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The Belle of Belgrave Square

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The Belle of Belgrave Square is a charming historical romance. Mimi Matthews takes tropes straight out of fairytales and sensational Victorian novels, and they work together to create an amazing story.

4.5/5 stars

Julia Wynchwood hates being out in London society, and would much rather be home reading a book. But as an only child with a substantial dowry, it’s expected that she’ll make a suitable match and care for her invalid and entitled parents. Captain Jasper Blunt is a scarred war hero who committed terrible crimes in the name of the crown. But now he’s looking for an heiress to help bail out his failing estate and care for his illegitimate children. Julia seems to be the answer to all his problems. The two come up with a plan to marry, which also helps Julia escape London. But what happens when they both develop some pretty strong feelings too?

Captain Blunt is a great example of a grumpy hero who only shows his marshmallow center to his love interest. He sees Julia for who she is as an individual, not just an offshoot of her invalid parents. This is book 2 of the Belles of London series, but it truly works as a standalone. In fact, I wish Julia’s friends had been more present in this story, even if the fact that she handles adversity on her own is one of her key character arcs.

A few notes: I correctly guessed Jasper’s secrets from the outset, but in this case it didn’t interfere with my enjoyment of the story at all. The reader certainly has more clues than Julia does. Also, this book is a slow burn that is primarily closed door, which I usually find disappointing. But, the rich plot and engaging characters kept me glued to the fast paced story.

If you are a fan a mysterious grumpy hero with a bookish wallflower who is stronger than she thinks she is, this book is for you. Matthews writes an engrossing historical plot with great romantic elements. It’s a perfect escape from modern everyday life.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Julia is in a conundrum. Captain Blunt, surrounded by horrible rumors, wishes to court her. The more she gets to know him, the more she questions the validity of those rumors as he is too kind to act like such a beast, but he confirms the stories are true. When her parents force a match with an older man that would spell her being a nursemaid for life, she takes a leap of faith with Captain Blunt.

The twists and turns of this book, combined with watching Julia and Captain Blunt’s relationship grow, made it hard to put down. There are elements in this book that could have easily felt cheap in a lesser writer, but Mimi Matthews pulls it off. Looking forward to the next in this series.

This review is based on an advanced reader copy provided through Netgalley for an honest review.

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When I discovered the books written by Mimi Matthews, she had a back list. I loved her work so much that I had that back list read quickly. Sometimes you come across an author whose work pulls you in immediately and doesn’t let you go even after you have finished the book. Matthews is such an author. She has the unique ability to craft characters that very nearly live and breathe as they walk off the pages and into your heart. I was captivated from the first paragraph and couldn’t wait to finish! I love it when a book dies this to me. One thing that will cause me to set a book aside is wooden characters. There is certainly no need to fear this in a book by Mimi Matthews!! Not even a slight chance. Well done!

My thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book. The opinion here is entirely my own.

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Mimi Matthews does it again! Just when I think I can't love her more, she surprises me. The Belle of Belgrave Square is the surprise this time.

Julia was the most mysterious of Evie's friends in The Siren of Sussex, and I am so glad that she got the next part in the story. Her anxiety and self-esteem issues are perfect reminders of how toxic parents can be sometimes. But, the way Julia overcomes these obstacles with the help of Captain Blunt is exceptional.

I will even admit that when one of the big reveals comes to light, I gasped out loud and had to put the book aside for a bit until I could calm my racing heart. The secret was so big that I needed a moment to wrap my head around it. I guessed only a small bit of the mystery, but when I found out, my breath caught in my chest.

I am happy to award The Belle of Belgrave Square a full 5 out of 5 stars. This one is just fantastic and I can't wait for the next story. I hope it's Anne's turn!

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Mimi Matthew’s books are always a treat and this story was absolutely delectable!

Captain Blunt and Julia are an unlikely pairing. He is a strong man with a shocking past and reputation. She is the socially anxious daughter of invalids. The only thing they share in common is a love of horse riding. In sharing their secrets, they discover their inner strength.

THE BLUE CASTLE by L.M. Montgomery is one of my favorite books and I definitely saw shades of the story in THE BELLE OF BELGRAVE SQUARE. Author Mimi Matthews also used these books for inspiration, THE LAW AND THE LADY by Wilkie Collins (1875); LADY AUDLEY’S SECRET by Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1862).

I can hardly wait for the next book in the BELLES OF LONDON series!

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I'm a huge fan of Mimi Matthews and was very excited to have access to an advanced reader's copy of The Belle of Belgrade Square.
The main characters were adorable in their flawed ways. Julia was sweet and loyal but battling her crippling anxiety and coping with abusive parents. Captain Blunt, who lived up to his name, was hard to know but easy to love. I liked how he owned his past mistakes and that we get to see a bit of his darker side and a past where he made decisions he now regrets.
The chemistry between the characters was terrific, their love palpable and believable—another incredible addition to the series.

*This review is also being posted on Goodreads and Bookbub today and will be posted on on 10/23/2022 as part of the book's blog tour*

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Not Mimi Matthews' finest work, but a serviceable novel that entertained me for a while. I won't be rereading it, but I will definitely be looking out for her next novel.

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You know you tie your shoes the first loop you pull — yunk — tight around your sole; the Belle here’s got laces (bonnet on the outside, corset in) yunked around her soul.

Julia Wychwood’s wealthy parents have mastered a fairy-tale level of manipulative evil. Kept underfoot by an inheritance wielded like a hammer, the Belle is tormented by stuffy hypochondriacs who will do anything to keep their daughter close and compliant.

The second installment of Mimi Matthews’ BELLES OF LONDON series is an absorbing romantic period piece with mysterious undertones. Suffering through the pressurized rituals of aristocratic courting, Julia is mystified by the magnetic energy between her and the notorious Jasper Blunt.

Inexperienced and convinced of her own frailty, can this Belle really consider a future with a sullen martinet? Captain Blunt strikes a distinctively bad-boy presence in the hoity-toity halls of moneyed London.

But the notoriety of his brutality in the recent Crimean War is belied by the protective kindness he exhibits toward Julia (not to mention his secret love of reading).

So what gives? A page-turning love story with crafty twists and a series of delightful surprises.

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Ever since the The Siren of Sussex released earlier this year, I've been counting the days till I could read the next installment in the Belles of London series. As always, Mimi Matthews doesn't disappoint with this stirring homage to literature of the past — and readers throughout the centuries.

The notorious Captain Blunt has come to town with one goal in mind: a failing estate and three young children mean he must wed a wealthy wife as soon as possible — preferably one who won't ask questions about his complicated past. But he didn't reckon on being drawn to bookish heiress Julia Wychwood, whose shy exterior conceals a love of adventure and a keen intelligence. When her situation at home grows untenable, Julia ignores society gossip about the infamous war hero and trusts in the quiet kindness she's glimpsed during their brief acquaintance, offering her substantial dowry in exchange for the protection and freedom of marriage. He agrees... as long as she promises to leave the past in the past and never enter his tower room study, under any circumstances. But as Julia struggles to reconcile what she knows of Captain Blunt's past with the man she's married, will she be able to keep her promise? And can she trust this secretive, contradictory man with her heart?

Taking inspiration from sensation novels like Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Wilkie Collins's mystery The Law and the Lady, Matthews weaves a tale of suspense and romance that kept me on the edge of my seat, waiting to see how everything would be revealed — and then, how they'd find a way out of the mess and to a happy ending. Readers of novelists like Braddon and Collins will recognize allusions to their work, as well as popular narrative elements from the time, including scandalous villains (or heroes?) and virtuous maidens... but all with a special Matthews twist. Even if you're not familiar with the type of novels Matthews is referencing, you'll likely know her other inspirations — fairy tales and legends like "Bluebeard's Wife" and "Beauty and the Beast." And yes, dears, there is a magnificent library.

As for the characters themselves, I already loved them and the possibilities of what they could be together based on their appearances in The Siren of Sussex, and The Belle of Belgrave Square delivered all that I'd hoped for and more. Watching these two people, who've worked so hard to protect themselves, learn to rely on each other and open themselves up to vulnerability and acceptance was deeply gratifying... not to mentioning swooningly romantic. It appealed to all my girlish fantasies of high romance and melodrama, while also acknowledging the complicated reality that my older self now understands. It's the perfect blend of Gothic literature, fairy tales, and tantalizing mystery, sure to delight all fans of these genres and of the author herself.

My thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review — and to Mimi Matthews for sharing another captivating story with the world.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a requested advance copy to review. All opinions are my own.

Oh my goodness I loved this so much! It’s got a grumpy-sunshine romance, we get a “just one bed” scene, hidden identities, a rescue, and so much more. This has Hades-Persephone, Beauty and the Beast, and Bluebeard’s Wife elements, and it works so well!
But more than anything it’s a love letter to novels and reading. I love the discussions Blunt and Julia have about novels, both the critiques of actual books and the role of reading in their lives. Julia is ultimately so strong; she’s an amazing heroine. And there is so much more to Blunt than immediately meets the eye and it’s so lovely and heartbreaking and I just love him so much.
I suspected and had figured out both reveals fairly early on, but I think we’re meant to know. It definitely increases the tension as we wait for the reveals!
This is slightly steamier than the first book, but it’s still fade to black or vague. But it’s really lovely and I love the chemistry between the two.
Highly recommend this book!!

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From the publisher: A London heiress rides out to the wilds of the English countryside to honor a marriage of convenience with a mysterious and reclusive stranger.

I’ve read all of the novels by Mimi Matthews, and this is one of her best. If you are already familiar with her work, this book is reminiscent of The Matrimonial Advertisement. It also reminded me of one of my favorite books, The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery, and I was pleased to read in the Author’s Note that this was intentional. This is very much a Victorian romance fairy tale. It’s got echoes of the stories of Beauty and the Beast and Bluebeard.

Julia Wynchwood has a reputation in society as a sickly spinster, left on the matrimonial shelf after several seasons. It is in fact her parents who are sickly, and unknown to her, her father has turned away all her suitors because they did not live close enough for Julia to devote her life to caring for her selfish parents. Captain Jasper Blunt, badly scarred from battle, has a reputation as both a war hero and a cruel man with a houseful of bastard children born to him by his dead mistress. She needs escape from her parents. He needs a wife with money to repair his remote decrepit mansion and to help him raise the bastard children.

But of course, all is not as it seems on the surface. There is a lot more to both Julia and Jasper than society knows. Julia sees something in him that offers protection from her parents; she proposes marriage and off they hie to the remote mansion. The author is not coy about the surprises that await the reader. She drops a lot of clues and hints that ratchet up the interest rather than spoiling the plot.

I really love sitting down to a new book by Matthews. Her love of horses and stories shines through every novel she writes. Her character Jasper says:

“Stories like the ones we read in novels help us understand the human condition. … They teach us empathy. In that way, they’re more than an escape from the world. They’re an aid for living in the world. For being better, more compassionate people.” (ch. 24 of the advance reader copy)

I read an advance reader copy of The Belle of Belgrave Square from Netgalley. It is scheduled to be published on October 11, and the Galesburg Public Library will own it. The Belle of Belgrave Square is the second book in the author’s Belles of London series, and the library already owns the first, The Siren of Sussex, in regular and large print and as an ebook.

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The Belle of Belgrave Square follows Julia, a wealthy wallflower, and Jasper, a war hero with a reputation for being brutal. Julia and Jasper are both layered and dynamic characters, and I enjoyed their stories. A romantic bluestocking who prefers books and horse riding to people, Julia is often whispered about because of her and her family’s poor health. Painfully shy, Julia has led a sheltered life consumed with caring for her wealthy, hypochondriac parents. A mysterious man of contradictions, Jasper is a war hero who has been intrigued by Julia since their first awkward meeting. Jasper is a good man determined to be honorable even when his choices contrast with societal expectations.

The romance between Julia and Jasper is slow-building swoon-tasticness! It’s clear from the start that they are drawn to each other, even though their introduction flopped. They’re like magnets. Whenever they’re in a room together it’s like there’s something pulling them together. Julia and Jasper connect over a love of literature and share their passion for reading with each other. I love that! The scenes where they talk about books are lovely because you really see how their feelings change and deepen.

I also love how much they build each other up. Jasper’s influence and the safety he provides build Julia’s confidence and feelings of worth. He sees her and listens to her, and he shows her that she has value. Jasper gives her the courage to face her fears and stand up for herself. Julia’s support helps Jasper face his past and all of the secrets he’s afraid to share. They are such a wonderful match, and their romance is lovely. Of course, many obstacles stand in their way, including his mysterious past, his ruthless reputation, his unconventional life with his children and on a decaying estate, and Julia’s parents’ refusal to allow Julia to leave London. It’s interesting to see how these very different people handle all that life throws at them.

While reconciling their feelings for each other, both characters struggle with personal conflicts as well. Julia suffers from debilitating anxiety and soul-crushing expectations from her parents. And her parents are awful! Demanding and neglectful, their only interested in what their daughter can do for them. They never take Julia’s well-being into account and exacerbate her anxiety and lack of confidence. I like how Julia slowly gains the strength to stand up for herself and others. She is much stronger than she gives herself credit for. I think much of her change can be attributed to the new relationships she develops when not under her parents’ thumbs.

Jasper also goes through tremendous growth over the course of the story, and I love how the author slowly reveals little snippets, as well as some clever foreshadowing, into who Jasper really is. He’s an enigmatic man who doesn’t like talking about his past, and he has a lot of secrets. He is also in need of a wealthy wife to help care for his inherited estate and his three children. Jasper has a lot on his plate, and I don’t think he expected to fall for Julia the way he did.

The story has Beauty and the Beast vibes, as well as a mysterious and Gothic tone, which I really liked. You can never go wrong with the Beauty and the Beast trope, in my opinion, and Julia and Jasper’s story is unique while still reminiscent of the age-old tale. The creepy and decaying country estate and overgrown and wild landscape, as well as locked rooms no one but Jasper can enter, few people inhabiting the estate, and more add to the Gothic feel. There are also several twists and turns and surprising revelations, some of which totally caught me by surprise.

Mimi Matthews is becoming one of my favorite historical romance authors. Her stories are charming, entertaining, and layered, and the romances are always fantastic. The Belle of Belgrave Square is my favorite read by the author yet! It’s a great addition to the Belles of London series, and it is easily read as a standalone. Thanks to NetGalley, Berkley Books, and AustenProse PR for providing me with a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.

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I liked this book, but not as much as I was hoping to after reading the first book. I liked the bit of a twist that happened with Jasper.

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The Belle of Belgrade Square
By Mimi Matthews


A London heiress rides out to the wilds of the English countryside to honor a marriage of convenience with a mysterious and reclusive stranger.

Tall, dark, and dour, the notorious Captain Jasper Blunt was once hailed a military hero, but tales abound of his bastard children and his haunted estate in Yorkshire. What he requires now is a rich wife to ornament his isolated ruin, and he has his sights set on the enchanting Julia Wychwood.

For Julia, an incurable romantic cursed with a crippling social anxiety, navigating a London ballroom is absolute torture. The only time Julia feels any degree of confidence is when she’s on her horse. Unfortunately, a young lady can’t spend the whole of her life in the saddle, so Julia makes an impetuous decision to take her future by the reins—she proposes to Captain Blunt.

In exchange for her dowry and her hand, Jasper must promise to grant her freedom to do as she pleases. To ride—and to read—as much as she likes without masculine interference. He readily agrees to her conditions, with one provision of his own: Julia is forbidden from going into the tower rooms of his estate and snooping around his affairs. But the more she learns of the beastly former hero, the more intrigued she becomes…

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It took a bit for the story to grab me, but when it did I was hooked. Julia has grown up in 19th century London high society. But she hates it. She abhors the role she is to play – endless parties and balls, playing hostess to visitors, quietly succumbing to her ill parents’ every wish. Shy, quiet Julia is most comfortable losing herself in the pages of a good novel. It isn’t until she meets the notorious Captain Jaspar Blunt that Julia slowly begins to change, stand up for herself, lose her wallflower image and become the person she longs to be. An historical romance wrapped around secrets, deception, and true love, romance readers will fall in love with Julia’s story. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me an advance copy in return for an honest review.

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Mimi Matthews’ excellent The Belle of Belgrave Square is a romantic, well-researched and intriguing novel that adds a feather to the writer’s cap.

Book-loving horsewoman Julia Wychwood prefers her solitude and horse riding to gossip and tea dates. Suffering from social anxiety which leaves her feeling frozen with fear, she doesn’t like the whirl of the ton but finds it hard to avoid.  It’s not that Julia doesn’t want to be loved, as she’s a total romantic who wants to be swept up in a fellow’s arms. When she bumps into Captain Blunt, the hero of Crimea, while riding on Rotten Row, she doesn’t expect her life to change.

Captain Jasper Blunt is the gothic hero of Julia’s fantasies. Scarred from war, leaving a trail of lovers behind him, scandalous whispers plague him everywhere he goes, especially because his mistresses tend to disappear.  Now, however, he’s hoping to find a wife and mother for his illegitimate children, Charlie, Alfred and Daisy, a wife who will settle those rumors and move with him to Yorkshire, where his tumbledown home suffers from rumors that it’s haunted.

Julia and Jasper each enter into their marriage of convenience with requests for the other.  Jasper must never limit Julia’s access to books or horses; Julia must never explore the uppermost rooms in the house nor meddle in his affairs.  Julia will escape her hypochondriac parents (who will continue to have the benefit of her living nearby and able to orchestrate their care) and Jasper will get a dowry with which he can repair the estate and ensure his children's’ futures.  Naturally, the course of true love never does run smoothly… especially when little Daisy tells Julia that her mother is outside, sleeping in the garden.

A touch of Beauty and the Beast here, and a touch of Bluebeard there, but naturally Mimi Matthews manages to bring about a story that’s entirely unique.

Julia goes through on-page anxiety attacks and on-page bloodlettings thanks to her parents’ obsessive concerns over her health; the poor girl suffers mightily before getting her happily ever after.  But all the while she is strong-minded and aware of what makes her happy.  Jasper is your classic tortured hero, whose bark is much worse than his bite and whose children are looking for a way to better connect to him.  He’s harboring a secret romantic side – and a literary secret, which is revealed in a delightful way. This man is mysterious, and you will never in your life be able to figure out what he’s hiding.

If you love bookish people, this book is for you.  You can smell the dust lingering on disused library shelves and feel the brush of paper beneath fingertips, and note happily all of the references to Victoriana that Matthews laces throughout the book.  And if you love mysteries, Matthews has a bunch for you; I guarantee you’ll never see the final twist coming. And if you’re truly into romance – well, there’s sexual and romantic tension to spare.  Impeccable research and wonderful friendships also light the book.

The Belle of Belgrave Square is wonderfully romantic and comes in only a notch below The Siren of Sussex, one of my favorite romances of the year.  It’s wonderfully romantic and continues what’s proving to be a smashing début series for Berkley.

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Absolutely stellar. The chemistry between Julia and the mysterious Captain Blunt has been simmering since book 1, and the payoff is tremendous! Jasper is a more protective hero than I tend to prefer, but let's just say I was very pleased that Julia got the chance to show her own strength. I loved the marriage of convenience + friends to lovers + found family elements, and though you're likely to catch on to the Big Secret pretty early on, the reveal is no less dramatic and the resolution no less sweet. I truly can't wait for The Lily of Ludgate Hill!

Many, many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review.

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"The Belle of Belgrave Square" is a romance set in 1862. This is the second book in a series, but it can be read as a standalone. Since we get both Julia's and Jasper's viewpoints, we have hints about Jasper's secrets but they come as a shock to Julia. She actually handled them quite well, disappointed at his lack of trust in her but willing to listen to why he acted as he did and not just reject him out of anger. Jasper was very supportive of her, valuing her and willing to sacrifice on her behalf. His support built her up so that she had the courage to stand up to those who had belittled her in the past.

The characters were complex and reacted realistically to events. I cared about what happened to them. The author deeply researched the time period and wove this information into the story, creating a distinct sense of time and place without slowing the pacing. There was a brief (married) sex scene, but the focus was on her emotions rather than graphicly describing the physical part. There were some uses of bad language. Overall, I'd highly recommend this story, especially if you enjoy accurate historical aspects in your fiction.

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Ahh, happy sigh. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairy tale, so I always have high hopes for stories that use the trope. The Belle of Belgrave Square is a refreshingly unique take on the classic tale, and a great example of why I love Mimi Matthews’ books. Full of romance, beautiful prose, and surprises, this story is sure to delight. I highly recommend checking out Mimi’s books if you haven’t yet! 4.5/5 stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This is the first book I have read from this author but I am looking forward to many more. Julia's parents are extream hypochondriacs and expect her to spend her life taking care of them. Julia herself seems to be fragile because she has anxiety not to mention all the things her parent and thier doctors subject her to. She thinks that she is a failure on the marrage mart until her parents want her marry an old Earl that she can not stand. In walks a fortune hunter Captain Blunt who despite being a war hero many claim is a monster. Julia sees something more in him though. This is a wonderfully writen book with lovable characters and an entertaining story line.

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