her to live near them because she is their primary caregiver. Julia dislikes the older gentleman her parents have selected as suitable. While riding her horse, she “happens” to meet Captain Jasper Blunt, a notorious military hero.

Do you love an independent woman who takes a risk to determine her own life?

Julia and Jasper are desperate for different reasons. Julia faces an undesirable marriage and Jasper needs Julia’s dowry. Their desperation is further complicated because an attraction between them simmers. Because of Jasper’s reputation as a ruthless military captain, Julia has serious doubts about him. However, they decide on a marriage of convenience…..with RULES. Julia negotiates for reading and riding horses anytime she wants with no interference from him. Jasper needs her money and a mother for his three illegitimate children and insists that his personal library/office is strictly off limits to her. She is never to enter and never to ask questions about his work in there. Yes, Julia will avoid an unpleasant marriage (and Jasper is attractive) and Jasper will provide a mother for his children and gain a dowry, but can this marriage survive his secret life? What about his reputation? It certainly doesn’t jive with the person she has come to know. What is really going on with him? Does this marriage of convenience have a chance for a HEA?

I always adore likable characters, and I love the idea of Julia and Jasper. But who is Jasper and what is he up to? This mystery drives the action in a page-turning story. Can we trust him? Should Julia trust him?

Beauty and the Beast meets Marriage of Convenience meets Victorian Romance meets Bridgerton without the steam meets a side of Mystery. I’m recommending this heartfelt story for fans of historical (closed door) romance fiction. I predict that you’ll be invested in the romance and the mystery. An engaging weekend escapist read and a great selection for book clubs.

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This book is simply amazing! I was prepared to enjoy this delicious treat over the course of a few days and just like with any of my guilty pleasures, I completely binged on it--I couldn't help it and I couldn't put it down!

Mimi Matthews created a delightful masterpiece of a story that captivated every morsel of my heart and soul. Loosely based on a classic fairy tale (one of my favorites), I was eager to settle into London society once again, and I was intrigued--a beautiful girl with her nose always stuck in a book; a dashing, brooding war hero in need of money to rebuild his crumbling estate; a rag-tag group of illegitimate children in desperate need of a mother; and a marriage of convenience.

Matthews vividly brought these characters to life with her beautiful prose and unique twists and turns. Julia was easy for me to relate to, with her slight social anxieties and desire to read and escape than to do almost anything else. Jasper's brooding and intimidating countenance made for some very interesting encounters, especially with his romantic sparkles.

I adored every interaction between Jasper and Julia, but especially the unconventional marriage arrangement and its results. This nearly gothic romance, featuring some wonderfully written characters, is the perfect addition to the Belles of London series.

Content: mild+ romance (kissing, chemistry, some innuendo, fade-to-black between married couple, mistress); mild language; mild descriptions of peril and war-type violence

*I received a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are my own and were voluntarily given.*

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The Belle of Belgrave Square, book 2 in The Belles of London series, is a treat for fans of Historical Romance with a splash of fairy tale elements. Reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast, watch for good vs. evil, problems to be solved, supernatural beings, and the element of three. Don’t forget the moral and happy ending!
Main character, Captain Jasper Blunt, a battle-scarred soldier from the Crimean War, is considered a war hero, but is he good or evil? Mimi weaves in just enough of his hidden past to keep readers guessing. The beautiful Julia Wychwood, critically impaired by anxiety and her wealthy, invalid parents is imprisoned at Belgrave Square. Deprived of pets, except for her beloved horse, Cossack, Julia gains confidence through riding. Her anxiety is relieved by reading, stashing a novel into her reticule and escaping into libraries when attending parties. Readers will admire this Victorian girl’s resourceful spunk!
Problems are twofold. Captain Blunt needs a wealthy wife’s dowry to restore his dilapidated estate in Yorkshire, and Julia is desperate to escape the evil Dr. Cordingley, whose bloodletting is slowly killing her. Mimi Matthews’ tale is filled with the harrowing details of Julia’s daily life and the heartwarming descriptions of Captain Blunt’s eventful life with children and limited, aging staff at Goldfinch Hall.
Captain Blunt’s children fulfill the element of three and his allegedly haunted Goldfinch Hall, the supernatural. Like the thick, luscious plaits in Julia’s hair, Mimi has braided the Captain’s secrets into the plot and readers will be as anxious as Julia while searching for reasons to believe in him. Seeking lessons learned and hoping for a happy ending make The Belle of Belgrave Square as fulfilling as a favorite fairy tale.

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Right away, I loved The Belle of Belgrave Square, and I flew through the novel. I already loved the characters, having met both Julia Wychwood and Captain Jasper Blunt in the previous book, The Siren of Sussex. They were set up wonderfully there, and they are compelling leads here.

Julia, in particular, I found to be a relatable character. She has social anxiety and is a true introvert, preferring time alone with her books to time out with strangers at parties. While I don’t have social anxiety, I am both shy and introverted, and for me, reading at home is the perfect way to spend an evening. Julia is often uncomfortable around others, and she finds solace in riding her horse and in reading her novels. She’s been made to feel small by her parents for her whole life, and she continues to make herself small. Her parents and a horrible older man who is courting her ignore her feelings, thinking only of how she can serve them.

Captain Jasper Blunt is perhaps the perfect hero, even though he may not seem so at first. He strikes an imposing figure: tall, brooding, and with a scar on the right side of his face. And while he’s a celebrated war hero, rumors of his cruelty, haunted Yorkshire mansion, and brood of illegitimate children add to his bad reputation. Jasper admits to some of the worst rumors about him, yet it doesn’t add up to how he behaves now: He’s kind, considerate, generous, and respectful. Deep down, he’s a total cinnamon roll. On the hunt for an heiress bride, Jasper is falling for Julia, but he always puts her wishes first – a marked contrast to how nearly everyone else treats her.

Julia’s initial fear of Jasper quickly transforms into trust, friendship, and even the possible answer to her problems. Marrying him could be the best choice she ever makes, and it’s not long before a marriage of convenience is on the table.

In large part, Julia is trying to escape her horrible parents (and they truly are awful – selfish and inconsiderate, seeing their daughter as little more than a caretaker). Things have gone too far at home, and Julia’s safety is increasingly at risk. She may need rescuing… or to rescue herself. I love that she eventually takes the reins of the situation and proposes to Jasper. What a perfect way to flip the roles!

The latter half of the novel offers up numerous references to Beauty and the Beast, from the magnificent library to the forbidden tower to Jasper himself seeming so monstrous. Julia, so shrinking and shy in London, really comes into herself in the isolated Yorkshire mansion. She also starts demanding answers about Jasper’s secrets. He’s having a harder time keeping things under wraps, and eventually, all the skeletons in his closet will need to come out.

There are two major secrets that Jasper is keeping close to his chest. I’m pleased to say that I guessed both of them before they were revealed, and it was satisfying once the truth finally came out… even if it was in bits and pieces.

The Belle of Belgrave Square has so much about it to love: Relatable and sweet characters, a mesmerizing setting, thrilling secrets, and a genuine love of books, horses, and romance. Even though it’s a closed-door romance, the passion between Julia and Jasper is compelling and swoony.

I absolutely adored The Belle of Belgrave Square and will encourage everyone to read it. Already I can hardly wait for the next two novels in the Belles of London series, both due in 2024.

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I was so excited to receive this book from NetGalley! I really enjoyed the first book in this series, and liked this book even more!

This book follows Julia, a young heiress who is beautiful, but has crippling social anxiety. Though she is out for the London season, she much prefers staying in bed with her romance novels, especially since all her friends are out of town. Despite seeming to be an unusual match, Julia starts forming an attachment for stern military hero, Jasper, who is rumored to have had a dark and scandalous past.

Going into this book I wasn't sure if I would like it, but I ended up devouring it! I loved the grumpy/sunshine trope - especially since it really took on a beauty and the beast vibe! Even though Julia and Jasper seemed like true opposites, I really liked how each one seemed to be able to provide what the other needed. There was definite sexual tension between the two, but they didn't rush into it. And of coarse, the fact that they love to read was the icing on top!

Was the plot twist at the end a bit predictable? Sure. Did I wish there was more of the girl friend group in this story? Yes. But this book was still such a good time and I cannot wait for the next installment in this series!

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This book was perfection! My historical romance loving heart is giving a happy sigh of satisfaction! This book is captivating and complex while delivering all the romance feels. I love how these characters went from literal strangers to falling in love! Julia and Jasper had an inexplicable attraction which blossomed into friendship and time after time Jasper showed up to rescue her. Julia’s parents were the absolute worst. It was nice to see her find her independence and discover who she truly was after leaving the stifling world her parents trapped her in. Jasper was one of my favorite kinds of heroes! Grumpy, heart of gold hidden behind the bluster, and he was dependable to a fault. Perhaps he was hiding some secrets, but really it just enhanced this plot! I absolutely loved this book!

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Belle is the second book in the Belles of London series and I believe it is better than the first. I liked how the author incorporated touches of Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Bluebeard’s Wife, along with a few others, to tell the story of Julia and Jasper. There was a mysterious tone to Jasper’s character, and though I figured him out pretty early on, knowing them didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the story. I really loved his character.

I also really appreciated the Author’s Note at the end where she laid out her research. I learned so much about the time period.

3.5 rounded to 4 stars

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The Belle Of Belgrave Square is a delightful regency romance full of swoon-worthy moments and mystery. I loved the subtle way the author weaves Beauty and the Best elements into this story. I am a sucker for a marriage of convenience plot, especially in regency romances so I had a feeling I was going to love this book.

As a horse girl in real life, I absolutely loved all the equestrian elements in this book. From the very first page where Julia and Captain Jasper Blunt meet on horseback, this book hooks you in. Julia is a wallflower with social anxiety who despises nothing less than being forced into a marriage she does not want. Captain Jasper Blunt is in need of a wealthy wife in order to care for his children and estate. Captain Blunt's dark past follows him and he is still full of secrets.

There is an undeniable connection between Julia and Jasper but secrets threaten to pull them apart. Overall this was a highly enjoyable romance read that I could not put down. I cannot wait for the next book in the series.

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The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews is the second book in her popular Belles of London series but can be easily read as a stand-alone. I really enjoyed this marriage of convenience story, with a lot of heart and emotion.

Story Recap:
Julia is the daughter of two sickly parents, who want her to marry and stay close to them. She has a handsome dowry, but she hasn’t had any proposals. The fact that nobody has asked for her hand in marriage could be due to her severe social anxiety. She’s happier to stay home with a book than go to balls with all of London Society.

Captain Jasper Blunt has quite a reputation. He’s known as a war hero and a bit of a mystery. His Yorkshire home has several of his illegitimate children, a scandal that they live with him in his stately home. When he returned from the war, his family home was left needing many repairs, and Jasper needs to find a woman with a hefty dowry in order to fix up his home. When Jasper proposes a marriage of convenience, the only condition that Julia adds is that she must be allowed to live as she pleases and read and ride whenever she wants.

My Thoughts:
I love a good marriage of convenience story, and this is one of the better ones I’ve read. I loved both these characters very much. I felt so bad for Julia and her social anxiety. Her sickly parents only needed her around to fetch and carry for them as they spent most of their time in their sickbeds. She hates going to balls and social events, but her parents make her go anyway. I really empathized with her issues. All she wants to do is lead a quiet life with her horse.

Jasper has a lot of secrets and I was surprised when one of his big secrets was revealed. He has a tough reputation as a philander and a bit of a brute, but, his tenderness toward Julia belies his reputation.

The scenes set in his home in Yorkshire are a lot of fun. Jasper’s children are not too fond of him, or his new bride and their antics are delightful. And this is where Jasper and Julia start to fall in love. They are perfect together and complement each other perfectly.

I highly recommend The Belle of Belgrave Square to anyone who enjoys historical romance. I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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3.5 stars
I quite enjoyed the first book in the Belles of London series, but this one was even better! Julia is a bookish, reserved main character, while Jasper is strong and more serious. Their relationship progresses nicely and the whole marriage-of-convenience trope begins around 50%. It seemed natural in parts, but in the grand scheme of things the initial attraction/marriage happens within only a few days, so it did feel a little rushed. I really enjoyed the twists at the end, though I did predict them from practically the time the storyline was initially introduced. Overall, I really liked this book and look forward to continuing this series!

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