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Do you like to read books that are set locally?

I was delighted to discover that Once Upon a Christmas is set in Milwaukee. Astra Noel Snow is a librarian at a branch of the Milwaukee Public Library. She loves her yearly tradition of joining her best friends at the Milwaukee Christmas Market. Julemarked is a special street with many wonderful Christmas shops including a bakery that specializes in Kringles. The Clausen brothers run the shop. Jack Clausen loves watching Astra come to visit the shop every year. Jack wants to ask Astra out, but he has a problem. Julemarked is a magical place that moves around the world through the year, never guaranteed to be back in the same spot. Every four weeks it’s a new December somewhere else in the world and Julemarked is there. Once it leaves a location, the people there magically forget about it until it returns. Will Jack and Astra be able to find a happily ever after?

I liked that Once Upon a December had a very unique premise. Julemarked was a magical alley. It all seems wonderful, especially that you are basically immortal, until you realize that to have someone from the outside join that life, you would have to give up everything that you love about your normal life. Or if you leave Julemarked, you are also leaving the world that you love and immortality. This makes it an interesting conundrum for dating.

I loved that Astra was a librarian and thought it was interesting learning about her job. I also, loved all of the Wisconsin and Milwaukee references. I have lived in Milwaukee in the past and currently live in Northeast Wisconsin. It was fun to visualize where they were talking about in Milwaukee. It was also fun that they bake different flavored kringles, which are a Wisconsin traditional pastry. Does anyone outside of Wisconsin know what they are?

The only part of the book that annoyed me was how much of a door mat Astra was for her ex-husband Trent. She was still doing his mending and basically allowing him to barge into her home at any time. I don’t understand why she didn’t change her locks. I was glad when she finally stood up for herself.

Overall, Once Upon a December was a fun, unique, and delightful Christmas romance.

Review Copy from NetGalley. Thank-you! I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was such an odd reading experience. So many things came to me as I was reading that annoyed me or confused me that I actually had to keep track in a note on my phone... I don't ever do that anymore! Before I get too far into the details, I'll chat about the story concept itself... which was actually the best part! 

Astra has a holiday weekend with her three best girl friends each winter and they usually shop around this little winter market. Each year it's come to town, she's encountered Jack (working at the kringle bakery) and he always seems familiar. The market itself (Julemarked) is actually magical and travels around the world every December, popping up in a new location. He's remembered her over the years and always waits for the market to land back in Milwaukee. They age differently in the Julemarked because they're really only "alive" for a month each year. In any case, all that backstory to say that this was a unique story. When Astra finally remembers him and slowly starts to gain memories of the market back, the two start to fall for each other.

Everything about Astra irritated me: the way she bent over backwards for her ex husband about her dog, answering his calls, and even hemming his pants. She talked constantly how he essentially forced her into abandoning her friends for the few years they were together and how she never wants to do it again (yet she spends half of the book wondering if she should go ahead and move into the Julemarked with Jack, a man she barely knows and loves out of nowhere). They fell in love instantly under the guise of "hey this girl happens to sometimes remember the market when no one else does so that means she could probably live here with us."

There were so many weird random conversations with no relevance to the plot and a lot of stupid debates about what she should do. Her parents lived in Florida and she visited them a few times but it was like all of these friends and family members were caricatures and not actually characters with backgrounds. I didn't care for the couple much because the buildup of their relationship "over the course of fifteen years" was so minimal. They kept saying this as if it wasn't ONE random day every few years. They probably saw each other 4-6 times over the course of that 15 years.

The writing style was also very odd - I can't tell if it was third person omniscient or just somewhat alternated between their perspectives? 

Wintery Setting & Holiday Feels

I have to give this book props and stars because it was a cute winter setting. I loved reading about the Julemarked and Milwaukee in winter overall. I think it absolutely could have been emphasized more, as I usually do in holiday books, but still pretty good winter feels. The story also didn't ONLY take place during one holiday season. I won't spoil it, but there were lots of scenes and chapters in other months of the year that didn't fully give me Christmas vibes.


I'm giving this one three stars even though it didn't really resonate with me. I don't think it was a BAD read necessarily but there were so many things that bugged me when I was reading. The overall concept was actually pretty cool because I kept wondering how they could make their relationship work - would she sacrifice her family and friends to live much longer in the Julemarked with Jack? Would he somehow decide to live with her in the outside world despite never having the desire before they met? Those pieces kept me reading and the overall magic of the market was enjoyable.

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Dollycas’s Thoughts

Astra Noel Snow meets Jack Clausen at the Milwaukee Christmas Market and the rest is history.

Astra Noel Snow is a library director in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She and a group of friends visit the Christmas Market every year. One of Astra’s favorite stops is a bakery that serves up the best Kringles around.

Jack Clausen lives in Julemarked and is a baker of the fabulous Kringles Astra loves. But you see time works differently in Julemarked. It is always December in Julemarked and the residents travel the world to a different Christmas market each December 1st. Jack’s favorite is Milwaukee because he has fallen hard for Astra.

“Once upon a December, a girl met a boy, but she didn’t remember.” With a prologue like that, I was hooked from the start.

I loved everything about this book. It was just what I needed to enrich my Christmas spirit.

Ms. Reichert has created a wonderful cast of characters.

Astra Noel Snow, what a great name and she embraces the holiday fully. Plus she shares her joy with an annual getaway with her college roommates. They are a fun group that tries to be there for each other through thick and thin. Astra shares custody of Bernie, a giant loveable Bernese Moutain and Lab mix dog, with her ex-husband. She really hopes one day he will give her full custody and she may have a few ideas on how to make that happen.

Jack Clausen has a great family. Together they own and operate Kringle All The Way, the only bakery in Julemarked. He and his brothers have worked out quite an assembly process to make all the kringles they sell. Living in Julemarked the family remains as close as ever,

The author has also created a magical place in Julemarked. Such a clever idea. Her descriptions paint such a clear picture of this place that is only there for days and not necessarily every year. She has placed it in an area of Milwaukee that is well known where a lot of people congregate too. The landmarks make the story feel so real. It is so easy to imagine the market with the Julmarked offshoot.

Once Upon A December is a magically delightful read. It is a love story but it is also about strong family ties and epic friendships. Heartwarming and unique, funny and emotional, romance and magic, Ms. Reichert blends it all together to make a very entertaining story with an unexpected ending. I think it would make a great Christmas movie! The only thing that could make this story better was if it came with a Kringle!

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Once Upon A December by Amy E. Reichert was a delightful and cute Christmastime read.

I was immediately drawn into this book because it takes place at a Christmas market in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

I grew up going on German class field trips toy that Christkindlmarkt in Chicago, so that is what I imagined the Christmas market to look like.

This book is the love story of Astra and Jack. Astra is a Milwaukee native who frequents the Christmas market every year with her friends and every year, she interacts with Jack. While Jack falls a little more in love with Astra every time, it is apparent she never remembers him, until finally they have a unforgettable connection. She tries to set a date with Jack, but the Julemarked, where Jack works seems to have disappeared. When the Christmas Market returns the next year, Jack and Astra reconnect and he invites her to become part of the Julemarked full time. Will she leave behind her life in Milwaukee to pursue true love? Or will she set her love free?

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I loved the setting and the characters. I liked Astra and Jack as individuals and as a couple. While this book, did take a little while to get into, it really picked up halfway through and I did like how everything ended up with Jack and Astra. This was a solid holiday read that could definitely be a Hallmark movie.

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“The magic protects itself. Trust the magic,” Jack said. “Is it magic? Or something we just don’t understand yet?” “Aren’t they the same thing?” This quote just in and of itself is magic. Amy writes truly how christmas feels... and I am not talking about the christmas you feel as an adult. I am talking about the full fledged still fully believe in Santa kind of magical Christmas. I think that this is such a fun holiday read and it just gave me all the feels. If I could I would capture the essence of this story in a little snow globe and put it out every holiday season. If you cant tell I adored it and definitely plan on reading more from this author.

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What a perfect magic Christmas read!
Astra is a librarian whose recovering from an awful divorce, and has hopes of just getting full custody of her dog. She visits the Milwaukee Christmas market every year, and she makes sure she makes time to stop at the bakery in the alley , and Jack is always there at the bakery waiting for Astra to visit . The only issue is she never remembers him. Jack is hoping this might be the year she finally does, and he will get his chance to be with the woman of his dreams.
Astra isn’t aware that Jack is stuck in the same place which is the bakery, you see the bakery is a magical Christmas bakery and he uses Christmas magic to leap from one December to the next every four weeks. So When he leave Astra forgets who he is.
This December is different they share a kiss and she doesn’t forget him. With the guidance from Astra, Jack leaves his comfort zone and soon realizes all his missed opportunities by staying in his magical world. They both begin to wonder … can their relationship last more than one month? This was a perfect holiday romance filled with Christmas, family, love and so much more. Curl up
With a hot cup of cocoa and be ready for a perfect holiday book!

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This was unique with a beautiful setting to any Christmas book I have read so far. This made me like the story, characters more.

Astra is enjoying and cherishing and getting back to things after a terrible divorce. A marriage that led her to miss out on things she loves the most and trust me her husband is a piece of work. She comes with her friends to visit the Christmas market they go to every year and that's where she sees a handsome baker.

Her comes our Jack. He is adorable, honest, caring and patient. For him every month is December, every month he celebrates and prepares for Christmas. You think I am joking? Find out what this magic is by entering his world.

The author has a written a story that will definitely lift up your mood and give you emotional roller coaster ride in best way and brilliant way. It is cute, swoon worthy and perfect for the holidays.

I would recommend this heartwarming, magical read to everyone.

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Thank you to Berkley Publishing and Netgalley for the electronic copy.

If you want a cute, holiday romance with a touch of magical realism then check out Once Upon a December. It's very Hallmark movie level romance (no steam) but it's a good December read.

Astra Noel is divorced and sharing custody of her dog with her ex. She's a librarian with a great group of friends. But at a Christmas market, Astra meets Jack, at a bakery. However, she's met him before and although he remembers her, she does not remember him due to the magic nature of the market. Will this be the year that Jack finally makes an impression and connection with the girl of his dreams? Will a magical romance be the ticket out of Astra's sticky situation with her ex?

This book wasn't a page turner and didn't get too high stakes with the romance which made it a longer read for me (a usually fast reader). But I think that's ok for a Christmas romance. It's cozy and slow.

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This book is exactly what it appears to be - sweet, strait forward, and without too much depth. It’s a nice seasonal treat to enjoy in between reading more hesvy subject matter.

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This book felt like it couldn't decide if it was sweet and magical or heartbreaking and gritty. I felt indifferent towards the characters and their struggles. DNF for me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my complimentary e-arc. All opinions here are my own.

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Despite Astra Noel Snow’s festive name, she hasn’t been feeling the holiday spirit. Fresh off a messy divorce, she needs an escape now more than ever. Luckily her annual girls trip is right around the corner, sure to chase away the winter blues.

Meanwhile, in the magical (literally) town of the Julemarked, Jack Clausen is doing what he does best- baking delicious kringle and prepping for Christmas. After all, he should be an expert. See, the lifelong residents of the Julemarked live out the joy of Christmas over and over every four weeks. It’s always the same Santa, just a different time zone.

For the majority of Jack’s life he’s loved living in the Julemarked, the monotony of merriment and mistletoe not bothering him one bit. Then one “Christmas” he “meets” Astra. Needless to say he’s smitten at first sight. Only problem is, Astra doesn’t know Jack exists, and even if she does, she may not even remember him the same way he remembers her. Suddenly, Jack finds himself going through the motions of multiple Christmases, anxiously awaiting the next time he sees Astra, hoping one day soon, the fates will indeed allow.

When the pair finally connect, Jack still doesn’t have the nerve to tell Astra the truth. Left to wander the winter wonderland aimlessly, Astra believes Jack ghosted her just like every other jerk of Christmas past. Until one very special Christmas where once reunited, Jack puts it all on the line. Now he’s got four weeks to prove to Astra that a life inside the Julemarked is one present worth regifting.

I really enjoyed Once Upon a December’s warm holiday vibes blended with a refreshing take on Christmas romance. Holiday stories have been done so many times over, it’s hard to make Christmas fresh and original. However, this clean romance did just that, plus giving me a hankering to try kringle, but that’s neither here nor there. 😉

I’ve had books by @aerichert on my TBR for awhile now, but after reading Once Upon a December I felt a bit like Jack Clausen. Now that I know what I’ve been missing, there’s no more time to waste.

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The holidays are known as a magical time of the year. But what if Christmas is truly magic? A divorced librarian is out with her friends when she discovers the Christmas Market in Milwaukee. That baker who makes sensational coffee and kringle catches her eye. But, he knows a secret. This isn’t their first encounter. Amy Reichert blends sweet holiday romance with magical realism in her latest standalone that’s a perfect pick to fully immerse readers in all the feels of Christmas and romance.

Astra Snow goes every year to the Milwaukee Christmas market, but for many years it was always the first time and she never remember the previous encounters with handsome and darling Jack Clausen. She’s a divorced librarian fighting with her ex for custody of their dog and he only wants Bernie because he knows she does.

Jack Clausen lives in a magical always Christmas market that visits locations around the world for a month and then continue on leaving the people with no memory that the market even existed. He loves the holiday spirit, snow, decorations, and particularly his job as baker, but the growing feelings for Astra make him want to dare to step outside his routine and try for something more- romance that is longer than the time of his visit. Time moves swiftly and they come to the dreaded conclusion that one of them must give up their world.

Once Upon a December doesn’t stint on the Christmas atmosphere, setting, and activities particularly because much of the setting is a magical Christmas market. At first, I was as lost as Astra as to what was really happening. It was confusing and fun. She is intrigued by the gorgeous baker and needs the step away from reality. Her bad divorce and ongoing struggle with her ex was tough. Astra tended to be passive at first and let Trent walk all over her, but I loved seeing what being around Jack did for her sense of worth and saw her get some of her own back.

There were dragging parts where not much seemed to be happening plot-wise and a lot of time was spent on descriptions- descriptions of what Jack did and descriptions of what Astra did for a living and to keep busy, but it was sweet romance and tender bonding between the pair as they learned about each other so not an utter waste. I was definitely hungry for kringle and was not disappointed to see her librarian work was not vague and was a big part of her life since her dream of husband and family was gone. It was an immersive experience into the holiday day season.

All in all, I had fun with this modern holiday version of Brigadoon and it was all I was expecting in a holiday romance that included magic. Those who want something sugary sweet and far from stark realism should slip this onto your list for Santa

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A very sweet + charming love story, full of Christmas magic and joy! I really enjoyed the magical elements, dual POV, and the flashbacks as storytelling methods. I craved a little more chemistry between the main love interests but overall very enjoyable!

Thank you Berkley Romance and Netgalley for my copy!

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If you are a fan of sweet Christmassy movies, with a little bit of magic added in, you’ll want to pick up Once Upon a December by Amy E. Reichert! Thank you @berkleyromance @berkleypub for the free #giftedbook. This one is available now! (And would make a great Christmas movie, #inmyopinion)

Each year, Astra and her besties spend a weekend at a Christmas Market in Milwaukee, and each year she meets Jack - a baker in a Kringle shop. There are sparks, but nothing comes of it, because after leaving, Astra forgets him. You see, it’s not just any Christmas market - it’s a magical one that is only there in December. But then Astra starts remembering…

I’m actually going to leave it at that, because as most people in my #berkleybuddyreads agreed, it’s better to go into this one blind.

Be warned though, you will crave Kringle - I finished reading this morning and immediately went to Trader Joe’s and bought two almond kringles. Soooo yummy!!

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With songs like “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday,” and “Why Can’t Every Day Be Like Christmas,” it’s no secret that many people wish that the holiday season would last a bit longer. Amy E. Reichert makes that happen in her new Christmas novel, Once Upon a December. In this unconventional holiday romance, a Christmas alley, Julemarked, defies the conventions of time to travel around the world, attaching itself to holiday markets in various cities and spreading holiday cheer to its patrons. The catch is that Julemarked only exists within the month of December, and after the New Year, it travels through time and finds itself in a new city where it is the start of December all over again.

Jack Clausen works at his family’s bakery, Kringle All the Way, within Julemarked, baking and selling delicious Kringle. Every time the Julemarked docks itself at another Christmas market, he hopes they will end up in Milwaukee, where he has been crushing on one particular patron for years. The only problem is that she forgets their connection each year due to the laws of the Julemarked, which does not allow its visitors to remember it after it disappears.

Astra Noel Snow is Jack’s crush, and she looks forward to visiting the Christmas market year after year. Having recently gone through a nasty divorce and currently sharing custody of her beloved dog with her despicable ex, Astra could use some girl time and holiday cheer. Little does she know that this year’s trip to the Christmas market will be the one that changes everything forever because she and Jack cannot continue to deny the chemistry they share …

I love that Once Upon a December is set against the backdrop of a Christmas market because it creates the perfect atmosphere for a fun and festive holiday read. All of the shops in Julemarked have adorably holly jolly names and really helped get me into the Christmas spirit. I also quite enjoyed learning about the pastry Kringle, having never heard of it before, and was delighted to find some Kringle at my local Aldi while reading this book! (It was just as delicious as this novel made it out to be!)

Once Upon a December is a lighthearted, at times funny, holiday romance. While I did not find Jack and Astra’s basically insta-love relationship to be entirely believable, I still enjoyed imagining that anything is possible with just a little Christmas magic. And speaking of magic, I did have to suspend all disbelief to not overthink this novel’s enchanted time traveling element and ruin the book for myself. It is best to just go with the flow and try NOT to work out all of the hows and the whys because really, you will just end up with a headache if you do.

While Jack was just fine as a main character, I really had a love-hate relationship with Astra. I found it interesting that she was a librarian (my profession), but I honestly did not like her as a person. She is too brash one moment and too meek the next. She resorts to some pretty despicable acts to manipulate her ex, and jumps the gun with Jack on several occasions. She also spends quite a bit of time at work, NOT working, but rather attending to her personal business. Her character did not add to my enjoyment of this book, unfortunately.

In all, Once Upon a December is a spirited, magical holiday read that will give you all of the Christmas feels!

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"Once Upon a December" is such an adorable story! I was pleasantly surprised by the unique take on Christmas and the joy of the season. I think one what I love most about this story is that it encourages readers to think outside the box while they read.

Astra is ready to soak up single life post-divorce with her girlfriends at this year's trip to Julemarked. Especially when she feels this undeniable connection to bakery owner, Jack. Astra soon learns that Jack and the market are a magical traveling holiday that disappears each December on Christmas Eve.

What unfolds is a beautiful story of falling your heart, the importance of friendship, and a lesson in believing in the magic of the holidays.

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Have you ever had a Kringle? Trader Joe’s always has one out this time of year and it is quite yummy.

My heart is a pile of mush after reading Once Upon A December. It is the story of Jack, a baker of Kringles at a Julemarked that magically jumps to Decembers at different Christmas markets around the world and Astra, the woman he meets in the Milwaukee Julemarked and has an instant connection. A touch of magic realism that is done so subtlety that it doesn’t feel like fantasy but rather a charming, quirky and endearing holiday romance. And it isn’t just a sweet romance between Jack and Astra but also Astra and her group of girlfriends who have become like family. So much love, support, friendship and loyalty. This is a total huggable book full of warm fuzzies.

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This book is like a warm hug. It’s so cozy and wonderful and filled with just the perfect amount of Christmas spirit/magic! I loved both of these characters journeys and the idea of a disappearing market place! This was the perfect Christmas read and just puts you right in the Christmas spirit!

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This book is pure magic! The story sets around Astra and her friends who all attend a Christmas market each year for girls’ weekend. Every weekend Astra meets Jack, the hunky man behind the counter at the Kringle bakery. Each year they have some kind of connection, and then Astra forgets about him. Not because she wants to, but because Jack is part of a magical Christmas world! This book is heart warming, charming, full of Christmas spirit and overall wonderful. This is a must read for Christmas!

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I read the sweetest and most adorable Christmas story recently. Once Upon a December by Amy E. Reichert is like a fairy tale and has whisperings of The Night Circus at times.

I love that this story told from both Astra and Jack's perspectives and it was fun seeing how their worlds came together. I recently read Out of the Blue by Jason June and this novel has a similar feel with two people from different worlds (one coming from the author's very creative imagination) trying to make a relationship happen. One of them is going to have to sacrifice the life they know, but who will it be?

I really loved Astra's circle of friends and how they all support each other, no matter what happens in their lives. And we can't forget the ever-so-adorable dog Bernie! Of course, this wouldn't be a Christmas story without the cozy feel. I could practically smell and taste Jack's kringles! (They sound so delicious.)

The only thing that didn't work for me was explaining the time aspect for the Julemarked. There's an element of time travel involved, but it felt confusing to me. However, this didn't take away from what a charming and wonderful novel this was!

Pick this one up ASAP and prepare to escape to another world! It will definitely warm your heart this winter.

Movie casting suggestions:
Jack: Joel Kinnaman
Astra: Kether Donohue
Cassie: Cristin Milioti
Steph: Haley Webb
Ronnie: Bar Paly
Anika: Malin Akerman
Mads: Martin Wallström
Trent: Jake Lacy (he easily came to mind after watching The White Lotus)

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