Member Reviews

Maybe it's a little ironic that someone who doesn't drink alcohol (anymore) would pick up a wine-related memoir. :D LOL.

Well, I for one snagged this because I've read--and loved!--McHugh's other books, _Introverts in the Church_ and _The Listening Life_. And much of what I loved about those carried over here--his writing style, humor, etc. But, I was also a little sad, that some of the life events happened (but that's how life goes sometimes, isn't it?), and that the new venture had to involve alcohol.

I knew it going in, of course--eyes were wide open on that front, and it's hard to miss when the subtitle sets it up so perfectly! But I didn't really know how I'd react to the topic's prevalence until I got into the read. And _just for me personally_--I cannot overstate this--I need to hit the pause button. I'm not at a spot in my own walk where wine's prevalence in a read doesn't bother me. I've spent the last 46 months (as of this writing) dry and living a dry life--and have done enough work to support that that I personally need to savor and revel in. Unfortunately, that means setting aside this read.

There are so many positives, an my reasons for stopping are very personal to me--please don't take this as a blanket "let me rail on alcohol" situation, because that's not the case and Goodreads is not the platform for it. This is simply my experience with the book at this moment. I'm grateful to the publisher for the advance copy, and wish I were in a spot to continue further!

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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The title, Blood from a Stone: A Memoir of How Life Brought Me Back from the Dead, intrigued me and I soon vacillated between laughing aloud at the author's self-disparaging remarks to feeling as melancholy as he.

Adam McHugh reveals the heart of his disenchantment--vicarious trauma as a hospice chaplain--as he seeks solace in the serenity of wine country and its people. The book contains beautiful descriptions of French and American landscapes and witty explanations of McHugh's inner monologue as he connects with the painful stories of people like Van Gogh. 

Wine lovers and history buffs alike will appreciate McHugh's attention to detail. I, however, decided not to finish reading the book. Mild cursing was sprinkled throughout the early pages and when I read the first %bomb--well, that did it for me.

Favorite quote: The Celts believed there are places where the veil separating the spirit and the soil is particularly thin, where heaven looms close, eager to reveal itself, and pierces the skin of the world. Heaven is always nearer than we think, but there are some places where it feels closer.

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