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Goblin Market

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You know when you are reading something and you're like... this is familiar and this is also Polish.... just me? Well, I was reading this one and a few minutes in - I was like this is a Polish novel. I researched it and was like - yup I was right. Then as I read a little more, I was like - this feels like something I read before so I googled it. It's a poem.

I really liked this retelling though. Minka and Lizzie are like oil and water, but they love each other so much. So when Minka is seduced by the Goblin Market and falls for a pretty face, Lizzie does all that she can to save her. I love the modern implications and lessons that apply to real life today.

This is a fast-paced fairy tale retelling. I would 100% use this in my classroom: I would compare the original poem to this retelling and have students research the Polish cultural aspects/folklore.

I loved the storytelling.
*The audiobook has music added in that I loved! And the narrator is fantastic!*

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Everything isn’t always as it appears… and in this Grimms-esque polish fairytale this warning is not to be taken lightly. Zahler eloquently creates the world of Lizzie and Minka and their treacherous relationship with a zdusze, but not just any goblin - he’s the prince of the goblins and he has his eyes set on Minka. Filled with themes of family, friendship, loyalty, and kindness, Zahler depicts underrepresented characters with diverse personalities in a poignant and terrifying read that left me reaching for the bed covers like a kid again… watch out for the goblins and be wary of any handsome young men that offer you fruit!

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Thank you to the publisher and to Netgalley for granting me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review! Unfortunately, as this book has already been published, I will not share my review on Netgalley at this time.

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I finished Goblin Market quite surprised at just how much I enjoyed the setting and atmosphere that's built up throughout the book. It really helps lock you into the storyline and make certain moments in the book really impactful. I also really appreciated the way disability is presented as well.

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Kind of a diversion from other Diane Zahler books, this one was a little darker and a little less traditional. This was a spooky read filled with action and some folklore qualities that I think would appeal to some readers and might turn off others. Regardless, the characters, especially our central sister duo, saved this story for me.

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I had a lot of hope for this book since I am a huge fan of Christina Rossetti. It definitely didn't disappoint! Very atmospheric, a perfect middle grade for anyone interested in folklore and fairytales.

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I am a sucker for anything fairy tale related, and Goblin Market is no exception. A striking look at the lengths you will go to for family and the dangers of straying from the path, I continue to eat up every single thing Diane Zahler puts out

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Loved this middle grade retelling of the poem "Goblin Market." To be honest, I will read just about any book that includes a goblin market, so this didn't disappoint! At times it moved a little slow, and I had to put it down and come back to it a few times. I, an adult, enjoyed this book, but I tried reading it to my 7 and 9 year old and they were bored by it, so unsure how well it truly fits for a middle grade audience.

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I loved loved loved this! A disabled main character not demonstrated as disabled by her condition, but by the requirements of society! That's what disability is. People close to her helping when society and her experiences clash. Her confronting them when it's important and growing into her own. It even seemed that the "magical cripple" had been managed well.

And then.....
At the very end....
Ableism. Marginalization.

I am so sad. It was such a very good book.

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The ending felt a little rushed but the build-up - the characters, the folk lore, the atmosphere - was simply wonderful. A great way to test the folk horror water with younger readers.

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I picked this book up on a whim just for a quick break between all the fantasy romance that I have found myself reading lately, and this was a super quick and fun read. I finished it in one sitting, and while it wasn't anything particularly new or special, it was atmospheric and enjoyable. I think that had I read this book when I was a bit younger, I would have liked this a lot more. As it stands now however, I don't really read much outside of adult fantasy genres, and this felt a bit younger than I personally like these days.

I get it that this story is SHORT but the ending definitely suffered as a result and felt way too rushed. I also think that none of that characters were particularly memorable or well rounded. On the other hand, I do think that this story has a nice message about love and the value and importance of family which was surprising and endearing.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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A beautiful children's book of fantasy. A very meaningful message about love between two sisters. I read this Arc to my nephew who was 4 at bedtime and he seemed to also really enjoy this story as much as I did. This is very imaginative and very well written.

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Omg, I'm in love with this book! The story was wonderful and I liked the relationship between Lizzie and Minka. I think the writing style was perfect for an YA book and so good, yet terrific. The atmosphere was dark and mysterious and that was what attracted me to continue this story.

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A very nice novel built over Polish folklore and pretty writing. Perfectly balanced, not too long but neither too short story about two sisters and danger from the forest, waiting in the local market, enchanting with fruits and trinkets. Synaesthesia part of it was really nice, too. I've had a good time during the lecture.

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Rating : 4 out of 5
Blurbs :
Lizzie and Minka are sisters, but they’re nothing alike: Minka is outgoing and cheerful, while Lizzie is shy and sensitive. Nothing much ever happens in their sleepy village—there are fields to tend, clothes to mend, and weekly trips to the market, predictable as the turning of the seasons. Lizzie likes it that way. It’s safe. It’s comfortable. She hopes nothing will ever change.

But one day, Minka meets a boy.
A boy who gives her a plum to eat.

He is charming. He is handsome. He tells her that she’s special. He tells her no one understands her like he does—not her parents, not her friends, not even Lizzie. He tells her she should come away with him, into the darkness, into the forest. . . .

Minka has been bewitched and ensnared by a zdusze—a goblin. His plum was poison, his words are poison, and strange things begin to happen. Trees bleed, winds howl, a terrible sickness descends on Minka, and deep in the woods, in a place beyond sunshine, beyond reality, a wedding table has been laid. . . .

To save her sister, Lizzie will have to find courage she never knew she had—courage to confront the impossible—and enter into a world of dreams, danger, and death.

Rich world-building inspired by both Polish folklore and the poetry of Christina Rossetti combines with a tender sister story in this thrilling novel from Diane Zahler.

Thoughts :
Wow! It's a solid great horror middle grade book. I love Lizzie and she's just the best. The magic system and the characters are amazing. I love it! It's rare for me to be ensnared by a middle grade book.
Thank you Netgalley!

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Really enjoyed the story, Diane Zahler is going on my 'future consideration' purchase list. I love fantasy retellings and thought this one brought something new to the table.

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I enjoyed this book to start off with and I enjoyed the relationships that the family had with each other and their friends. I ended up losing interest in this and it took me a while to get through it. I like the idea of a goblin market though.

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This book was actually good but it personally frustrated me.

Lizzie & Minka are sisters who love each other despite having very different personalities: Minka is outgoing, charming, and very social; meanwhile Lizzie hates people and dislikes any physical contact. Minka loves to go to the market while Lizzie prefers doing laundry.

One day Minka came back from the market, suddenly lovestruck. She told Lizzie that she met a boy, the boy gave her the most delicious fruit and she gave him strands of her hair in return. The next day, Minka was mysteriously ill and even the best doctor didn't know about her illness. Lizzie already sensed something fishy here, but when she voiced her opinion, Minka ignored her, saying that Lizzie never liked people anyway.

Poor Lizzie. That bastard boy made her life even more difficult by filling Minka's head with nonsense. The mystery was interesting and really a page turner but this evil "boy" was so problematic and disgusting. Can't give this book many stars because of him. The ending felt too rushed and a bit weird but okay I guess. It was a quick & fun read. I actually finished it in 2 hours.

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4.75 stars. A fairytale style retelling of Christina Rossetti's The Goblin Market in spectacular fashion. The atmosphere in this novel was well-done and the darkness was on point. The Goblin Market is the perfect setting for me, so I was in love from beginning to end. The exploration of the basis of the story was well-done, though I would absolutely have loved more to the story. It is written as a middle grade novel, so there is some hold back on the creepy factor, but it was still quite enjoyable. The characters are well-developed and the exploration of sisterhood is really well done. Intriguing and fun, this is a very quick and enjoyable read.

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