Member Reviews

Another DI Adam Fawley, and the best one yet. A young man is shot in a big house outside Oxford apparently in self defence, but details start to emerge that there is more to it. On top of that a link emerges to an old murder case which was a national sensation at the time so Adam knows that as soon as the press find the link they will be all over it.. Full of action, a complex plot that keeps you guessing for the elusive truth - will it emerge? A terrific unputdownable read.

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Brilliant as always. I love all of Cara’s books so this did not disappoint. I love all the characters and how the book is written. Everything is so easy to understand and the cases always end up being so interesting and I can never tell how it’s going to go

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Another book in the DI Adam Fawley series,
I love these books and would recommend reading the others to clear a clear back story. This book is a great addition to the series full of suspense and fast paced action. Cara has an ability to write in such detail you feel part of the book, as if you too are a secret I’ve trying to slice the case.

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This is a good read. There is a lot going on which makes you want to find out what is happening. This book wasn't quite as good as some other books written by the author and there were some loose ends not tied up which can be a bit frustrating but overall a good read.

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Love this series, great characters of the police working together and really good plots. Cara Hunter can't write too many of these!

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I can now say, with 6 books in my read pile, that Cara Hunter is my most-read author, and I can say with just as much confidence (because both are facts) that I have loved every single one. Hunter is not losing her power yet!!
Once again in hope to die we follow DI Adam Fawley's team, with a handful of new characters, each just as fleshed-out and vivid as the well-established ones - Hunter is a MASTER of characters. It takes her mere pages to make you love or care for a character and the new characters on the team in this book are no different.
I won't say anything too specific about the actual story of this one because I just wish to urge you to read the whole series right now, but I will say that as with her last five books this one has a seemingly impossible mystery which she goes on to solve right before your eyes like a magic trick. In every one of these books I have thought, 'what possible explaination could make this make sense' and as per usual as soon as it was explained it was so effortless, so logical that I question why I never saw it myself! The mysteries are always deeply complex and even though-provoking and as per usual at the end of the novel every piece of the puzzle fit perfectly. I could not possibly ask for anything more!
I love the mix of police procedural and tender family stories that come with each of these books, and this is no expection to that with a new baby for DI Fawley!
Aside from the actual content of the story I am still a big fan of the character recaps that open every Fawley novel, and I love the mixed media within each book. Normally I'm not a fan of books without chapters but I always fly through these to the point where chapters would be utterly pointless anyway, and I probably wouldn't of noticed them had they have been there. These books are action-packed and unbelievably fast-paced. I am in genuinely in awe of Hunter's skill.
Although this is not my favourite of the series, I rate without hesitation 5 STARS.
Thank you so much to both the publishers and Netgalley for the early copy of Hope to Die.

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Thanks to #netgalley for arc of Hope To Die by Cara Hunter
Another DI Adam Fawley book these are always a fabulous read and this is no exception it follows a story revolving around a woman who has been in prison 15 years for killing her newborn baby although a body has never been found and she claims she handed him to his father who has brought him up,extensive searches have proved futile in finding the father or baby
Meanwhile in a remote manor an elderly couple were just going to bed when they hear a noise the old man goes to investigate and eventually the police are called by a passerby who hears a gun shot.
Once the police arrive they find a young man dead in the kitchen and an elderly man holding a shotgun. They search the dead man but find no ID on him, no wallet, no backpack nothing to identify him at all so no idea who he is
They take dna and it comes back with a familiarity match to the woman in prison? Who is this dead man? Why is he at this couples home?

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Cara Hunter has done it again with Hope to Die another fabulous episode in the D. I Adam Fawley series. This series gets better and better.
D.I Fawley and his team are called to a remote farmhouse where there is been a gruesome shooting. The elderly couple that lives there say it was a burglar. But nothing has been taken and the body does not have any I.D on him to identify who he is. When they delve further, they find that the couple, who have actually changed their names are the parents of Camilla Rowan that is in prison for murdering her baby. But they never found the body and she claimed that she is innocent has given the baby away. But they never believed her as she has had 3 other children and gave them all up for adoption.
I really enjoyed this gripping thriller from this Cara Hunter especially the way it is written. With the reports, the emails, the Netflix documentary transcript and the voice mails. It brought the story more to life and made it more realistic. I highly recommend this book 5 stars from me.

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This is the 6th book in the DI Adam Fawley series and this is a really good read... a good mix of detective work and personal mixed in.... A great set of characters..
This is a first book for me from Cara Hunter and the DI Adam Fawley series but i will be catching up by reading the other five books.... brilliantly written, lots of twists and highly entertaining read....

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Cara Hunter has a very interesting and modern way of outlining her stories. She tends to incorporate text messages, emails and newspaper clippings into her narrative. I quite enjoy this as it adds an extra element. In Hope to Die she adds a fictional Netflix true crime documentary into the story which really works. Camilla Rowan is a notorious child killer serving a minimum of 17 years in prison. She was convicted in 2002 of murdering her newborn baby in 1997. The baby's body was never found and Camilla's version of events was easily disproven. Public sentiment turned against her when it transpired she had had 2 other pregnancies resulting in adoptions. She lied, obfuscated and did herself no favours on the stand. Still throughout the trial she maintained her innocence and swore the infant was handed over to his father. Cut to 2018 and an elderly couple's house is broken into resulting in the death of the burglar. This proves to be the catalyst of a whole hornet's nest of secrets being exposed. I thoroughly enjoyed this book I would subtract half a star if possible because I felt some questions were left unanswered. Maybe that was deliberate on the author's part. Thank you NetGalley for my advance copy.

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Cara Hunter never fails to deliver a strong police procedural book with a feel of the “whodunit” to it and with Fawley she has a fantastic “hero” character to build the book around.

The story teases the reader sending them one way, then another and makes it a pleasure to read.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a bad book from Ms Hunter and this one is no exception

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The Adam Fawley series just gets better and better -and alongside the actual plot -the characters have their own storylines going on .
Police have been called out to an elderly couple's home in a remote part of the country . An intruder has been shot a point blank range . However there are things about the case that just don't add up .
A brilliant read from start to finish .

Thankyou NetGalley for an ARC in return for an honest review

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Cara Hunter is a master storyteller. I have yet to read a book by that I did not thoroughly enjoy. DI Fawley returns in this emotionally, suspenseful story.
A must read, not only for fans of Cara Hunter but any who love thrillers.

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Whilst I didn’t have the time to read this in one go I couldn’t wait to get back to it at every opportunity.
Thoroughly absorbing, well written and kept me guessing - can’t wait for the next in this series! Can’t recommend enough .
The police are called out to a remote farmhouse in Oxfordshire late at night, following reports of a gunshot - they find a dead man but it is unclear what has happened or who the man is.
It’s up to DI Fawley and his team to find out. who the man is and what has gone on.
It soon becomes clear that it isn’t a burglary gone wrong and links are soon established to an old crime where a child was murdered.

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Another excellent addition to the series featuring DI Fawley and his team. Don't worry if you have not read any of the others, the novel will work well as a standalone read too,

A gunshot at a remote farmhouse late at night starts this tale of intrigue. While at first glance it seems to be a simple self defence shooting, something isn't quite right. The victim has no ID on him or a mobile phone, and the couple who live there say they don't know him.

As the investigation begins, secrets from the past related to an old crime are revealed and there are many twists in the tale.

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A young man is shot at a remote farm. The man doing the shooting claims it was self defence but things don't add up for the police and they are immediately suspicious. When the young man's identity is revealed the mystery deepen.s Who exactly is he and how is he connected to the man who shot him?

This was n enjoyable crime thriller with good characters and a twisty plot. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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What an absolutely cracking detctive thriller, once again from the pen of Cara Hunter. Poor Noah, maybe he should have been named Jonah in as much for the bad luck which surrounds him. Alas, he lived a short life and maybe if he had been less curious about his birth mother, he may have lived a longer one. The novel starts with the hook of a very nasty shooting, one where the victim is unrecognisable as most of his head has been removed courtesy of a shotgun. The circumstances appear to be that he was an intruder at an elederly couple's house but things don't quite tally and suspicion falls on the householder. Oxfordshire's finest, namely DC Adam Fawley and his team investigate. What follows is some great detective work and a plot which is very close to real life.
I have a few concerns though:
How on earth can a woman have three children without showing her pregnancy? Although I have heard of the odd case where the mother is as surprised as anyone from the birth.
Why wasn't more time spent searching for the plastic bag the old man disposed of in but a couple of minutes? 'Private drains' are very common in rural areas, plus there have been a number of cases where bodies (especially babies) have been found down them by the police.
How did Camilla know where this out of the way dumpster was and that it was partially full?
Putting the concerns to one side, I really do have to award it five stars as they did not detract from the story much.

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Yet another cracking read from Cara Hunter , gets you gripped from the first page. D.I Adam Fawley's team get called out to a shooting in the kitchen of a remote farmhouse. It appears at first to be a robbery that has gone wrong .D.I Fawley follows it up and finds links to a child's murder years before , can he keep the investigation going before the media finds out and has a field day.

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Wow. Wow. Wow. I have read all the series of these books from Cara Hunter and they have all been brilliant page turners. This one grabs you from page 1 and does not let go. You feel like you are part of the team, present at all the scenes she is writing about. I really like all the insertions of other media and communications it flows so well and gives even more depth to the story. Totally brilliant. Thank you so much to the publishers for giving me access to an early copy. If I could give more stars I would.

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I am in awe of this book it was amazing from start to finish, considering there is a long list before this book in the Fawley series it is as good as the very first one!! love the new members of the team even Carter! atm! 😂
keep up the fabulous work cara!!

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